38 resultados para Day care centers for the aged -- Balearic Islands -- Palma de Mallorca

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The aged garlic extract 'Kyolic' lowers serum cholesterol levels in humans and experimental animals and thus is presumed to have a protective effect against atherosclerosis. However, to date no studies have examined the effect of this substance on the actual development of the disease. In the present study, the right carotid artery of 24 rabbits was de-endothelialized by balloon catheterisation in order to produce a myointimal thickening. After 2 weeks the rabbits were randomly assigned to four groups: Group I received a standard diet; Group II received the standard diet supplemented with 800 mu 1/kg body weight/day 'Kyolic'; Group III received a 1% cholesterol supplemented standard diet; and Group IV received a 1% cholesterol supplemented standard diet plus 'Kyolic'. After 6 weeks, the cholesterol diet caused a 6-fold increase in serum cholesterol level (Group III; 6.4 +/- 0.6 mmol/1) compared to normal diet (Group I; 1.2 +/- 0.4 mmol/1) (P < 0.05) with only a minor, non-significant reduction seen by the addition of 'Kyolic' (Group IV; 6.2 +/- 0.7 mmol/l). Group III rabbits developed fatty streak lesions covering approximately 70 +/- 8% of the surface area of the thoracic aorta, which was significantly reduced to 25 +/- 3% in the 'Kyolic'-treated Group IV. No lesions were present in Groups I and II. The hypercholesterolaemic diet caused an increase in aortic arch cholesterol (2.1 +/- 0.1 mg cholesterol/g tissue) which was significantly reduced by 'Kyolic' supplementation (1.7 +/- 0.2 mg cholesterol/g tissue) (P < 0.05). 'Kyolic' significantly inhibited the development of thickened, lipid-filled lesions in the pre-formed neointimas produced by balloon-catheter injury of the right carotid artery in cholesterol-fed rabbits (intima as percent of artery wall, Group III 42.6 +/- 6.5% versus Group IV 23.8 +/- 2.3%, P < 0.01), but had little effect in rabbits on a standard diet (Group II 18.4 +/- 5.0% versus Group I 16.7 +/- 2.0%). In vitro studies showed that 'Kyolic' has a direct effect on inhibition of smooth muscle proliferation. In conclusion,'Kyolic' treatment reduces fatty streak development, vessel wall cholesterol accumulation and the development of fibro fatty plaques in neointimas of cholesterol-fed rabbits, thus providing protection against the onset of atherosclerosis. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.


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This systematic review aimed to evaluate the best available evidence regarding the effectiveness of topical skin care interventions for residents of aged care facilities. Introduction. Natural changes to skin, as well as increased predisposition to pressure sores and incontinence, means residents of aged care facilities readily require topical skin care. A range of interventions exist that aim to maintain or improve the integrity of skin of older adults. Methods. Pubmed, Embase, Current Contents, CINAHL and The Cochrane Library databases were searched, as well as Health Technology Assessment websites up to April 2003. Systematic reviews and randomized or non-randomized controlled trials were evaluated for quality and data were independently extracted by two reviewers. Results. The effectiveness of topical skin interventions was variable and dependent on the skin condition being treated. Studies examined the effectiveness of washing products on incontinence irritated skin. Disposable bodyworns may prevent deterioration of skin condition better than non-disposable underpads or bodyworns. Clinisan, a no-rinse cleanser may reduce the incidence of incontinence associated pressure ulcers when compared with soap and water. Conclusion. In general the quality of evidence for interventions to improve or maintain the skin condition in the older person was poor and more research in this area is needed. Relevance to Clinical Practice. Skin care is a major issue for nurses working with older people. On the basis of this review no clear recommendations can be made. This lack of strong evidence for nurses to base effective practice decisions is problematic. However, the 'best' evidence suggests that disposable bodyworns are a good investment in the fight against skin deterioration. No rinse cleansers are to be preferred over soap and the use of the bag bath appears to be a useful practice to reduce the risk of dry skin ( a risk factor for breaches in skin integrity).


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Background. The Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being was designed to detect and describe psychiatric morbidity, associated disability, service use and perceived need for care. The survey employed a single-phase interview methodology, delivering a field questionnaire to a clustered probability sample of 10641 Australians. Perceived need was sampled with an instrument designed for this survey, the Perceived Need for Care Questionnaire (PNCQ). This questionnaire gathers information about five categories of perceived need, assigning each to one of four levels of perceived need. Reliability and validity studies showed satisfactory performance of the instrument. Methods. Perceived need for mental health care in the Australian population has been analysed using PNCQ data, relating this to diagnostic and service utilization data from the above survey. Results. The survey findings indicate that an estimated 13.8 % of the Australian population have perceived need for mental health care. Those who met interview criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis and also expressed perceived need make up 9.9 % of the population. An estimated 11.0% of the population are cases of untreated prevalence, a minority (3.6% of the population) of whom expressed perceived need for mental health care. Among persons using services, those without a psychiatric diagnosis based on interview criteria (4.4% of the population), showed high levels of perceived met need. Conclusions. The overall rate of perceived need found by this methodology lies between those found in the USA and Canada. The findings suggest that service use in the absence of diagnosis elicited by survey questionnaires may often represent successful intervention. In the survey, untreated prevalence was commonly not accompanied by perceived need for mental health care.


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This paper reports research conducted among theaged residents of a rural, Southwestern Ugandanvillage. It documents their knowledge ofHIV/AIDS, their perceptions of their own riskof infection, and the multiple impacts of thecurrent HIV/AIDS epidemic on their lives. Mostolder individuals have a sound understanding ofthe sexual transmission of HIV, and someconsider themselves to be at risk of infectionthrough having multiple sexual partners. Theyattempt to limit their children's exposure toHIV, but many of these children have left thevillage to live in urban areas of relativelyhigh HIV prevalence. The loss of adult childrendeprives the aged of any support these childrenmight have provided as their parents'capabilities declined with advancing age.Female-headed households were more affected inthis way than were male-headed households. TheAIDS epidemic has increased the number ofburials taking place in the village, and theiraccumulated costs, both in time and money, andcreated new hardships for the aged, who alsohave to cope with grief that accompaniescontinuing deaths among their children andtheir contemporaries' children.


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This study of ventilated patients investigated current clinical practice in 476 episodes of pneumonia (48% community-acquired pneumonia, 24% hospital-acquired pneumonia, 28% ventilator-associated pneumonia) using a prospective survey in 14 intensive care units (ICUs) within Australia and New Zealand. Diagnostic methods and confidence, disease severity, microbiology and antibiotic use were assessed. All pneumonia types had similar mortality (community-acquired pneumonia 33%, hospital-acquired pneumonia 37% and ventilator-associated pneumonia 24%, P = 0.15) with no inter-hospital differences (P = 0.08-0.91). Bronchoscopy was performed in 26%, its use predicted by admission hospital (one tertiary: OR 9.98, CI 95% 5.11-19.49, P < 0.001; one regional: OR 629, CI 95% 3.24-12.20, P < 0.001), clinical signs of consolidation (OR 3.72, CI 95% 2.09-662, P < 0.001) and diagnostic confidence (OR 2.19, CI 95% 1.29-3.72, P = 0.004). Bronchoscopy did not predict outcome (P = 0.11) or appropriate antibiotic selection (P = 0.69). Inappropriate antibiotic prescription was similar for all pneumonia types (11-13%, P = 0.12) and hospitals (0-16%, P = 0.25). Blood cultures were taken in 51% of cases. For community-acquired pneumonia, 70% received a third generation cephalosporin and 65% a macrolide. Third generation cephalosporins were less frequently used for mild infections (OR 0.38, CI 95% 0.16-0.90, P = 0.03), hospital-acquired pneumonia (OR 0.40, CI 95% 0.23-0.72, P < 0.01), ventilator-associated pneumonia (OR 0.04, CI 95% 0.02-0.13, P < 0.001), suspected aspiration (OR 0.20, CI 95% 0.04-0.92, P = 0.04), in one regional (OR 0.26, CI 95% 0.07-0.97, P = 0.05) and one tertiary hospital (OR 0.14, CI 95% 0.03-0.73, P = 0.02) but were more commonly used in older patients (OR 1.02, CI 95% 1.01-1.03, P = 0.01). There is practice variability in bronchoscopy and antibiotic use for pneumonia in Australian and New Zealand ICUs without significant impact on patient outcome, as the prevalence of inappropriate antibiotic prescription is low. There are opportunities for improving microbiological diagnostic work-up for isolation of aetiological pathogens.