21 resultados para DISTORTED GEOMETRY

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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New tin(IV) complexes of empirical formula, Sn(NNS)I-3 (NNS = anionic forms of the 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde Schiff bases of S-methyl- and S-benzyldithiocarbazate) have been prepared and characterized by a variety of physico-chemical techniques. In the solid state, the Schiff bases exist as the thione tautomer but in solution and in the presence of tin(IV) iodide they convert to the thiol tautomer and coordinate to the tin atom in their deprotonated thiolate forms. The structures of the free ligand, Hqaldsbz and its triiodotin(IV) complex, [Sn(qaldsbz)I-3] have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The complex, [Sn(qaldsbz)I-3] has a distorted octahedral structure with the Schiff base coordinated to the tin atom as a uninegatively charged tridentate chelating agent via the quinoline nitrogen atom, the azomethine nitrogen atom and the thiolate sulfur atom. The three iodo ligands are coordinated meridionally to the tin atom. The distortion from an ideal octahedral geometry of [Sn(qaldsbz)I-3] is attributed to the restricted bite size of the tridentate Schiff base ligand. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New tin(IV) complexes of empirical formula, Sn(SNNNS)I-2 (SNNNS = anionic form of the 2,6-diacetylpyridine Schiff bases of S-methyl- or S-benzyldithiocarbazate) have been prepared and characterized by a variety of physico-chemical techniques. The structure of Sn(dapsme)I-2 has been determined by single crystal X-ray crystallographic structural analysis. The complex has a seven-coordinate distorted pentagonal-bipyramidal geometry with the Schiff base coordinated to the tin(IV) ion as a dinegatively charged pentadentate chelating agent via the pyridine nitrogen atom, the two azomethine nitrogen atoms and the two thiolate sulfur atoms. The ligand occupies the equatorial plane and the iodo ligands are coordinated to the tin(IV) ion at axial positions. The distortion from an ideal pentagonal bipyramidal geometry is attributed to the restricted bite size of the pentadentate ligands. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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New mixed-ligand copper(II) complexes of empirical formulas [Cu(pysme)(sac) (CH3OH)] and [Cu(6mptsc)(sac)](2) have been synthesized and characterized by conductance, magnetic, IR and electronic spectroscopic techniques. X-ray crystallographic structure analyses of these complexes indicate that in both complexes the copper(II) ions adopt a five-coordinate distorted square-pyramidal geometry with an N3SO donor environment. The Schiff bases are coordinated to the copper(II) ions as tridentate NNS chelates via the pyridine nitrogen atom, the azomethine nitrogen atom and the thiolate sulfur atom. In the monomeric [Cu(pysme)(sac)(MeOH)] complex, the saccharinate anion acts as a monodentate ligand coordinating the copper(II) ion via the imino nitrogen atom whereas in the dimeric [Cu(6mptsc)(sac)](2) complex, the sac anion behaves as a bridging bidentate ligand providing the imino nitrogen donor atom to one of the copper(II) ions and the carbonyl oxygen as a weakly coordinated axial ligand atom to the other Cu(II) ion. In both complexes, the copper(II) ions have distorted square-pyramidal environments. The distortion from an ideal square-pyramidal geometry is attributed to the restricted bite angles of the planar tridentate ligand. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bragg diffraction peak profiles and intensities in asymmetric (Omega-2theta) diffraction using a mirror-based parallel-beam geometry were compared with symmetric parallel-beam (theta-2theta) and conventional Bragg - Brentano (theta-2theta) diffraction for a powdered quartz sample and the NIST standard reference material (SRM) 660a (LaB6, lanthanum hexaboride). A comparison of the intensities and line widths (full width at half-maximum, FWHM) of these techniques demonstrated that low incident angles (Omega < 5&DEG;) are preferable for the parallel-beam setup. For higher &UOmega; values, if 2θ < 2Omega, mass absorption reduces the intensities significantly compared with the Bragg - Brentano setup. The diffraction peak shapes for the mirror geometry are more asymmetric and have larger FWHM values than corresponding peaks recorded with a Bragg - Brentano geometry. An asymmetric mirror-based parallel-beam geometry offers some advantages in respect of intensity when compared with symmetric geometries, and hence may be well suited to quantitative studies, such as those involving Rietveld analysis. A trial Rietveld refinement of a 50% quartz - 50% corundum mixture was performed and produced adequate results.


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New organometallic tin(IV) complexes of the empirical formula Sn(NNS)Ph2Cl (NNS = anionic forms of the 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde Schiff bases of S-methyl- and S-benzyldithiocarbazate) have been prepared and characterized by IR, electronic, I H NMR and ES mass spectroscopic techniques. The molecular structures of the 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde Schiff base of S-methyldithiocarbazate (Hqaldsme) and its diphenyltin(IV) complex, Sn(qaldsme)Ph2Cl, have been determined by X-ray diffraction. In the solid state, the ligand remains as the thione tautomer in which the dithiocarbazate chain adopts an E,E configuration and is almost coplanar with the quinoline ring. The Sn(qaldsme)Ph2Cl complex crystallizes in two distinctly different conformationally isomeric forms, each having the same space group but different lattice parameters. X-ray analysis shows that in each polymorph, the tin atom adopts a distorted octahedral geometry with the Schiff base coordinated to it as a uninegatively charged tridentate chelating agent via the quinoline nitrogen atom, the azomethine nitrogen atom and the thiolate sulfur atom. The two phenyl groups occupy axial positions and the chloride ligand occupies the sixth coordination position of the tin atom. The deprotonated ligand adopts an E,E,Z configuration in the complex. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A binucleating potentially hexadentate chelating agent containing oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur as potential donor atoms (H2ONNO) has been synthesized by condensing alpha,alpha-xylenebis(N-methyldithiocarbazate) with 2,4-pentanedione. An X-ray crystallographic structure determination shows that the Schiff base remains in its ketoimine tautomeric form with the protons attached to the imine nitrogen atoms. The reaction of the Schiff base with nickel(II) acetate in a 1:1 stoichiometry leads to the formation of a dinuclear nickel(II) complex [Ni(ONNO)](2) (ONNO2- = dianionic form of the Schiff base) containing N,O-chelated tetradentate ligands, the sulfur donors remaining uncoordinated. A single crystal X-ray structure determination of this dimer reveals that each ligand binds two low spin nickel(II) ions, bridged by a xylyl group. The nickel(II) atoms adopt a distorted square-planar geometry in a trans-N2O2 donor environment. Reaction of the Schiff base with nickel(II) acetate in the presence of excess pyridine leads to the formation of a similar dinuclear complex, [Ni(ONNO)(py)](2), but in this case comprises five coordinate high-spin Ni(II) ions with pyridine ligands occupying the axial coordination sites as revealed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Geometric phases of scattering states in a ring geometry are studied on the basis of a variant of the adiabatic theorem. Three timescales, i.e., the adiabatic period, the system time and the dwell time, associated with adiabatic scattering in a ring geometry play a crucial role in determining geometric phases, in contrast to only two timescales, i.e., the adiabatic period and the dwell time, in an open system. We derive a formula connecting the gauge invariant geometric phases acquired by time-reversed scattering states and the circulating (pumping) current. A numerical calculation shows that the effect of the geometric phases is observable in a nanoscale electronic device.


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New copper(II) complexes of general empirical formula, Cu(mpsme)X center dot xCH(3)COCH(3) (mpsme = anionic form of the 6-methyl-2-formylpyridine Schiff base of S-methyldithiocarbazate; X = Cl, N-3, NCS, NO3; x = 0, 0.5) have been synthesized and characterized by IR, electronic, EPR and susceptibility measurements. Room temperature mu(eff) values for the complexes are in the range 1.75-2.1 mu(beta) typical of uncoupled or weakly coupled Cu(II) centres. The EPR spectra of the [Cu(mpsme)X] (X = Cl, N-3, NO3, NCS) complexes reveal a tetragonally distorted coordination sphere around the mononuclear Cu(II) centre. We have exploited second derivative EPR spectra in conjunction with Fourier filtering (sine bell and Hamming functions) to extract all of the nitrogen hyperfine coupling matrices. While the X-ray crystallography of [Cu(mpsme)NCS] reveals a linear polymer in which the thiocyanate anion bridges the two copper(II) ions, the EPR spectra in solution are typical of a magnetically isolated monomeric Cu(II) centres indicating dissociation of the polymeric chain in solution. The structures of the free ligand, Hmpsme and the {[Cu(mpsme)NO3] center dot 0.5CH(3)COCH(3)}(2) and [Cu(mpsme)NCS](n) complexes have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The {[Cu(mpsme)NO3]0.5CH(3)COCH(3)}(2) complex is a centrosymmetric dimer in which each copper atom adopts a five-coordinate distorted square-pyramidal geometry with an N2OS2 coordination environment, the Schiff base coordinating as a uninegatively charged tridentate ligand chelating through the pyridine and azomethine nitrogen atoms and the thiolate, an oxygen atom of a unidentate nitrato ligand and a bridging sulfur atom from the second ligand completing the coordination sphere. The [Cu(mpsme)(NCS)](n) complex has a novel staircase-like one dimensional polymeric structure in which the NCS- ligands bridge two adjacent copper(II) ions asymmetrically in an end-to-end fashion providing its nitrogen atom to one copper and the sulfur atom to the other. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of geometric factors on the galvanic current density distribution for AZ91D coupled to steel was investigated using experimental measurements and a BEM model. The geometric factors were area ratio of anode/cathode, insulation distance between anode and cathode, depth of solution film covering the galvanic couple and the manner of interaction caused by two independent interacting galvanic couples. The galvanic current density distribution calculated from the BEM model was in good agreement with the experimental measurements. The galvanic current density distribution caused by the interaction of two independent galvanic couples can be reasonably predicted as the linear addition of the galvanic current density caused by each individual galvanic couple. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We prove upper and lower bounds relating the quantum gate complexity of a unitary operation, U, to the optimal control cost associated to the synthesis of U. These bounds apply for any optimal control problem, and can be used to show that the quantum gate complexity is essentially equivalent to the optimal control cost for a wide range of problems, including time-optimal control and finding minimal distances on certain Riemannian, sub-Riemannian, and Finslerian manifolds. These results generalize the results of [Nielsen, Dowling, Gu, and Doherty, Science 311, 1133 (2006)], which showed that the gate complexity can be related to distances on a Riemannian manifold.


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Quantum computers hold great promise for solving interesting computational problems, but it remains a challenge to find efficient quantum circuits that can perform these complicated tasks. Here we show that finding optimal quantum circuits is essentially equivalent to finding the shortest path between two points in a certain curved geometry. By recasting the problem of finding quantum circuits as a geometric problem, we open up the possibility of using the mathematical techniques of Riemannian geometry to suggest new quantum algorithms or to prove limitations on the power of quantum computers.


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Promoted-ignition testing on carbon steel rods of varying cross-sectional area and shape was performed in high pressure oxygen to assess the effect of sample geometry on the regression rate of the melting interface. Cylindrical and rectangular geometries and three different cross sections were tested and the regression rates of the cylinders were compared to the regression rates of the rectangular samples at test pressures around 6.9 MPa. Tests were recorded and video analysis used to determine the regression rate of the melting interface by a new method based on a drop cycle which was found to provide a good basis for statistical analysis and provide excellent agreement to the standard averaging methods used. Both geometries tested showed the typical trend of decreasing regression rate of the melting interface with increasing cross-sectional area; however, it was shown that the effect of geometry is more significant as the sample's cross sections become larger. Discussion is provided regarding the use of 3.2-mm square rods rather than 3.2-mm cylindrical rods within the standard ASTM test and any effect this may have on the observed regression rate of the melting interface.


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This work presents closed form solutions for fully developed temperature distribution and entropy generation due to forced convection in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in the Slip-flow regime, for which the Knudsen number lies within the range 0.001


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Abstract—This paper describes an electrical model of the ventricles incorporating real geometry and motion. Cardiac geometry and motion is obtained from segmentations of multipleslice MRI time sequences. A static heart model developed previously is deformed to match the observed geometry using a novel shape registration algorithm. The resulting electrocardiograms and body surface potential maps are compared to a static simulation in the resting heart. These results demonstrate that introducing motion into the cardiac model modifies the ECG during the T wave at peak contraction of the ventricles.