em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Many studies have shown a reduction in P sorption in highly weathered soils when organic matter (OM) is applied, suggesting competition between OM decomposition products and P for sorption sites. However, such studies seldom consider the P released from the added OM. To delineate the effects of OM addition on P availability through sorption competition and P addition, water leachate from incubated soybean (SB) [Glycine mar (L.) Merr.] and Rhodes grass (RG) (Chloris gayana Knuth cv. Callide) was used in competitive P sorption studies both undiluted and after acidification (i.e., the fulvic acid [FA] component). Addition of two rates (0.2 and 2 mL) of SB leachate to an Oxisol significantly increased P sorption at the higher rate, while a similar trend was observed following RG leachate addition at the same rates. Extending the range of highly weathered soils examined (two Oxisols, an Ultisol, and an acidic Vertisol) resulted in no observed decrease in P sorption following addition of OM leachate. Surprisingly, SB leachate transiently increased P sorption in the two Oxisol soils. Addition of the FA component of the leachates resulted in a transient (< 6 d) decrease in P sorption in three of the four soils examined and constituted the only evidence in this study that decomposing OM residues reduced P sorption. This research provides further evidence contradicting the long held assumption that inhibition of P sorption by dissolved organic compounds, derived from decomposing OM, is responsible for increased P phytoavailability when P fertilizer and OM are applied together.


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The incorporation of organic matter ( OM) in soils that are able to rapidly sorb applied phosphorus ( P) fertiliser reportedly increases P availability to plants. This effect has commonly been ascribed to competition between the decomposition products of OM and P for soil sorption sites resulting in increased soil solution P concentrations. The evidence for competitive inhibition of P sorption by dissolved organic carbon compounds, derived from the breakdown of OM, includes studies on the competition between P and (i) low molecular weight organic acids (LOAs), (ii) humic and fulvic acids, and (iii) OM leachates in soils with a high P sorption capacity. These studies, however, have often used LOAs at 1 - 100 mM, concentrations much higher than those in soils ( generally < 0.05 mM). The transience of LOAs in biologically active soils further suggests that neither their concentration nor their persistence would have a practical benefit in increasing P phytoavailability. Higher molecular weight compounds such as humic and fulvic acids also competitively inhibit P sorption; however, little consideration has been given to the potential of these compounds to increase the amount of P sorbed through metal - chelate linkages. We suggest that the magnitude of the inhibition of P sorption by the decomposition products of OM leachate is negligible at rates equivalent to those of OM applied in the field. Incubation of OM in soil has also commonly been reported as reducing P sorption in soil. However, we consider that the reported decreases in P sorption ( as measured by P in the soil solution) are not related to competition from the decomposition products of OM breakdown, but are the result of P release from the OM that was not accounted for when calculating the reduction in P sorption.


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Mesoproterozoic marine successions worldwide record a shift in average delta(13)C values from 0 to +3.5parts per thousand, with the latter value evident in successions younger than 1250 Ma. New carbon isotope data from the similar to 1300 to 1270 Ma Dismal Lakes Group, Arctic Canada, provide further insight into this fundamental transition. Data reveal that the shift to higher VC values was gradual and marked by occasional excursions to values less than 0 parts per thousand. When compared to records from older and younger marine successions, it is evident that the difference between isotopic minima and maxima increased with time, indicating that the marine system evolved to become isotopically more variable. We interpret these patterns to record an increase in the crustal inventory of organic carbon, reflecting eukaryotic diversification and a change in the locus of organic carbon burial to include anoxic deep marine sites where preservation potential was high. We speculate that the release of O-2 to Earth's surface environments associated with increased organic carbon storage induced irreversible changes in the Mesoproterozoic biosphere, presaging the more extreme environmental and evolutionary developments of the Neoproterozoic.


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Abundant illite precipitation, in Proterozoic rocks from Northern Lawn Hill Platform, Mt Isa Basin, Australia, occurred in organic matter-rich black shales rather than in sandstones, siltstones and organic matter-poor shales. Sandstones and siltstones acted as impermeable rocks, as early diagenetic quartz and carbonate minerals reduced the porosity-permeability. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) studies indicate a relation between creation of microporosity-permeability and organic matter alteration, suitable for subsequent mineral precipitation. K-Ar data indicate that organic matter alteration and the subsequent illite precipitation within the organic matter occurred during the regional hydrothermal event at 1172 +/- 150 (2sigma) Ma. Hot circulating fluids are considered to be responsible for organic matter alteration, migration and removal of volatile hydrocarbon, and consequently porosity-permeability creation. Those rocks lacking sufficient porosity-permeability, such as sandstones, siltstones and organic matter poor shales, may not have been affected by fluid movement. In hydrothermal systems, shales and mudstones may not be impermeable as usually assumed because of hydrocarbons being rapidly removed by fluid, even with relatively low total organic carbon.


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Retention of sugarcane leaves and tops on the soil surface after harvesting has almost completely replaced pre- and post-harvest burning of crop residues in the Australian sugar industry. Since its introduction around 25 years ago, residue retention has increased soil organic matter to improve soil fertility as well as improve harvest flexibility and reduce erosion. However, in the wet tropics residue retention also poses potential problems of prolonged waterlogging, and late-season release of nitrogen which can reduce sugar content of the crop. The objective of this project is to examine the management of sugarcane residues in the wet tropics using a systems approach. Subsidiary objectives are (a) to improve understanding of nitrogen cycling in Australian sugarcane soils in the wet tropics, and (b) to identify ways to manage crop residues to retain their advantages and limit their disadvantages. Project objectives will be addressed using several approaches. Historic farm production data recorded by sugar mills in the wet tropics will be analysed to determine the effect of residue burning or retention on crop yield and sugar content. The impact of climate on soil processes will be highlighed by development of an index of nitrogen mineralisation using the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) model. Increased understanding of nitrogen cycling in Australian sugarcane soils and management of crop residues will be gained through a field experiment recently established in the Australian wet tropics. From this experiment the decomposition and nitrogen dynamics of residues placed on the soil surface and incorporated will be compared. The effect of differences in temperature, soil water content and pH will be further examined on these soils under glasshouse conditions. Preliminary results show a high ammonium to nitrate ratio in tropics soils, which may be due to low rates of nitrification that increase the retention of nitrogen in a form (ammonium) that is less subject to leaching. Further results will be presented at Congress.