15 resultados para DETACHMENT

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The anterior adhesive mechanism was studied for Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae). Adult anterior apertures can open and close. In addition, duct endings terminating within the apertures are everted or retracted depending on the stage of attachment. Adhesive in adults is synthesized from all 3 secretory types (rod-shaped, small and large spheroidal bodies) found within anterior apertures. All exit together and undergo mixing to produce the adhesive matrix, a process that depletes duct contents. A greater number of ducts carrying rod-shaped bodies is depleted than ducts containing spheroidal bodies which changes the ratio of secretory types present on detachment. Detachment involves elongation of duct endings and secretion of additional matrix as the worm pulls away from the substrate. The change in secretory type ratio putatively modifies the properties of the secreted matrix enabling detachment. Only after detachment do ducts refill. During attachment, individual secretory bodies undergo morphological changes. The larval and adult adhesive matrix differs. Anterior adhesive in oncomiracidia does not show fibres with banding whereas banded fibres comprise a large part of adult adhesive. The data Suggest that this is the result of adult spheroidal secretions modifying the way in which the adult adhesive matrix forms.


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The anterior adhesion and detachment mechanisms observed for Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis and Troglocephalus rhinobatidis (Monogenea: Monocotylidae) appear similar to those observed for the two other monopisthocotylean monogenean species with anterior apertures for which published data are available. This supports the theory that monogeneans with apertures may utilise a common mechanism. Adult anterior apertures can open and close and duct endings can evert during the adhesion phase and retract during detachment and searching behaviour. The adhesive is comprised of two secretory types, rod-shaped and spheroidal bodies, found within anterior apertures. These exit together and undergo mixing to produce the adhesive matrix in which elongate membranes from rod-shaped bodies are seen intermixed with a granular electron-dense matrix. The morphology of the adhesive matrix differs from that found for some other monogenean taxa. Anterior detachment by these monocotylids appears to involve a depletion of rod-shaped bodies in ducts and mechanical withdrawal of the anterior end.


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Numerous studies in the last 60 years have investigated the relationship between land slope and soil erosion rates. However, relatively few of these have investigated slope gradient responses: ( a) for steep slopes, (b) for specific erosion processes, and ( c) as a function of soil properties. Simulated rainfall was applied in the laboratory on 16 soils and 16 overburdens at 100 mm/h to 3 replicates of unconsolidated flume plots 3 m long by 0.8 m wide and 0.15 m deep at slopes of 20, 5, 10, 15, and 30% slope in that order. Sediment delivery at each slope was measured to determine the relationship between slope steepness and erosion rate. Data from this study were evaluated alongside data and existing slope adjustment functions from more than 55 other studies from the literature. Data and the literature strongly support a logistic slope adjustment function of the form S = A + B/[1 + exp (C - D sin theta)] where S is the slope adjustment factor and A, B, C, and D are coefficients that depend on the dominant detachment and transport processes. Average coefficient values when interill-only processes are active are A - 1.50, B 6.51, C 0.94, and D 5.30 (r(2) = 0.99). When rill erosion is also potentially active, the average slope response is greater and coefficient values are A - 1.12, B 16.05, C 2.61, and D 8.32 (r(2) = 0.93). The interill-only function predicts increases in sediment delivery rates from 5 to 30% slope that are approximately double the predictions based on existing published interill functions. The rill + interill function is similar to a previously reported value. The above relationships represent a mean slope response for all soils, yet the response of individual soils varied substantially from a 2.5-fold to a 50-fold increase over the range of slopes studied. The magnitude of the slope response was found to be inversely related ( log - log linear) to the dispersed silt and clay content of the soil, and 3 slope adjustment equations are proposed that provide a better estimate of slope response when this soil property is known. Evaluation of the slope adjustment equations proposed in this paper using independent datasets showed that the new equations can improve soil erosion predictions.


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Most multimeric lectins are adhesion molecules, promoting attachment and spreading on surface glycodeterminants. In addition, some lectins have counter-adhesion properties, detaching already spread cells which then acquire round or spindle-formed cell shapes. Since lectin-mediated adhesion and detachment is observed in haemocyte-like Drosophila cells, which have haemomucin as the major lectin-binding glycoprotein, the two opposite cell behaviours may be the result of lectin-mediated receptor rearrangements on the cell surface. To investigate oligomeric lectins as a possible extracellular driving force affecting cell shape changes, we examined lectin-mediated reactions in lepidopteran haemocytes after cytochalasin D-treatment and observed that while cell-spreading was dependent on F-actin, lectin-uptake was less dependent on F-actin. We propose a model of cell shape changes involving a dynamic balance between adhesion and uptake reactions. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum were surveyed on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia for gnathiid isopods and protozoan (haemogregarine) parasites to determine the prevalence and intensity of infection and to investigate the potential role of gnathiids as vectors of these haemogregarines, the first such study carried out on elasmobranchs. Juvenile gnathiids were collected and quantified using a novel non-invasive and chemical-free technique and gnathiid squashes were examined for haemogregarine developmental stages. The feeding and reproductive ecology of the Gnathia spp. was investigated to better understand the relationship between gnathiids and haemogregarines. Gnathiids were found on all sharks and intensities ranged between two and 66. Only third-stage gnathiid juveniles were found, which fell into two size groups (A and B). These juveniles remained attached to H. ocellatum for up to 17 days, the longest period of attachment yet recorded for gnathiids. Group A female gnathiids produced broods of 45-187 (median = 120) first stage juveniles from between 54 and 82 days (median = 63 days) after detachment. First stage juveniles survived for an average of 15.8 +/- 0.1 (SEM) days without feeding. The prevalence (6.7%) and parasitaemia (usually


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Froth recovery measurements have been conducted in both the presence (three-phase froth) and absence (two-phase froth) of particles of different contact angles in a specially modified laboratory flotation column. Increasing the particle hydrophobicity increased the flow rate of particles entering the froth, while the recovery of particles across the froth phase itself also increased for particle contact angles to 63 and at all vertical heights of the froth column. However, a further increase in the contact angle to 69 resulted in lower particle recovery across the froth phase. The reduced froth recovery for particles of 69 contact angle was linked to significant bubble coalescence within the froth phase. The reduced froth recovery occurred uniformly across the entire particle size range, and was, presumably, a result of particle detachment from coalescing bubbles. Water flow rates across the froth phase also varied with particle contact angle. The general trend was a decrease in the concentrate flow rate of water with increasing particle contact angle. An inverse relationship between water flow rate and bubble radius was also observed, possibly allowing prediction of water flow rate from bubble size measurements in the froth. Comparison of the froth structure, defined by bubble size, gas hold-up and bubble layer thickness, for two- and three-phase froths, at the same frother concentration, showed there was a relationship between water flow rate and froth structure. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To report a case of a perforated acute hydrops in a mentally retarded patient that was successfully managed with intracameral sulfur hexafluoride gas and cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive. Methods: Interventional case report. Results: A 14-year-old mentally retarded male patient with keratoconus presented with a perforated acute hydrops. A bandage contact lens was applied. However, following a large emesis 2 days later, the aqueous leak worsened with shallowing of the anterior chamber. Under general anesthesia, sulfur hexafluoride was injected to reform the anterior chamber and cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive was applied to the perforated site and covered by a bandage contact lens and temporary tarsorrhaphy. A follow-up examination at 1 month showed a formed anterior chamber with tissue adhesive in situ and no aqueous leak. Conclusions: The successful use of intracameral sulfur hexafluoride and tissue adhesive in the management of perforated acute hydrops may avoid emergency tectonic penetrating keratoplasty and reduce potential complications in the poorly cooperative patient.


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Histopathology of the dermo-epidermal junction in the lamellar region of front claws was examined in 6 dairy heifers given an alimentary oligofructose overload and compared with sections from a control group of 6 heifers. Four of the 6 heifers administered oligofructose developed clinical signs of acute laminitis before they were euthanized. Postmortem samples from front claws were processed for histology. Eleven histopathologic characteristics were selected from the existing literature and used in a blinded evaluation of sections. In total, 104 front claw samples, including 8 samples from 2 cows having spontaneously occurring acute laminitis, were evaluated histologically using hematoxylin and eosin as well as periodic acid-Schiff staining. The major morphological features associated with oligofructose-induced acute clinical laminitis were stretching of lamellae, dermal edema, hemorrhage, changes in basal cell morphology, presence of white blood cells in dermis, and signs of basement membrane detachment. Changes at the lamellar junction of claw tissue affected by oligofructose-induced clinical laminitis resembled tissue from the 2 cows suffering from spontaneous acute clinical laminitis, and generally were consistent with existing descriptions of laminitis histopathology. Important exceptions to existing descriptions in the literature were stretching of lamellae and basement membrane changes. Not previously described, we considered these early signs of acute laminitis. In conclusion, this study documents that oligofructose-induced clinical laminitis is associated with histopathological changes at the lamellar interface. A weakened dermo-epidermal junction is a possible intermediate stage in the pathophysiology of bovine sole ulceration at the typical site.


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In this paper we use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the effect of contact angle on droplet shape as it moves through a contraction. A new non-dimensional number is proposed in order to predict situations where the deformed droplet will form a slug in the contraction and thus have the opportunity to interact with the channel wall. It is proposed that droplet flow into a contraction is a useful method to ensure that a droplet will wet a channel surface without a trapped lubrication film, and thus help ensure that a slug will remain attached to the wall downstream of the contraction. We demonstrate that when a droplet is larger than a contraction, capillary and Reynolds numbers, and fluid properties may not be sufficient to fully describe the droplet dynamics through a contraction. We show that, with everything else constant, droplet shape and breakup can be controlled simply by changing the wetting properties of the channel wall. CFD simulations with contact angles ranging from 30 degrees to 150 degrees show that lower contact angles can induce droplet breakup while higher contact angles can form slugs with contact angle dependent shape. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A technique for determining the recovery of attached particles across the froth phase in flotation that relies on measuring the rate at which bubble-particle aggregates enter the froth is used to investigate the selectivity of attached particles across the froth phase. Combining these measurements with those of other techniques for determining the froth recovery of attached particles provides an insight into the different sub-processes of particle rejection in the froth phase. The results of experiments conducted in a 3 m(3) Outokumpu tank cell show that the detachment of particles from aggregates in the froth phase occurs largely at the pulp-froth interface. In particular it is shown that the pulp-froth interface selectively detaches particles from aggregates according to their physical attributes. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transient expression of Ebola virus (EBOV) glycoprotein GP causes downregulation of surface proteins, cell rounding and detachment, a phenomenon believed to play a central role in the pathogenicity of the virus. In this study, evidence that moderate expression of GP does not result in such morphological changes was provided. It was shown that GP continuously produced in 293T cells from the Kunjin virus replicon was correctly processed and transported to the plasma membrane without affecting the surface expression of beta 1 and alpha 5 integrins and major histocompatibility complex I molecules. The level of GIP expression in Kunjin replicon GP-expressing cells was similar to that observed in cells infected with EBOV early in infection and lower than that produced in cells transfected with plasmid DNA, phCMV-GP(1) expressing GP from a strong promoter. Importantly, transient transfection of Kunjin replicon GIP-expressing cells with GIP-coding plasmid DNA resulted in overexpression of GP, which lead to the downregulation of surface molecules and massive rounding and detachment of transfected cells. Here, it was also demonstrated that cell rounding and downregulation of the surface markers are the late events in EBOV infection, whereas synthesis and massive release of virus particles occur at early steps and do not cause significant cytotoxic effects. These findings indicate that the synthesis of EBOV GP in virus-infected cells is controlled well by several mechanisms that do not allow GP overexpression and hence the early appearance of its cytotoxic properties.


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The medically significant genus Chlamydia is a class of obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens that replicate within vacuoles in host eukaryotic cells termed inclusions. Chlamydia's developmental cycle involves two forms; an infectious extracellular form, known as an elementary body (EB), and a non-infectious form, known as the reticulate body (RB), that replicates inside the vacuoles of the host cells. The RB surface is covered in projections that are in intimate contact with the inclusion membrane. Late in the developmental cycle, these reticulate bodies differentiate into the elementary body form. In this paper, we present a hypothesis for the modulation of these developmental events involving the contact-dependent type III secretion (TTS) system. TTS surface projections mediate intimate contact between the RB and the inclusion membrane. Below a certain number of projections, detachment of the RB provides a signal for late differentiation of RB into EB. We use data and develop a mathematical model investigating this hypothesis. If the hypothesis proves to be accurate, then we have shown that increasing the number of inclusions per host cell will increase the number of infectious progeny EB until some optimal number of inclusions. For more inclusions than this optimum, the infectious yield is reduced because of spatial restrictions. We also predict that a reduction in the number of projections on the surface of the RB (and as early as possible during development) will significantly reduce the burst size of infectious EB particles. Many of the results predicted by the model can be tested experimentally and may lead to the identification of potential targets for drug design. © Society for Mathematical Biology 2006.


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Choroidal osteoma is a rare, benign, ossifying tumour of the choroid of unknown aetiology. In contrast to other types of intraocular ossification, choroidal osteoma is found typically in young healthy females in the second or third decades of life with no history of systemic or ocular disease. Choroidal osteoma is a deep, pale yellow lesion with distinct geographic borders at the juxtapapillary or macular region, with branching 'spider' vessels on the surface of the tumour. These features should help differentiate choroidal osteoma from other types of intraocular tumour and the diagnosis can be confirmed with ultrasonography and computerised tomography. Here we report an initially unilateral case of choroidal osteoma, which decalcified over 20 years but during the same period the fellow eye also developed a choroidal osteoma to become a bilateral case. Despite the benign nature of the tumour, vision may be compromised by gradual atrophy of the overlying retina, serous retinal detachment, accumulation of sub-retinal fluid and sub-retinal haemorrhage associated with choroidal neovascularisation. Frequent examinations are recommended for patients with choroidal osteoma, for early detection of a subretinal neovascular membrane and potential treatment with laser photocoagulation.


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The classical strength profile of continents(1,2) is derived from a quasi-static view of their rheological response to stress-one that does not consider dynamic interactions between brittle and ductile layers. Such interactions result in complexities of failure in the brittle-ductile transition and the need to couple energy to understand strain localization. Here we investigate continental deformation by solving the fully coupled energy, momentum and continuum equations. We show that this approach produces unexpected feedback processes, leading to a significantly weaker dynamic strength evolution. In our model, stress localization focused on the brittle-ductile transition leads to the spontaneous development of mid-crustal detachment faults immediately above the strongest crustal layer. We also find that an additional decoupling layer forms between the lower crust and mantle. Our results explain the development of decoupling layers that are observed to accommodate hundreds of kilometres of horizontal motions during continental deformation.


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A technique for determining the recovery of attached particles across the froth phase in flotation that relies on measuring the rate at which bubble-particle aggregates enter the froth is used to investigate the selectivity of attached particles across the froth phase. Combining these measurements with those of other techniques for determining the froth recovery of attached particles provides an insight into the different subprocesses of particle rejection in the froth phase. The results of experiments conducted in a 3 m3 Outokumpu tank cell show that the detachment of particles from aggregates in the froth phase occurs largely at the pulp-froth interface. In particular it is shown that the pulp-froth interface selectively detaches particles from aggregates according to their physical attributes.