36 resultados para Cutaneous asthenia
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Objective To report the occurrence of Myxobolus episquamalis in sea mullet, Mugil cephalus L, caught in estuaries in eastern and western Australia. Design A prospective study of commercial catches of mullet in the Clarence River of NSW and individual cases from other areas. Results The organism caused pale, white to pink, raised lesions on the scales and fins of sea mullet. Occurrence of infection was highest in spring and in a marine (down-river) environment compared to a brackish environment. Up to 6% of fish were affected in commercial catches. Conclusion The infection is widespread in Australian mullet, but rarely causes significant economic loss.
Germline mutations of the PTEN tumor-suppressor gene, on 10q23, cause Cowden syndrome, an inherited hamartoma syndrome with a high risk of breast, thyroid and endometrial carcinomas and, some suggest, melanoma. To date, most studies which strongly implicate PTEN in the etiology of sporadic melanomas have depended on cell lines, short-term tumor cultures and noncultured metastatic melanomas. The only study which reports PTEN protein expression in melanoma focuses on cytoplasmic expression, mainly in metastatic samples. To determine how PTEN contributes to the etiology or the progression of primary cutaneous melanoma, we examined cytoplasmic and nuclear PTEN expression against clinical and pathologic features in a population-based sample of 150 individuals with incident primary cutaneous melanoma. Among 92 evaluable samples, 30 had no or decreased cytoplasmic PTEN protein expression and the remaining 62 had normal PTEN expression. In contrast, 84 tumors had no or decreased nuclear expression and 8 had normal nuclear PTEN expression. None of the clinical features studied, such as Clark's level and Breslow thickness or sun exposure, were associated with cytoplasmic PTEN expressional levels. An association with loss of nuclear PTEN expression was indicated for anatomical site (p = 0.06) and mitotic index (p = 0.02). There was also an association for melanomas to either not express nuclear PTEN or to express p53 alone, rather than both simultaneously (p = 0.02). In contrast with metastatic melanoma, where we have shown previously that almost two-thirds of tumors have some PTEN inactivation, only one-third of primary melanomas had PTEN silencing. This suggests that PTEN inactivation is a late event likely related to melanoma progression rather than initiation. Taken together with our previous observations in thyroid and islet cell tumors, our data suggest that nuclear-cytoplasmic partitioning of PTEN might also play a role in melanoma progression. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
We report a case of a patient with the triad of retinoblastoma, dysplastic naevus syndrome (DNS) and multiple cutaneous melanomas. The combination of retinoblastoma and DNS is a significant risk factor for the development of cutaneous melanoma. This risk extends to family members. We recommend that survivors of (inherited) retinoblastoma and their relatives are closely screened for the presence of dysplastic naevi. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Background: Some melanomas form on sun-exposed body sites, whereas others do not. We previously proposed that melanomas at different body sites arise through different pathways that have different associations with melanocytic nevi and solar keratoses. We tested this hypothesis in a case-case comparative study of melanoma patients in Queensland, Australia. Methods: We randomly selected patients from among three prespecified groups reported to the population-based Queensland Cancer Registry: those with superficial spreading or nodular melanomas of the trunk (n = 154, the reference group), those with such melanomas of the head and neck (n = 77, the main comparison group), and those with lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM) (n = 75, the chronic sun-exposed group). Each participant completed a questionnaire, and a research nurse counted melanocytic nevi and solar keratoses. We calculated exposure odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to quantify the association between factors of interest and each melanoma group. Results: Patients with head and neck melanomas, compared with patients with melanomas of the trunk, were statistically significantly less likely to have more than 60 nevi (OR = 0.34, 95% CI = 0.15 to 0.79) but were statistically significantly more likely to have more than 20 solar keratoses (OR = 3.61, 95% CI = 1.42 to 9.17) and also tended to have a past history of excised solar skin lesions (OR = 1.87, 95% CI = 0.89 to 3.92). Patients with LMM were also less likely than patients with truncal melanomas to have more than 60 nevi (OR = 0.32, 95% CI = 0.14 to 0.75) and tended toward more solar keratoses (OR = 2.14, 95% CI = 0.88 to 5.16). Conclusions: Prevalences of nevi and solar keratoses differ markedly between patients with head and neck melanomas or LMM and patients with melanomas of the trunk. Cutaneous melanomas may arise through two pathways, one associated with melanocyte proliferation and the other with chronic exposure to sunlight.
Patella taping reduces pain ill individuals with patellofemoral pain (PFP), although the mechanism remains unclear. One possibility is that patella taping modifies vasti muscle activity via stimulation of cutaneous afferents. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of stretching the skin over the patella on vasti Muscle activity in people with PFP. Electromyographic activity (EMG) of individual motor units in vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) was recorded via a needle electrode and from Surface electrodes placed over VMO and vastus lateralis (VL). A tape was applied to the skin directly over the patella and stretch was applied via the tape in three directions, while subjects maintained a gentle isometric knee extension effort at constant force. Recordings were made from five separate motor units in each direction. Stretch applied to the skin over the patella increased VMO surface EMG and was greatest with lateral stretch. There was no change in VL surface EMG activity. While there was no net increase in motor unit firing rate, it was increased in the majority of motor units during lateral stretch. Application of stretch to the skin over VMO via the tape can increase VMO activity, suggesting that cutaneous stimulation may be one mechanism by which patella taping produces a clinical effect. (c) 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Multiple cutaneous lymphosarcomas were diagnosed in an 8-year-old Thoroughbred stallion presented for evaluation of lumps on its scrotum. Histological examination of skin biopsy samples showed a homogenous pattern of lymphoid tissue suggestive of a T-cell lymphosarcoma. Immuno-histochemical tests showed a positive reaction to Rabbit/Anti-Human T-Cell, CD3 antibodies confirming T-cell lymphosarcoma. The animal was not treated and was subsequently euthanased.
Mucosal and serum antibody responses were studied in sibling barramundi (Lates calcarifer) acclimated in either seawater or freshwater following vaccination by intraperitoneal injection or direct immersion in an inactivated Streptococcus iniae vaccine. As expected, route of vaccination had a marked effect on immune response, with direct immersion resulting in low serum antibody levels against S. iniae by ELISA detected 21 days post vaccination at 26 degrees C, whilst a significant response was detected in mucus. A strong specific antibody response was detected in both mucus and serum 21 days following intraperitoneal injection. Fish acclimated in seawater prior to vaccination showed a markedly higher specific mucosal antibody response than sibling fish acclimated in freshwater, regardless of the route of vaccination, whilst the serum antibody response was not affected by salinity. Both mucosal and serum antibodies from fish in seawater and freshwater were capable of binding antigen at salinities similar to full strength seawater in a modified ELISA assay. These results indicate that this euryhaline fish species is riot only able to mount significant specific antibody response in cutaneous mucus, but that these antibodies will function in the marine environment. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The most common human cancers are malignant neoplasms of the skin(1,2). Incidence of cutaneous melanoma is rising especially steeply, with minimal progress in non-surgical treatment of advanced disease(3,4). Despite significant effort to identify independent predictors of melanoma outcome, no accepted histopathological, molecular or immunohistochemical marker defines subsets of this neoplasm(2,3). Accordingly, though melanoma is thought to present with different 'taxonomic' forms, these are considered part of a continuous spectrum rather than discrete entities(2). Here we report the discovery of a subset of melanomas identified by mathematical analysis of gene expression in a series of samples. Remarkably, many genes underlying the classification of this subset are differentially regulated in invasive melanomas that form primitive tubular networks in vitro, a feature of some highly aggressive metastatic melanomas(5). Global transcript analysis can identify unrecognized subtypes of cutaneous melanoma and predict experimentally verifiable phenotypic characteristics that may be of importance to disease progression.
Limb movement imparts a perturbation to the body. The impact of that perturbation is limited via anticipatory postural adjustments. The strategy by which the CNS controls anticipatory postural adjustments of the trunk muscles during limb movement is altered during acute back pain and in people with recurrent back pain, even when they are pain free. The altered postural strategy probably serves to protect the spine in the short term, but it is associated with a cost and is thought to predispose spinal structures to injury in the long term. It is not known why this protective strategy might occur even when people are pain free, but one possibility is that it is caused by the anticipation of back pain. In eight healthy subjects, recordings of intramuscular EMG were made from the trunk muscles during single and repetitive arm movements. Anticipation of experimental back pain and anticipation of experimental elbow pain were elicited by the threat of painful cutaneous stimulation. There was no effect of anticipated experimental elbow pain on postural adjustments. During anticipated experimental back pain, for single arm movements there was delayed activation of the deep trunk muscles and augmentation of at least one superficial trunk muscle. For repetitive arm movements, there was decreased activity and a shift from biphasic to monophasic activation of the deep trunk muscles and increased activity of superficial trunk muscles during anticipation of back pain. In both instances, the changes were consistent with adoption of an altered strategy for postural control and were similar to those observed in patients with recurrent back pain. We conclude that anticipation of experimental back pain evokes a protective postural strategy that stiffens the spine. This protective strategy is associated with compressive cost and is thought to predispose to spinal injury if maintained long term. © Guarantors of Brain 2004; all rights reserved
Aims The penetration of active ingredients from topically applied anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical products into tissues below the skin is the basis of their therapeutic efficacy. There is still controversy as to whether these agents are capable of direct penetration by diffusion through the tissues or whether redistribution in the systemic circulation is responsible for their tissue deposition below the application site. Methods The extent of direct penetration of salicylate from commercial ester and salt formulations into the dermal and subcutaneous tissue of human volunteers was determined using the technique of cutaneous microdialysis. We also examined differences in the extent of hydrolysis of the methylester of salicylate applied topically in human volunteers and in vitro skin diffusion cells using full-thickness skin and epidermal membranes. Results The present study showed that whilst significant levels of salicylate could be detected in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue of volunteers treated with the methylsalicylate formulation, negligible levels of salicylate were seen following application of the triethanolamine salicylate formulation. The tissue levels of salicylate from the methylsalicylate formulation were approx. 30-fold higher than the plasma concentrations. Conclusion The absorption and tissue concentration profiles for the commercial methylsalicylate formulation are indicative of direct tissue penetration and not solely redistribution by the systemic blood supply.
The human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are associated with several human epithelial diseases. These diseases are confined to cutaneous and mucosal epithelia and comprise papillomas (warts) and benign or malignant neoplasms. Globally, infection by HPVs presents a considerable health problem given that at any one time approximately 10% of the population may have warts of one form or another. Of more serious concern is the prevalence of HPV-associated cervical carcinoma. It is estimated that 500,000 new cases of cervical neoplasia are diagnosed per year (primarily squamous carcinomas). Thus, HPV-associated cancer represents one of the most common cancers afflicting women and is one of the three most common causes of cancer death among women globally.(15) Although some genotypes of human papillomaviruses are clearly associated with the development of cancer (in particular, HPVs 16 and 18) these viruses share significant structural and functional similarity to the nononcogenic genotypes, and one of the puzzles of HPV biology is why essentially similar viruses vary so widely in their oncogenic potential.
A system of secondary vessels emerging from the primary vessels as numerous coiled capillaries has been described in numerous teleost and holost fishes. The systemic secondary vessels of the teleost Tandanus tandanus are typical of this system and are described in this study. The existence of a secondary vessel system has been postulated in the elasmobranch group. No secondary vessel origins, as seen in the teleosts, are present in the elasmobranchs Rhinobatos typus and Carcharhinus melanopterus. Vessels with a similar distribution to secondary arteries are observed but these are venous rather than arterial in nature and do not connect with the primary arteries. Like the secondary veins in teleosts, the cutaneous veins in R. typus contain blood with a low haematocrit. There is no morphological evidence for a secondary vessel system in the dipnoan Neoceratodus forsteri.
Apart from their veterinary importance, the hookworms Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma caninum are also capable of causing zoonotic disease in humans. A highly sensitive and species-specific PCR-RFLP technique was utilised to detect and differentiate the various canine Ancylostoma spp directly from eggs in faeces. This technique was utilised to screen 101 canine faecal samples from parasite endemic tea growing communities in Assam, India, as part as an ongoing epidemiological investigation into canine parasitic zoonoses. The prevalence of hookworms in dogs was found to be 98% using a combination of PCR and conventional microscopy. Overall, 36% of dogs were found positive for single hookworm infections with A. caninum, 24% positive for single infections with A. braziliense and 38% had mixed infections with both A. caninum and A. braziliense. No dogs were found positive for A. ceylanicum in the community under study. The high prevalence of A. caninum and A. braziliense in dogs in this community may account for the high incidence of cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) observed among the human population residing at the tea estates. The PCR-RFLP technique described herein allows epidemiological screening of canine hookworms to be conducted rapidly, with ease and accuracy, and has the potential to be applied to a number of different clinical, pharmacological and epidemiological situations. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Although well recognized and studied in developed countries, canine parasitic zoonoses pose a lowly prioritized public health problem in developing countries such as India, where conditions are conducive for transmission. A study of the most recent parasite survey determining prevalence and epidemiology of canine parasitic zoonoses among tea-growing communities of northeast India demonstrated the endemicity of the problem. This particular study serves as a model using conventional, as well as molecular parasitological, tools to provide novel insights into the role of dogs as mechanical transmitters of human parasites such as Ascaris and Trichuris, and discusses the risks dogs pose with regards to zoonotic transmission of hookworms and Giardia.