106 resultados para Crop Land Allocation

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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A modelling framework is developed to determine the joint economic and environmental net benefits of alternative land allocation strategies. Estimates of community preferences for preservation of natural land, derived from a choice modelling study, are used as input to a model of agricultural production in an optimisation framework. The trade-offs between agricultural production and environmental protection are analysed using the sugar industry of the Herbert River district of north Queensland as an example. Spatially-differentiated resource attributes and the opportunity costs of natural land determine the optimal tradeoffs between production and conservation for a range of sugar prices.


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Land-surface processes include a broad class of models that operate at a landscape scale. Current modelling approaches tend to be specialised towards one type of process, yet it is the interaction of processes that is increasing seen as important to obtain a more integrated approach to land management. This paper presents a technique and a tool that may be applied generically to landscape processes. The technique tracks moving interfaces across landscapes for processes such as water flow, biochemical diffusion, and plant dispersal. Its theoretical development applies a Lagrangian approach to motion over a Eulerian grid space by tracking quantities across a landscape as an evolving front. An algorithm for this technique, called level set method, is implemented in a geographical information system (GIS). It fits with a field data model in GIS and is implemented as operators in map algebra. The paper describes an implementation of the level set methods in a map algebra programming language, called MapScript, and gives example program scripts for applications in ecology and hydrology.


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Despite apparent overwhelming benefits, implementation of the Household Responsibility System (HRS) in China contained a number of flaws. The Two-Farmland System (TFS), which originated in Pingdu City in Shandong Province, sought to address the twin problems of land fragmentation and economies of size. A stochastic frontier production function analysis that isolates the impacts of land allocation reforms suggests that the TFS increased efficiency by around 7%. This article highlights the need for empirical analysis to assess objectively the merits or otherwise of particular reforms. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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No information is available on the decomposition and nutrient release pattern of Piper aduncum and Imperata cylindrica despite their importance in shifting cultivation systems of Papua New Guinea and other tropical regions. We conducted a litter bag study (24 weeks) on a Typic Eutropepts in the humid lowlands to assess the rate of decomposition of Piper aduncum, Imperata cylindrica and Gliricidia sepium leaves under sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Decomposition rates of piper leaf litter were fastest followed closely by gliricidia, and both lost 50% of the leaf biomass within 10 weeks. Imperata leaf litter decomposed much slower and half-life values exceeded the period of observation. The decomposition patterns were best explained by the lignin plus polyphenol over N ratio which was lowest for piper (4.3) and highest for imperata (24.7). Gliricidia leaf litter released 79 kg N ha(-1), whereas 18 kg N ha(-1) was immobilised in the imperata litter. The mineralization of P was similar for the three species, but piper litter released large amounts of K. The decomposition and nutrient release patterns had significant effects on the soil. The soil contained significantly more water in the previous imperata plots at 13 weeks due to the relative slow decomposition of the leaves. Soil N levels were significantly reduced in the previous imperata plots due to immobilisation of N. Levels of exchangeable K were significantly increased in the previous piper plots due to the large addition of K. It can be concluded that piper leaf litter is a significant and easily decomposable source of K which is an important nutrient for sweet potato. Gliricidia leaf litter contained much N, whereas imperata leaf litter releases relatively little nutrients and keeps the soil more moist. Gliricidia fallow is more attractive than an imperata fallow for it improves the soil fertility and produces fuelwood as additional saleable products.


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Although the current level of organic production in industrialised countries amounts to little more than 1-2 percent, it is recognised that one of the major issues shaping agricultural output over the next several decades will be the demand for organic produce (Dixon et al. 2001). In Australia, the issues of healthy food and environmental concern contribute to increasing demand and market volumes for organic produce. However, in Indonesia, using more economical inputs for organic production is a supply-side factor driving organic production. For individual growers and processors, conversion from conventional to organic agriculture is often a challenging step, entailing a thorough revision of established practices and heightened market insecurity. This paper examines the potential for a systems approach to the analysis of the conversion process, to yield insights for household and community decisions. A framework for applying farming systems research to investigate the benefits of organic production in both Australia and Indonesia is discussed. The framework incorporates scope for farmer participation, crucial to the understanding of farming systems; analysis of production; and relationships to resources, technologies, markets, services, policies and institutions in their local cultural context. A systems approach offers the potential to internalise the external effects that may be constraining decisions to convert to organic production, and for the design of decision-making tools to assist households and the community. Systems models can guide policy design and serve as a mechanism for predicting the impact of changes to the policy and market environments. The increasing emphasis of farming systems research on community and environment in recent years is in keeping with the proposed application to organic production, processing and marketing issues. The approach will also facilitate the analysis of critical aspects of the Australian production, marketing and policy environment, and the investigation of these same features in an Indonesian context.


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As in the standard land assembly problem, a developer wants to buy two adjacent blocks of land belonging to two different owners. The value of the two blocks of land to the developer is greater than the sum of the individual values of the blocks for each owner. Unlike the land assembly literature, however, our focus is on the incentive that each lot owner has to delay the start of negotiations, rather than on the public goods nature of the problem. An incentive for delay exists, for example, when owners perceive that being last to sell will allow them to capture a larger share of the joint surplus from the development. We show that competition at point of sale can cause equilibrium delay, and that cooperation at point of sale will eliminate delay. This suggests that strategic delay is another source for the inefficient allocation of land, in addition to the public-good type externality pointed out by Grossman and Hart [Bell Journal of Economics 11 (1980) 42] and O'Flaherty [Regional Science and Urban Economics 24 (1994) 287]. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ballooning is a form of aerial movement practiced by most miniature and some adult spiders. Very few studies have investigated the composition and rate of spider ballooning in Australian agroecosystems. Water traps were used to compare ballooning rates in irrigated soybean crops and nearby non-crop areas in southeast Queensland over two summer seasons. The highest ballooning rate (14.8 spiders/m(2) per day) was recorded in a soybean field, non-crop areas (7.0 spiders/m(2) per day) and a dry land mungbean field (6.8 spiders/m(2) per day) having similar rates. Spider ballooning in soybean increased throughout the season and showed three peaks and intervening troughs. A similar pattern in ballooning peaks was observed in non-crop areas however the numbers were lower. Peaks in ballooning activity where synchronised across habitat types and some spider groups. Composition of the ballooning fauna was different from that of the ground-dwelling fauna, some families being present in both. Ballooning is an important behaviour in terms of population dynamics for a number of spider groups in soybean and the implications for pest control are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier BN. All rights reserved.


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Quantifying water losses in paddy fields assists estimation of water availability in rainfed lowland rice ecosystem. Little information is available on water balance in different toposequence positions of sloped rainfed lowland. Therefore, the aim of this work was to quantify percolation and the lateral water flow with special reference to the toposequential variation. Data used for the analysis was collected in Laos and northeast Thailand. Percolation and water tables were measured on a daily basis using a steel cylindrical tube with a lid and perforated PVC tubes, respectively. Percolation rate was determined using linear regression analysis of cumulative percolation. Assuming that the total amount of evaporation and transpiration was equivalent to potential evapotranspiration, the lateral water flow was estimated using the water balance equation. Separate perched water and groundwater tables were observed in paddy fields on coarse-textured soils. The percolation rate varied between 0 and 3 mm/day across locations, and the maximum water loss by lateral movement was more than 20 mm/day. Our results are in agreement with the previously reported findings, and the methodology of estimating water balance components appears reasonably acceptable. With regard to the toposequential variation, the higher the position in the topoesquence, the greater potential for water loss because of higher percolation and lateral flow rates.


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Plant litter and fine roots are important in maintaining soil organic carbon (C) levels as well as for nutrient cycling. The decomposition of surface-placed litter and fine roots of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ), lucerne ( Medicago sativa ), buffel grass ( Cenchrus ciliaris ), and mulga ( Acacia aneura ), placed at 10-cm and 30-cm depths, was studied in the field in a Rhodic Paleustalf. After 2 years, = 60% of mulga roots and twigs remained undecomposed. The rate of decomposition varied from 4.2 year -1 for wheat roots to 0.22 year -1 for mulga twigs, which was significantly correlated with the lignin concentration of both tops and roots. Aryl+O-aryl C concentration, as measured by 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, was also significantly correlated with the decomposition parameters, although with a lower R 2 value than the lignin concentration. Thus, lignin concentration provides a good predictor of litter and fine root decomposition in the field.


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This paper examines the use of Acacia as a nurse crop to overcome some of the ecological and economic impediments to reforestation of degraded areas dominated by grasses including Imperata cylindrica. The study site at Hai Van Pass in central Vietnam was initially reforested using Acacia auriculiformis. After 8 years these stands were thinned and under-planted with Hopea odorata, Dipterocarpus alatus, Parashorea chinensis, Tarrietia javanica, Parashorea stellata, Scaphium lychnophorum, Peltophorum dasyrhachis var. tonkinensis and other high-value native species. At the time of field assessment (early 2004), the Acacia trees were aged between 16 and 18 years and basal area ranged from 9 to 13 m(2) ha(-1) after several thinnings. Acacias facilitated the establishment of native species, but after 6-7 years of growth, further thinning is needed to maintain growth rates. In addition to assisting the establishment of native species, the Acacia nurse crop should provide a revenue stream (NPV about US$ 180, or IRR 19%) sufficient to cover the establishment costs of the underplanted native species (about US$ 100). (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.