20 resultados para Conjunctival swab
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Three Herpes Simplex Virus LightCycler polymerase chain reaction assays were compared for the detection of herpes simplex virus in 48 swab specimens. The assays comprised of one in-house assay and two commercial kits: the Artus HSV LC RealArt PCR kit and the Roche LightCycler HSV 1/2 Detection kit. On the whole, the three assays had comparable sensitivities. However, differentiation of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 by melting curve analysis was problematic in all assays. Overall, the results highlight the limitations of typing herpes simplex virus by melting curve analysis.
Known causes of conjunctival salmon patches include lymphoma, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, leukaemia and benign reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. The aetiology of benign reactive lymphoid hyperplasia is thought to be a localized reactive change induced by an irritative or antigenic stimulus. The case of benign reactive lymphoid hyperplasia reported herein occurred in a myopic patient with extremely thin sclera. The authors' hypothesis is that choroidal antigens are able to perfuse through thin sclera and act as chronic irritants to the overlying conjunctiva resulting in a lymphoid response and subsequent salmon patch formation.
Field collected flies were screened for the presence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) by applying reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) in which primers specific to the capsid protein of the virus were used. The virus was detected in flies from locations where rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) was reported and also soon after the release of RHDV in a 'clean' area. Oral and/or anal excretions of flies (flyspots) were found to contain viable virus and oral inoculation of rabbits revealed that a single flyspot was able to cause RHD. We conclude that flyspots are a major potential source of the virus for oral or conjunctival transmission of the virus to rabbits. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To assess the practices in pterygium removal as a follow-up study to a similar project 10 years ago, in order to compare the current trends with those noted a decade ago. Methods: A survey was sent to all practising ophthalmologists in Queensland (100). Results: Eighty-seven of the 100 ophthalmologists undertook pterygium surgery with no change in indications for removal, grading or anaesthesia compared to 10 years ago. Nearly half of the ophthalmologists varied their surgical technique from eight commonly used methods according to the individual patient. More than half the respondents used a swinging conjunctival flap and 29% used simple excision leaving the area bare for primary pterygia, although nearly one-quarter of the ophthalmologists added adjunctive therapies such as beta irradiation or mitomycin. For recurrent pterygia, one-third of ophthalmologists preferred adjunctive therapies, and 57% used an autoconjunctival transplant. Conclusion: There has been no consistent trend in surgical removal of pterygia with a significant number of primary pterygia still removed using bare scleral closure.
AIM: To identify viruses associated with respiratory disease in young horses in New Zealand. METHODS: Nasal swabs and blood samples were collected from 45 foals or horses from five separate outbreaks of respiratory disease that occurred in New Zealand in 1996, and from 37 yearlings at the time of the annual yearling sales in January that same year. Virus isolation from nasal swabs and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) was undertaken and serum samples were tested for antibodies against equine herpesviruses (EHV-1, EHV-2, EHV-4 and EHV-5), equine rhinitis-A virus (ERAV), equine rhinitis-B virus (ERBV), equine adenovirus 1 (EAdV-1), equine arteritis virus (EAV), reovirus 3 and parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3). RESULTS: Viruses were isolated from 24/94 (26%) nasal swab samples and from 77/80 (96%) PBL samples collected from both healthy horses and horses showing clinical signs of respiratory disease. All isolates were identified as EHV-2, EHV-4, EHV-5 or untyped EHV Of the horses and foals tested, 59/82 (72%) were positive for EHV-1 and/or EHV-4 serum neutralising (SN) antibody on at least one sampling occasion, 52/82 (63%) for EHV-1-specific antibody tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 10/80 (13%) for ERAV SN antibody, 60/80 (75%) for ERBV SN antibody, and 42/80 (53%) for haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody to EAdV-1. None of the 64 serum samples tested were positive for antibodies to EAV, reovirus 3 or PIV3. Evidence of infection with all viruses tested was detected in both healthy horses and in horses showing clinical signs of respiratory disease. Recent EHV 2 infection was associated with the development of signs of respiratory disease among yearlings [relative risk (RR) = 2.67, 95% CI = 1.59-4.47, p = 0.0171]. CONCLUSIONS: Of the equine respiratory viruses detected in horses in New Zealand during this study, EHV 2 was most likely to be associated with respiratory disease. However, factors other than viral infection are probably important in the development of clinical signs of disease.
This is the first documented study of the anatomical details of the contents of the normal koala orbit, excluding the bulbus oculi. Baseline data were established which are necessary for understanding and treating ocular disease in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). The anatomy of the orbital contents of the koala were examined and described from animals that presented dead or were euthanized for humane reasons. Dissections of the orbital cavity were performed under magnification. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) casts of the nasolacrimal system and the vascular supply of the orbit were also made in order to study these systems. The superficial lymphatic drainage of the conjunctival tissues was studied by subcutaneous injection of Evan's Blue into the palpebral conjunctiva of a freshly deceased animal, and by Microfil casts of the efferent lymphatics. In general, the orbital contents of the koala are consistent with those of other carnivorous polyprotodont and herbivorous diprotodont marsupials.
To define the location of potential oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in ocular melanoma we carried out comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis on a population-based series of 25 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded primary tumors comprising 17 choroidal, 2 ciliary body, 4 iris, and 2 conjunctival melanomas. Twelve (48%) of the 25 melanomas showed no chromosomal changes and 13 (52%) had at least one chromosomal gain or loss. The mean number of CGH changes in all tumors was 3.3, with similar mean numbers of chromosomal gains (1.5) and losses (1.8). The highest number of chromosomal changes (i.e., nine) occurred in a conjunctival melanoma and included four changes not observed in tumors at any other ocular site (gains in 22q and 11p and losses in 6p and 17p). The most frequent gains in all primary ocular melanomas were on chromosome arm 8q (69%), 6p (31%) and 8p (23%) and the most frequent losses were on 6q (38%), 10q (23%), and 16q (23%). The most common pairing was gain in 8p and gain in 8q, implying a whole chromosome copy number increase; gains in 8p occurred only in conjunction with gains in 8q. The smallest regions of copy number alteration were mapped to gain of 8q21 and loss of 6q21, 10q21, and 16q22. Sublocalization of these chromosomal changes to single-band resolution should accelerate the identification of genes involved in the genesis of ocular melanoma.
The role of sunscreens in preventing skin cancer and melanoma is the focus of ongoing research. Currently, there is no objective measure which can be used in field studies to determine whether a person has applied sunscreen to their skin, and researchers must use indirect assessments such as questionnaires. We sought to develop a rapid, non-invasive method for identifying sunscreen on the skin for use in epidemiological studies. Our basic method is to swab the skin, elute any residues which have been adsorbed onto the swab by rinsing in ethanol, and submit the eluted washings for spectrophotometric analysis. In a controlled study, we applied 0.1 ml of sunscreen to a 50 cm(2) grid on both forearms of 21 volunteers. Each forearm was allocated one of 10 different sunscreen brands. The skin was swabbed after intervals of 20 min, 1 h, 2 h and 4 h. In a field study conducted among 12 children aged 2-4 years attending a child care centre, sunscreen was applied to the faces of half the children. Swabs were then taken from the face and back of all children without knowledge of sunscreen status. In the controlled study, sunscreen was clearly detectable up to 2 h after application for all brands containing organic sunscreen, and marginally detectable at 4 h. In the field study, this method correctly identified all children with and without sunscreen. We conclude that spectrophotometric analysis of skin swabs can reliably detect the presence of sunscreen on the skin for up to 2 It after application. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The treatment of pterygium is still quite controversial, with various treatments being advocated in the scientific literature. Unfortunately, there are very few well-conducted controlled clinical trials of treatments. However, years of anecdotal and noncontrolled studies have confirmed that some methods, such as bare scleral closure, are no longer acceptable in the treatment of pterygium and that other methods are likely to be more useful. In the future it will be important to develop a grading system, and surgeons will need to be conservative in the treatment of pterygium until such time as a single treatment provides a lower recurrence rate and complication rate.
A novel, untransformed koala cell line (KC-1) was established by culturing koala conjunctival tissue in growth medium, which has permitted the study of the cell biology of this unique system. After the establishment of the KC-1 cell line, the cells were characterized by light microscopy, doubling time, and Western blot analysis. Light microscopy revealed that the cells have an epithelial morphology. Doubling times were significantly different (P < 0.015) depending on fetal calf serum (FCS) concentration (16.5 h in 10% FCS and 26.5 h in 2% FCS). Cells constricted while in suspension but were shown to attach to the coverslip (or flask) and flatten rapidly, less than 1 h after seeding. To confirm the epithelial nature of the cells, protein was extracted and Western blot analysis was performed. Subsequent probing with primary and secondary antibodies (monoclonal anticytokeratin clone C-11 IgG1 and anti-mouse IgG) revealed two bands at 45 and 52 kDa (compared against a protein molecular weight marker) that correspond to primary type I keratin and major type II keratin, respectively, expressed in simple epithelial cells. The koala cell line was adapted to grow continuously in Dulbecco modified Eagle medium containing 10% FCS for at least 30 passages. This unique cell line is an ideal toot for further investigation on koala cell biology and cytogenetics and for exploration of the pathophysiological mechanism of eye infections caused by different pathogens in koalas.
Purpose: To describe and present the results of a new surgical technique for patients with floppy eyelid syndrome, based on the medial upper eyelid stretching encountered in this condition. Methods: A case series of 24 patients with floppy eyelid syndrome who where found to have symptomatic predominately medial upper eyelid laxity was analyzed. The history, clinical features, histopathology, and outcome were reviewed after patients underwent medial upper eyelid shortening with or without upper eyelid skin reduction as the first surgical procedure. Results: Of the 24 patients, 18 were men (75%) with a mean age at referral of 56 years, having ocular discomfort and conjunctival irritation/papillary conjunctivitis as the main complaints at presentation. Obesity was present in 96% of cases, with lower eyelid laxityl/ectropion (50%) and upper eyelid eyelash ptosis (29%) in conjunction with the upper eyelid laxity. The affected side was related to sleeping habits or recurrent mechanical eyelid trauma. Histologic studies showed a nonspecific inflammatory cell infiltrate and loss of elastin with loose dermal connective tissue. After surgery, complete relief of ocular symptoms and good functional and cosmetic results were present in all cases after 18 months of follow-up. Conclusions: This new surgical approach is based on the presence of predominately medial upper laxity in patients with floppy eyelid syndrome. The excision of this stretched area stabilized the upper eyelid in an anatomic fashion, providing a good and stable long-term result. The possible mechanisms involved in the medial upper eyelid stretching are discussed.
Purpose: To evaluate the clinical features, treatment, and outcomes of a cohort of patients with ocular adnexal lymphoproliferative disease classified according to the World Health Organization modification of the Revised European-American Classification of Lymphoid neoplasms and to perform a robust statistical analysis of these data. Methods: Sixty-nine cases of ocular adnexal lymphoproliferative disease, seen in a tertiary referral center from 1992 to 2003, were included in the study. Lesions were classified by using the World Health Organization modification of the Revised European-American Classification of Lymphoid neoplasms classification. Outcome variables included disease-specific Survival, relapse-free survival, local control, and distant control. Results: Stage IV disease at presentation, aggressive lymphoma histology, the presence of prior or concurrent systemic lymphoma at presentation, and bilateral adnexal disease were significant predictors for reduced disease-specific survival, local control, and distant control. Multivariate analysis found that aggressive histology and bilateral adnexal disease had significantly reduced disease-specific Survival. Conclusions: The typical presentation of adnexal lymphoproliferative disease is with a painless mass, swelling, or proptosis; however, pain and inflammation occurred in 20% and 30% of patients, respectively. Stage at presentation, tumor histology, primary or secondary status, and whether the process was unilateral or bilateral were significant variables for disease outcome. In this study, distant spread of lymphoma was lower in patients who received greater than 20 Gy of orbital radiotherapy.
A 1-year-old neutered male domestic shorthair cat presented with a 4-week history of polydipsia that began immediately after an 8 metre fall, Trauma-induced central diabetes insipidus was suspected on the basis of the identification of hyposthenuria, normal haematology and serum biochemistry profile and unremarkable abdominal ultrasound examination. Failure to concentrate urine with water deprivation followed by production of hypersthenuric urine with administration of the synthetic antidiuretic hormone, Deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP), confirmed the diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus. Treatment via conjunctival administration of DDAVP failed to attenuate the polydipsia, however, resolution of polydipsia was achieved with subcutaneous administration of DDAVP and the cat remains eudipsic with twice daily subcutaneous DDAVP administration 17 months after diagnosis.
Papillomaviruses are a group of ubiquitous viruses that are often found in normal skin of humans, as well as a range of different vertebrates. In this study, swab samples collected from the healthy skin of 225 Australian animals from 54 species were analysed for the presence of papillomavirus DNA with the general skin papillomavirus primer pair FAP59/FAP64. A total of five putative and potential new animal papillomavirus types were identified from three different animal species. The papillomaviruses were detected in one monotreme and two marsupial species: three from koalas, and one each from an Eastern grey kangaroo and an echidna. The papillomavirus prevalence in the three species was 14% (10/72) in koalas, 20% (1/5) in echidnas and 4% (1/23) in Eastern grey kangaroos. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on the putative koala papillomavirus type that could be cloned and it appears in the phylogenetic tree as a novel putative papillomavirus; genus. The data extend the range of species infected by papillomaviruses to the most primitive mammals: the monotremes and the marsupials.
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae became available in the early 1990s. Although offering several advantages over traditional detection methods, N. gonorrhoeae NAATs do have some limitations. These include cost, risk of carryover contamination, inhibition, and inability to provide antibiotic resistance data. In addition, there are sequence-related limitations that are unique to N. gonorrhoeae NAATs. In particular, false-positive results are a major consideration. These primarily stem from the frequent horizontal genetic exchange occurring within the Neisseria genus, leading to commensal Neisseria species acquiring N. gonorrhoeae genes. Furthermore, some N. gonorrhoeae subtypes may lack specific sequences targeted by a particular NAAT. Therefore, NAAT false-negative results because of sequence variation may occur in some gonococcal populations. Overall, the N. gonorrhoeae species continues to present a considerable challenge for molecular diagnostics. The need to evaluate N. gonorrhoeae NAATs before their use in any new patient population and to educate physicians on the limitations of these tests is emphasized in this review.