28 resultados para Computer- aided Engineering
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Laboratory and in situ investigations of tracking cutters for computer-aided design of shearer drums
This paper describes a formal component language, used to support automated component-based program development. The components, referred to as templates, are machine processable, meaning that appropriate tool support, such as retrieval support, can be developed. The templates are highly adaptable, meaning that they can be applied to a wide range of problems. Some of the main features of the language are described, including: higher-order parameters; state variable declarations; specification statements and conditionals; applicability conditions and theories; meta-level place holders; and abstract data structures.
In the design of lattice domes, design engineers need expertise in areas such as configuration processing, nonlinear analysis, and optimization. These are extensive numerical, iterative, and lime-consuming processes that are prone to error without an integrated design tool. This article presents the application of a knowledge-based system in solving lattice-dome design problems. An operational prototype knowledge-based system, LADOME, has been developed by employing the combined knowledge representation approach, which uses rules, procedural methods, and an object-oriented blackboard concept. The system's objective is to assist engineers in lattice-dome design by integrating all design tasks into a single computer-aided environment with implementation of the knowledge-based system approach. For system verification, results from design examples are presented.
The refinement calculus is a well-established theory for deriving program code from specifications. Recent research has extended the theory to handle timing requirements, as well as functional ones, and we have developed an interactive programming tool based on these extensions. Through a number of case studies completed using the tool, this paper explains how the tool helps the programmer by supporting the many forms of variables needed in the theory. These include simple state variables as in the untimed calculus, trace variables that model the evolution of properties over time, auxiliary variables that exist only to support formal reasoning, subroutine parameters, and variables shared between parallel processes.
Computer-aided tomography has been used for many years to provide significant information about the internal properties of an object, particularly in the medical fraternity. By reconstructing one-dimensional (ID) X-ray images, 2D cross-sections and 3D renders can provide a wealth of information about an object's internal structure. An extension of the methodology is reported here to enable the characterization of a model agglomerate structure. It is demonstrated that methods based on X-ray microtomography offer considerable potential in the validation and utilization of distinct element method simulations also examined.
The following topics are dealt with: Requirements engineering; components; design; formal specification analysis; education; model checking; human computer interaction; software design and architecture; formal methods and components; software maintenance; software process; formal methods and design; server-based applications; review and testing; measurement; documentation; management and knowledge-based approaches.
Text serves as a sequel to 'Computational and Constructive Design Theory,' c1996; containing research papers and surveys of recent research work on design construction and computer-aided study of designs. For researchers in theory of computational designs.
The organisation of cells of the planctomycete species Pirellula marina, Isosphaera pallida, Gemmata obscuriglobus, Planctomyces mat-is and Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans was investigated based on ultrastructure derived from thin-sections of cryosubstituted cells, freeze-fracture replicas, and in the case of Gemmata obscuriglobus and Pirellllla marina, computer-aided 3-D reconstructions from serial sections of cryosubstituted cells. All planctomycete cells display a peripheral ribosome-free region, termed here the paryphoplasm, surrounding the perimeter of the cell, and an interior region including any nucleoid regions as well as ribosome-like particles, bounded by a single intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM), and termed the pirellulosome in Pirellula species. Immunogold labelling and RNase-gold cytochemistry indicates that in planctomycetes all the cell DNA is contained wholly within the interior region bounded by the ICM, and the paryphoplasm contains no DNA but at least some of the cell's RNA. The ICM in Isosphaera pallida and Planctomyces mat-is is invaginated such that the paryphoplasm forms a major portion of the cell interior in sections, but in other planctomycetes it remains as a peripheral zone. In the anaerobic ammonium-oxidising (anammox process) chemoautotroph Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans the interior region bounded by ICM contains a further internal single-membrane-bounded region, the anam-moxosome. In Gemmata obscuriglobus. the interior ICM-bounded region contains the nuclear body, a double-membrane-bounded region containing the cell's nucleoid and all genomic DNA in addition to some RNA. Shared features of cell compartmentalisation in different planctomycetes are consistent with the monophyletic nature of the planctomycetes as a distinct division of the Bacteria. The shared organisational plan for the planctomycete cell constitutes a new type not known in cells of other bacteria.
This study examined employees' perceptions of trust, power and mentoring in manager-employee relationships in a variety of sectors, including health care, education, hospitality and retail. The main theoretical frameworks used were communication accommodation theory and social identity theory, in examining the manager-employee relationships from an in-group/out-group perspective. Computer-aided content analyses revealed a number of emergent communication and relationship themes that impact upon the level of 'in-groupness' and therefore trust in supervisor-supervisee relationships. While it may be illusory to believe that any organization can enjoy complete trust among its workforce, it is clear that certain communication characteristics can result in greater trust in manager-employee relationships, even within the context of organizational constraints. It is argued that the results of the study could be used to inform human resource management academics of key aspects of managerial communication that should be further researched, and also provide insights into the main communication skills that managers should focus upon to improve trust in the workplace.
Finding single pair shortest paths on surface is a fundamental problem in various domains, like Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 3D applications, robotic path planning system, and surface nearest neighbor query in spatial database, etc. Currently, to solve the problem, existing algorithms must traverse the entire polyhedral surface. With the rapid advance in areas like Global Positioning System (CPS), Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems and laser range scanner, surface models axe becoming more and more complex. It is not uncommon that a surface model contains millions of polygons. The single pair shortest path problem is getting harder and harder to solve. Based on the observation that the single pair shortest path is in the locality, we propose in this paper efficient methods by excluding part of the surface model without considering them in the search process. Three novel expansion-based algorithms are proposed, namely, Naive algorithm, Rectangle-based Algorithm and Ellipse-based Algorithm. Each algorithm uses a two-step approach to find the shortest path. (1) compute an initial local path. (2) use the value of this initial path to select a search region, in which the global shortest path exists. The search process terminates once the global optimum criteria are satisfied. By reducing the searching region, the performance is improved dramatically in most cases.
Computer-based, socio-technical systems projects are frequently failures. In particular, computer-based information systems often fail to live up to their promise. Part of the problem lies in the uncertainty of the effect of combining the subsystems that comprise the complete system; i.e. the system's emergent behaviour cannot be predicted from a knowledge of the subsystems. This paper suggests uncertainty management is a fundamental unifying concept in analysis and design of complex systems and goes on to indicate that this is due to the co-evolutionary nature of the requirements and implementation of socio-technical systems. The paper shows a model of the propagation of a system change that indicates that the introduction of two or more changes over time can cause chaotic emergent behaviour.
The article describes an attempt to improve student learning outcomes in a computer networks course by making lectures more active learning experiences. Quick quizzes, group and individual exercises, the review of student questions, as well as multiple breaks, were incorporated into the weekly three-hour lectures. Student responses to the modified lectures was overwhelmingly positive: over 85% of respondents agreed that the lectures aided understanding, with large majorities of the respondents finding the individual activities useful to their learning. Although student examination performance improved over the previous year, performance on an examination question that was designed to examine deep understanding remained unchanged.