27 resultados para Cocaína (crack)
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Fracture mechanics tests were carried out for AerMet 100 in distilled water and NaCl (3.5 and 35 gl(-1)). The initiation period at higher values of the stress intensity factor indicated that load application in the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) environment is a necessary but not sufficient factor for SCC and that time is needed for some other factor (e.g., the local hydrogen concentration) to reach an appropriate value. The threshold stress intensity factor, K-ISSC, was found to increase with decreasing NaCl concentration. The plateau stress corrosion crack velocity was 2 x 10(-8) ms(-1) for NaCl (3.5 and 35 gl(-1)). The fracture mode was transgranular with small areas of an intergranular nature. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall.
This is the first paper in a study on the influence of the environment on the crack tip strain field for AISI 4340. A stressing stage for the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) was constructed which was capable of applying loads up to 60 kN to fracture-mechanics samples. The measurement of the crack tip strain field required preparation (by electron lithography or chemical etching) of a system of reference points spaced at similar to 5 mu m intervals on the sample surface, loading the sample inside an electron microscope, image processing procedures to measure the displacement at each reference point and calculation of the strain field. Two algorithms to calculate strain were evaluated. Possible sources of errors were calculation errors due to the algorithm, errors inherent in the image processing procedure and errors due to the limited precision of the displacement measurements. Estimation of the contribution of each source of error was performed. The technique allows measurement of the crack tip strain field over an area of 50 x 40 mu m with a strain precision better than +/- 0.02 at distances larger than 5 mu m from the crack tip. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Crack tip strain maps have been measured for AISI 4340 high strength steel. No significant creep was observed. The measured values of CTOD were greater than expected from the HRR model. Crack tip branching was observed in every experiment. The direction of crack branching was in the same direction as a major ridge'' of epsilon(yy) strain, which in turn was in the same direction as predicted by the HRR model. Furthermore, the measured magnitudes of the epsilon(y)y strain in this same direction were in general greater than the values predicted by the HRR model. This indicates more plasticity in the crack tip region than expected from the HRR model. This greater plasticity could be related to the larger than expected CTOD values. The following discrepancies between the measured strain fields for AISI 4340 and the HRR predictions are noteworthy: (1) The crack branching. (2) Values of CTOD significantly higher than predicted by HRR. (3) The major ridge'' of epsilon(yy) strain an angle of about 60 degrees with the direction of overall propagation of the fatigue precrack, in which the measured magnitudes of the epsilon(yy) strain were greater than the values predicted by the HRR model. (4) Asymmetric shape of the plastic zone as measured by the epsilon(yy) strain. (5) Values of shear strain gamma(xy) significantly higher than predicted by the HRR model. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
This paper studied the influence of hydrogen and water vapour environments on the plastic behaviour in the vicinity of the crack tip for AISI 4340. Hydrogen and water vapour (at a pressure of 15 Torr) significantly increased the crack tip opening displacement. The crack tip strain distribution in 15 Torr hydrogen was significantly different to that measured in vacuum. In the presence of sufficient hydrogen, the plastic zone was larger, was elongated in the direction of crack propagation and moreover there was significant creep. These observations support the hydrogen enhanced localised plasticity model for hydrogen embrittlement in this steel. The strain distribution in the presence of water vapour also suggests that SCC in AISI 4340 occurs via the hydrogen enhanced localised plasticity mechanism. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Detection of a circumferential crack in a hollow section beam is investigated using coupled response measurements. The crack section is represented by a local flexibility matrix connecting two undamaged beam segments. This matrix defines the relationship between the displacements and forces across the crack section and is derived by applying fundamental fracture mechanics theory. The suitability of the mode coupling methodology is first demonstrated analytically. Laboratory test results are then presented for circular hollow section beams with artificially generated cracks of varying severity. It is shown that this method has the potential as a damage detection tool for mechanical structures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Detection of a fatigue crack in a welded frame structure is studied in this paper using coupled response measurements. Similarity to real engineering structures is maintained in the fabrication of the test frame with hollow section chords and branch members. The fatigue crack was created by a special reciprocating mechanism that generates cyclic stress on a beam member of the structure. The methodology of coupled response measurements is first demonstrated on a single hollow section beam by analytical simulation and experimental validation. The issues of using this approach for fatigue crack detection in real structures are then examined. Finally, the experimental results of the frame under different scenarioes are presented. The existence of the crack is clearly observable from the FRF plots. It is suggested that this approach offers the potential to detect cracks in welded frame structures and is a useful tool for routine maintenance work and health assessment.
While the general mechanisms of hot tearing are understood, i.e. the inability of liquid to feed imposed strain on the mushy material, work continues on improving the understanding of the mechanisms at play. A hot tear test rig that measures the temperature and load imposed on the mushy zone during solidification has been successfully used to study hot tearing. The mould has now been modified to incorporate a window above the hot spot region to allow observation of hot tear formation and growth. Combining information from visual observation with load and temperature data has led to a better understanding of the mechanism of hot tearing. Tests were carried out on an Al-0.5 wt-% Cu alloy. It was found that load development began at about 90% solid and a hot tear formed a short time later, at between 93% and 96% solid. Hot tearing started at a very low load.
The depths of cracks in desiccating plastic concrete are estimated by considering the effects of the suction (negative pore pressure) associated with desiccation and applying five failure models derived from fracture, theories combined with theories drawn from geotechnical engineering under the assumption that plastic concrete is a frictional particulate material. The estimated crack depths vary with the depth of desiccation, the suction profile, and a small number of material parameters that depend on the model adopted and are comparatively easy to estimate accurately. Four of the models predict excessively large crack depths. The fifth, however, predicts shallower crack depths that increase with the age of the concrete and are consistent with those of analogous desiccation cracks in coal mine tailings. It thus offers a relatively robust method of estimating the depth of desiccation cracks. Confirmation of this with data for plastic concrete is clearly desirable but not possible at present.
Many potential applications for sintered aluminium are limited by the poor fatigue properties of the material. In order to increase understanding of the fatigue mechanisms in sintered aluminium, fatigue tests were carried out on a sintered 2xxx series aluminium alloy, AMB-2712. The alloy has a fatigue endurance strength of approximately 145 MPa (R = 0.1). Three regions were identified on the fatigue fracture surfaces. Region I contains the initiation site and transgranular crack propagation. When the size of the cyclic plastic zone ahead of the crack becomes comparable to the grain size, microstructural damage at the crack tip results in a transition to intergranular propagation. Region 2 mainly contains intergranularly fractured material, whilst the final fracture area makes up Region 3, in the form of dimple coalescence and intergranular failure. Transgranular fractographic features observed on fatigued specimens include fissure-type striations, cross-hatched grains, furrowed grains and grains containing step-like features. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the recent finding by Muhlhaus et al [1] that bifurcation of crack growth patterns exists for arrays of two-dimensional cracks. This bifurcation is a result of the nonlinear effect due to crack interaction, which is, in the present analysis, approximated by the dipole asymptotic or pseudo-traction method. The nonlinear parameter for the problem is the crack length/ spacing ratio lambda = a/h. For parallel and edge crack arrays under far field tension, uniform crack growth patterns (all cracks having same size) yield to nonuniform crack growth patterns (i.e. bifurcation) if lambda is larger than a critical value lambda(cr) (note that such bifurcation is not found for collinear crack arrays). For parallel and edge crack arrays respectively, the value of lambda(cr) decreases monotonically from (2/9)(1/2) and (2/15.096)(1/2) for arrays of 2 cracks, to (2/3)(1/2)/pi and (2/5.032)(1/2)/pi for infinite arrays of cracks. The critical parameter lambda(cr) is calculated numerically for arrays of up to 100 cracks, whilst discrete Fourier transform is used to obtain the exact solution of lambda(cr) for infinite crack arrays. For geomaterials, bifurcation can also occurs when array of sliding cracks are under compression.
The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) initiation process for 4340 high strength steel in distilled water at room temperature was studied using a new kind of instrument: an environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). It was found that the applied stress accelerated oxide film formation which has an important influence on the subsequent SCC initiation. SCC was observed to initiate in the following circumstances: (1) cracking of a thick oxide film leading to SCC initiation along metal grain boundaries, (2) the initiation of pits initiating SCC in the metal and (3) SCC initiating from the edge of the specimen. All these three SCC initiation circumstances are consistent with the following model which couples SCC initiation with cracking of a surface protective oxide. There is a dynamic interaction between oxide formation, the applied stress, oxide cracking, pitting and the initiation of SCC. An aspect of the dynamic interaction is cracks forming in a protective surface oxide because of the applied stress, exposing to the water bare metal at the oxide crack tip, and oxidation of the bare metal causing crack healing. Oxide crack healing would be competing with the initiation of intergranular SCC if an oxide crack meets the metal surface at a grain boundary. If the intergranular SCC penetration is sufficiently fast along the metal grain boundary, then the crack yaws open preventing healing of the oxide crack. If intergranular SCC penetration is not sufficiently fast, then the oxidation process could produce sufficient oxide to fill both the stress corrosion crack and the oxide crack; in this case there would be initiation of SCC but only limited propagation of SCC. Stress-induced cracks in very thin oxide can induce pits which initiate SCC, and under some conditions such stress induced cracks in a thin oxide can directly initiate SCC.
This paper reports the application of linearly increasing stress testing (LIST) to the study of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of carbon steel in 4 N NaNO3 and in Bayer liquor. LIST is similar to the constant extension-rate testing (CERT) methodology with the essential difference that the LIST is load controlled whereas the CERT is displacement controlled. The main conclusion is that LIST is suitable for the study of the SCC of carbon steels in 4 N NaNO3 and in Bayer liquor. The low crack velocity in Bayer liquor and a measured maximum stress close to that of the reference specimen in air both indicate that a low applied stress rate is required to study SCC in this system. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall.