12 resultados para CIRCULAR-DICHROISM

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Metal ion binding properties of the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporin A have been investigated. Complexation studies in acetonitrile solution using H-1 NMR and CD spectroscopy yielded 1:1 metal-peptide binding constants (log(10)K) for potassium(l), < 1, magnesium(II), 4.8 +/- 0.2. and calcium(II), 5.0 +/- 1.0. The interaction of copper(II) with cyclosporin A in methanol was investigated with UV/visible and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. No complexation of copper(II) was observed in neutral solution. In the presence of base, monomeric copper(II) complexes were detected. These results support the possibility that cyclosporin A has ionophoric properties for biologically important essential metal ions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The cyclotides constitute a recently discovered family of plant-derived peptides that have the unusual features of a head-to-tail cyclized backbone and a cystine knot core. These features are thought to contribute to their exceptional stability, as qualitatively observed during experiments aimed at sequencing and characterizing early members of the family. However, to date there has been no quantitative study of the thermal, chemical, or enzymatic stability of the cyclotides. In this study, we demonstrate the stability of the prototypic cyclotide kalata B1 to the chaotropic agents 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdHCl) and 8 M urea, to temperatures approaching boiling, to acid, and following incubation with a range of proteases, conditions under which most proteins readily unfold. NMR spectroscopy was used to demonstrate the thermal stability, while fluorescence and circular dichroism were used to monitor the chemical stability. Several variants of kalata B1 were also examined, including kalata 132, which has five amino acid substitutions from B1, two acyclic permutants in which the backbone was broken but the cystine knot was retained, and a two-disulfide bond mutant. Together, these allowed determinations of the relative roles of the cystine knot and the circular backbone on the stability of the cyclotides. Addition of a denaturant to kalata B1 or an acyclic permutant did not cause unfolding, but the two-disulfide derivative was less stable, despite having a similar three-dimensional structure. It appears that the cystine knot is more important than the circular backbone in the chemical stability of the cyclotides. Furthermore, the cystine knot of the cyclotides is more stable than those in similar-sized molecules, judging by a comparison with the conotoxin PVIIA. There was no evidence for enzymatic digestion of native kalata B1 as monitored by LC-MS, but the reduced form was susceptible to proteolysis by trypsin, endoproteinase Glu-C, and thermolysin. Fluorescence spectra of kalata B1 in the presence of dithiothreitol, a reducing agent, showed a marked increase in intensity thought to be due to removal of the quenching effect on the Trp residue by the neighboring Cys5-Cys17 disulfide bond. In general, the reduced peptides were significantly more susceptible to chemical or enzymatic breakdown than the oxidized species.


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Short peptides corresponding to two to four a-helical turns of proteins are not thermodynamically stable helices in water. Unstructured octapeptide Ac-His1*-Ala2-Ala3-His4*-His5*-Glu6-Leu7-His8*-NH2 (1) reacts with two [Pd ((NH2)-N-15(CH2)(2) (NH2)-N-15)(NO3)(2)] in water to form a kinetically stable intermediate, [{Pden}(2)-{(1,4)(5,8)-peptide}](2), in which two 19-membered metallocyclic rings stabilize two peptide turns. Slow subsequent folding to a thermodynamically more stable two-turn a-helix drives the equilibrium to [{Pden}(2)-{(1,5)(4,8)-peptide}] (3), featuring two 22-membered rings. This transformation from unstructured peptide via turns to an a-helix suggests that metal clips might be useful probes for investigating peptide folding.


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Cyclic pentapepticles are not known to exist in a-helical conformations. CD and NMR spectra show that specific 20-membered cyclic pentapepticles, Ac-(cyclo-1,5) [KxxxD]-NH2 and Ac-(cyclo-2,6)R[KxxxD]-NH2, are highly a-helical structures in water and independent of concentration, TFE, denaturants, and proteases. These are the smallest a-helical peptides in water.


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Insoluble expression of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli is a major bottleneck of many structural genomics and high-throughput protein biochemistry projects. Many of these proteins may be amenable to refolding, but their identification is hampered by a lack of high-throughput methods. We have developed a matrix-assisted refolding approach in which correctly folded proteins are distinguished from misfolded proteins by their elution from affinity resin under nondenaturing conditions. Misfolded proteins remain adhered to the resin, presumably via hydrophobic interactions. The assay can be applied to insoluble proteins on an individual basis but is particularly well suited for high-throughput applications because it is rapid, automatable and has no rigorous sample preparation requirements. The efficacy of the screen is demonstrated on small-scale expression samples for 15 proteins. Refolding is then validated by large-scale expressions using SEC and circular dichroism.


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The caseins (alpha(s1), alpha(s2), beta, and kappa) are phosphoproteins present in bovine milk that have been studied for over a century and whose structures remain obscure. Here we describe the chemical synthesis and structure elucidation of the N-terminal segment (1-44) of bovine K-casein, the protein which maintains the micellar structure of the caseins. K-Casein (1-44) was synthesised by highly optimised Boc solid-phase peptide chemistry and characterised by mass spectrometry. Structure elucidation was carried out by circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. CD analysis demonstrated that the segment was ill defined in aqueous medium but in 30% trifluoroethanol it exhibited considerable helical structure. Further, NMR analysis showed the presence of a helical segment containing 26 residues which extends from Pro(8) to Arg(34). This is the first report which demonstrates extensive secondary structure within the casein class of proteins. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 is a multitasking protein involved in RNA packaging, alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. telomere maintenance, cytoplasmic RNA trafficking, and translation. It binds short segments of single-stranded nucleic acids, including the A2RE11 RNA element that is necessary and sufficient for cytoplasmic transport of a subset of rnRNAs in oligodendrocytes and neurons. We have explored the structures of hnRNP A2, its RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and Gly-rich module, and the RRM complexes with A2RE11. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that the secondary structure of the first 189 residues of hnRNP A2 parallels that of the tandem beta alpha beta beta alpha beta RRMs of its paralogue, hnRNP A1, previously deduced from X-ray diffraction studies. The unusual GRD was shown to have substantial beta-sheet and beta-turn structure. Sedimentation equilibrium and circular dichroism results were consistent with the tandem RRM region being monomeric and supported earlier evidence for the binding of two A2RE11 oligoribonucleotides to this domain, in contrast to the protein dimer formed by the complex of hnRNP A1 with the telomeric ssDNA repeat. A three-dimensional structure for the N-terminal, two-RRM-containing segment of hnRNP A2 was derived by homology modeling. This structure was used to derive a model for the complex with A2RE11 using the previously described interaction of pairs of stacked nucleotides with aromatic residues on the RRM beta-sheet platforms, conserved in other RRM-RNA complexes, together with biochemical data and molecular dynamics-based observations of inter-RRM mobility.


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The effect of glycosylation on AFP foldability was investigated by parallel quantitative and qualitative analyses of the refolding of glycosylated and nonglycosylated AFP variants. Both variants were successfully refolded by dialysis from the denatured-reduced state, attaining comparable ``refolded peak'' profiles and refolding yields as determined by reversed-phase HPLC analysis. Both refolded variants also showed comparable spectroscopic fingerprints to each other and to their native counterparts, as determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Inclusion body-derived AFP was also readily refolded via dilution under the same redox conditions as dialysis refolding, showing comparable circular dichroism fingerprints as native nonglycosylated AFP. Quantitative analyses of inclusion body-derived AFP showed sensitivity of AFP aggregation to proteinaceous and nonproteinaceous inclusion body contaminants, where refolding yields increased with increasing AFP purity. All of the refolded AFP variants showed positive responses in ELISA that corresponded with the attainment of a bioactive conformation. Contrary to previous reports that the denaturation of cord serum AFP is an irreversible process, these results clearly show the reversibility of AFP denaturation when refolded under a redox-controlled environment, which promotes correct oxidative disulfide shuffling. The successful refolding of inclusion body-derived AFP suggests that fatty acid binding may not be required for the attainment of a rigid AFP tertiary structure, contrary to earlier studies. The overall results from this work demonstrate that foldability of the AFP molecule from its denatured-reduced state is independent of its starting source, the presence or absence of glycosylation and fatty acids, and the refolding method used (dialysis or dilution).


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Plant resistance proteins (R proteins) recognize corresponding pathogen avirulence (Avr) proteins either indirectly through detection of changes in their host protein targets or through direct R-Avr protein interaction. Although indirect recognition imposes selection against Avr effector function, pathogen effector molecules recognized through direct interaction may overcome resistance through sequence diversification rather than loss of function. Here we show that the flax rust fungus AvrLS67 genes, whose products are recognized by the L5, L6, and L7 R proteins of flax, are highly diverse, with 12 sequence variants identified from six rust strains. Seven AvrL567 variants derived from Avr alleles induce necrotic responses when expressed in flax plants containing corresponding resistance genes (R genes), whereas five variants from avr alleles do not. Differences in recognition specificity between AvA567 variants and evidence for diversifying selection acting on these genes suggest they have been involved in a gene-specific arms race with the corresponding flax R genes. Yeast two-hybrid assays indicate that recognition is based on direct R-Avr protein interaction and recapitulate the interaction specificity observed in planta. Biochemical analysis of Escherichia coli-produced AvrL567 proteins shows that variants that escape recognition nevertheless maintain a conserved structure and stability, suggesting that the amino acid sequence differences directly affect the R-Avr protein interaction. We suggest that direct recognition associated with high genetic diversity at corresponding R and Avr gene loci represents an alternative outcome of plant-pathogen coevolution to indirect recognition associated with simple balanced polymorphisms for functional and nonfunctional R and Avr genes.