39 resultados para Cítrics -- Malalties i plagues -- Control
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's disease, ischemia, and Alzheimer's disease (AD) are major causes of death. Recently, metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), a group of seven-transmembrane-domain proteins that couple to G-proteins, have become of interest for studies of pathogenesis. Group I mGluRs control the levels of second messengers such as inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) Cal(2+) ions and cAMP. They elicit the release of arachidonic acid via intracellular Ca2+ mobilization from intracellular stores such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. This facilitates the release of glutamate and could trigger the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, a pathological hallmark of AD. mGluRs regulate neuronal injury and survival, possibly through a series of downstream protein kinase and cysteine protease signaling pathways that affect mitochondrially mediated programmed cell death. They may also play a role in glutamate-induced neuronal death by facilitating Cal(2+) mobilization. Hence, mGluRs have become a target for neuroprotective drug development. They represent a pharmacological path to a relatively subtle amelioration of neurotoxicity because they serve a modulatory rather than a direct role in excitatory glutamatergic transmission.
The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) has been shown previously to be regulated by inhibitory G proteins. In the present study, we demonstrate inhibition of CFTR by alphaG(i2) and alphaG(i1), but not alphaG(0), in Xenopus oocytes. We further examined whether regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins interfere with alphaG(i)-dependent inhibition of CFTR. Activation of CFTR by IBMX and forskolin was attenuated in the presence of alphaG(i2), indicating inhibition of CFTR by alphaG(i2) in Xenopus oocytes. Coexpression of the proteins RGS3 and RGS7 together with CFTR and alphaG(i2) partially recovered activation by IBMX/forskolin. 14-3-3, a protein that is known to interfere with RGS proteins, counteracted the effects of RGS3. These data demonstrate the regulation of CFTR by alphaG(i) in Xenopus oocytes. Because RGS proteins interfere with the G protein-dependent regulation of CFTR, this may offer new potential pathways for pharmacological intervention in cystic fibrosis. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Short-nosed bandicoots, Isoodon, have undergone marked range contractions since European colonisation of Australia and are currently divided into many subspecies, the validity of which is debated. Discriminant function analysis of morphology and a phylogeny of Isoodon based on mtDNA control region sequences indicate a clear split between two of the three recognised species, I. macrourus and I. obesulus/auratus. However, while all previously recognised taxa within the I. obesulus/auratus group are morphologically distinct, I. auratus and I. obesulus are not phylogenetically distinct for mtDNA. The genetic divergence between I. obesulus and I. auratus (2.6%) is similar to that found among geographic isolates of the former (I. o. obesulus and I. o. peninsulae: 2.7%). Further, the divergence between geographically close populations of two different species (I. o. obesulus from Western Australia and I. a. barrowensis: 1.2%) is smaller than that among subspecies within I. auratus (I. a. barrowensis and I. auratus from northern Western Australia: 1.7%). A newly discovered population of Isoodon in the Lamb Range, far north Queensland, sympatric with a population of I. m. torosus, is shown to represent a range extension of I. o. peninsulae (350 km). It seems plausible that what is currently considered as two species, I. obesulus and I. auratus, was once one continuous species now represented by isolated populations that have diverged morphologically as a consequence of adaptation to the diverse environments that occur throughout their range. The taxonomy of these populations is discussed in relation to their morphological distinctiveness and genetic similarity.
The aim of the study was to test a revised conceptualization of the role of coping in adjustment to a low-control stressor-women's adjustment to a failed in vitro fertilization (NF) attempt. Data were collected prior to the IVF treatment (Time I) and twice after the failed NF attempt (1 to 2 weeks after finding out the results, n = 171, and fi weeks later, n = 139). Initial adjustment was assessed at Time I, whereas measures of coping and both self-report and partner ratings of adjustment were obtained at Times ? and 3. As predicted, escapist strategies and problem-management strategies (mainly at Time ?) were associated with poor adjustment, whereas problem-appraisal coping was associated with better adjustment., There was also support for the proposed positive relationship between adjustment and emotional approach coping (on self-report adjustment).
Efficiency of presentation of a peptide epitope by a MHC class I molecule depends on two parameters: its binding to the MHC molecule and its generation by intracellular Ag processing. In contrast to the former parameter, the mechanisms underlying peptide selection in Ag processing are poorly understood. Peptide translocation by the TAP transporter is required for presentation of most epitopes and may modulate peptide supply to MHC class I molecules. To study the role of human TAP for peptide presentation by individual HLA class I molecules, we generated artificial neural networks capable of predicting the affinity of TAP for random sequence 9-mer peptides. Using neural network-based predictions of TAP affinity, we found that peptides eluted from three different HLA class I molecules had higher TAP affinities than control peptides with equal binding affinities for the same HLA class I molecules, suggesting that human TAP may contribute to epitope selection. In simulated TAP binding experiments with 408 HLA class I binding peptides, HLA class I molecules differed significantly with respect to TAP affinities of their ligands, As a result, some class I molecules, especially HLA-B27, may be particularly efficient in presentation of cytosolic peptides with low concentrations, while most class I molecules may predominantly present abundant cytosolic peptides.
The identity of the potassium channel underlying the slow, apamin-insensitive component of the afterhyperpolarization current (sl(AHP)) remains unknown. We studied sl(AHP) in CA1 pyramidal neurons using simultaneous whole-cell recording, calcium fluorescence imaging, and flash photolysis of caged compounds. Intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+](i)) peaked earlier and decayed more rapidly than sl(AHP). Loading cells with low concentrations of the calcium chelator EGTA slowed the activation and decay of sl(AHP). In the presence of EGTA, intracellular calcium decayed with two time constants. When [Ca2+](i) was increased rapidly after photolysis of DM-Nitrophen, both apamin-sensitive and apamin-insensitive outward currents were activated. The apamin-sensitive current activated rapidly (<20 msec), whereas the apamin-insensitive current activated more slowly (180 msec). The apamin-insensitive current was reduced by application of serotonin and carbachol, confirming that it was caused by sl(AHP) channels. When [Ca2+](i) was decreased rapidly via photolysis of diazo-2, the decay of sl(AHP) was similar to control (1.7 sec). All results could be reproduced by a model potassium channel gated by calcium, suggesting that the channels underlying sl(AHP) have intrinsically slow kinetics because of their high affinity for calcium.
In familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), inheritance of a hybrid 11 beta-hydroxylase/aldosterone synthase gene causes ACTH-regulated aldosterone overproduction. In an attempt to understand the marked variability in hypertension severity in FH-I, we compared clinical and biochemical characteristics of 9 affected individuals with mild hypertension (normotensive or onset of hypertension after 15 yr, blood pressure never >160/100 mm Hg, less than or equal to 1 medication required to control hypertension, no history of stroke, age >18 yr when studied) with those of 17 subjects with severe hypertension (onset before 15 yr, or systolic blood pressure >180 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure >120 mm Hg at least once, or greater than or equal to 2 medications, or history of stroke). Severe hypertension was more frequent in males (11 of 13 males vs. 6 of 13 females; P
In this paper, a new v-metric based approach is proposed to design decentralized controllers for multi-unit nonlinear plants that admit a set of plant decompositions in an operating space. Similar to the gap metric approach in literature, it is shown that the operating space can also be divided into several subregions based on a v-metric indicator, and each of the subregions admits the same controller structure. A comparative case study is presented to display the advantages of proposed approach over the gap metric approach. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective To measure free:total prostate specific antigen (PSA) ratios in ejaculate from men with suspected and known prostate cancer, and in young control men, to determine if this ratio might be useful in discriminating benign from malignant prostatic conditions. Patients, subjects and methods Forty-seven men with prostate cancer (positive biopsies), 52 men with suspected prostate cancer but who had negative biopsies and 28 young men (< 30 years old) and with no family history of cancer, provided either a single ejaculate specimen (total 59) or multiple specimens (total 193) on subsequent occasions. Free and total PSA were measured using appropriate assays. All specimens were diluted in a PSA-negative female serum pool. Results The median free:total PSA ratios were 0.76-0.81 among the patient groups and control men, and there was no statistical difference between the groups. These data presumably only reflect the inactive component of free PSA, given that any alpha(2)-macroglobulin or alpha(1)-antichymotrypsin in the assay serum diluent was likely to have bound the active free PSA component in these samples. Similar results were obtained from those providing single and multiple samples, suggesting that a single specimen is sufficient to reflect the seminal plasma free:total PSA ratio over that period. There was no relationship between seminal plasma free:total PSA ratio and age for the controls or the positive biopsy group, although there was a negative relationship (i.e. a decline with age) that almost reached significance in those with negative biopsies (P = 0.058, R-2 = 0.07). Conclusions This is the first report of free:total PSA ratios in the ejaculate of men with suspected and known prostate cancer compared with young control men. Although no significant changes were detected in the free:total PSA ratios in ejaculate, these results may be confounded by differences in ratios with age, as is the case for serum PSA or different molecular forms of PSA. Indeed, these data suggest that a large proportion of free PSA in seminal plasma may be inactive. Further studies are needed to determine the potential utility of measuring free:total PSA, or other candidate markers, in ejaculate to better discriminate benign from malignant prostate disease.
Production of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], an important cereal crop in semiarid regions of the world, is often limited by drought. When water is limiting during the grain-filling period, hybrids possessing the stay-green trait maintain more photosynthetically active leaves than hybrids not possessing this trait. To improve yield under drought, knowledge of the extent of genetic variation in green leaf area retention is required. Field studies were undertaken in north-eastern Australia on a cracking and self-mulching gray clay to determine the effects of water regime and hybrid on the components of green leaf area at maturity (GLAM). Nine hybrids varying in stay-green were grown under a fully irrigated control, postflowering water deficit, and terminal (pre- and postflowering) water deficit. Water deficit reduced GLAM by 67% in the terminal drought treatment compared with the fully irrigated control. Under terminal water deficit, hybrids possessing the B35 and KS19 sources of stay-green retained more GLAM (1260 cm(2) plant(-1)) compared with intermediate (780 cm(2) plant(-1)) and senescent (670 cm(2) plant(-1)) hybrids. RQL12 hybrids (KS19 source of stay-green) displayed delayed onset and reduced rate of senescence; A35 hybrids displayed only delayed onset. Visual rating of green leaf retention was highly correlated with measured GLAM, although this procedure is constrained by an inability to distinguish among the functional mechanisms determining the phenotype. Linking functional rather than phenotypic differences to molecular markers may improve the efficiency of selecting for traits such as stay-green.
We previously showed that 16-day-old rats exposed to a relatively high dose of ethanol at 10-15 postnatal days of age have fewer neurons in the hilus region of the hippocampus compared with controls. Dentate gyrus granule cell numbers, however, showed no statistically significant changes attributable to the ethanol treatment. It is possible that some of the changes in brain morphology, brought about as a result of the exposure to ethanol during early life, may not be manifested until later in life. This question has been further addressed in an extension to our previous study. Wistar rats were exposed to a relatively high daily dose of ethanol on postnatal days 10-15 by placement in a chamber containing ethanol vapour, for 3 h/day. The blood ethanol concentration was found to be similar to430 mg/dl at the end of the period of exposure. Groups of ethanol-treated (ET), separation control (SC), and mother-reared control (MRC) rats were anaesthetised and killed either at 16 or 30 days of age by perfusion with phosphate-buffered 2.5% glutaraldehyde. The Cavalieri principle and the physical disector methods were used to estimate, respectively, the regional volumes and neuron cell numerical densities in the hilus and granule cell regions of the dentate gyrus. The total numbers of neurons in the hilus region and granule cell layer were computed from these estimates. It was found that 16-day-old animals had 398,000-441,000 granule cells, irrespective of group. The numbers of granule cells increased such that by 30 days of age, rats had 487,000-525,500 granule cells. However, there were no significant differences between ethanol-treated rats and their age-matched controls in granule cell numbers. In contrast, ethanol-treated rats had slightly but significantly fewer neurons in the hilus region than did control animals at 16 days of age, but not at 30 days of age. Therefore, it appears that a short period of ethanol exposure during early life can have effects on neuron numbers of some hippocampal neurons, but not others. The effects on hilar neuron numbers, observed as a result of such short periods of ethanol treatment, appeared to be transitory. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Prophylactic vaccines for genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection have been shown to be feasible in animal models, and suitable vaccine material based on virus-like particles can be produced in bulk at reasonable cost. Initiation of phase III clinical trials will follow definition of trial outcome measures through further epidemiological studies, and development-of assays of host protective immunity. Vaccines could in principle eliminate HPV-related disease, as the human race is the only natural host for the relevant papillomaviruses (PVs). Therapeutic vaccines for genital HPV infection are also possible, but have not yet been demonstrated as feasible in practice because the choice of vaccine antigens is difficult, the method of their optimal delivery is uncertain, and the nature of the relevant antiviral immunity is unknown. PV species specificity will require trials to be conducted in man, which will slow definition of an ideal vaccine.