9 resultados para Boll weevil.

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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In a search for potential biocontrol agents for Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (Mimosaceae), larvae of the beetle Diplocoelus dilataticollis Lea (Coleoptera; Biphyllidae) were found within damaged seeds of A. melanoxylon. The gut contents of larvae and adults were examined to determine whether their diet included seeds, in apparent contradiction to the known mycophagous diet of members of this family of beetles. Calcofluor M2R White, a plant cell-wall staining optical brightener was used to differentiate between plant cell fragments and fungal tissue in the gut content smears. Gut contents of adults of a known seed predator of A. melanoxylon, a weevil of the genus Melanterius, were examined in the same way to provide a benchmark. The gut contents of D. dilataticollis differed from those of Melanterius sp. Fungal structures and microbes were found in the gut of D. dilataticollis, in contrast to plant cell fragments found in the gut of the weevil and from scrapes made directly from seeds. We conclude that larvae of D. dilataticollis feed primarily on fungi associated with damaged seed and therefore may not be the proximate cause of seed damage.


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Cone traits (volatile components and thermogenesis) of three cycad species in the genus Macrozamia were examined for differences related to their specific insect pollinators, the weevil, Tranes spp., or the thrips, Cycadothrips chadwicki. Linalool (>80% of emissions) dominated cone volatile components of M. machinii (Tranes-pollinated) and beta-myrcene was a minor component (


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Experiments carried out to investigate the reproductive ecology of the Australian cycad Lepidozamia peroffskyana (Regal, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. 1857, 1: 184) revealed that this species is pollinated exclusively by host-specific Tranes weevils (Pascoe 1875). The weevils carry out their life cycle within the tissues of the male cones but also visit the female cones in large numbers. Female cones from which insects ( but not wind) were excluded had a pollination rate that was essentially zero. In contrast, female cones from which wind ( but not insects) were excluded had a pollination rate comparable with naturally pollinated cones. Assessment of Tranes weevil pollen load indicated that they are effective pollen-carriers. No other potential insect pollinators were observed on cones of L. peroffskyana. Sampling of airborne loads of cycad pollen indicated that wind-dispersed grains were not consistently recorded beyond a 2-m radius surrounding pollen-shedding male cones. The airborne load of cycad pollen in the vicinity of pollination-receptive female cones was minimal, and the spatial distribution of the coning population indicated that receptive female cones did not usually occur close enough to pollen-shedding male cones for airborne transfer of pollen to explain observed natural rates of seed set. These multiple lines of evidence suggest that wind-once considered the only pollination vector for cycads and other gymnosperms-plays only a minimal role in the pollination of L. peroffskyana, if any at all. The global diversity of insects associated with cycads suggests that some lineages of pollinating beetles may have been associated with cycad cones since Mesozoic times.


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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenic cotton has shown changes of vegetative and reproductive growth characteristics. The objective of this study was to investigate the physiological change of nitrogen metabolism that related closely to the growth in Bt cotton cultivars. The study Was undertaken on two 131 transgenic cotton cultivars and their parents, one conventional (Xingyang822) and recurrent parent (Sumian No. 9), the other a hybrid (Kumian No. 1) and female parent (Yumian No. 1), during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons at the Yangzhou University Farm, Yangzhou, China. In the 2001 study, The results indicated that the Bt cotton cultivars were higher than their parents in leaf total nitrogen, free amino acid and soluble protein content, greater in NR and GPT activity, and lower in protease activity, during peak square and boll developing period. The biggest increase of total nitrogen was at peak boll period, which increased by 36.01 and 18.96% for Kumian No. I and Xingyang822, respectively. There were similar results for free amino acid and soluble protein content. The results showed further in 2002 study that NR activity increased dramatically at peak square and early boll open period, the biggest increase at early boll open period, with Kumian No. I and Xingyan,822 being 87.5 and 61.4% higher than their parent, respectively, the biggest increase of GPT activity was at peak boll period, with Kumian No. I and Xingyang822 being 39.1 and 29.1% higher than their parent, respectively. However, protease activity of Bt cultivars reduced significantly before flowering and early boll open period, the biggest decrease was before flowering period, with Kumian No. I being more than 30%, Xingyang822 being 26.5% at peak square period. Moreover, the boll total nitrogen content reduced sharply. The results suggest that the Bt cotton cultivars have higher intensity of leaf nitrogen metabolism than their parent, especially during square and boll development period. It is disadvantage for square development and earlier boll maturity under high nitrogen condition. The cultural practice should aim at reducing leaf nitrogen metabolic strength and keep the balance of vegetative and reproductive growth. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Four sites located in the north-eastern region of the United States of America have been chosen to investigate the impacts of soil heterogeneity in the transport of solutes (bromide and chloride) through the vadose zone (the zone in the soil that lies below the root zone and above the permanent saturated groundwater). A recently proposed mathematical model based on the cumulative beta distribution has been deployed to compare and contrast the regions' heterogeneity from multiple sample percolation experiments. Significant differences in patterns of solute leaching were observed even over a small spatial scale, indicating that traditional sampling methods for solute transport, for example the gravity pan or suction lysimeters, or more recent inventions such as the multiple sample percolation systems may not be effective in estimating solute fluxes in soils when a significant degree of soil heterogeneity is present. Consequently, ignoring soil heterogeneity in solute transport studies will likely result in under- or overprediction of leached fluxes and potentially lead to serious pollution of soils and/or groundwater. The cumulative beta distribution technique is found to be a versatile and simple technique of gaining valuable information regarding soil heterogeneity effects on solute transport. It is also an excellent tool for guiding future decisions of experimental designs particularly in regard to the number of samples within one site and the number of sampling locations between sites required to obtain a representative estimate of field solute or drainage flux.


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Complementary field and laboratory tests confirmed and quantified the pollination abilities of Tranes sp. weevils and Cycadothrips chadwicki thrips, specialist insects of their respective cycad hosts, Macrozamia machinii and M. lucida. No agamospermous seeds were produced when both wind and insects were excluded from female cones; and the exclusion of wind-vectored pollen alone did not eliminate seed set, because insects were able to reach the cone. Based on enclosure pollination tests, each weevil pollinates an average 26.2 ovules per cone and each thrips 2.4 ovules per cone. These pollinators visited similar numbers of ovules per cone in fluorescent dye tests that traced insect movement through cones. Fluorescent dye granules deposited by Cycadothrips were concentrated around the micropyle of each visited ovule, the site of pollen droplet release, where pollen must be deposited to achieve pollination. In contrast, Tranes weevils left dye scattered on different areas of each visited ovule, indicating that chance plays a greater role in this system. Each weevil and 25 thrips delivered 6.2 and 5.2 pollen grains, respectively, on average, to each visited ovule per cone, based on examination of dissected pollen canals. In sum, the pollination potential of 25 Cycadothrips approximates that of one Tranes weevil.


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Bt transgenic cotton has not shown the same level of resistance to bollworm in China, as in other major Bt cotton growing areas of the world. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of high temperature on the CryIA insecticidal protein content and nitrogen metabolism, in the leaf of Bt transgenic cotton. The study was undertaken on two transgenic cotton cultivars, one conventional (Xinyang 822) and the other a hybrid (Kumian No. 1), during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons at the Yangzhou University Farm, Yangzhou, China. In the 2001 study, potted cotton plants were exposed to 37 C for 24 h under glasshouse conditions at three growth stages peak square, peak flowering and peak boll developing periods. Based on the 2001 results, in 2002 the same two cultivars were exposed to the same temperature for 48 h at two growth stages-peak flowering and boll developing periods. The results of the study indicated that the insecticidal protein content of the leaf was not significantly affected by the stress during the square and flowering periods. However, exposure to high temperature for 24h during the boll period reduced the CryIA protein content by approximately 51% in the cultivar Kumian No 1, and 30% in Xinyang 822 in the 2001 study, and by approximately 73 and 63% for 48 h with the same cultivars, respectively, in the 2002 study. Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity, total free amino acid and soluble protein content, and the activity of protease in the leaf, showed relatively little change in response to high temperature in the flowering period. However, exposure to high temperature in the boll period resulted in the following changes - a reduction of GPT activity, a sharp increase in free amino acid content, a significant decrease in soluble protein content, and significant increases in the activity of protease. The results suggest that high temperature may result in the degradation of soluble protein in the leaf, with a resulting decline in the level of the toxin CryIA. It is believed that this may be the cause of the reduced efficacy of Bt cotton in growing conditions in China, where temperatures during the boll period often reach 36-40° C. © 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The nutritive value of transgenic peas expressing an a-amylase inhibitor (alpha-Ail) was evaluated with broiler chickens. The effects of feeding transgenic peas on the development of visceral organs associated with digestion and nutrient absorption were also examined. The chemical composition of the conventional and the transgenic peas used in this study were similar. In the two feeding trials, that were conducted normal and transgenic peas were incorporated into a maize-soybean diet at concentrations up to 500 g kg(-1). The diets were balanced to contain similar levels of apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and amino acids. In the first trial, the birds were fed the diets from 3 to 17days post-hatching and with levels of transgenic peas at 250 g kg(-1) or greater there was a significant reduction in body weight but an increase in feed intake resulting in deceased feed conversion efficiency. In the second trial, in which the birds were fed diets containing 300 g kg(-1) transgenic peas until 40 days of age, growth performance was significantly reduced. It was also demonstrated that the ileal starch digestibility coefficient (0.80 vs 0.42) was significantly reduced in the birds fed transgenic peas. Determination of AME and ileal digestibility of amino acids in 5-week-old broilers demonstrated a significant reduction in AME (12.12 vs 5.08 MJ kg(-1) DM) in the birds fed the transgenic peas. The AME value recorded for transgenic peas reflected the lower starch digestibility of this line. Real digestion of protein and amino acids was unaffected by treatment. Expression of a-Ail in peas did not appear to affect bird health or the utilisation of dietary protein. However, the significant reduction in ileal digestion of starch in transgenic peas does reduce the utility of this feedstuff in monogastric diets where efficient energy utilisation is required. (c) 2006 Society of Chemical Industry.