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This study examined the discrimination of word-final stop contrasts (/p/-/t/, /p/-/k/, /t/-/k/) in English and Thai by 12 listeners who speak Vietnamese as their first language (L1). Vietnamese shares specific phonetic realization of stops with Thai, i.e., unreleased final stop and differs from English which allows both released and unreleased final stops. These 12 native Vietnamese (NV) listeners’ discrimination accuracy was compared to that of the two listener groups (Australian English (AE), native Thai (NT)) tested in previous studies. The NV group was less accurate than the native group in discriminating both English and Thai stop contrasts. In particular, for the Thai /t/-/k/ contrast, they were significantly less accurate than the AE listeners. The present findings suggest that experience with specific (i.e., unreleased) and native phonetic realization of sounds may be essential in accurate discrimination of final stop contrasts. The effect of L1 dialect on cross-language speech perception is discussed.


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Background: Paediatricians rely on cough descriptors to direct them to the level of investigations needed for a child presenting with chronic cough, yet there is a lack of published data to support this approach. A study was undertaken to evaluate ( 1) whether historical cough pointers can predict which children have a specific cause for their cough and ( 2) the usefulness of chest radiography and spirometry as standard investigations in children with chronic cough. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study of children referred to a tertiary hospital with a cough lasting 3 weeks between June 2002 and July 2004. All included children completed a detailed history and examination using a standardised data collection sheet and followed a pathway of investigation until a diagnosis was made. Results: In 100 consecutively recruited children of median age 2.8 years, the best predictor of specific cough observed was a moist cough at the time of consultation with an odds ratio ( OR) of 9.34 (95% CI 3.49 to 25.03). Chest examination or chest radiographic abnormalities were also predictive with OR 3.60 ( 95% CI 1.31 to 9.90) and 3.16 (95% CI 1.32 to 7.62), respectively. The most significant historical pointer for predicting a specific cause of the cough was a parental history of moist cough ( sensitivity 96%, specificity 26%, positive predictive value 74%). Conclusions: The most useful clinical marker in predicting specific cough is the presence of a daily moist cough. Both chest examination and chest radiographic abnormalities are also useful in predicting whether children have a specific cause of their cough.