52 resultados para Bloch, Marc: Historian puolustus
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
This article considers the conditions placed on the autonomous architectural history discipline often understood at stake in Manfredo Tafuri's 1968 book Teorie e storia dell'architettura.
Under the conditions of the rotating wave approximation (RWA), a transition strongly driven by a resonant oscillating field displays the well known symmetric Autler-Townes doublet. However, if the counter-rotating component, neglected in the RWA, is taken into account, the Bloch-Siegert shift gives rise to an Autler-Townes doublet of unequal intensity even in the case of a resonant driving field. This effect is investigated theoretically in a V-shaped three-level double-resonance configuration and the results are presented in this paper. An interesting observation is that the level of asymmetry not only depends on the driving-field intensity but also on the characteristics of the driven system including relaxation rates and equilibrium population distributions.
Dactylostomum nicolli n. sp. is described from the intestine of the goatfish Upeneichthys lineatus (Bloch & Schneider) (Mullidae) caught off Point Peron, Western Australia. The problem of assigning the new species to the appropriate genus, especially with regard to its close resemblance to Paropecoelus Pritchard, 1966, which also infects goatfishes, is discussed. This is the second report of Dactylostomum Woolcock, 1935 from an Australian marine fish. The new species is distinguished by its elongate form, simple ventral sucker papillae and irregularly shaped ovary.
Optical Bloch equations are widely used for describing dynamics in a system consisting molecules, electromagnetic waves, and a thermal bath. We analyze applicability of these equations to a single molecule imbedded in a solid matrix. Classical Bloch equations and the limits of their applicability are derived from more general master equations. Simple and intuitively appealing picture based on stochastic Bloch equations shows that at low temperatures, contrary to common believes, a strong driving field can not only suppress but can also increase decay rates of Rabi oscillations. A physical system where predicted effects can be observed experimentally is suggested. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This research project explores learner’s representations of strategic L1 use in the foreign language classroom and highlights both the positive or negative roles attributed to the L1 in the language learning process - particularly with respect to language assessment - continuing to explore the relatively understudied domain of student representations within a scholarly context. Surveying a population of Australian (N=18) and French students (N=25), this study uses both questionnaire and interview responses in order to analyse the roles allocated to the L1 with respect to learning outcomes. The results indicate that students have a very balanced view of the L1 with respect to the learning of grammar, vocabulary and social aspects, yet its use in assessment aspects appears much more advantageous. The importance of this study and its findings is in recognizing the complex nature of learner representations in order to facilitate a discussion that is based more on the reality of language teaching, with the hope of renewing classroom practices.
Remembering sport history: Narrative, social memory and the origins of the rugby league in Australia
This study examines the historiography of the origins of rugby league in Australia. By accepting the inclusive nature of representation of the past as found in social memory theory, a wide range of sources ranging from histories written by academics to annuals, yearbooks and newspaper books are consulted. These sources reveal that there are several competing and conflicting accounts of the emergence of rugby league in Australia. These divergent accounts are used to facilitate a discussion of the role of narrative in sport history This article argues that narrative is an integral, not optional, feature of the production of history and that the historography of the origins of rugby league highlight the problematic nature of objectivity in history and the unavoidable, impositionalist role of the historian.
Romeo Watkins Lahey (1887-1968) was a distinguished Queensland engineer. He graduated in engineering from the University of Sydney in 1914 and served in World War I from 1915 to 1918 with The Royal Australian Engineers. Following the war, he accepted an offer to remain for a period in England and studied town planning at the University of London. He visited Europe and collected a remarkable set of historic bridge photographs. In the course of this visit, he met Paul Sejourne, a distinguished French bridge engineer, the designer of at Ieast one of the bridges (at Fontpedrouse, pages 25-27) included in this set. When Lahey died, his wife Sybil and daughter Ann took steps to give this remarkable set of 58 historic bridge photographs to The University of Queensland. More recently, Lahey's daughters Ann Neale and Alison Drake have given a set of lantern plates collected by their father, many of which also have photographs of bridges. This volume is divided into three parts: (a) a biography of Romeo Watkins Lahey, written by his daughter, Ann Neale; (b) copies of the original set of 58 bridge photographs, and (c) copies taken from 32 lantern plates. To these have been added captions. Many of the original photographs carried titles; where these are available they have been printed in italics. Further work has been done to identify bridges and where possible the captions include the completion date, major dimensions, locations, and references to published works. Plates 8.1-10 are copies of drawings used as Figures in a book. These drawings have not been copied and the source has not been identified. Two lists of photographs and plates are included - the first in the order of the original collections and a second with bridges listed in the order of material, structural form and date. The collection is of remarkable value to any bridge historian, and is recommended for study by students.
The Apocreadiidae is reviewed and is considered to include genera recognised previously within the families Apocreadiidae, Homalometridae, Schistorchiidae, Sphincterostomatidae and Trematobrienidae. Key features of the family are extensive vitelline follicles, eye-spot pigment dispersed in forebody, I-shaped excretory vesicle, no cirrus-sac and genital pore opening immediately anterior to the ventral sucker (usually) or immediately posterior to it (Postporus Manter, 1949). Three subfamilies and 18 genera are recognised within the Apocreadiidae. The Apocreadiinae comprises Homalometron Stafford, 1904 (new syn. Barbulostomum Ramsey, 1965), Callohelmis n. g., Choanodera Manter, 1940, Crassicutis Manter, 1936, Dactylotrema Bravo-Hollis & Manter, 1957, Marsupioacetabulum Yamaguti, 1952, Microcreadium Simer, 1929, Myzotus Manter, 1940, Neoapocreadium Siddiqi & Cable, 1960, Neomegasolena Siddiqi & Cable, 1960, Pancreadium Manter, 1954, Procaudotestis Szidat, 1954 and Trematobrien Dollfus, 1950. The Schistorchiinae comprises Schistorchis Luhe, 1906, Sphincterostoma Yamaguti, 1937, Sphincteristomum Oshmarin, Mamaev & Parukhin, 1961 and Megacreadium Nagaty, 1956. The Postporinae comprises only Postporus. A key to subfamilies and genera of the Apocreadiidae is provided. It is argued that there is no convincing basis for the recognition of the genus Apocreadium Manter, 1937 and all its constituent species are combined with Homalometron. The following new combinations are proposed for species previously recognised within Apocreadium: Homalometron balistis (Manter, 1947), H. caballeroi (Bravo-Hollis, 1953), H. cryptum (Overstreet, 1969), H. longisinosum (Manter, 1937), H. manteri (Overstreet, 1970), H. mexicanum (Manter, 1937) and H. vinodae (Ahmad, 1985). Apocreadium uroproctoferum Sogandares-Bernal, 1959 is found to lack a uroproct and is made a synonym of H. mexicanum. Homalometron verrunculi nom. nov. is proposed to replace the secondarily pre-occupied H. caballeroi Lamothe-Argumedo, 1965. Barbulostomum is made a synonym of Homalometron and H. cupuloris (Ramsey, 1965) n. comb. is proposed. Neochoanodera is made a synonym of Choanodera and Choanodera ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas, 1970) n. comb. is proposed. Species within the Apocreadiinae and Postporinae are reviewed and the following are recorded or described from Australian fishes: Homalometron wrightae n. sp. from Achlyopa nigra (Macleay), H. synagris (Yamaguti, 1953) n. comb. from Scolopsis monogramma (Cuvier), H. stradbrokensis n. sp. from Gerres subfasciatus Cuvier, Marsupioacetabulum opallioderma n. sp. from G. subfasciatus, Neoapocreadium karwarensis (Hafeezullah, 1970) n. comb. from G. subfasciatus, N. splendens n. sp. from S. monogramma and Callohelmis pichelinae n. g., n. sp. from Hemigymnus melapterus (Bloch), H. fasciatus (Bloch), Stethojulis bandanensis (Bleeker) andChoerodon venustus (De Vis). Callohelmis is recognised by the combination of absence of tegumental spines, caeca terminating midway between the testes and posterior end of body, ventral sucker enclosed in a tegumental pouch, prominent muscles radiating through the body from the ventral sucker, vitelline follicles not extending into the forebody, and a very short excretory vesicle that opens ventrally. New combinations for species previously recognised within Crassicutis are proposed as follows: Neoapocreadium caranxi (Bilqees, 1976) n. comb., N. gerridis (Nahhas & Cable, 1964) n. comb., N. imtiazi (Ahmad, 1984) n. comb. and N. marina (Manter, 1947) n. comb. The host-specificity and zoogeography of the Apocreadiinae are considered.
The interlayer magnetoresistance of layered metals in a tilted magnetic field is calculated for two distinct models for the interlayer transport. The first model involves coherent interlayer transport, and makes use of results of semiclassical or Bloch-Boltzmann transport theory. The second model involves weakly incoherent interlayer transport where the electron is scattered many times within a layer before tunneling into the next layer. The results are relevant to the interpretation of experiments on angular-dependent magnetoresistance oscillations (AMRO) in quasi-one- and quasi-two-dimensional organic metals. We find that the dependence of the magnetoresistance on the direction of the magnetic field is identical for both models except when the field is almost parallel to the layers. An important implication of this result is that a three-dimensional Fermi surface is not necessary for the observation of the Yamaji and Danner oscillations seen in quasi-two- and quasi-one-dimensional metals, respectively. A universal expression is given for the dependence of the resistance at AMRO maxima and minima on the magnetic field and scattering time (and thus the temperature). We point out three distinctive features of coherent interlayer transport: (i) a beat frequency in the magnetic oscillations of quasi-two-dimensional systems, (ii) a peak in the angular-dependent magnetoresistance when the field is sufficiently large and parallel to the layers, and (iii) a crossover from a linear to a quadratic field dependence for the magnetoresistance when the field is parallel to the layers. Properties (i) and (ii) are compared with published experimental data for a range of quasi-two-dimensional organic metals. [S0163-1829(99)02236-5].