22 resultados para Binding Affinity

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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A benzothiazole-derived compound (4a) designed to mimic the C-alpha-C-beta bond vectors and terminal functionalities of Lys2, TyrI3 and Arg17 in omega-conotoxin GVIA was synthesised, together with analogues (4b-d), which had each side-chain mimic systematically truncated or eliminated. The affinity of these compounds for rat brain N-type and P/Q-type voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) was determined. In terms of N-type channel affinity and selectivity, two of these compounds (4a and 4d) were found to be highly promising, first generation mimetics of omega-conotoxin. The fully functionalised mimetic (4a) showed low PM binding affinity to N-type VGCCs (IC50 = 1.9 muM) and greater than 20-fold selectivity for this channel sub-type over P/Q-type VGCCs, whereas the mimetic in which the guanidine-type side chain was truncated back to an amine (4d, IC50 = 4.1 muM) showed a greater than 25-fold selectivity for the N-type channel. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The PotE protein is a putrescine-ornithine antiporter found in many gram-negative bacteria. It is a member of the APA family of transporters and has 12 predicted alpha-helical transmembrane spanning segments (TMS). While the substrate binding site has previously been mapped to a region near the surface of the cytoplasmic lipid layer, no structural feature within the periplasmic domains of PotE have been shown to be important for function. We examined the role of the only large outer loop, situated between transmembrane spanning segment 7 and 8, in putrescine uptake. Deletion of the highly conserved amino acids in the region closest to transmembrane spanning segment 7 produced a protein with little activity. Glycine-scanning mutagenesis of this region showed that Val(249) and Leu(254) were required for optimal transporter function. The V249G mutant transported putrescine at a lower maximal rate compared to wild-type (WT) but with the same substrate binding affinity. In contrast, the L254G mutant had a higher substrate affinity. A series of Val(249) mutants indicated that the hydrophobicity of this residue, which is located at or near the membrane surface, is important for PotE function. Secondary structure predictions of the large outer loop indicated the presence of a hydrophobic alpha-helix in the centre with a hydrophobic region at each end suggesting that the loop was not entirely exposed to the aqueous periplasmic space. The study shows that loop 7-8 is important for PotE function, possibly by forming a re-entrant loop in the channel of the transporter. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mucosal and serum antibody responses were studied in sibling barramundi (Lates calcarifer) acclimated in either seawater or freshwater following vaccination by intraperitoneal injection or direct immersion in an inactivated Streptococcus iniae vaccine. As expected, route of vaccination had a marked effect on immune response, with direct immersion resulting in low serum antibody levels against S. iniae by ELISA detected 21 days post vaccination at 26 degrees C, whilst a significant response was detected in mucus. A strong specific antibody response was detected in both mucus and serum 21 days following intraperitoneal injection. Fish acclimated in seawater prior to vaccination showed a markedly higher specific mucosal antibody response than sibling fish acclimated in freshwater, regardless of the route of vaccination, whilst the serum antibody response was not affected by salinity. Both mucosal and serum antibodies from fish in seawater and freshwater were capable of binding antigen at salinities similar to full strength seawater in a modified ELISA assay. These results indicate that this euryhaline fish species is riot only able to mount significant specific antibody response in cutaneous mucus, but that these antibodies will function in the marine environment. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Scorpion toxins are important experimental tools for characterization of vast array of ion channels and serve as scaffolds for drug design. General public database entries contain limited annotation whereby rich structure-function information from mutation studies is typically not available. SCORPION2 contains more than 800 records of native and mutant toxin sequences enriched with binding affinity and toxicity information, 624 three-dimensional structures and some 500 references. SCORPION2 has a set of search and prediction tools that allow users to extract and perform specific queries: text searches of scorpion toxin records, sequence similarity search, extraction of sequences, visualization of scorpion toxin structures, analysis of toxic activity, and functional annotation of previously uncharacterized scorpion toxins. The SCORPION2 database is available at http://sdmc.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/scorpion/. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the use of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to investigate bisphosphonate (BP) adsorption onto plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite (HA) coatings commonly used for orthopaedic implants. BPs exhibit high binding affinity for the calcium present in HA and hence can be adsorbed onto HA-coated implants to exploit their beneficial properties for improved bone growth at the implant interface. A rigorous XPS analysis of pamidronate, a commonly used nitrogenous BP, adsorbed onto plasma sprayed HA-coated cobalt-chromium substrates has been carried out, aimed at: (a) confirming the adsorption of this BP onto HA; (b) studying the BP diffusion profile in the HA coating by employing the technique of XPS depth profiling; (c) confirming the bioactivity of the adsorbed BR XPS spectra of plasma sprayed HA-coated discs exposed to a 10 mM aqueous BP solution (pamidronate) for periods of 1, 2 and 24 h showed nitrogen and phosphorous photoelectron signals corresponding to the BP confirming its adsorption onto the HA substrate. XPS depth profiling of the 2 h BP-exposed HA discs showed penetration of the BP into the HA matrix to depths of at least 260 nm. The bioactivity of the adsorbed BP was confirmed by the observed inhibition of osteoclast (bone resorbing) cell activity. In comparison to the HA sample, the HA sample with adsorbed BP exhibited a 25-fold decrease in primary osteoclast cells. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The albA gene from Klebsiella oxytoca encodes a protein that binds albicidin phytotoxins and antibiotics with high affinity. Previously, it has been shown that shifting pH from 6 to 4 reduces binding activity of AlbA by about 30%, indicating that histidine residues might be involved in substrate binding. In this study, molecular analysis of the albA coding region revealed sequence discrepancies with the albA sequence reported previously, which were probably due to sequencing errors. The albA gene was subsequently cloned from K oxytoca ATCC 13182(T) to establish the revised sequence. Biochemical and molecular approaches were used to determine the functional role of four histidine residues (His(78), HiS(125), HiS(141) and His(189)) in the corrected sequence for AlbA. Treatment of AlbA with diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC), a histidine-specific alkylating reagent, reduced binding activity by about 95%. DEPC treatment increased absorbance at 240-244 nm by an amount indicating conversion to N-carbethoxyhistidine of a single histidine residue per AlbA molecule. Pretreatment with albicidin protected AlbA against modification by DEPC, with a 1 : 1 molar ratio of albicidin to the protected histidine residues. Based on protein secondary structure and amino acid surface probability indices, it is predicted that HiS125 might be the residue required for albicidin binding. Mutation of HiS125 to either alanine or leucine resulted in about 32% loss of binding activity, and deletion of HiS125 totally abolished binding activity. Mutation of HiS125 to arginine and tyrosine had no effect. These results indicate that HiS125 plays a key role either in an electrostatic interaction between AlbA and albicidin or in the conformational dynamics of the albicidin-binding site.


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This review summarizes developments in the use of affinity chromatography to characterize biospecific interactions in terms of reaction stoichiometry and equilibrium constant. In that regard, the biospecificity incorporated into the design of the experiment ensures applicability of the method regardless of the sizes of the reacting solutes. By the adoption of different experimental strategies (column chromatography, simple partition equilibrium, solid-phase immunoassay and biosensor technology protocols) quantitatiative affinity chromatography can be used to characterize interactions governed by an extremely broad range of binding affinities. In addition, the link between ligand-binding studies and quantitative affinity chromatography is illustrated by means of partition equilibrium studies of glycolytic enzyme interactions with muscle myofibrils. an exercise which emphasizes that the same theoretical expressions apply to naturally occurring examples of affinity chromatography in the cellular environment. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mannose-binding type 1 pili are important virulence factors for the establishment of Escherichia coli urinary tract infections (UTIs). These infections are initiated by adhesion of uropathogenic E. coli to uroplakin receptors in the uroepithelium via the FimH adhesin located at the tips of type 1 pili. Blocking of bacterial adhesion is able to prevent infection. Here, we provide for the first time binding data of the molecular events underlying type 1 fimbrial adherence, by crystallographic analyses of the FimH receptor binding domains from a uropathogenic and a K-12 strain, and affinity measurements with mannose, common mono- and disaccharides, and a series of alkyl and aryl mannosides. Our results illustrate that the lectin domain of the FimH adhesin is a stable and functional entity and that an exogenous butyl alpha- D-mannoside, bound in the crystal structures, exhibits a significantly better affinity for FimH (K-d = 0.15 muM) than mannose (K-d = 2.3 muM). Exploration of the binding affinities of alpha-D-mannosides with longer alkyl tails revealed affinities up to 5 nM. Aryl mannosides and fructose can also bind with high affinities to the FimH lectin domain, with a 100-fold improvement and 15-fold reduction in affinity, respectively, compared with mannose. Taken together, these relative FimH affinities correlate exceptionally well with the relative concentrations of the same glycans needed for the inhibition of adherence of type 1 piliated E. coli. We foresee that our findings will spark new ideas and initiatives for the development of UTI vaccines and anti-adhesive drugs to prevent anticipated and recurrent UTIs.


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The fusion of a protein of interest to a large-affinity tag, such as the maltose-binding protein (MBP), thioredoxin (TRX), or glutathione-S-transferase (GST), can be advantageous in terms of increased expression, enhanced solubility, protection from proteolysis, improved folding, and protein purification via affinity chromatography. Unfortunately, crystal growth is hindered by the conformational heterogeneity induced by the fusion tag, requiring that the tag is removed by a potentially problematic cleavage step. The first three crystal structures of fusion proteins with large-affinity tags have been reported recently. All three structures used a novel strategy to rigidly fuse the protein of interest to MBP via a short three- to five-amino acid spacer. This strategy has the potential to aid structure determination of proteins that present particular experimental challenges and are not conducive to more conventional crystallization strategies (e.g., membrane proteins). Structural genomics initiatives may also benefit from this approach as a way to crystallize problematic proteins of significant interest.


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A detailed study has been carried out on the dependence of folate binding on the concentration of FBP (folate-binding protein) at pH 5.0, conditions selected to prevent complications arising from the pre-existing self-association of the acceptor. In contrast with the mandatory requirement that reversible interaction of ligand with a single acceptor site should exhibit a unique, rectangular hyperbolic binding curve, results obtained by ultrafiltration for the FBP-folate system required description in terms of (i) a sigmoidal relationship between concentrations of bound and free folate and (ii) an inverse dependence of affinity on FBP concentration. These findings have been attributed to the difficulties in determining the free ligand concentration in the FBP-folate mixtures for which reaction is essentially stoichiometric. This explanation also accounts for the similar published behaviour of the FBP-folate system at neutral pH, which had been attributed erroneously to acceptor self-association, a phenomenon incompatible with the experimental findings because of its prediction of a greater affinity for folate with increasing FBP concentration.


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Based on phage display optimization studies with human growth hormone (GH), it is thought that the biopotency of GH cannot be increased. This is proposed to be a result of the affinity of the first receptor for hormone far exceeding that which is required to trap the hormone long enough to allow diffusion of the second receptor to form the ternary complex, which initiates signaling. We report here that despite similar site 1 kinetics to the hGH/hGH receptor interaction, the potency of porcine GH for its receptor can be increased up to 5-fold by substituting hGH residues involved in site 1 binding into pGH. Based on extensive mutations and BIAcore studies, we show that the higher potency and site 1 affinity of hGH for the pGHR is primarily a result of a decreased off-rate associated with residues in the extended loop between helices 1 and 2 that interact with the two key tryptophans Trp(104) and Trp(169) in the receptor binding hot spot. Our mutagenic analysis has also identified a second determinant (Lys(165)), which in addition to His(169), restricts the ability of non-primate hormones to activate hGH receptor. The increased biopotency of GH that we observe can be explained by a model for GH receptor activation where subunit alignment is critical for effective signaling.


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Natural isolates and laboratory strains of West Nile virus (WNV) and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) were attenuated for neuroinvasiveness in mouse models for flavivirus encephalitis by serial passage in human adenocarcinoma (SW13) cells. The passage variants displayed a small-plaque phenotype, augmented affinity for heparin-Sepharose, and a marked increase in specific infectivity for SW13 cells relative to the respective parental viruses, while the specific infectivity for Vero cells was not altered. Therefore, host cell adaptation of passage variants was most likely a consequence of altered receptor usage for virus attachment-entry with the involvement of cell surface glycosaminoglycans (GAG) in this process. In vivo blood clearance kinetics of the passage variants was markedly faster and viremia was reduced relative to the parental viruses, suggesting that affinity for GAG (ubiquitously present on cell surfaces and extracellular matrices) is a key determinant for the neuroinvasiveness of encephalitic flaviviruses. A difference in pathogenesis between WNV and JEV, which was reflected in more efficient growth in the spleen and liver of the WNV parent and passage variants, accounted for a less pronounced loss of neuroinvasiveness of GAG binding variants of WNV than JEV. Single gain-of-net-positive-charge amino acid changes at E protein residue 49, 138, 306, or 389/390, putatively positioned in two clusters on the virion surface, define molecular determinants for GAG binding and concomitant virulence attenuation that are shared by the JEV serotype flaviviruses.


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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is characterized by idiopathic fatigue of greater than 6 months' duration with postexertional exacerbation and many other symptoms. A trend toward relative hypocortisolism is described in CFS. Twin and family studies indicate a substantial genetic etiologic component to CFS. Recently, severe corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) gene mutations have been associated with CFS in isolated kindreds. Human leukocyte elastase, an enzyme important in CBG catabolism at inflammatory sites, is reported to be elevated in CFS. We hypothesized that CBG gene polymorphisms may act as a genetic risk factor for CFS. A total of 248 patients with CFS defined by Centers for Disease Control criteria, and 248 controls were recruited. Sequencing and restriction enzyme testing of the CBG gene coding region allowed detection of severe CBG gene mutations and a common exon 3 polymorphism (c.825G --> T, Ala-Ser(224)). Plasma CBG levels were measured in 125 CFS patients and 198 controls by radioimmunoassay. Total and free (calculated and measured) cortisol levels were ascertained in single samples between 8-10 a.m. The age of onset (mid 30s) and gender ratio (2.2:1, female:male) of the patients were similar to those reported in U.S. epidemiologic studies. A trend toward a preponderance of serine(224) homozygosity among the CFS patients was noted, compared with controls (chi(2) = 5.31, P = 0.07). Immunoreactive-CBG (IR-CBG) levels were higher in Serine/Alanine (Ser/Ala) than Ala/Ala subjects and higher again in Ser/Ser subjects, this effect was strongest in controls; Ser/Ser: 46.1 +/- 1.8 (n = 31, P = 0.03) vs. Ser/Ala: 42.4 +/- 1.0 (n = 56, P = 0.05) vs. Ala/Ala: 40.8 +/- 1.7 mug/mL (n = 21). Despite higher CBG levels, there was a nonsignificant trend toward lower total and free plasma cortisol in serine allele positive patients, total cortisol: Ser/Ser: 13.3 +/- 1.4 (n = 34) vs. Ser/Ala: 14.0 +/- 0.7 (n = 66) vs. Ala/Ala: 15.4 +/- 1.0 (n = 23). Homozygosity for the serine allele of the CBG gene may predispose to CFS, perhaps due to an effect on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function related to altered CBG-cortisol transport function or immune-cortisol interactions.


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The Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their membrane-bound ephrin ligands form a unique cell-cell contact-mediated system for controlling cell localization and organization. Their high expression in a wide variety of human tumors indicates a role in tumor progression, and relatively low Eph and ephrin levels in normal tissues make these proteins potential targets for anticancer therapies. The monoclonal antibody IIIA4, previously used to isolate EphA3, binds with subnanomolar affinity to a conformation-specific epitope within the ephrin-binding domain that is closely adjacent to the low-affinity ephrin-A5 heterotetramerization site. We show that similar to ephrin-A5, preclustered IIIA4 effectively triggers EphA3 activation, contraction of the cytoskeleton, and cell rounding. BIAcore analysis, immunoblot, and confocal microscopy of wild-type and mutant EphA3 with compromised ephrin-A5 or IIIA4-binding capacities indicate that IIIA4 binding triggers an EphA3 conformation which is permissive for the assembly of EphA3/ephrin-A5-type signaling clusters. Furthermore, unclustered IIIA4 and ephrin-A5 Fc applied in combination initiate greatly enhanced EphA3 signaling. Radiometal conjugates of ephrin-A5 and IIIA4 retain their affinity, and in mouse xenografts localize to, and are internalized rapidly into EphA3-positive, human tumors. These findings show the biological importance of EphA3/ ephrin-A5 interactions and that ephrin-A5 and IIIA4 have great potential as tumor targeting reagents.


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The structures of acetylcholine-binding protein ( AChBP) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ( nAChR) homology models have been used to interpret data from mutagenesis experiments at the nAChR. However, little is known about AChBP-derived structures as predictive tools. Molecular surface analysis of nAChR models has revealed a conserved cleft as the likely binding site for the 4/7 alpha-conotoxins. Here, we used an alpha 3 beta 2 model to identify beta 2 subunit residues in this cleft and investigated their influence on the binding of alpha-conotoxins MII, PnIA, and GID to the alpha 3 beta 2 nAChR by two-electrode voltage clamp analysis. Although a beta 2-L119Q mutation strongly reduced the affinity of all three alpha-conotoxins, beta 2-F117A, beta 2-V109A, and beta 2-V109G mutations selectively enhanced the binding of MII and GID. An increased activity of alpha-conotoxins GID and MII was also observed when the beta 2-F117A mutant was combined with the alpha 4 instead of the alpha 3 subunit. Investigation of A10L-PnIA indicated that high affinity binding to beta 2-F117A, beta 2-V109A, and beta 2-V109G mutants was conferred by amino acids with a long side chain in position 10 (PnIA numbering). Docking simulations of 4/7 alpha-conotoxin binding to the alpha 3 beta 2 model supported a direct interaction between mutated nAChR residues and alpha-conotoxin residues 6, 7, and 10. Taken together, these data provide evidence that the beta subunit contributes to alpha-conotoxin binding and selectivity and demonstrate that a small cleft leading to the agonist binding site is targeted by alpha-conotoxins to block the nAChR.