71 resultados para Beta(p, q) densities
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The omega-conotoxins are a set of structurally related, four-loop, six cysteine containing peptides, that have a range of selectivities for different subtypes of the voltage-sensitive calcium channel (VSCC). To investigate the basis of the selectivity displayed by these peptides, we have studied the binding affinities of two naturally occurring omega-conotoxins, MVIIA and MVIIC and a series of 14 MVIIA/MVIIC loop hybrids using radioligand binding assays for N and P/Q-type Ca2+ channels in rat brain tissue. A selectivity profile was developed from the ratio of relative potencies at N-type VSCCs (using [I-125]GVIA radioligand binding assays) and P/Q-type VSCCs (using [I-125]MVIIC radioligand binding assays). in these peptides, loops 2 and 4 make the greatest contribution to VSCC subtype selectivity, while the effects of loops 1 and 3 are negligible. Peptides with homogenous combinations of loop 2 and 4 display clear selectivity preferences, while those with heterogeneous combinations of loops 2 and 4 are less discriminatory. H-1 NMR spectroscopy revealed that the global folds of MVIIA, MVIIC and the 14 loop hybrid peptides were similar; however, several differences in local structure were identified. Based on the binding data and the 3D structures of MVIIA, GVIA and MVIIC, we have developed a preliminary pharmacophore based on the omega-conotoxin residues most Likely to interact with the N-type VSCC. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
omega -Conotoxins selective for N-type calcium channels are useful in the management of severe pain. In an attempt to expand the therapeutic potential of this class, four new omega -conotoxins (CVIA-D) have been discovered in the venom of the piscivorous cone snail, Conus catus, using assay-guided fractionation and gene cloning. Compared with other omega -conotoxins, CVID has a novel loop 4 sequence and the highest selectivity for N-type over P/Q-type calcium channels in radioligand binding assays. CVIA-D also inhibited contractions of electrically stimulated rat vas deferens. In electrophysiological studies, omega -conotoxins CVID and MVIIA had similar potencies to inhibit current through central (alpha (1B-d)) and peripheral (alpha (1B-b)) splice variants of the rat N-type calcium channels when coexpressed with rat beta (3) in Xenopus oocytes, However, the potency of CVID and MVIIA increased when alpha (1B-d) and alpha (1B-b) were expressed in the absence of rat beta (3), an effect most pronounced for CVID at alpha (1B-d) (up to 540-fold) and least pronounced for MVIIA at alpha (1B-d) (3-fold). The novel selectivity of CVID may have therapeutic implications. H-1 NMR studies reveal that CMD possesses a combination of unique structural features, including two hydrogen bonds that stabilize loop 2 and place loop 2 proximal to loop 4, creating a globular surface that is rigid and well defined.
A method is presented for calculating the currents and winding patterns required to design independent zonal and tesseral shim coils for magnetic resonance imaging. Both actively shielded and unshielded configurations are considered, and the region of interest can be located asymmetrically with respect to the coil's length. Streamline, target-field and Fourier-series methods are utilized. The desired target-field is specified at two cylindrical radii, on and inside a circular conducting cylinder of length 2L and radius a. The specification is over some asymmetric portion pL < z < qL of the coil's length (-1 < p < q < 1). Arbitrary functions are used in the outer sections, -L < z < pL and qL < z < L, to ensure continuity of the magnetic field across the entire length of the coil. The entire field is then periodically extended as a half-range cosine Fourier series about either end of the coil. The resultant Fourier coefficients are then substituted into the Fourier-series expressions for the internal and external magnetic fields, and current densities and stream functions on both the primary coil and shield. A contour plot of the stream function directly gives the required coil winding patterns. Spherical harmonic analysis and shielding analysis on field calculations from a ZX shim coil indicate that example designs and theory are well matched.
In this paper, we are concerned with determining values of lambda, for which there exist positive solutions of the nonlinear eigenvalue problem [GRAPHICS] where a, b, c, d is an element of [0, infinity), xi(i) is an element of (0, 1), alpha(i), beta(i) is an element of [0 infinity) (for i is an element of {1, ..., m - 2}) are given constants, p, q is an element of C ([0, 1], (0, infinity)), h is an element of C ([0, 1], [0, infinity)), and f is an element of C ([0, infinity), [0, infinity)) satisfying some suitable conditions. Our proofs are based on Guo-Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A benzothiazole-derived compound (4a) designed to mimic the C-alpha-C-beta bond vectors and terminal functionalities of Lys2, TyrI3 and Arg17 in omega-conotoxin GVIA was synthesised, together with analogues (4b-d), which had each side-chain mimic systematically truncated or eliminated. The affinity of these compounds for rat brain N-type and P/Q-type voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs) was determined. In terms of N-type channel affinity and selectivity, two of these compounds (4a and 4d) were found to be highly promising, first generation mimetics of omega-conotoxin. The fully functionalised mimetic (4a) showed low PM binding affinity to N-type VGCCs (IC50 = 1.9 muM) and greater than 20-fold selectivity for this channel sub-type over P/Q-type VGCCs, whereas the mimetic in which the guanidine-type side chain was truncated back to an amine (4d, IC50 = 4.1 muM) showed a greater than 25-fold selectivity for the N-type channel. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pearl millet landraces from Rajasthan, India, yield significantly less than improved cultivars under optimum growing conditions, but not under stressed conditions. To successfully develop a simulation model for pearl millet, capable of capturing such genotype x environment (G x E) interactions for grain yield, we need to understand the causes of the observed yield interaction. The aim of this paper is to quantify the key parameters that determine the accumulation and partitioning of biomass: the,light extinction coefficient, radiation use efficiency (RUE), pattern of dry matter allocation to the leaf blades, the determination of grain number, and the rate and duration of dry matter accumulation into individual grains. We used data on improved cultivars and landraces, obtained from both published and unpublished sources collected at ICRISAT, Patancheru, India. Where possible, the effects of cultivar and axis (main shoot vs. tillers) on these parameters were analysed, as previous research suggested that G x E interactions for grain yield are associated with differences in tillering habit. Our results indicated there were no cultivar differences in extinction coefficient, RUE, and biomass partitioning before anthesis, and differences between axes in biomass partitioning were negligible. This indicates there was no basis for cultivar differences in the potential grain yield. Landraces, however, produced consistently less grain yield for a given rate of dry matter accumulation at anthesis than did improved cultivars. This was caused by a combination of low grain number and small grain size. The latter was predominantly due to a lower grain growth rate, as genotypic differences in the duration of grain filling were relatively small. Main shoot and tillers also had a similar duration of grain filling. The low grain yield of the landraces was associated with profuse nodal tillering, supporting the hypothesis that grain yield was below the potential yield that could be supported by assimilate availability. We hypothesise this is a survival strategy, which enhances the prospects to escape the effects of stress around anthesis. (C) 2002 E.J. van Oosterom. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Indirect evidence indicates that morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) may contribute significantly to the neuro-excitatory side effects (myoclonus and allodynia) of large-dose systemic morphine. To gain insight into the mechanism underlying M3G' s excitatory behaviors, We used fluo-3 fluorescence digital imaging techniques to assess the acute effects of M3G (5-500 muM) on the cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+](CYT)) in cultured embryonic hippocampal neurones. Acute (3 min) exposure of neurones to M3G evoked [Ca2+](CYT) transients that were typically either (a) transient oscillatory responses characterized by a rapid increase in [Ca2+](CYT) oscillation amplitude that was sustained for at least similar to30 s or (b) a sustained increase in [Ca2+](CYT) that slowly recovered to baseline. Naloxone-pretreatment decreased the proportion of M3G-responsive neurones by 10%-25%, implicating a predominantly non-opioidergic mechanism. Although the naloxone-insensitive M3G-induced increases in [Ca2+](CYT) were completely blocked by N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) antagonists and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) (alphaamino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropiordc acid/ kainate antagonist), CNQX did not block the large increase in [Ca2+](CYT) evoked by NMDA (as expected), confirming that N13G indirectly activates the NMDA receptor. Additionally, tetrodotoxin (Na+ channel blocker), baclofen (gamma-aminobutyric acid, agonist), MVIIC (P/Q-type calcium channel blocker), and nifedipine (L-type calcium channel blocker) all abolished M3G-induced increases in [Ca2+](CYT), suggesting that M3G may produce its neuro-excitatory effects by modulating neurotransmitter release. However, additional characterization is required.
Alpha helices are key structural components of proteins and important recognition motifs in biology. New techniques for stabilizing short peptide helices could be valuable for studying protein folding, modeling proteins, creating artificial proteins, and may aid the design of inhibitors or mimics of protein function. We previously reported* that 5-15 residue peptides, corresponding to the Zn-binding domain of thermolysin, react with [Pd(en)(ONO,),]in DMF-d’ and 90% H,O 10% DzO to form a 22-membered [Pd(en)(H*ELTH*)]2+ macrocycle that is helical in solution and acts as a template in nucleating helicity in both Cand N- terminal directions within the longer sequences in DMF. ~f~~&g7$$& d&qx~m ~. y AC&q& In water, however, there was less a-helicity observed, testifying to #..q,& &$--Lb &l-- &.$;,J~p?:~~q&~+~~ ’ w w the difficulty of fixing intramolecular amide NH...OC H-bonds in 6,“;;” ( k.$ U”C.a , p d$. competition with the H-bond donor solvent water. To expand the utility of [Pd(en)(H*XXXH*)]*+ as a helix- @r4”8 & oJ#:& &G& @-qd ,‘d@-gyp promoting module in solution, we now report the result that Ac- ‘$4: %$yyy + H*ELTH*H*VTDH*-NH,(l), AC-H*ELTH*AVTDYH*ELTH*- NH, (2) and AC-H*AAAH*H*ELTH*H*VTDH*-NH* (3) react with multiple equivalents of [Pd(en)(ONO,),] to produce exclusively 4-6 respectively in both DMF-d7 and water (90% Hz0 10% D,O). Mass spectrometry, 15N- and 2D ‘H- NMR spectroscopy, and CD spectra were used to characterise the structures 4-6, and their three dimensional structures were calculated from NOE restraints using simulated annealing protocols. Results demonstrate (a) selective coordination of metal ions at (i, i+4) histidine positions in water and DMF, (b) incorporation of 2 and 3 a turn-mimicking modules [Pd(en)(HELTH)]2+ in lo-15 residue peptides, and (c) facile conversion of unstructured peptides into 3- and 4- turn helices of macrocycles, with well defined a-helicity throughout and more structure in DMF than in water.
A method is presented for calculating the winding patterns required to design independent zonal and tesseral biplanar shim coils for magnetic resonance imaging. Streamline, target-field, Fourier integral and Fourier series methods are utilized. For both Fourier-based methods, the desired target field is specified on the surface of the conducting plates. For the Fourier series method it is possible to specify the target field at additional depths interior to the two conducting plates. The conducting plates are confined symmetrically in the xy plane with dimensions 2a x 2b, and are separated by 2d in the z direction. The specification of the target field is symmetric for the Fourier integral method, but can be over some asymmetric portion pa < x < qa and sb < y < tb of the coil dimensions (-1 < p < q < 1 and -1 < s < t < 1) for the Fourier series method. Arbitrary functions are used in the outer sections to ensure continuity of the magnetic field across the entire coil face. For the Fourier series case, the entire field is periodically extended as double half-range sine or cosine series. The resultant Fourier coefficients are substituted into the Fourier series and integral expressions for the internal and external magnetic fields, and stream functions on both the conducting surfaces. A contour plot of the stream function directly gives the required coil winding patterns. Spherical harmonic analysis of field calculations from a ZX shim coil indicates that example designs and theory are well matched.
Neurons in pelvic ganglia receive nicotinic excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) from sacral preganglionic neurons via the pelvic nerve, lumbar preganglionic neurons via the hypogastric nerve or both. We tested the effect of a range of calcium channel antagonists on EPSPs evoked in paracervical ganglia of female guinea-pigs after pelvic or hypogastric nerve stimulation. omega-Conotoxin GVIA (CTX GVIA, 100 nM) or the novel N-type calcium channel antagonist, CTX CVID (100 nM) reduced the amplitude of EPSPs evoked after pelvic nerve stimulation by 50-75% but had no effect on EPSPs evoked by hypogastric nerve stimulation. Combined addition of CTX GVIA and CTX CVID was no more effective than either antagonist alone. EPSPs evoked by stimulating either nerve trunk were not inhibited by the P/Q calcium channel antagonist, omega-agatoxin IVA (100 nM), nor the L-type calcium channel antagonist, nifedipine (30 muM). SNX 482 (300 nM), an antagonist at some R-type calcium channels, inhibited EPSPs after hypogastric nerve stimulation by 20% but had little effect on EPSPs after pelvic nerve stimulation. Amiloride (100 muM) inhibited EPSPs after stimulation of either trunk by 40%, while nickel (100 muM) was ineffective. CTX GVIA or CTX CVID (100 nM) also slowed the rate of action potential repolarization and reduced afterhyperpolarization amplitude in paracervical neurons. Thus, release of transmitter from the terminals of sacral preganglionic neurons is largely dependent on calcium influx through N-type calcium channels, although an unknown calcium channel which is resistant to selective antagonists also contributes to release. Release of transmitter from lumbar preganglionic neurons does not require calcium entry through either conventional N-type calcium channels or the variant CTX CVID-sensitive N-type calcium channel and seems to be mediated largely by a novel calcium channel. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1 The effects of calcium channel blockers on co-transmission from different populations of autonomic vasomotor neurons were studied on isolated segments of uterine artery and vena cava from guinea-pigs. 2 Sympathetic, noradrenergic contractions of the uterine artery (produced by 200 pulses at 1 or 10 Hz; 600 pulses at 20 Hz) were abolished by the N-type calcium channel blocker omega-conotoxin (CTX) GVIA at 1-10 nM. 3 Biphasic sympathetic contractions of the vena cava (600 pulses at 20 Hz) mediated by noradrenaline and neuropeptide Y were abolished by 10 nM CTX GVIA. 4 Neurogenic relaxations of the uterine artery (200 pulses at 10 Hz) mediated by neuronal nitric oxide and neuropeptides were reduced < 50% by CTX GVIA 10-100 nM. 5 Capsaicin (3 muM) did not affect the CTX GVIA-sensitive or CTX GVIA-resistant neurogenic relaxations of the uterine artery. 6 The novel N-type blocker CTX CVID (100-300 nM), P/Q-type blockers agatoxin IVA (10-100 nM) or CTX CVIB (100 nM), the L-type blocker nifedipine (10 muM) or the 'R-type' blocker SNX-482 (100 nM), all failed to reduce CTX GVIA-resistant relaxations. The T-type channel blocker NiCl2 (100-300 muM) reduced but did not abolish the remaining neurogenic dilations. 7 Release of different neurotransmitters from the same autonomic vasomotor axon depends on similar subtypes of calcium channels. N-type channels are responsible for transmitter release from vasoconstrictor neurons innervating a muscular artery and capacitance vein, but only partly mediate release of nitric oxide and neuropeptides from pelvic vasodilator neurons.
Auxiliary subunit regulation of high-voltage activated calcium channels expressed in mammalian cells
The effects of auxiliary calcium channel subunits on the expression and functional properties of high-voltage activated (HVA) calcium channels have been studied extensively in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, but are less completely characterized in a mammalian cellular environment. Here, we provide the first systematic analysis of the effects of calcium channel beta and alpha(2)-delta subunits on expression levels and biophysical properties of three different types (Ca(v)1.2, Ca(v)2.1 and Ca(v)2.3) of HVA calcium channels expressed in tsA-201 cells. Our data show that Ca(v)1.2 and Ca(v)2.3 channels yield significant barium current in the absence of any auxiliary subunits. Although calcium channel beta subunits were in principle capable of increasing whole cell conductance, this effect was dependent on the type of calcium channel alpha(1) subunit, and beta(3) subunits altogether failed to enhance current amplitude irrespective of channel subtype. Moreover, the alpha(2)-delta subunit alone is capable of increasing current amplitude of each channel type examined, and at least for members of the Ca(v)2 channel family, appears to act synergistically with beta subunits. In general agreement with previous studies, channel activation and inactivation gating was regulated both by beta and by alpha(2)-delta subunits. However, whereas pronounced regulation of inactivation characteristics was seen with the majority of the auxiliary subunits, effects on voltage dependence of activation were only small (< 5 mV). Overall, through a systematic approach, we have elucidated a previously underestimated role of the alpha(2)-delta(1) subunit with regard to current enhancement and kinetics. Moreover, the effects of each auxiliary subunit on whole cell conductance and channel gating appear to be specifically tailored to subsets of calcium channel subtypes.
Little is known about the nature of the calcium channels controlling neurotransmitter release from preganglionic parasympathetic nerve fibres. In the present study, the effects of selective calcium channel antagonists and amiloride were investigated on ganglionic neurotransmission. Conventional intracellular recording and focal extracellular recording techniques were used in rat submandibular and pelvic ganglia, respectively. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials and excitatory postsynaptic currents preceded by nerve terminal impulses were recorded as a measure of acetylcholine release from parasympathetic and sympathetic preganglionic fibres following nerve stimulation. The calcium channel antagonists omega-conotoxin GVIA (N type), nifedipine and nimodipine (L type), omega-conotoxin MVIIC and omega-agatoxin IVA (P/Q type), and Ni2+ (R type) had no functional inhibitory effects on synaptic transmission in both submandibular and pelvic ganglia. The potassium-sparing diuretic, amiloride, and its analogue, dimethyl amiloride, produced a reversible and concentration-dependent inhibition of excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitude in the rat submandibular ganglion. The amplitude and frequency of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic potentials and the sensitivity of the postsynaptic membrane to acetylcholine were unaffected by amiloride. In the rat pelvic ganglion, amiloride produced a concentration-dependent inhibition of excitatory postsynaptic currents without causing any detectable effects on the amplitude or configuration of the nerve terminal impulse. These results indicate that neurotransmitter release from preganglionic parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve terminals is resistant to inhibition by specific calcium channel antagonists of N-, L-, P/Q- and R-type calcium channels. Amiloride acts presynaptically to inhibit evoked transmitter release, but does not prevent action potential propagation in the nerve terminals, suggesting that amiloride may block the pharmacologically distinct calcium channel type(s) on rat preganglionic nerve terminals. (C) 1999 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Controlled polishing procedures were used to produce both uniformly doped and p-n junction silicon samples with different interface state densities but identical oxide thicknesses. Using these samples, the effects of interface states on scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) measurements could be singled out. SCM measurements on the junction samples were performed with and without illumination from the atomic force microscopy laser. Both the interface charges and the illumination were seen to affect the SCM signal near p-n junctions significantly. SCM p-n junction dopant profiling can be achieved by avoiding or correctly modeling these two factors in the experiment and in the simulation. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.