21 resultados para Backarc Basins
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous volcanosedimentary rocks of the Yarrol terrane of the northern New England Fold Belt have previously been ascribed to a forearc basin setting. New data presented here, however, suggest that the Yarrol terrane developed as a backarc basin during the Middle to early Late Devonian. Based on field studies, we recognise four regionally applicable strati graphic units: (i) a basal, ?Middle to Upper Devonian submarine mafic volcanic suite (Monal volcanic facies association); (ii) the lower Frasnian Lochenbar beds that locally unconformably overlie the Monal volcanic facies association: (iii) the Three Moon Conglomerate (Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous): and (iv) the Lower Carboniferous Rockhampton Group characterised by the presence of oolitic limestone. Stratigraphic and compositional differences suggest the Monal volcanic facies association post-dates Middle Devonian silicic-dominated magmatism that was coeval with gold-copper mineralisation at Mt Morgan. The Lochenbar beds, Three Moon Conglomerate and Rockhampton Group represent a near-continuous sedimentary record of volcanism that changed in composition and style from mafic effusive (Late Devonian) to silicic explosive volcanism (Early Carboniferous). Palaeocurrent data from the Three Moon Conglomerate and Rockhampton Group indicate dispersal of sediment to the west and northwest, and are inconsistent with derivation from a volcanic-are source situated to the west (Connors-Auburn Arch). Geochemical data show that the Monal volcanic facies association ranges from tholeiitic subalkaline basalts to calc-alkaline basaltic andesite. Trace and rare-earth element abundances are distinctly MORE-like (e.g, light rare earth element depletion), with only moderate enrichment of the large-ion lithophile elements in some units, and negative Nb anomalies, suggesting a subduction-related signature. Basalts of the Monal volcanic facies association are best described as transitional between calc-alkali basalts and N-MORB. The elevated high field strength element contents (e.g. Zr, Y, Ti) are higher than modern island-are basalts, but comparable to basalts that floor modern backarc basins. This geochemical study, coupled with stratigraphic relationships, suggest that the eruption of backarc basin basalts followed widespread Middle Devonian, extension-related silicic magmatism (e.g. Retreat Batholith, Mt Morgan), and floored the Yarrol terrane. The Monal volcanic facies association thus shows similarities in its tectonic environment to the Lower Permian successions (e.g. Rookwood Volcanics) of the northern New England Fold Belt. These mafic volcanic sequences are interpreted to record two backarc basin-forming periods (Middle - Late Devonian and Late Carboniferous - Early Permian) during the Late Palaeozoic history of the New England Orogen. Silicic-dominated explosive volcanism, occurring extensively across the northern New England Fold Belt in the Early Carboniferous (Varrol terrane, Campwyn Volcanics, Drummond and Burdekin Basins), reflects another period of crustal melting and extension, most likely related to the opening of the Drummond Basin.
We present a numerical methodology for the study of convective pore-fluid, thermal and mass flow in fluid-saturated porous rock basins. lit particular, we investigate the occurrence and distribution pattern of temperature gradient driven convective pore-fluid flow and hydrocarbon transport in the Australian North West Shelf basin. The related numerical results have demonstrated that: (1) The finite element method combined with the progressive asymptotic approach procedure is a useful tool for dealing with temperature gradient driven pore-fluid flow and mass transport in fluid-saturated hydrothermal basins; (2) Convective pore-fluid flow generally becomes focused in more permeable layers, especially when the layers are thick enough to accommodate the appropriate convective cells; (3) Large dislocation of strata has a significant influence off the distribution patterns of convective pore;fluid flow, thermal flow and hydrocarbon transport in the North West Shelf basin; (4) As a direct consequence of the formation of convective pore-fluid cells, the hydrocarbon concentration is highly localized in the range bounded by two major faults in the basin.
In order to use the finite element method for solving fluid-rock interaction problems in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins effectively and efficiently, we have presented, in this paper, the new concept and numerical algorithms to deal with the fundamental issues associated with the fluid-rock interaction problems. These fundamental issues are often overlooked by some purely numerical modelers. (1) Since the fluid-rock interaction problem involves heterogeneous chemical reactions between reactive aqueous chemical species in the pore-fluid and solid minerals in the rock masses, it is necessary to develop the new concept of the generalized concentration of a solid mineral, so that two types of reactive mass transport equations, namely, the conventional mass transport equation for the aqueous chemical species in the pore-fluid and the degenerated mass transport equation for the solid minerals in the rock mass, can be solved simultaneously in computation. (2) Since the reaction area between the pore-fluid and mineral surfaces is basically a function of the generalized concentration of the solid mineral, there is a definite need to appropriately consider the dependence of the dissolution rate of a dissolving mineral on its generalized concentration in the numerical analysis. (3) Considering the direct consequence of the porosity evolution with time in the transient analysis of fluid-rock interaction problems; we have proposed the term splitting algorithm and the concept of the equivalent source/sink terms in mass transport equations so that the problem of variable mesh Peclet number and Courant number has been successfully converted into the problem of constant mesh Peclet and Courant numbers. The numerical results from an application example have demonstrated the usefulness of the proposed concepts and the robustness of the proposed numerical algorithms in dealing with fluid-rock interaction problems in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We present the finite element simulations of reactive mineral carrying fluids mixing and mineralization in pore-fluid saturated hydrothermal/sedimentary basins. In particular we explore the mixing of reactive sulfide and sulfate fluids and the relevant patterns of mineralization for Load, zinc and iron minerals in the regime of temperature-gradient-driven convective flow. Since the mineralization and ore body formation may last quite a long period of time in a hydrothermal basin, it is commonly assumed that, in the geochemistry, the solutions of minerals are in an equilibrium state or near an equilibrium state. Therefore, the mineralization rate of a particular kind of mineral can be expressed as the product of the pore-fluid velocity and the equilibrium concentration of this particular kind of mineral Using the present mineralization rate of a mineral, the potential of the modern mineralization theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to reactive mineral-carrying fluids mixing problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock basins.
Organic petrology supported by electron microscopical and micro-analytical techniques was applied to organic matter in Proterozoic sediments to better understand hydrothermal processes responsible for ore-grade mineralisation. It was shown that organic maturation was not only closely linked to the geological history of the sediments, but also highlighted heat transfer by convection as differentiated from conduction solely through sediment burial and step-wise subsidence. Water-rock ratios effect organic maturation in hydrothermal systems, and erratic reflectance profiles are indicators of convective heat transfer. Identification and characterisation of organic materials in terms of source rock and migrated hydrocarbons was shown to be a powerful tool in reconstructing the thermal history of sediments, identifying hydrothermal episodes, fluid pathways and heat source in the northern Australian Proterozoic basins. Higher reflectance of organic matter towards the central parts of the Mount Isa Basin and some of the most northerly parts point to proximity to higher heat flow at times, in contrast to relatively low temperatures prevailing in the western parts of the basin, next to the Murphy Inlier. A close correlation shown between peak organic reflectance values and super-sequence boundaries farther highlighted the valuable information to be gained from organic petrology, by allowing the separation of processes responsible for metal dissolution and transportation from those inducing precipitation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.
Many tools exist for determining and mapping the bathymetry and topography of aquatic systems, such as freshwater wetlands. However, these tools often require time-consuming survey work to produce accurate maps. In particular, the large quantity of data necessary may be prohibitive for projects where determining bathymetry is not a central focus, but instead a necessary step in achieving some other goal. We present a method to produce bathymetric surface maps with a minimum amount of effort using global positioning system receiver and laser transit survey data. We also demonstrate that this method is surprisingly accurate, given the small amount of data we use to generate the bathymetry maps.
Humpbacks have picked up a catchy tune sung by immigrants from a distant ocean. The song patterns of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) depend on where they live, with populations inhabiting different ocean basins normally singing quite distinct songs. Here we record a unique and radical song change in the song of humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean off the Australian east coast. Their song was replaced rapidly and completely by the song of the Australian west coast population from the Indian Ocean, apparently as a result of the introduction of only a small number of 'foreign' singers. Such a revolutionary change is unprecedented in animal cultural vocal traditions and suggests that novelty may stimulate change in humpback whale songs.
A revised kinematic model for the motions of Africa and Iberia relative to Europe since the Middle Jurassic is presented in order to provide boundary conditions for Alpine-Mediterranean reconstructions. These motions were calculated using up-to-date kinematic data predominantly based on magnetic isochrons in the Atlantic Ocean and published by various authors during the last 15 years. It is shown that convergence of Africa with respect to Europe commenced during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS), between chrons MO and 34 (120-83 Ma). This motion was subjected to fluctuations in convergence rates characterised by two periods of relatively rapid convergence (during Late Cretaceous and Eocene-Oligocene times) that alternated with periods of slower convergence (during the Paleocene and since the Early Miocene). Distinct changes in plate kinematics are recognised in the motion of Iberia with respect to Europe, indicated by: (1) a Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous left-lateral strike-slip motion; (2) Late Cretaceous convergence; (3) Paleocene quiescence; (4) a short period of right-lateral strike-slip motion; and (5) final Eocene-Oligocene convergence. Based on these results, it is speculated that a collisional episode in the Alpine orogeny at ca. 65 Ma resulted in a dramatic decrease in the relative plate motions and that a slower motion since the Early Miocene promoted extension in the Mediterranean back-arc basins. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We use the finite element method to solve coupled problems between pore-fluid flow and heat transfer in fluid-saturated porous rocks. In particular, we investigate the effects of both the hot pluton intrusion and topographically driven horizontal flow on the distributions of the pore-flow velocity and temperature in large-scale hydrothermal systems. Since general mineralization patterns are strongly dependent on distributions of both the pore-fluid velocity and temperature fields, the modern mineralization theory has been used to predict the general mineralization patterns in several realistic hydrothermal systems. The related numerical results have demonstrated that: (1) The existence of a hot intrusion can cause an increase in the maximum value of the pore-fluid velocity in the hydrothermal system. (2) The permeability of an intruded pluton is one of the sensitive parameters to control the pore-fluid flow, heat transfer and ore body formation in hydrothermal systems. (3) The maximum value of the pore-fluid velocity increases when the bottom temperature of the hydrothermal system is increased. (4) The topographically driven flow has significant effects on the pore-fluid flow, temperature distribution and precipitation pattern of minerals in hydrothermal systems. (5) The size of the computational domain may have some effects on the pore-fluid flow and heat transfer, indicating that the size of a hydrothermal system may affect the pore-fluid flow and heat transfer within the system. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Exact analytical solutions of the critical Rayleigh numbers have been obtained for a hydrothermal system consisting of a horizontal porous layer with temperature-dependent viscosity. The boundary conditions considered are constant temperature and zero vertical Darcy velocity at both the top and bottom of the layer. Not only can the derived analytical solutions be readily used to examine the effect of the temperature-dependent viscosity on the temperature-gradient driven convective flow, but also they can be used to validate the numerical methods such as the finite-element method and finite-difference method for dealing with the same kind of problem. The related analytical and numerical results demonstrated that the temperature-dependent viscosity destabilizes the temperature-gradient driven convective flow and therefore, may affect the ore body formation and mineralization in the upper crust of the Earth. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
This paper presents kinematic analysis on the motion of Adria, which is the continental mass that bridges Africa and Europe in the central Mediterranean. Palaeomagnetic data show a general coherence between the motion of Adria and Africa since the Late Paleozoic. This mutual motion, for the period from 120 Ma and the present, is verified by comparing inferred palaeolatitudes from relatively stable parts of Adria (Apulia, Gargano, Istria, and the Southern Alps) and the Hyblean Plateau, with latitudinal changes that are calculated from the motion of Africa with respect to hotspots. Additional constraints on the motion of Adria are provided from the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic passive margin of Adria in the Ionian Sea. The seismic structure of the floor of the Ionian Sea resembles the structure of the oceanic crust in marginal back-arc basins, suggesting that it formed as a small ocean basin. Furthermore, the Ionian lithosphere in the Calabrian arc has been subjected to rapid rollback, which commonly occurs only when the subducting slab is made of oceanic lithosphere. This oceanic domain marks the Pennian-Triassic to Jurassic plate boundary between Adria and Africa, suggesting that a small amount of independent motion between Adria and Africa took place at that time. Since the Jurassic, Adria and Africa have shared a relatively coherent motion path. (C) 2004 Lavoisier SAS. All rights reserved.
Extension of overthickened continental crust is commonly characterized by an early core complex stage of extension followed by a later stage of crustal-scale rigid block faulting. These two stages are clearly recognized during the extensional destruction of the Alpine orogen in northeast Corsica, where rigid block faulting overprinting core complex formation eventually led to crustal separation and the formation of a new oceanic backarc basin (the Ligurian Sea). Here we investigate the geodynamic evolution of continental extension by using a novel, fully coupled thermomechanical numerical model of the continental crust. We consider that the dynamic evolution is governed by fault weakening, which is generated by the evolution of the natural-state variables (i.e., pressure, deviatoric stress, temperature, and strain rate) and their associated energy fluxes. Our results show the appearance of a detachment layer that controls the initial separation of the brittle crust on characteristic listric faults, and a core complex formation that is exhuming strongly deformed rocks of the detachment zone and relatively undeformed crustal cores. This process is followed by a transitional period, characterized by an apparent tectonic quiescence, in which deformation is not localized and energy stored in the upper crust is transferred downward and causes self-organized mobilization of the lower crust. Eventually, the entire crust ruptures on major crosscutting faults, shifting the tectonic regime from core complex formation to wholesale rigid block faulting.