38 resultados para Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Laboratory bioassay studies were conducted in southeast Queensland, Australia,: on the efficacy of Teknar (R), VectoBac (R) 12AS, and Cybate (R) (active ingredient: 1,200 international toxic units Bacillus thuringiensis var, israelensis [Bti]) against 3rd instars of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti. Ae. notoscriptus, Ae. vigilax, and Ae. camptorhynchus. Probit analyses were then used to determine LD,, (median lethal dose), LD95, and lethal dose ratios (LDR). Aedes aegypti and Ae. notoscriptus, both container-habitat species, tolerated the highest Bti concentrations compared with saltmarsh Ae. vigilax and Ae. camptorhynchus. For example, the LDR for Ae. vigilax versus Ae. notoscriptus exposed to Cybate was 0.14 (95% confidence limit [CL] 0.03-0.61). Similarly, the Cybate LDR for Ae. camptorhynchus versus Ae. notoscriptus was 0.22 (95% CL 0.07-0.70). Teknar produced similar results with an LDR of 0.21 (95% CL 0.04-1.10) for Aedes vigilax versus Aedes notoscriptus. Differences in product efficacy were found when tested against the 2 container-breeding species. Cybate was less effective than Teknar with LDRs of 1.55 (95% CL 0.65-3.67) and 1.87 (95% CL 0.68-5.15) for Aedes aegypti and Ae. notoscriptus, respectively. The significant differences in susceptibility between mosquito species and varying efficacy between products highlight the importance of evaluating concentration-response data prior to contracting with distributors of mosquito control products. This information is crucial to resistance management strategies.


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The use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) endotoxins to control insect vectors of human diseases and agricultural pests is threatened by the possible evolution of resistance in major pest species. In addition to high levels of resistance produced by receptor insensitivity (5, 16, 17), several cases of tolerance to low to medium levels of toxin have been reported in laboratory colonies of lepidopteran species (3, 18). Because the molecular basis of some of these cases of tolerance to the toxin are not known, we explored alternative mechanisms. Here, we present evidence that tolerance to a Bt formulation in a laboratory colony of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella can be induced by preexposure to a low concentration of the Bt formulation and that the tolerance correlates with an elevated immune response. The data also indicate that both immune induction and Bt tolerance can be transmitted to offspring by a maternal effect and that their magnitudes are determined by more than one gene.


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Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenic cotton has shown changes of vegetative and reproductive growth characteristics. The objective of this study was to investigate the physiological change of nitrogen metabolism that related closely to the growth in Bt cotton cultivars. The study Was undertaken on two 131 transgenic cotton cultivars and their parents, one conventional (Xingyang822) and recurrent parent (Sumian No. 9), the other a hybrid (Kumian No. 1) and female parent (Yumian No. 1), during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons at the Yangzhou University Farm, Yangzhou, China. In the 2001 study, The results indicated that the Bt cotton cultivars were higher than their parents in leaf total nitrogen, free amino acid and soluble protein content, greater in NR and GPT activity, and lower in protease activity, during peak square and boll developing period. The biggest increase of total nitrogen was at peak boll period, which increased by 36.01 and 18.96% for Kumian No. I and Xingyang822, respectively. There were similar results for free amino acid and soluble protein content. The results showed further in 2002 study that NR activity increased dramatically at peak square and early boll open period, the biggest increase at early boll open period, with Kumian No. I and Xingyan,822 being 87.5 and 61.4% higher than their parent, respectively, the biggest increase of GPT activity was at peak boll period, with Kumian No. I and Xingyang822 being 39.1 and 29.1% higher than their parent, respectively. However, protease activity of Bt cultivars reduced significantly before flowering and early boll open period, the biggest decrease was before flowering period, with Kumian No. I being more than 30%, Xingyang822 being 26.5% at peak square period. Moreover, the boll total nitrogen content reduced sharply. The results suggest that the Bt cotton cultivars have higher intensity of leaf nitrogen metabolism than their parent, especially during square and boll development period. It is disadvantage for square development and earlier boll maturity under high nitrogen condition. The cultural practice should aim at reducing leaf nitrogen metabolic strength and keep the balance of vegetative and reproductive growth. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The relative resistance levels of three different populations of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has been studied. All three populations (two Australian and one Indonesian) were observed for similar characteristics including 3rd instar larval mortality at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after treatment (HAT), LD50 ratio and probit mortality. Among the Australian two populations, the QuBill (yellow coloured, oval shaped cocoon) population showed higher larval mortality to Bt toxicity compared to the QuBite (white coloured, oval shaped cocoon) population. When all the populations were compared, the Insab (Indonesian population with white Coloured, peanut shaped cocoon) showed lower larval mortality and highest LD50 ratio up to 48 HAT. The Insab population also showed a 24 It longer incubation/latent period prior to the start Of Mortality.


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Abstract Resistance in insect pests against the endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) is a major threat to the usefulness of this biopesticide, both used as traditional formulations and in transgenic crops. A crucial requirement for the development of successful resistance management strategies is a molecular understanding of the nature and inheritance of resistance mechanisms. This information can be used to design management strategies that will delay or counteract Bt resistance. The best known Bt resistance mechanism is inactivation of brush border membrane receptors. This type of resistance has a largely recessive mode of inheritance, which has enabled the design of resistance management approaches involving high dose and refuge strategies. Recent observations suggest that other resistance mechanisms are possible, including a mechanism that sequesters the toxin in the gut lumen through inducible immune reactions. The elevated immune status associated with tolerance to the toxin can be transmitted to subsequent generations by a maternal effect, which has implications for resistance management in the field. The high dose/refuge strategy may not be appropriate for the management of these alternative resistance mechanisms and other strategies have to be developed if inducible dominant resistance or tolerance mechanisms occur frequently in the field.


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Verrallina funerea (Theobald) is a brackish water mosquito that is recognised as an important pest and vector in southeast Queensland, Australia. Immature development time and survival of Ve. funerea was defined in the laboratory in response to a range of temperatures (17-34 degrees C) and salinities (0-35 parts per thousand (p.p.t)). The expression of autogeny in this species was also assessed. Salinity only had a slight effect on mean development time from hatching to adult emergence (7.0-7.4 d at salinities of 0, 17.5 and 31.5 p.p.t) and survival was uniformly high (97.5-99.0%). Mean development times were shorter at 26, 29 and 32 degrees C (7.0, 6.8 and 6.8 d, respectively) and longest at 17 degrees C (12.2 d). The threshold temperature (t) was 5.8 degrees C and the thermal constant (K) was 142.9 degree-days above t. Survival to adulthood decreased from > 95% (at 17-29 degrees C) to 78% (at 32 degrees C) and 0% (at 34 degrees C). No expression of autogeny was observed. Immature development times of Ve. funerea, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse) and Oc. procax (Skuse) were then determined under field conditions at Maroochy Shire. Following tide and rain inundation, cohorts of newly hatched larvae were monitored daily by dipping, and time until pupation was noted. Tidal inundation triggered hatching of Ve. funerea and Oc. vigilax larvae whereas Oc. procax larvae were found only after rain inundation. Estimates of Ve. funerea and Oc. vigilax field development times were similar (8-9 d) while Oc. procax development time was slightly longer (9-10 d). Based on these survey results, control activities targeting Ve. funerea must be initiated 4 d (if using Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis de Barjac) or 5 d (if using s-methoprene) after inundation. However, Casuarina glauca Sieber canopy and branchlets covering breeding habitats may present a problem for the penetration of such treatments.


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Helicoverpa armigera is a serious insect pest of sweet corn in Australia and is becoming increasingly difficult to manage with conventional chemical insecticides due to resistance problems. A number of alternative H. armigera control options were evaluated in sweet corn and compared with deltamethrin and no action (control). The alternative tactics evaluated were: heliothis nuclear polyhedrosis virus plus Trichogramma nr. brassicae releases; Bacillus thuringiensis; and Trichogramma alone. The H. tea nuclear polyhedrosis virus + Trichogramma plots had the lowest cob damage (6.0%), followed by the B. thuringiensis plots (12.0%), Trichogramma alone plots (20.2%), control plots (23.2%) and deltamethrin plots (53.5%). There was no evidence to suggest that the Trichogramma nr. brassicae releases had any impact on H. armigera egg mortality. However, there was a large natural population of Trichogramma pretiosum in all plots. The application of deltamethrin reduced the action of these wasps and predators, resulting in higher larval infestation and significantly more cob damage. The findings indicate that the pathogens heliothis nuclear polyhedrosis virus and B. thuringiensis can effectively control H. armigera when their action complements high natural levels of egg parasitism, and that they have potential for use in integrated pest management programs in sweet corn.


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Field trials on upland cotton (Gossypium hirstum L.) during its reproductive phase were used to assess the toxicity of several biorational pesticides and chemicals to Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) and H. puntigera Wallengren, as well as major predators at Dalby, Queensland, Australia. Moderate rate-dependent control was obtained in plots treated with neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed extract-azadirachtin (Aza) at rates of 30, 60 and 90 g/ha. Plots treated with Talstar EC (bifenthrin) applications achieved the best results, followed by treatment with alternation of chemicals (methomyl, bifenthrin, thiodicarb and endosulfan) and biorational insecticides (neem oil, azadirachtin and Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki var. Berliner). Predators, including lady beetles, lacewings, spiders and predatory bugs, were insensitive to Aza, tooseendanin (Tsdn) and BT applications. In contrast, chemicals were very destructive of predators. All treatments provided some protection from infestation of H. armigera and H. puntigera. The effect of Aza on Helicoverpa spp. was reflected in a relatively higher yield of seed cotton harvested from Aza-treated plots compared with the control, but chemical control achieved significantly higher yields than any other treatment.


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1. Chrysophtharta bimaculata is a native chrysomelid species that can cause chronic defoliation of plantation and regrowth Eucalyptus forests in Tasmania, Australia. Knowledge of the dispersion pattern of C. bimaculata was needed in order to assess the efficiency of an integrated pest management (IPM) programme currently used for its control. 2. Using data from yellow flight traps, local populations of C. bimaculata adults were monitored over a season at spatial scales relevant to commercial forestry: within a 50-ha operational management unit (a forestry 'coupe') and between coupes. In addition, oviposition was monitored over a season at a subset of the between-coupe sites. 3. Dispersion indices (Taylor's Power Law and Iwao's Mean Crowding regression method) demonstrated that C. bimaculata adults were spatially aggregated within and between coupes, although the number of egg-batches laid at the between-coupe scale was uniform. Spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that trap-catches at the within-coupe level were similar (positively autocorrelated) to a radius distance of approximately 110 m, and then dissimilar (negatively autocorrelated) at approximately 250 m. At the between-coupe scale, no repeatable spatial autocorrelation patterns were observed. 4. For any individual site, rapid changes in beetle density were observed to be associated with loosely aggregated flights of beetles into and out of that site. Peak adult catches (> the weekly mean plus standard deviation trap-catch) for a site occurred for a period of 2.0 +/- 0.22 weeks at a time (n = 37), with normally only one or two peaks per site per season. Peak oviposition events for a site occurred on average 1.4 +/- 0.11 times per season and lasted 1.5 +/- 0.12 weeks. 5. Analysis of an extensive data set (n = 417) demonstrated that adult abundance at a site was positively correlated with egg density, but negatively correlated with tree damage (caused by conspecifics) and the presence of conspecific larvae. There was no relationship between adult abundance and a visual estimate of the amount of young foliage on trees. 6. Adults of C. bimaculata are show n to occur in relatively small, mobile aggregations. This means that pest surveys must be both regular (less than 2 weeks apart) and intensive (with sampling points no more than 150 m apart) if beetle populations are to be monitored with confidence. Further refinement of the current IPM strategy must recognize the problems posed by this temporal and spatial patchiness, particularly with regard to the use of biological insecticides, such as Bacillus thuringiensis, for which only a very short operational window exists.


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Laboratory studies investigated the interaction between the fungal entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and sublethal doses of the insecticides imidacloprid and cyromazine when applied to larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlinenta (Say). When second instars were fed potato leaf discs treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid and a range of doses of B. bassiana, a synergistic action was demonstrated. Similar results were observed when larvae were sprayed directly with B. bassiana conidia and immediately fed leaf discs treated with imidacloprid. No synergistic interaction was detected when larvae were fed leaf discs treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid 24 h after application of R. bassiana conidia to larvae. However, a synergistic interaction was detected when larvae were fed leaf discs treated with imidacloprid and sprayed with B, bassiana conidia 24 h later. Although sublethal doses of both imidacloprid and the triazine insect growth regulator (IGR) cyromazine prolonged the duration of the second instar, only imidacloprid interacted with B. bassiana to produce a synergistic response in larval mortality. In leaf consumption studies, the highest dose of B, bassiana tested promoted feeding in inoculated second instars. Feeding was inhibited when larvae were fed foliage treated with sublethal doses of imidacloprid and significantly reduced when fed foliage treated with a sublethal dose of cyromazine. Starvation of larvae for 24 h immediately after B. bassiana treatment produced a similar result to the combined treatment of B. bassiana and imidacloprid and increased the level of mycosis when compared with B. bassiana controls. Imidacloprid treatment affected neither the rate of germination of B. bassiana conidia on the insect cuticle nor the rate at which conidia were removed from the integument after application. The statistical analysis used to detect synergism and the possible role of starvation-induced stress factors underlying the observed synergistic interactions are discussed.


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The relative potential of the pathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Zoophthora radicans for use as autodisseminated biological control agents of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) was compared. The LC50 of B. bassiana conidia to third instar larvae was 499 conidia/mm(2) of leaf surface and individual cadavers of mycosed fourth instar larvae yielded a mean of 67.5 X 10(6) (+/- 7.5 x 10(6)) conidia. All concentrations of B. bassiana tested in inoculation chambers (0.24, 2.4, and 6.2 mug/mm(2)) induced 100% mortality in adult male moths within 7 days. The times to death and sporulation were concentration and exposure duration dependent. A standard procedure for inoculating male moths resulted in > 85% mortality from Z. radicans and > 93% mortality from B. bassiana. Pairing of inoculated males with clean moths of both sexes yielded higher rates of passive transmission of B. bassiana than Z. radicans, but there was no evidence for sexual transmission of either pathogen. Similarly, B. bassiana was more effectively transmitted from inoculated male moths to larvae foraging on whole plants. Single sporulating cadavers producing B. bassiana or Z. radicans conidia placed on plants infested with larvae resulted in a similar rate of transmission for both pathogens. However, an increase of the density of sporulating cadavers from one to three/plant increased Z. radicans transmission (greater than fourfold) but had no effect on B. bassiana transmission. Simultaneous inoculations of larvae with conidia of both fungi reduced the mortality induced by each pathogen, the reduction being most acute for B. bassiana-induced mortality. Inoculation of adults with both fungi showed that, at concentrations required for effective passive transmission to larvae, B. bassiana severely inhibited Z. radicans mycosis in adults. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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We evaluated the role of the larval parasitoid, Diadegma semiclausum Hellen (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), in controlling Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) by cage exclusion experiments and direct field observation during the winter season in southern Queensland, Australia. The cage exclusion experiment involved uncaged, open cage and closed cage treatments. A higher percentage (54-83%) of P. xylostella larvae on sentinel plants were lost in the uncaged treatment than the closed (4-9%) or open cage treatments (11-29%). Of the larvae that remained in the uncaged treatment, 72-94% were parasitized by D. semiclausum , much higher than that in the open cage treatment (8-37% in first trial, and 38-63% in second trial). Direct observations showed a significant aggregation response of the field D. semiclausum populations to high host density plants in an experimental plot and to high host density plots that were artificially set-up near to the parasitoid source fields. The degree of aggregation varied in response to habitat quality of the parasitoid source field and scales of the manipulated host patches. As a result, density-dependence in the pattern of parasitism may depend on the relative degree of aggregation of the parasitoid population at a particular scale. A high degree of aggregation seems to be necessary to generate density-dependent parasitism by D. semiclausum . Integration of the cage exclusion experiment and direct observation demonstrated the active and dominant role of this parasitoid in controlling P. xylostella in the winter season. A biologically based IPM strategy, which incorporates the use of D. semiclausum with Bt, is suggested for the management of P. xylostella in seasons or regions with a mild temperature.


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1 Accurate assessment of the impact of natural enemies on pest populations is fundamental to the design of robust integrated pest management programmes. In most situations, diseases, predators and parasitoids act contemporaneously on insect pest populations and the impact of individual natural enemies, or specific groups of natural enemies, is difficult to interpret. These problems are exacerbated in agro-ecosystems that are frequently disrupted by the application of insecticides. 2 A combination of life-table and natural enemy exclusion techniques was utilized to develop a method for the assessment of the impact of endemic natural enemies on Plutella xylostella populations on commercial Brassica farms. 3 At two of the experimental sites, natural enemies had no impact on P. xylostella survival, at two other sites, natural enemy impact was low but, at a fifth site, natural enemies drastically reduced the P. xylostella population. 4 The calculation of marginal death rates and associated k-values allowed the comparison of mortality factors between experimental sites, and indicated that larval disappearance was consistently the most important mortality factor, followed by egg disappearance, larval parasitism and pupal parasitism. The appropriateness of the methods and assumptions made to calculate the marginal death rates are discussed. 5 The technique represents a robust and easily repeatable method for the analysis of the activity of natural enemies of P. xylostella, which could be adapted for the study of other phytophagous pests.