120 resultados para BRIGHT SHARC SURVEY

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We present a new sample of Parkes half-jansky flat-spectrum radio sources, having made a particular effort to find any previously unidentified sources. The sample contains 323 sources selected according to a flux limit of 0.5 Jy at 2.7 GHz, a spectral index measured between 2.7 and 5.0 GHz of alpha(2.7/5.0) > -0.5, where S(nu) proportional to nu(alpha), Galactic latitude \b\ > 20 degrees and -45 degrees < declination (B1950) < +10 degrees. The sample was selected from a region 3.90 steradians in area. We have obtained accurate radio positions for all the unresolved sources in this sample, and combined these with accurate optical positions from digitized photographic sky survey data to check all the optical identifications. We report new identifications based on R- and Kn-band imaging and new spectroscopic measurements of many of the sources. We present a catalogue of the 323 sources, of which 321 now have identified optical counterparts and 277 have measured spectral redshifts.


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We present the analysis of the spectroscopic and photometric catalogues of 11 X-ray luminous clusters at 0.07 < z < 0.16 from the Las Campanas/Anglo-Australian Telescope Rich Cluster Survey. Our spectroscopic data set consists of over 1600 galaxy cluster members, of which two-thirds are outside r(200). These spectra allow us to assign cluster membership using a detailed mass model and expand on our previous work on the cluster colour-magnitude relation ( CMR) where membership was inferred statistically. We confirm that the modal colours of galaxies on the CMR become progressively bluer with increasing radius d( B - R)/dr(p) = - 0.011 +/- 0.003 and with decreasing local galaxy density d( B - R)/dlog ( Sigma)= - 0.062 +/- 0.009. Interpreted as an age effect, we hypothesize that these trends in galaxy colour should be reflected in mean H delta equivalent width. We confirm that passive galaxies in the cluster increase in Hd line strength as dH delta/dr(p) = 0.35 +/- 0.06. Therefore, those galaxies in the cluster outskirts may have younger luminosity-weighted stellar populations; up to 3 Gyr younger than those in the cluster centre assuming d( B - R)/dt = 0.03 mag per Gyr. A variation of star formation rate, as measured by [ O II]lambda 3727 angstrom, with increasing local density of the environment is discernible and is shown to be in broad agreement with previous studies from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We divide our spectra into a variety of types based upon the MORPHs classification scheme. We find that clusters at z similar to 0.1 are less active than their higher-redshift analogues: about 60 per cent of the cluster galaxy population is non-star forming, with a further 20 per cent in the post-starburst class and 20 per cent in the currently active class, demonstrating that evolution is visible within the past 2 - 3 Gyr. We also investigate unusual populations of blue and very red non-star forming galaxies and we suggest that the former are likely to be the progenitors of galaxies which will lie on the CMR, while the colours of the latter possibly reflect dust reddening. We show that the cluster galaxies at large radii consist of both backsplash ones and those that are infalling to the cluster for the first time. We make a comparison to the field population at z similar to 0.1 and examine the broad differences between the two populations. Individually, the clusters show significant variation in their galaxy populations which we suggest reflects their recent infall histories.


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We describe a sample of 13 bright (18.5 < B-J < 20.1), compact galaxies at low redshift (0.05 < z < 0.21) behind the Fornax Cluster. These galaxies are unresolved on UK Schmidt sky survey plates, and so they would be missing from most galaxy catalogs compiled from this material. The objects were found during initial observations of The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey. This project is using the Two-degree Field spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14,000 objects, stellar and nonstellar, with 16.5 < B-J < 19.7, in a 12 deg(2) area centered on the Fornax Cluster of galaxies. The surface density of compact galaxies with magnitudes 16.5 < B-J < 19.7 is 7 +/- 3 deg(-2), representing 2.8% +/- 1.6% of all local (z < 0.2) galaxies to this limit. There are 12 +/- 3 deg(-2) with 16.5 < B-J < 20.2. They are luminous (-21.5 < M-B < -18.0, for H-o = 50 km s(-1) Mpc(-1)), and most have strong emission lines (H alpha equivalent widths of 40-200 Angstrom) and small sizes typical of luminous H II galaxies and compact narrow emission line galaxies. Four out of 13 have red colors and early-type spectra, and so they are unlikely to have been detected in any previous surveys.


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The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey is a major survey to discover blue stellar objects brighter than B similar to 18 in the southern sky. It is planned to cover an area of sky of 10 000 deg(2) with \b\ > 30 degrees and delta < 0 degrees. The blue stellar objects are selected by automatic techniques from U and B pairs of UK Schmidt Telescope plates scanned with the COSMOS measuring machine. Follow-up photometry and spectroscopy are being obtained with the SAAO telescopes to classify objects brighter than B = 16.5. This paper describes the survey, the techniques used to extract the blue stellar objects, the photometric methods and accuracy, the spectroscopic classification, and the limits and completeness of the survey.


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We have used the Two-Degree Field (2dF) instrument on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) to obtain redshifts of a sample of z < 3 and 18.0 < g < 21.85 quasars selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging. These data are part of a larger joint programme between the SDSS and 2dF communities to obtain spectra of faint quasars and luminous red galaxies, namely the 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) Survey. We describe the quasar selection algorithm and present the resulting number counts and luminosity function of 5645 quasars in 105.7 deg(2). The bright-end number counts and luminosity functions agree well with determinations from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) data to g similar to 20.2. However, at the faint end, the 2SLAQ number counts and luminosity functions are steeper (i.e. require more faint quasars) than the final 2QZ results from Croom et al., but are consistent with the preliminary 2QZ results from Boyle et al. Using the functional form adopted for the 2QZ analysis ( a double power law with pure luminosity evolution characterized by a second-order polynomial in redshift), we find a faint-end slope of beta =-1.78 +/- 0.03 if we allow all of the parameters to vary, and beta =-1.45 +/- 0.03 if we allow only the faint-end slope and normalization to vary (holding all other parameters equal to the final 2QZ values). Over the magnitude range covered by the 2SLAQ survey, our maximum-likelihood fit to the data yields 32 per cent more quasars than the final 2QZ parametrization, but is not inconsistent with other g > 21 deep surveys for quasars. The 2SLAQ data exhibit no well-defined 'break' in the number counts or luminosity function, but do clearly flatten with increasing magnitude. Finally, we find that the shape of the quasar luminosity function derived from 2SLAQ is in good agreement with that derived from Type I quasars found in hard X-ray surveys.


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The prevalence of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) in Australia is unclear. We estimated the prevalence of IPD, and other forms of parkinsonism, through the study of typical caseloads in general practice. A random sample of general practitioners (GPs) throughout Queensland (401 responses from 528 validated practice addresses) was asked to estimate the numbers of patients with IPD and parkinsonism seen in the preceding year. The estimated prevalence of diagnosed IPD in Queensland was 146 per 100 000 (95% CI = 136–155). A further 51 per 100 000 in the population were suspected by doctors to have IPD without formal diagnosis, whereas another 51 per 100 000 people may have non-idiopathic parkinsonism. Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease was more common in rural than metropolitan areas. Although most GPs were confident in making diagnoses of IPD, the majority had little or no confidence in their ability to treat the disease, especially in its later stages. Support from neurologists was perceived by GPs to be very good in cities, but poor in remote areas.


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In this chapter we present a review of some of the main threads of research on the role played by emotion and affect in organizations. In this respect, we refute the notion that organizations are totally rational., where the role of emotion is something that can be discounted or 'managed' out of existence.


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Background: This study used household survey data on the prevalence of child, parent and family variables to establish potential targets for a population-level intervention to strengthen parenting skills in the community. The goals of the intervention include decreasing child conduct problems, increasing parental self-efficacy, use of positive parenting strategies, decreasing coercive parenting and increasing help-seeking, social support and participation in positive parenting programmes. Methods: A total of 4010 parents with a child under the age of 12 years completed a statewide telephone survey on parenting. Results: One in three parents reported that their child had a behavioural or emotional problem in the previous 6 months. Furthermore, 9% of children aged 2–12 years meet criteria for oppositional defiant disorder. Parents who reported their child's behaviour to be difficult were more likely to perceive parenting as a negative experience (i.e. demanding, stressful and depressing). Parents with greatest difficulties were mothers without partners and who had low levels of confidence in their parenting roles. About 20% of parents reported being stressed and 5% reported being depressed in the 2 weeks prior to the survey. Parents with personal adjustment problems had lower levels of parenting confidence and their child was more difficult to manage. Only one in four parents had participated in a parent education programme. Conclusions: Implications for the setting of population-level goals and targets for strengthening parenting skills are discussed.


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Objective: We seek to assess Australian psychiatrists' views and practices concerning provision of neuroleptic medication to patients with schizophrenia, and to determine whether such management strategies are likely to have changed over time and the extent to which they correspond to published treatment guidelines. Method: A sample of 139 psychiatrists based in three Australian capital cities was derived, with respondents completing a brief questionnaire by choosing from a limited-option answer set. Co-authors of this paper comment on the extent to which responses are in line with contemporary recommendations driven by experts or empirical studies. Results: Overall, survey findings indicate that there has been considerable change in clinical practice over the last decade and provide some estimate of the extent to which Australian management practices are congruent with contemporary recommendations. We identify a number of issues of concern (more in relation to dose levels of neuroleptic medication rather than treatment duration) revealed by survey data and make recommendations for addressing a number of practical clinical issues. Conclusions: As this report focuses on central issues involved in managing schizophrenia, and integrates a number of treatment guidelines, we suggest that it should be of assistance for practice review by clinicians.


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To help improve services for parents with psychotic disorders, patients with such disorders in three treatment agencies in Queensland, Australia, were surveyed about whether they were parents, how much contact they had with their offspring, and who provided assistance with child care. Of the 342 individuals with psychotic disorders mho participated in the study, 124 were parents. Forty-eight parents in the study had children under age 16, and 20 of these parents (42 percent) had their children living with them. Most parents relied on relatives or friends for assistance with child care. Barriers to child care services identified by parents were inability to pay, lack of local services, and fear of losing custody of children.


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Background: A series of surveys of mental health literacy have been undertaken in Australia, involving members of the general public as well as general practitioners and mental health professionals, whereby respondents consider vignettes of depression and of schizophrenia, offer a diagnosis and rate a series of possible interventions for their judged helpfulness. A similar survey was undertaken in Singapore and is reported in this paper. Methods: The survey was undertaken at a large state psychiatric hospital with staff (psychiatrists, allied health professionals, psychiatrically and generally trained nursing staff) rating a vignette of mania, in addition to the vignettes derived in Australia for depression and schizophrenia, and with the Australian intervention options extended somewhat to respect Singapore facilities. Results: Responses of those in the four professional groups were compared. The psychiatrists were highly accurate in generating diagnoses, other staff somewhat less so for diagnosing depression (with a percentage instead choosing a diagnosis of stress) and mania (with a percentage instead diagnosing a schizophrenic condition). Reported helpfulness ratings identified those interventions judged consensually as likely to be helpful or harmful, as well as establishing some differences across the four professional groups. Conclusions: The consensus decisions of helpful treatments for depression and schizophrenia revealed very similar findings to judgements made by Australian professionals. The treated outcome of schizophrenia was judged as somewhat worse than that for mania and depression. While non-medical staff differed from psychiatrists in judging the comparative utility of some drug interventions and lifestyle issues, there was clear evidence of a relatively dominant 'medical model' to recommended treatments, while traditional healing practices and services were rated as distinctly unhelpful.


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This paper presents preliminary analysis of the endorsement of the CIDI Psychosis Screening items in a large Australian community sample. CIDI interviews were completed on a representative sample of 10,641 individuals living in private dwellings in Australia. The items examined constructs related to thought control/interference (G1), ideas of reference (G2), and special powers (G3). If endorsed, each item had a follow-up probe (G1A telepathy; G2A things arranged with special meaning; G3A -- group acceptability). The final item (G4) asked if the respondent had been told that they had schizophrenia. This paper presents the frequency of endorsement, and examines the impact of age and sex on these items. Endorsement of the items was G1 =5.86°/,,, G1A=0.70%, G2=4.84%, G2A=l.31%, G3=3.41%, G3A=2.65%, and G4=0.65%. If screen-positives are defined as two or more 'hits', then 0.41% of the sample met this criterion. Younger participants were significantly more likely to be screen-positive. Items G1, G1A, G2 and G2A were endorsed more frequently by younger participants while there were no significant age effects identified in items G3 or G4. There was a nonsignificant trend for females to endorse item G1 more frequently than males (p = 0.07), but there were no signficant gender differences on the other items. Many individuals who were 'screen-negative' for psychosis endorsed CIDI items related to thought controls, ideas of reference and special powers, suggesting that there may be a 'continuum' of experiences in the population. The impact of age on the distribution of these measures suggests either differential biological vulnerability to these experiences and/or differential cultural factors influencing endorsement of the items. The implications of these findings on our understanding of the symptoms of psychosis will be discussed. The survey was funded by the Commonwealth Dept. of Health and Family Services. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.