19 resultados para Avise, John C.: Molecular markers, natural history and evolution

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We compared within-population variability and degree of population differentiation for neutral genetic markers (RAPDS) and eight quantitative traits in Central American populations of the endangered tree, Cedrela odorata. Whilst population genetic diversity for neutral markers (Shannon index) and quantitative traits (heritability, coefficient of additive genetic variation) were uncorrelated, both marker types revealed strong differentiation between populations from the Atlantic coast of Costa Rica and the rest of the species' distribution. The degree of interpopulation differentiation was higher for RAPD markers (F-ST 0.67 for the sampled Mesoamerican range) than for quantitative traits (Q(ST) = 0.30). Hence, the divergence in quantitative traits was lower than could have been achieved by genetic drift alone, suggesting that balancing selection for similar phenotypes in different populations of this species. Nevertheless, a comparison of pair-wise estimates of population differentiation in neutral genetic markers and quantitative traits revealed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.66) suggesting that, for C. odorata, neutral marker divergence could be used as a surrogate for adaptive gene divergence for conservation planning. The utility of this finding and suggested further work are discussed.


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Whether contemporary human populations are still evolving as a result of natural selection has been hotly debated. For natural selection to cause evolutionary change in a trait, variation in the trait must be correlated with fitness and be genetically heritable and there must be no genetic constraints to evolution. These conditions have rarely been tested in human populations. In this study, data from a large twin cohort were used to assess whether selection Will cause a change among women in contemporary Western population for three life-history traits: age at menarche, age at first reproduction, and age at menopause. We control for temporal variation in fecundity (the baby boom phenomenon) and differences between women in educational background and religious affiliation. University-educated women have 35% lower fitness than those with less than seven years education, and Roman Catholic women have about 20% higher fitness than those of other religions. Although these differences were significant, education and religion only accounted for 2% and 1% of variance in fitness, respectively. Using structural equation modeling, we reveal significant genetic influences for all three life-history traits, with heritability estimates of 0.50, 0.23, and 0.45, respectively. However, strong genetic covariation with reproductive fitness could only be demonstrated for age at first reproduction, with much weaker covariation for age at menopause and no significant covariation for age at menarche. Selection may, therefore, lead to the evolution of earlier age at first reproduction in this population. We also estimate substantial heritable variation in fitness itself, with approximately 39% of the variance attributable to additive genetic effects, the remainder consisting of unique environmental effects and small effects from education and religion. We discuss mechanisms that could be maintaining such a high heritability for fitness. Most likely is that selection is now acting on different traits from which it did in pre-industrial human populations.


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Pteropid bats (flying foxes), species of which are the probable natural host of both Hendra and Nipah viruses, occur in overlapping populations from India to Australia. Ecological changes associated with land use and with animal husbandry practices appear most likely to be associated with the emergence of these two agents. (C) 2001 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.


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Rates of cardiovascular and renal disease in Australian Aboriginal communities are high, but we do not know the contribution of inflammation to these diseases in this setting. In the present study, we sought to examine the distribution of C-reactive protein (CRP) and other markers of inflammation and their relationships with cardiovascular risk markers and renal disease in a remote Australian Aboriginal community. The study included 237 adults (58% of the adult population) in a remote Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory of Australia. Main outcome measures were CRP, fibrinogen and lgG concentrations, blood pressure (BP), presence of diabetes, lipids, albuminuria, seropositivity to three common micro-organisms, as well as carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). Serum concentrations of CRP [7 (5-13) mg/l; median (inter-quartile range)] were markedly increased and were significantly correlated with fibrinogen and lgG concentrations and inversely correlated with serum albumin concentration. Higher CRP concentrations were associated with lgG seropositivity to Helicobacter pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae and higher lgG titre for cytomegalovirus. Higher CRP concentrations were associated with the following: the 45-54-year age group, female subjects, the presence of skin sores, higher body mass index, waist circumference, BP, glycated haemoglobin and greater albuminuria. CRP concentrations increased with the number of cardiovascular risk factors, carotid IMT and albuminuria independently of other risk factors. These CRP concentrations were markedly higher than described in other community settings and are probably related, in a large part, to chronic and repeated infections. Their association with markers of cardiovascular risk and renal disease are compatible with the high rates of cardiovascular and renal disease in this community, and provide more evidence of strong links between these conditions, through a shared background of infection/inflammation. This suggests that a strong focus on prevention and management of infections will be important in reducing these conditions, in addition to interventions directed at more traditional risk factors.


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Cobalamins are stored in high concentrations in the human liver and thus are available to participate in the regulation of hepatotropic virus functions. We show that cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) inhibited the H(IV internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-dependent translation of a reporter gene in vitro in a dose-dependent manner without significantly affecting the cap-dependent mechanism. Vitamin B12 failed to inhibit translation by IRES elements from encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) or classical swine fever virus (CSFV), We also demonstrate a relationship between the total cobalamin concentration in human sera and HCV viral load (a measure of viral replication in the host), The mean viral load was two orders of magnitude greater when the serum cobalamin concentration was above 200 pM (P < 0.003), suggesting that the total cobalamin concentration in an HCV-infected liver is biologically significant in HCV replication.


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Of all human cancers, HNSCC is the most distressing affecting pain, disfigurement, speech and the basic survival functions of breathing and swallowing. Mortality rates have not significantly changed in the last 40 years despite advances in radiotherapy and surgical treatment. Molecular markers are currently being identified that can determine prognosis preoperatively by routine tumour biopsy Leading to improved management of HNSCC patients. The approach could help decide which early stage patient should have adjuvant neck dissection and radiotherapy, and whether Later stage patients with operable lesions would benefit from resection and reconstructive surgery or adopt a conservative approach to patients with poor prognosis regardless of treatment. In the future, understanding these basic genetic changes in HNSCC would be important for the management of HNSCC. (C) 2004 The British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The age structure and, stable isotope composition of a stalagmite (CC I) from an upland cave in central-western Italy were studied to investigate regional response to global climatic changes. Four growth phases are constrained by 28 thermal ionization and multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Th-U ages and reveal intermittent deposition through the period between Marine isotope Stage (MIS) 11 and 3 (similar to380 and similar to43 kyr). Most of the growth took place between similar to380 and similar to280 kyr, a period punctuated briefly by a hiatus in deposition through the glacial maximum of MIS 10. Growth was terminated abruptly at 280 kyr just prior to the MIS 8 glacial maximum. With a present-day chamber temperature of 7.5 degreesC, the timing of hiatuses close to these glacial maxima point to freezing conditions at the time. No deposition was recorded through the entirety of MIS 7 and most of MIS 6, whilst two minor growth phases occurred at similar to141-125 and similar to43 kyr. Growth at 141 kyr indicates temperatures >0 degreesC at a time when MIS 6 ice volumes were close to their maximum. High stable carbon isotope (delta(13)C) values (similar to2.8parts per thousand to +3.1parts per thousand) throughout the stalagmite's growth reflect a persistently low input of biogenic CO2, indicating that the steep, barren and alpine-like recharge area of today ha's been in existence for at least the last similar to380 kyr. During MIS 9, the lowest delta(13)C values occur well after maximum interglacial conditions, suggesting a lag in the development of post-glacial soils in this high-altitude karst. The stable oxygen isotope (delta(18)O) trends match the main structural features of the major climate proxy records (SPECMAP, Vostok and Devils Hole), suggesting that the delta(18)O of CC1 has responded to global-scale climate changes, whilst remarkable similarity exists between CC1 delta(18)O and regional sea-surface temperature reconstructions from North Atlantic core ODP980 and southwest Pacific marine core MD97-2120 through the most detailed part of the CC1 record, MIS 9-8. The results suggest that CC1 and other stalagmites from the cave have the potential to capture a long record of regional temperature trends, particularly in regards to the relative severity of Pleistocene glacial stages. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Various marker systems exist for genetic analysis of horticultural species. Isozymes were first applied to the woody perennial nut crop, macadamia, in the early 1990s. The advent of DNA markers saw the development, for macadamia, of STMS (sequence-tagged microsatellite site), RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA), and RAF (randomly amplified DNA fingerprinting). The RAF technique typically generates dominant markers, but within the dominant marker profiles, certain primers also amplify multi-allelic co-dominant markers that are suspected to be microsatellites. In this paper, we confirm this for one such marker, and describe how RAF primers can be chosen that amplify one or more putative microsatellites. This approach of genotyping anonymous microsatellite markers via RAF is designated RAMiFi (randomly amplified microsatellite fingerprinting). Several marker systems were compared for the type, amount, and cost-efficiency of the information generated, using data from published studies on macadamia. The markers were also compared for the way they clustered a common set of accessions. The RAMiFi approach was identified as the most efficient and economical. The availability of such a versatile tool offers many advantages for the genetic characterisation of horticultural species.


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This prospective study evaluated serum procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) as markers for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)/sepsis and mortality in patients with traumatic brain injury and subarachnoid haemorrhage. Sixty-two patients were followed for 7 days. Serum PCT and CRP were measured on days 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Seventy-seven per cent of patients with traumatic brain injury and 83% with subarachnoid haemorrhage developed SIRS or sepsis (P= 0.75). Baseline PCT and CRP were elevated in 35% and 55% ofpatients respectively (P=0.03). There was a statistically non-significant step-wise increase in serum PCT levels from no SIRS (0.4 +/- 0.6 ng/ml) to SIRS (3.05 +/- 9.3 ng/ml) to sepsis (5.5 +/- 12.5 ng/ml). A similar trend was noted in baseline PCT in patients with mild (0.06 +/- 0.9 ng/ml), moderate (0.8 +/- 0.7 ng/ml) and severe head injury (1.2 +/- 1.9 ng/ml). Such a gradation was not observed with serum CRP There was a non-significant trend towards baseline PCT being a better marker of hospital mortality compared with baseline CRP (ROC-AUC 0.56 vs 0.31 respectively). This is the first prospective study to document the high incidence of SIRS in neurosurgical patients. In our study, serum PCT appeared to correlate with severity of traumatic brain injury and mortality. However, it could not reliably distinguish between SIRS and sepsis in this cohort. This is in pan because baseline PCT elevation seemed to correlate with severity of injury. Only a small proportion ofpatients developed sepsis, thus necessitating a larger sample size to demonstrate the diagnostic usefulness of serum PCT as a marker of sepsis. Further clinical trials with larger sample sizes are required to confirm any potential role of PCT as a sepsis and outcome indicator in patients with head injuries or subarachnoid haemorrhage.


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Progress in bean breeding programs requires the exploitation of genetic variation that is present among races or through introgression across gene pools of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Of the two major common bean gene pools, the Andean gene pool seems to have a narrow genetic base, with about 10% of the accessions in the CIAT core collection presenting evidence of introgression. The objective of this study was to quantify the degree of spontaneous introgression in a sample of common bean landraces from the Andean gene pool. The effects of introgression on morphological, economic and nutritional attributes were also investigated. Homogeneity analysis was performed on molecular marker data from 426 Andean-type accessions from the primary centres of origin of the CIAT common bean core collection and two check varieties. Quantitative attribute diversity for 15 traits was studied based on the groups found from the cluster analysis of marker prevalence indices computed for each accession. The two-group summary consisted of one group of 58 accessions (14%) with low prevalence indices and another group of 370 accessions (86%) with high prevalence indices. The smaller group occupied the outlying area of points displayed from homogeneity analysis, yet their geographic origin was widely distributed over the Andean region. This group was regarded as introgressed, since its accessions displayed traits that are associated with the Middle American gene pool: high resistance to Andean disease isolates but low resistance to Middle American disease isolates, low seed weight and high scores for all nutrient elements. Genotypes generated by spontaneous introgression can be helpful for breeders to overcome the difficulties in transferring traits between gene pools.


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Protein molecular motors, which are natural nano-machines that convert the chemical energy into mechanical work for cellular motion, muscle contraction and cell division, have been integrated in the last decade in primitive nanodevices based on the motility of nano-biological objects in micro- and nano-fabricated structures. However, the motility of microorganisms powered by molecular motors has not been similarly exploited. Moreover, among the proposed devices based on molecular motors, i.e., nanosensors, nano-mechanical devices and nano-imaging devices, biocomputation devices are conspicuously missing. The present contribution discusses, based on the present state of the art nano- and micro-fabrication, the comparative advantages and disadvantages of using nano- and micro-biological objects in future computation devices. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Interest in the relationship between inflammation and oxidative stress has increased dramatically in recent years, not only within the clinical setting but also in the fields of exercise biochemistry and immunology. Inflammation and oxidative stress share a common role in the etiology of a variety Of Chronic diseases. During exercise, inflammation and oxidative stress are linked via muscle metabolism and muscle damage. Because oxidative stress and inflammation have traditionally been associated with fatigue and impaired recovery from exercise, research has focused on nutritional strategies aimed at reducing these effects. In this review, we have evaluated the findings of studies involving antioxidant supplementation on alterations in markers of inflammation (e.g., cytokines, C-reactive protein and cortisol). This review focuses predominantly on the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated from muscle metabolism and muscle damage during exercise and on the modulatory effects of antioxidant supplements. Furthermore, we have analyzed the influence of factors such as the dose, timing, supplementation period and bioavailability of antioxidant nutrients. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.