16 resultados para Australian Way

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Commonwealth countries share their British social policy legacy in a variety of ways. Autstralia attempted to adopt the postwar new Fabian welfare state model at the very time when international economic circumstances undermined its Keynesian foundation. With Labor governments in power from 1983 to 1996, Australia diverged significantly from the neo-liberal reform path adopted in the United Kingdom. Australian governments looked increasingly to European social democracies for alternative social policy model In a manner anticipating the Third Way. the tendency was towards mixing neo-liberal economics with social democratic welfare. The Australian Third Way which resulted proved unstable. Current social reformers, the paper proposes, ought to revisit a neglected but characteristically British emphasis on the need for a measure of socialization of investment to underpin redistributive strategies.


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In rural Australia in the early twenty-first century, telecommunications reform has seen the rise of local telecommunications as a new way to wire the country, delivering new technologies and meeting community needs and aspirations. 1his paper discusses the prospects for local telecommunications in light of a research project on online rural communities commissioned by the Telstra Consumer Consultative Council. Based on interviews conducted in three small towns in rural eastern Australia, the paper examines the role of community networking as a new force in telecommunications service delivery, posing questions for local and regional communications policy development.


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Objective: The aim was to develop a psychiatric assessment and advisory service for local general practitioners (GPs). Method: In July 2001, five full-time psychiatrists at Royal Brisbane ­Hospital each dedicated a 1-h appointment per week in their hospital private practice clinic to assess patients referred by local GPs. The 'Psych Opinion' clinic was advertised through the Division of General Practice Newsletter. After 12 months, the referrals to the clinic had been disappointing so two surveys were carried out: one to the GPs who had used the service and the other to those who had not referred. Results: Feedback from the GPs who had used the service showed a high level of satisfaction with the service. The second survey of the GPs who had not referred showed a strong endorsement of the concept but there was poor awareness of the service's existence. Conclusions: This model offers a way for public sector psychiatrists to provide timely assessments to local GPs without additional funding. There is strong support and willingness from the GPs to refer. However, the need to actively market the service both initially and on an ongoing basis is ­highlighted.


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The marginalisation of the teaching and learning of legal research in the Australian law school curriculum is, in the author's experience, a condition common to many law schools. This is reflected in the reluctance of some law teachers to include legal research skills in the substantive law teaching schedule — often the result of unwillingness on the part of law school administrators to provide the resources necessary to ensure that such integration does not place a disproportionately heavy burden of assessment on those who are tempted. However, this may only be one of many reasons for the marginalisation of legal research in the law school experience. Rather than analyse the reasons for this marginalisation, this article deals with what needs to be done to rectify the situation, and to ensure that the teaching of legal research can be integrated into the law school curriculum in a meaningful way. This requires the use of teaching and learning theory which focuses on student-centred learning. This article outlines a model of legal research. It incorporates five transparent stages which are: analysis, contextualisation, bibliographic skills, interpretation and assessment and application.


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In this article, the 2002 Australian debate regarding embryonic stem cells is examined. This shows the importance of an analysis of the media to understanding how disability is constructed in discourses of nationhood and biotechnology. Media representation of disability-for instance, signifying disability as catastrophe-is seen as crucial in securing access to a variety of biotechnologies, such as embryonic stem cells. Analysis of such media moments shows a structure of privileged and excluded voices in debates regarding disability and biotechnology. The diversity of voices in the Australian community regarding disability is not represented in a range of media, nor are people with disability quoted as experts on disability. A recognition of the media's construction of disability must be matched by a commitment to disability as part of a truly civil society. It is only in this way that we will have biotechnologies, and diverse cultural and media representations that meet the requirements of the international disability rights movement motto of 'nothing about us without us', recently emphasized in the Disabled Peoples' International Europe's 2000 statement on biotechnology.


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Conceptions of learning and strategies used by 15 indigenous students in three Australian universities were studied longitudinally over three years. Their academic achievements were good, but at a high cost in terms of time and effort. In spite of the fact that almost half of the students expressed higher-order (qualitative) conceptions of learning in the first year and more in the second and third years, all of the students reported using highly repetitive strategies to learn. That is, they did not vary their way of learning, reading or writing in the beginning of their studies and less than half of them did so at the end of the three years. It is argued that encountering variation in ways of learning is a prerequisite for the development of powerful ways of learning and studying.


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Women's magazines in Australia have become increasingly involved in various public health awareness campaigns. In particular, breast cancer has been targeted as an issue for attention. This disease occupies a privileged position in women's magazines, being represented as treatable and survivable with an emphasis on the advocacy of early detection through breast self-examination and screening programs. In this way, women's magazines can be seen to be proactive in serving the public interest of their readers. Information and advice about breast cancer are not limited to medical articles, advice columns and diet pages, but occur, perhaps more accessibly, in feature articles of personal accounts of experiences with breast cancer. This paper looks at coverage of the disease in Australian women's magazines over the last 3 years to see how this role in public health awareness operates. It pays particular attention to illness narratives in feature articles and to stories associated with the magazines' own breast cancer campaigns.


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A questionnaire was distributed on the Australian republic issue to examine the interplay between norms and relevance of the issue to the group on voting intentions. Supporters of an Australian republic (N = 188) indicated the level of support for a republic within their peer Group, the relevance of the republic issue to the group, and measures designed to assess voting intentions and other attitude outcomes. Analysis revealed an interaction between normative support and relevance of the issue to the group. On the measure of intention, increasing normative support was associated with increased intention to vote in an attitude-consistent way at both relevance levels, but the effect was heightened when the issue was highly relevant to the group. On the outcomes of willingness to express opinion and perceived personal importance of the republic issue, normative support had a positive effect only when the issue was highly relevant to the group. Mediation analyses revealed that the impact of normative support and group relevance on intention were mediated through perceived personal importance of the republic issue.


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Heteronomous hyperparasitoids are parasitic wasps with sex-related host relationships that are unique to a group of genera in the chalcidoid family Aphelinidae. Females are primary parasitoids of various sedentary bugs (mainly, scale insects, mealy bugs, and whiteflies). Males, in contrast, are hyperparasitic, and they frequently develop at the expense of female conspecifics. Alloparasitoids constitute a special category of heteronomous hyperparasitoids, for their males never develop through female conspecifics. The existence of alloparasitic host relationships and the utility of the category 'alloparasitoid' have both been questioned. Here, we present results that confirm the existence of the alloparasitic way of life among heteronomous aphelinids. We investigated an undescribed species of Coccophagus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), an Australian parasitoid that attacks the introduced lantana mealy bug, Phenacoccus parvus Morrison (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), in Queensland. A year-long field survey regularly returned large numbers of female Coccophagus spec. near gurneyi individuals from P. parvus (total n = 4212), but only few males (n = 11). Males emerged from samples only when the encyrtid parasitoid Anagyrus diversicornis (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was present in samples in relatively high numbers. Laboratory oviposition tests confirmed that A. diversicornis is a male host and showed that males do not develop at the expense of conspecific females. Other studies show that males are attracted in numbers to virgin females held in cages above mealy bug-infested Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. (Verbenaceae) in the field, demonstrating that they are common in the population as a whole. This confirms that the males need hosts other than conspecific females and that their usual hosts are present outside of the lantana/P. parvus system. The implications of these results for developing a realistic classification of heteronomous host relationships are discussed.


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The aim of this book is to assist those who want to understand and analyse social, political and economic issues. In this project we have drawn upon the resources of political science, which typically examines the interaction between political ideas, institutions and policies in its attempt to make sense of the society in which we live. The perspectives offered by political science are evident in the structure of contributions to the volume. The organising framework we have adopted emphasises the importance of political ideas in shaping the way we comprehend political issues; the centrality of political institutions in influencing the possibilities for and limits on politics; and how present and past policies determine the context and direction of the solutions to political problems. This second edition expands upon out original brief. Where we have retained certain topics, the chapters have all been revised and updated. There are also a number of new chapters in each section that deal with significant political doctrines, institutions and policies.


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This paper explores the motivational aspects of repertoire for intermediate student cellists. Research into interest and intrinsic motivation related to the learning of instrumental music has been limited to date. As a cello teacher interested in including contemporary and Australian music in my students' studies I started to research availability of Australian repertoire for intermediate cellists and found that there was limited accessibility to such pedagogical material at this level. This study emerged as a way of providing useful information to composers. It investigates intrinsic motivation by questioning students and their teachers about which aspects of music repertoire are most likely to inspire students to practice more and strive for excellence. This paper presents the findings of the purpose-designed questionnaire distributed to cello teachers in Queensland. A similar set of questions has been prepared for student cellists and information gathering from students is still underway. Musical aspects investigated include technique and its development, style, harmony, tempo (speed), and rhythm. The questionnaire gathered information on the most frequently used teaching repertoire and teachers' experiences in teaching contemporary and Australian repertoire. This information was balanced with questions regarding the technical developmental requirements perceived necessary for intermediate students as well as other motivational aspects. It is hoped that information collated from this research will be of benefit in the selection of motivational repertoire for intermediate student cellists and especially in promoting the composition of Australian pieces for intermediate cellists.


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The aim of this study was to examine the way Australian air traffic controllers manage their airspace. Fourteen controllers ranging from 7 to 30 years experience were sampled from the Brisbane air traffic control centre. All had previously been endorsed for en route radar sectors. Five static pictures varying in workload level (low, medium and high) were presented to participants. Controllers were asked to work through the scenarios and describe aloud how they would resolve any potential conflicts between the aircraft. Following this controllers were asked a set of probe questions based on the critical decision method, to extract further information about the way they manage their airspace. A content analysis was used to assess patterns in the way controllers scan, strategies used in conflict detection and conflict resolution and the effect of workload on strategy choice. Findings revealed that controllers use specific strategies (such as working in a left to right scan or prioritising levels) when managing their airspace. Further analyses are still planned however a model based on the processes controllers used to resolve conflicts has been developed and will be presented as a summary of the results.