5 resultados para Apollo Bay Region (Vic.) -- Maps

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The third in a series of five-yearly aerial surveys for dugongs in Shark Bay, Ningaloo Reef and Exmouth Gulf was conducted in July 1999. The first two surveys provided evidence of an apparently stable population of dugongs, with similar to 1000 animals in each of Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo Reef, and 10000 in Shark Bay. We report estimates of less than 200 for each of Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo Reef and similar to 14000 for Shark Bay. This is an apparent overall increase in the dugong population over this whole region, but with a distributional shift of animals to the south. The most plausible hypothesis to account for a large component of this apparent population shift is that animals in Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo Reef moved to Shark Bay, most likely after Tropical Cyclone Vance impacted available dugong forage in the northern habitat. Bias associated with survey estimate methodology, and normal changes in population demographics may also have contributed to the change. The movement of large numbers of dugongs over the scale we suggest has important management implications. First, such habitat-driven shifts in regional abundance will need to be incorporated in assessing the effectiveness of marine protected areas that aim to protect dugongs and their habitat. Second, in circumstances where aerial surveys are used to estimate relative trends in abundance of dugongs, animal movements of the type we propose could lead to errors in interpretation.


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The 40 km of coastline from Fortrose to Chaslands Mistake (southeastern South Island, New Zealand) comprises sediments that are part of the Early-Middle Jurassic of the Murihiku Terrane. The sediments are dominantly fluvial with some marine beds and alluvial fan deposition, and display an evolution of fluvial style which progresses from perennial flow to seasonal flow. The McPhee Cove Conglomerate is a prominent unit to the north. It has been used to separate two formations which would otherwise, on inherent lithological grounds, be difficult to distinguish. This paper discusses several similar conglomerates which occur in the south, but which are separated from the type area of the McPhee Conglomerate by major tectonic disruption. Hence, the existing lithostratigraphic nomenclature to the north, including the McPhee Cove Conglomerate, cannot be simply extended southwards. The Fortrose-Chaslands area appears to consist of two tectonic blocks, the Slope Point Block and the Brothers Block, which are separated from each other and from the adjacent Papatowai Block by major strike faults (or fault zones). A change is proposed to the existing stratigraphy which involves recognising all terrestrial sediments as part of the False Island Formation. Four prominent clast-supported conglomerate horizons are named as members of the False Islet Formation: the White Head Conglomerate, Black Bluff Conglomerate. Hoiho Conglomerate, and Slope Point Conglomerate Members. The latter contains five named conglomerate beds.


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Two water quality monitoring strategies designed to sample hydrophobic organic contaminants have been applied and evaluated across an expected concentration gradient in PAHs in the Moreton region. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) that sequester contaminants via passive diffusion across a membrane were used to evaluate the concentration of PAHs at four and five sites in spring and summer 2001/2002, respectively. In addition, induction of hepatic cytochrome P4501, EROD activity, in yellowfin bream, Acanthopagrus australis, captured in the vicinity of SPMD sampling sites following deployment in summer was used as a biomarker of exposure to PAHs and related chemicals. SPMDs identified a clear and reproducible gradient in PAH contamination with levels increasing from east to west in Moreton Bay and upstream in the Brisbane River. The highest PAH concentrations expressed as B(a)P-toxicity equivalents (TEQs) were found in urban areas, which were also furthest upstream and experienced the least flushing. Cytochrome P4501 induction in A. australis was similar at all sites. The absence of clear trends in EROD activity may be attributable to factors not measured in this study or variable residency time of A. australis in contaminated areas. It is also possible that fish in the Moreton region are displaying enzymatic adaptation, which has been reported previously for fish subjected to chronic exposure to organic contaminants. These potential interferences complicate interpretation of EROD activity from feral biota. It is, therefore, suggested that future monitoring combine the two methods by applying passive sampler extracts to in vitro EROD assays. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Large blooms of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula in Moreton Bay, Australia (27 degrees 05'S, 153 degrees 08'E) have been re-occurring for several years. A bloom was studied in Deception Bay (Northern Moreton Bay) in detail over the period January-March 2000. In situ data loggers and field sampling characterised various environmental parameters before and during the L. majuscula bloom. Various ecophysiological experiments were conducted on L. majuscula collected in the field and transported to the laboratory, including short-term (2h) C-14 incorporation rates and long-term (7 days) pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry assessments of photosynthetic capacity. The effects of L. majuscula on various seagrasses in the bloom region were also assessed with repeated biomass sampling. The bloom commenced in January 2000 following usual December rainfall events, water temperatures in excess of 24 degrees C and high light conditions. This bloom expanded rapidly from 0 to a maximum extent of 8 km(2) over 55 days with an average biomass of 210 g(dw)(-1) m(-2) in late February, followed by a rapid decline in early April. Seagrass biomass, especially Syringodium isoetifolium, was found to decline in areas of dense L. majuscula accumulation. Dissolved and total nutrient concentrations did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) preceding or during the bloom. However, water samples from creeks discharging into the study region indicated elevated concentrations of total iron (2.7-80.6 mu M) and dissolved organic carbon (2.5-24.7 mg L-1), associated with low pH values (3.8-6.7). C-14 incorporation rates by L. majuscula were significantly (P < 0.05) elevated by additions of iron (5 mu M Fe), an organic chelator, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (5 mu M EDTA) and phosphorus (5 mu M PO4-3). Photosynthetic capacity measured with PAM fluorometry was also stimulated by various nutrient additions, but not significantly (P > 0.05). These results suggest that the L. majuscula bloom may have been stimulated by bioavailable iron, perhaps complexed by dissolved organic carbon. The rapid bloom expansion observed may then have been sustained by additional inputs of nutrients (N and P) and iron through sediment efflux, stimulated by redox changes due to decomposing L. majuscula mats. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nitrogen loading to aquatic ecosystems from sewage is recognised worldwide as a growing problem. The use of nitrogen stable isotopes as a means of discerning sewage nitrogen in the environment has been used annually by the Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program in Moreton Bay (Australia) since 1997 when the technique was first developed. This (sewage plume mapping) technique, which measures the delta(15)N isotopic signature of the red macroalga Catenella nipae after incubation in situ, has demonstrated a large reduction in the magnitude and spatial extent of sewage nitrogen within Moreton Bay over the past 5 years. This observed reduction coincides with considerable upgrades to the nitrogen removal efficacy at several sewage treatment plants within the region. This paper describes the observed changes and evaluates whether they can be attributed to the treatment upgrades. (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.