3 resultados para Antiferromagnets

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We use series expansions to study the excitation spectra of spin-1/2 antiferromagnets on anisotropic triangular lattices. For the isotropic triangular lattice model (TLM), the high-energy spectra show several anomalous features that differ strongly from linear spin-wave theory (LSWT). Even in the Neel phase, the deviations from LSWT increase sharply with frustration, leading to rotonlike minima at special wave vectors. We argue that these results can be interpreted naturally in a spinon language and provide an explanation for the previously observed anomalous finite-temperature properties of the TLM. In the coupled-chains limit, quantum renormalizations strongly enhance the one-dimensionality of the spectra, in agreement with experiments on Cs2CuCl4.


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We use series expansion methods to calculate the dispersion relation of the one-magnon excitations for the spin-(1)/(2) triangular-lattice nearest-neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet above a three-sublattice ordered ground state. Several striking features are observed compared to the classical (large-S) spin-wave spectra. Whereas, at low energies the dispersion is only weakly renormalized by quantum fluctuations, significant anomalies are observed at high energies. In particular, we find rotonlike minima at special wave vectors and strong downward renormalization in large parts of the Brillouin zone, leading to very flat or dispersionless modes. We present detailed comparison of our calculated excitation energies in the Brillouin zone with the spin-wave dispersion to order 1/S calculated recently by Starykh, Chubukov, and Abanov [Phys. Rev. B74, 180403(R) (2006)]. We find many common features but also some quantitative and qualitative differences. We show that at temperatures as low as 0.1J the thermally excited rotons make a significant contribution to the entropy. Consequently, unlike for the square lattice model, a nonlinear sigma model description of the finite-temperature properties is only applicable at temperatures < 0.1J. Finally, we review recent NMR measurements on the organic compound kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3). We argue that these are inconsistent with long-range order and a description of the low-energy excitations in terms of interacting magnons, and that therefore a Heisenberg model with only nearest-neighbor exchange does not offer an adequate description of this material.


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We investigate the problem of teleporting an unknown qubit state to a recipient via a channel of 2L qubits. In this procedure a protocol is employed whereby L Bell state measurements are made and information based on these measurements is sent via a classical channel to the recipient. Upon receiving this information the recipient determines a local gate which is used to recover the original state. We find that the 2(2L)-dimensional Hilbert space of states available for the channel admits a decomposition into four subspaces. Every state within a given subspace is a perfect channel, and each sequence of Bell measurements projects 2L qubits of the system into one of the four subspaces. As a result, only two bits of classical information need be sent to the recipient for them to determine the gate. We note some connections between these four subspaces and ground states of many-body Hamiltonian systems, and discuss the implications of these results towards understanding entanglement in multi-qubit systems.