8 resultados para Anolis barkeri
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Four factors (moisture, light regime, temperature, food type) were examined for their effects on the embryonic diapause of Homichloda (Weiseana) barkeri (Jacoby) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a biocontrol agent for prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica (L.) Willdenew ex Delile (Mimosaceae). Moisture is critical for termination of diapause. A single wetting of eggs resulted in a low hatch rate while a sequence of wetting events followed by periods of dryness produced a high hatch rate. A relatively constant proportion of embryos within each batch initiated development at each wetting event, with hatching complete after the eighth wetting event in these trials. An extended interval between wetting events, tested at up to 23 days, did not result in a decreased overall hatch rate. A threshold time of exposure to moisture of between 3 to 6 h is required before development proceeds. The response of eggs to the moisture regime is seen as a strategy for taking advantage of available food after rainfall by terminating diapause, rather than merely a quiescent response to the absence of moisture. Temperature affected development time and the proportion of eggs that developed. Experimental manipulations of photoperiod and host-plant availability showed no effect on embryonic development.
This study examined the effect of the number of maternal matings on egg production, embryonic development and female longevity in Homichloda barkeri (Jacoby) (Cole optera: Chrysomelidae). Single-mated females lived longer than multiple-mated and unmated females. The number of eggs produced per day and the proportion of eggs that developed between single- and multiple-mated females was not affected by mating frequency.
The spermatozoa of Crotaphytus bicinctores and Gambelia wislizenii (Crotaphytidae), and Anolis carolinensis (Polychrotidae) exhibit the squamate autapomorphies of a single perforatorium extending anteriorly from the apical tip of the paracrystalline subacrosomal cone, the presence of an epinuclear electron-lucent region, and extension of the fibrous sheath into the midpiece. Crotaphytid sperm differ from those of polychrotids in several respects, including: the structure of the perforatorium, the size of the epinuclear electron-lucent region, aspects of the acrosome complex, the arrangement and structure of intermitochondrial dense bodies, and in the distance the fibrous sheath extends into the midpiece. The sperm of C. bicinctores, G. wislizenii, and A. carolinensis are most similar to those of the agamids and phrynosomatids examined to date. No spermatozoal autapomorphies for Crotaphytidae or Polychrotidae were found. The condition of having the intermitochondrial dense bodies arranged in regular incomplete rings is tentatively defined as a synapomorphy of Iguania (although modified in Chamaeleonidae). Spermatozoal ultrastructure offers no characters that justify the separation of Iguanidae (sensu late) into several separate families. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Understanding the role of multiple colour signals during sexual signalling is a central theme in animal communication. We quantified the role of multiple colour signals (including ultraviolet, UV), measures of body size and testosterone levels in settling disputes between male rivals in an elaborately ornamented, African lizard, played out in a large 'tournament' in the wild. The hue and brightness (total reflectance) of the UV throat in Augrabies flat lizards, Platysaurus broadleyi, as well as body size, were consistent and strong predictors of 'fighting ability'. Males with high fighting ability were larger and displayed a UV throat with low total reflectance. In contrast, males with low fighting ability were smaller and had violet throats with broader spectral reflectance curves (higher total reflectance). As fighting ability is associated with alternative reproductive tactics in this system (territorial versus floater), we also examined the role of colour signals in predicting male reproductive tactic. Territorial males had UV throats with higher chroma but had poorer body condition than floater males, probably because of the energetic costs of maintaining a territory. Although testosterone was not a significant predictor of fighting ability or reproductive tactic, it was correlated with the hue of the UV throat, suggesting that testosterone may impose some constraint on signal expression. Lastly, we show that within the context of the natural signalling environment, UV-reflective throats constitute a conspicuous, effective signal that male Augrabies flat lizards use to advertise their status honestly to rivals. (c) 2006 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Australian Neoseiulus Hughes and Typhlodromips de Leon (Acari: Phytoseiidae: Amblyseiinae) are revised and diagnosed, and three new related genera, Knopkirie, gen. nov., Olpiseius, gen. nov. and Pholaseius, gen. nov. are proposed and diagnosed. In Australia, Neoseiulus contains at least 44 species, 18 of which are newly described here, in six species-groups: the barkeri-group, womersleyi-group, cucumeris-group, cangaro-group, paloratus-group, and the paspalivorus-group. Typhlodromips contains six species, two previously described and four new species. Knopkirie contains four species, three of which are newly described here, in two species-groups: the petri-group and the banksiae-group. Olpiseius contains three species, one of which is newly described, all placed in the noncollyerae-group, and Pholaseius is monotypic, with one newly described species. Diagnoses and keys are provided for all Australian species in each of the above genera, as are keys to the amblyseiine genera currently recognised in Australia.
This study aimed to identify potential factors responsible for geographically structured morphological variation within the widespread Australian frogs Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Gunther and L. peronii Dumeril & Bibron. There was support for James's rule, and both latitude and present climate explained large amounts of the variation in body size and shape (particularly in L. peronii). There was also some support for the influence of several biogeographical barriers. Finally, both species were sexually dimorphic for body size and the degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varied geographically. Climate was an important explanation for SSD variation in L. peronii, while latitude was most important for L. tasmaniensis. Geographical variations in sexual selection via male-male physical competition and climate-related resources are suggested as potential explanations for SSD variation in L. peronii. (C) 2004 The Linnean Society of London.
As a general test of the energetic equivalence rule, we examined macroecological relationships among abundance, density and host body mass in a comparative analysis of the assemblages of trophically transmitted endoparasitic helminths of 131 species of vertebrate hosts. Both the numbers and total volume of parasites per gram of host decreased allometrically with host body mass, with slopes roughly consistent with those expected from the allometric relationship between host basal metabolic rate and body mass. From an evolutionary perspective, large body size may therefore allow hosts to escape from the deleterious effects of parasitism.
We examined the role of conspicuous coloration in male-male contests for two species of Australian dragon lizards, Ctenophortis decresii and C. vadnappa, in which conspicuous coloration has a demonstrated predation cost. We conducted contests in which the overall conspicuousness of male coloration was manipulated using paints that matched the spectral reflectance of the lizards, as well as natural (control) contests. There was little evidence for an influence of colour on contest outcome or aggression levels for either species when all experiments were considered. However, we found a significant effect of trial order and experience on contest outcome and aggression levels (the same pair of males was used for both types of contest), despite a 2-3 week interval between contests. When we examined only the first trial between unfamiliar males, we found that male C. vadnappa that had been painted to appear more conspicuous consistently won. Comparison with the natural trials suggests that the aspect of colour manipulation that was responsible for this result was the 'hue' of the throat: males with yellower throats consistently beat males with bluer throats in both natural and painted trials. The difference in coloration of flank markings also predicted the difference in aggression scores between contestants in the natural trials. These results suggest that although colour is important in opponent assessment and in determining contest outcome in C vadnappa, previous agonistic experience can override the effects of colour and have a long-lasting influence on aggressive behaviour.