21 resultados para Acid-activated clay

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The effectiveness of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (ESPR) systems is directly affected by the competition of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) and glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs). This study investigated the short-term effects of carbon source on PAO and GAO performance. The tests were designed to clearly determine the impact of volatile fatty acid (VFA) composition on the performance of two types of biomass, one enriched for PAOs and the other for GAOs. The two populations were enriched in separate reactors using identical operating conditions and very similar influent compositions with acetate as the sole carbon source. The only difference was that a very tow level of phosphorus was present in the influent to the GAO reactor. The abundance of PAOs and GAOs was quantified using fluorescence in-situ hybridisation. The results clearly show that there are some very distinctive differences between PAOs and GAOs in their ability to utilise different carbon substrates. While both are able to take up acetate rapidly and completely, the GAOs are far slower at consuming propionate than the PAOs during short-term substrate changes. This provides a potentially highly valuable avenue to influence the competition between PAOs and GAOs. Other VFAs studied seem to be less usable in the short term by both PAOs and GAOs; as indicated by their much lower uptake rates.


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Anion clay hydrotalcite sorbents were prepared to investigate their adsorption capabilities in the removal of coloured organic substances from various aqueous systems. Anion clay hydrotalcite was found to be particularly effective at removing negatively charged species. Its excellent uptake levels of anionic species can be accounted for by its high surface area and anion exchange ability. That is, coloured substances can be adsorbed on the surface or enter the interlayer region of the clay by anion exchange. In the adsorption of Acid Blue 29 on the anion clay hydrotalcite, an equilibrium time of 1 h with dye removal exceeding 99% was obtained. The hydrotalcite was found to have an adsorption capacity marginally below that of commercial activated carbon. It should be noted that the spent sorbents can be regenerated easily by heating at 723 K to remove all adsorbed organics. The reused sorbents displayed greater adsorption capabilities than the newly prepared hydrotalcite. Hence, the anion clay hydrotalcite is easily recoverable and reusable such that it is a promising sorbent for environmental and purification purposes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The kinetics of naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid (2-NSA) adsorption by granular activated carbon (GAC) were measured and the relationships between adsorption, desorption, bioavailability and biodegradation assessed. The conventional Langmuir model fitted the experimental sorption isotherm data and introduced 2-NSA degrading bacteria, established on the surface of the GAC, did not interfere with adsorption. The potential value of GAC as a microbial support in the aerobic degradation of 2-NSA by Arthrobacter globiformis and Comamonas testosteroni was investigated. Using both virgin and microbially colonised GAC, adsorption removed 2-NSA from the liquid phase up to its saturation capacity of 140 mg/g GAC within 48 h. However, between 83.2% and 93.3% of the adsorbed 2-NSA was bioavailable to both bacterial species as a source of carbon for growth. In comparison to the non-inoculated GAC, the combination of rapid adsorption and biodegradation increased the amount (by 70–93%) of 2-NSA removal from the influent phase as well as the bed-life of the GAC (from 40 to >120 d). A microbially conditioned GAC fixed-bed reactor containing 15 g GAC removed 100% 2-NSA (100 mg/l) from tannery wastewater at an empty bed contact time of 22 min for a minimum of 120 d without the need for GAC reconditioning or replacement. This suggests that small volume GAC bioreactors could be used for tannery wastewater recycling.


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The sheathed filamentous bacterium known as strain CT3, isolated by micromanipulation from an activated sludge treatment plant in Italy, is a member of the genus Thiothrix in the gamma-Proteobacteria according to 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The closest phylogenetic neighbours of strain CT3 are strains I and Q(T), which were also isolated from activated sludge and belong to the species Thiothrix fructosivorans. These strains have respectively 99.2 and 99.4 % similarity to CT3 by 16S rDNA sequence comparison. CT3 shows 63-67 % DNA-DNA hybridization with strain I, which is the only currently viable strain of T. fructosivorans. CT3 is the second strain in the genus Thiothrix that has been shown to be capable of growing autotrophically with reduced sulfur compounds as the sole energy source; autotrophy was also confirmed in strain I. The first reported chemolithoautotrophic isolate of this genus was a strain of 'Thiothrix ramosa' that was isolated from a hydrogen sulfide spring and is morphologically distinguishable from all other described strains of Thiothrix, including CT3. CT3 is an aerobic organism that is non-fermentative, not capable of denitrification and able to grow heterotrophically. Autotrophy in the genus Thiothrix should be investigated more fully to better define the taxonomy of this genus.


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The plant hormones abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene are involved in diverse plant processes, including the regulation of gene expression during adaptive responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. Previously, ABA has been implicated in enhancing disease susceptibility in various plant species, but currently very little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. In this study, we obtained evidence that a complex interplay between ABA and JA-ethylene signaling pathways regulate plant defense gene expression and disease resistance. First, we showed that exogenous ABA suppressed both basal and JA-ethylene-activated transcription from defense genes. By contrast, ABA deficiency as conditioned by the mutations in the ABA1 and ABA2 genes, which encode enzymes involved in ABA biosynthesis, resulted in upregulation of basal and induced transcription from JA-ethylene responsive defense genes. Second, we found that disruption of AtMYC2 (allelic to JASMONATE INSENSITIVE1 [JIN1]), encoding a basic helix-loop-helix Leu zipper transcription factor, which is a positive regulator of ABA signaling, results in elevated levels of basal and activated transcription from JA-ethylene responsive defense genes. Furthermore, the jin1/myc2 and aba2-1 mutants showed increased resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. Finally, using ethylene and ABA signaling mutants, we showed that interaction between ABA and ethylene signaling is mutually antagonistic in vegetative tissues. Collectively, our results indicate that the antagonistic interactions between multiple components of ABA and the JA-ethylene signaling pathways modulate defense and stress responsive gene expression in response to biotic and abiotic stresses.


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The role of protein kinase C (PKC) in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) is controversial. Using recombinant adenoviruses for overexpression of PKCalpha and PKCdelta, in both wild-type (WT) and kinase-dead (KD) forms, we here demonstrate that activation of these two PKCs is neither necessary nor sufficient for GSIS from batch-incubated, rat pancreatic islets. In contrast, responses to the pharmacologic activator 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) were reciprocally modulated by overexpression of the PKCalphaWT or PKCalphaKD but not the corresponding PKCdelta adenoviruses. The kinetics of the secretory response to glucose (monitored by perifusion) were not altered in either cultured islets overexpressing PKCalphaKD or freshly isolated islets stimulated in the presence of the conventional PKC (cPKC) inhibitor Go6976. However, the latter did inhibit the secretory response to TPA. Using phosphorylation state-specific antisera for consensus PKC phosphorylation sites, we also showed that (compared with TPA) glucose causes only a modest and transient functional activation of PKC (maximal at 2-5 min). However, glucose did promote a prolonged (15 min) phosphorylation of PKC substrates in the presence of the phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid. Overall, the results demonstrate that glucose does stimulate PKCalphain pancreatic islets but that this makes little overall contribution to GSIS.


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Adsorption of a basic dye, methylene blue, from aqueous solutions onto as-received activated carbons and acid-treated carbons was investigated. The physical and surface chemical properties of the activated carbons were characterized using BET-N-2 adsorption, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and mass titration. It was found that acid treatment had little effect on carbon textural characteristics but significantly changed the surface chemical properties, resulting in an adverse effect on dye adsorption. The physical properties of activated carbon, such as surface area and pore volume, have little effect on dye adsorption, while the pore size distribution and the surface chemical characteristics play important roles in dye adsorption. The pH value of the solution also influences the adsorption capacity significantly. For methylene blue, a higher pH of solution favors the adsorption capacity. The kinetic adsorption of methylene blue on all carbons follows a pseudo-second-order equation. (c) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Activated macrophages and osteoclasts express high amounts of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP, acp5). TRACP has a binuclear iron center with a redox-active iron that has been shown to catalyze the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by Fenton's reaction. Previous Studies Suggest that ROS generated by TRACP may participate in degradation of endocytosed bone matrix products in resorbing osteoclasts and degradation of foreign Compounds during. antigen presentation in activated macrophages. Here we have compared free radical production in macrophages of TRACP overexpressing (TRACP +) and wild-type (WT) mice. TRACP overexpression increased both ROS levels and Superoxide production. Nitric oxide production was increased in activated macrophages or WT mice, but not in TRACP+ mice, Macrophages from TRACP+ mice showed increased capacity or bacterial killing. Recombinant TRACP enzyme was capable of bacterial killing in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. These results suggest that TRACP has an important biological function in immune defense systern.


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Degradation of a synthetic tanning agent CNSF (a condensation product of 2-naphthatenesulfonic acid (2-NSA) and formaldehyde) by four activated sludges, two previously characterised bacterial strains, Arthrobacter sp. 2AC and Comamonas sp. 4BC, and the fungus Cunninghamella polymorpha, was studied in batch culture at 25 degrees C by determining the changes in the concentrations of CNSF and its component monomers and oligomers (n2-n11). The loss of individual oligomers was correlated with the length of the NSA-CH2 chain. Approximately 25% of the total CNSF was degraded (i.e. mineralised) by the microbes contained in the four activated sludges and by the two bacterial isolates but with different lag phases and at different overall rates. The decline in CNSF concentration was due almost entirely to the biodegradation of the monomers (34.3% of CNSF) and, in particular, 2-NSA (27% of CNSF). There was no change in the n2-n 11 components. The growth of C. polymorpha, on the other hand, arose from extracellular depolymerisation of CNSF oligomers and the biodegradation of the lower molecular mass products. Between 38% and 42% of total CNSF was degraded by C. polymorpha at 25 degrees C. The order of oligomer degradation was inversely related to degree of polymerisation. Eighty percent and 90% of the n4 and n5 and 100% oligomers n6-n11 were degraded after 120 h. At a higher temperature (37 degrees C) oligomers n4-n11 were degraded completely after 120 h. A combination of biodegradation (75%) and sorption to fungal biomass (25%) accounted for the measured loss of all oligomers from the solution phase. The CNSF degradation rates and the volume of fungal biomass produced (and therefore the extent of biosorption) were dependent on the presence of a second carbon source (both optimum at glucose 5 g/l). This is the first report that identifies and distinguishes between depolymerisation, sorption and biodegradation processes in the removal of CNSF and its component oligomers. The use of combinations of the depolymerising fungus C. polymorpha, and the monomer-degrading bacteria, Arthrobacter sp. 2AC and Comamonas sp. 4BC, have potential for wastewater treatment.


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Two bacterial strains, 2AC and 4BC, both capable of utilizing naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid (2-NSA) as a sole source of carbon, were isolated from activated sludges previously exposed to tannery wastewater. Enrichments were carried out in mineral salt medium (MSM) with 2-NSA as the sole carbon source. 16S rDNA sequencing analysis indicated that 2AC is an Arthrobacter sp. and 4BC is a Comamonas sp. Within 33 h, both isolates degraded 100% of 2-NSA in MSM and also 2-NSA in non-sterile tannery wastewater. The yield coefficient was 0.33 g biomass dry weight per gram of 2-NSA. A conceptual model, which describes the aerobic transformation of organic matter, was used for interpreting the biodegradation kinetics of 2-NSA. The half-lives for 2-NSA, at initial concentrations of 100 and 500 mg/l in MSM, ranged from 20 h (2AC) to 26 h (4BC) with lag-phases of 8 h (2AC) and 12 h (4BC). The carbon balance indicates that 75-90% of the initial TOC (total organic carbon) was mineralized, 5-20% remained as DOC (dissolved organic carbon) and 3-10% was biomass carbon. The principal metabolite of 2-NSA biodegradation (in both MSM and tannery wastewater) produced by Comamonas sp. 4BC had a MW of 174 and accounted for the residual DOC (7.0-19.0% of the initial TOC and 66% of the remaining TOC). Three to ten percent of the initial TOC (33% of the remaining TOC) was associated with biomass. The metabolite was not detected when Arthrobacter sp. 2AC was used, and a lower residual DOC and biomass carbon were recorded. This suggests that the two strains may use different catabolic pathways for 2-NSA degradation. The rapid biodegradation of 2-NSA (100 mg/l) added to non-sterile tannery wastewater (total 2-NSA, 105 mg/l) when inoculated with either Arthrobacter 2AC or Comamonas 4BC showed that both strains were able to compete with the indigenous microorganisms and degrade 2-NSA even in the presence of alternate carbon sources (DOC in tannery wastewater = 91 mg/l). The results provide information useful for the rational design of bioreactors for tannery wastewater treatment.


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Purple acid phosphatases (PAPs) are a family of binuclear metalloenzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters and anhydrides. A PAP in sweet potato has a unique, strongly antiferromagnetically coupled Fe(III)-Mn(II) center and is distinguished from other PAPs by its increased catalytic efficiency for a range of activated and unactivated phosphate esters, its strict requirement for Mn(II), and the presence of a mu-oxo bridge at pH 4.90. This enzyme displays maximum catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K-m) at pH 4.5, whereas its catalytic rate constant (k(cat)) is maximal at near-neutral pH, and, in contrast to other PAPs, its catalytic parameters are not dependent on the pK(a) of the leaving group. The crystal structure of the phosphate-bound Fe(III)-Mn(II) PAP has been determined to 2.5-Angstrom resolution (final R-free value of 0.256). Structural comparisons of the active site of sweet potato, red kidney bean, and mammalian PAPs show several amino acid substitutions in the sweet potato enzyme that can account for its increased catalytic efficiency. The phosphate molecule binds in an unusual tripodal mode to the two metal ions, with two of the phosphate oxygen atoms binding to Fe(III) and Mn(II), a third oxygen atom bridging the two metal ions, and the fourth oxygen pointing toward the substrate binding pocket. This binding mode is unique among the known structures in this family but is reminiscent of phosphate binding to urease and of sulfate binding to A protein phosphatase. The structure and kinetics support the hypothesis that the bridging oxygen atom initiates hydrolysis.


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An industrial wastewater treatment plant at Grindsted, Denmark, has suffered from bulking problems for several years caused by filamentous bacteria. Five strains were isolated from the sludge by micromanipulation, Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the strains formed a monophyletic cluster in the Alphaproteobacteria, and they were phenotypically different from their closest relatives and from all hitherto known filamentous bacteria described (closest relative Brevundimonas vesicularis ATCC 11426(T), 89(.)8% sequence similarity). In pure culture, the cells (1(.)5-2(.)0 mu m) in filaments are Gram-negative and contain polyphosphate and polyhydroxyalkanoates. The optimum temperature for growth is 30 degrees C and the strains grow in 2 % NaCl and are oxidase- and catalase-positive. Ubiquinone 10 is the major quinone. The major fatty acid (C-18: 1 omega 7c) and smaller amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, 3-hydroxy fatty acids with a chain length of 16 and 18 carbon atoms and small amounts of 10-methyl-branched fatty acids with 18 carbon atoms (C-19: 0 10-methyl) affiliated the strains with the Methylobacterium/Xanthobacter group in the Alphaproteobacteria. The G + C content of the DNA is 42(.)9 mol% (for strain Gr1(T)). The two most dissimilar isolates by 16S rRNA gene comparison (Gr1(T) and Gr10; 97(.)7 % identical) showed 71(.)5 % DNA-DNA relatedness. Oligonucleotide probes specific for the pure cultures were designed for fluorescence in situ hybridization and demonstrated that two filamentous morphotypes were present in the Grindsted wastewater treatment plant. It is proposed that the isolates represent a new genus and species, Meganema perideroedes gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of Meganema perideroedes is strain Gr1(T) (=DSM 15528(T) =ATCC BAA-740(T)).