230 resultados para Acid-activated Clays
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Metal oxide pillared clay (PILC) possesses several interesting properties, such as large surface area, high pore volume and tunable pore size (from micropore to mesopore), high thermal stability, strong surface acidity and catalytic active substrates/metal oxide pillars. These unique characteristics make PILC an attractive material in catalytic reactions. It can be made either as catalyst support or directly used as catalyst. This paper is a continuous work from Kloprogge's review (J.T. Kloprogge, J. Porous Mater. 5, 5 1998) on the synthesis and properties of smectites and related PILCs and will focus on the diverse applications of clay pillared with different types of metal oxides in the heterogeneous catalysis area and adsorption area. The relation between the performance of the PILC and its physico-chemical features will be addressed.
The effectiveness of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (ESPR) systems is directly affected by the competition of polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) and glycogen accumulating organisms (GAOs). This study investigated the short-term effects of carbon source on PAO and GAO performance. The tests were designed to clearly determine the impact of volatile fatty acid (VFA) composition on the performance of two types of biomass, one enriched for PAOs and the other for GAOs. The two populations were enriched in separate reactors using identical operating conditions and very similar influent compositions with acetate as the sole carbon source. The only difference was that a very tow level of phosphorus was present in the influent to the GAO reactor. The abundance of PAOs and GAOs was quantified using fluorescence in-situ hybridisation. The results clearly show that there are some very distinctive differences between PAOs and GAOs in their ability to utilise different carbon substrates. While both are able to take up acetate rapidly and completely, the GAOs are far slower at consuming propionate than the PAOs during short-term substrate changes. This provides a potentially highly valuable avenue to influence the competition between PAOs and GAOs. Other VFAs studied seem to be less usable in the short term by both PAOs and GAOs; as indicated by their much lower uptake rates.
Exposure of insulin-sensitive tissues to free fatty acids can impair glucose disposal through inhibition of carbohydrate oxidation and glucose transport. However, certain fatty acids and their derivatives can also act as endogenous ligands for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma ), a nuclear receptor that positively modulates insulin sensitivity. To clarify the effects of externally delivered fatty acids on glucose uptake in an insulin-responsive cell type, we systematically examined the effects of a range of fatty acids on glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Of the fatty acids examined, arachidonic acid (AA) had the greatest positive effects, significantly increasing basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 1.8- and 2-fold, respectively, with effects being maximal at 4 h at which time membrane phospholipid content of AA was markedly increased. The effects of AA were sensitive to the inhibition of protein synthesis but were unrelated to changes in membrane fluidity. AA had no effect on total cellular levels of glucose transporters, but significantly increased levels of GLUT1 and GLUT4 at the plasma membrane. While the effects of AA were insensitive to cyclooxygenase inhibition, the lipoxygenase inhibitor, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, substantially blocked the AA effect on basal glucose uptake. Furthermore, adenoviral expression of a dominant-negative PPARgamma mutant attenuated the AA potentiation of basal glucose uptake. Thus, AA potentiates basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by a cyclooxygenase-independent mechanism that increases the levels of both GLUT1 and GLUT4 at the plasma membrane. These effects are at least partly dependent on de novo protein synthesis, an intact lipoxygenase pathway and the activation of PPARgamma with these pathways having a greater role in the absence than in the presence of insulin.
The kinetics of naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid (2-NSA) adsorption by granular activated carbon (GAC) were measured and the relationships between adsorption, desorption, bioavailability and biodegradation assessed. The conventional Langmuir model fitted the experimental sorption isotherm data and introduced 2-NSA degrading bacteria, established on the surface of the GAC, did not interfere with adsorption. The potential value of GAC as a microbial support in the aerobic degradation of 2-NSA by Arthrobacter globiformis and Comamonas testosteroni was investigated. Using both virgin and microbially colonised GAC, adsorption removed 2-NSA from the liquid phase up to its saturation capacity of 140 mg/g GAC within 48 h. However, between 83.2% and 93.3% of the adsorbed 2-NSA was bioavailable to both bacterial species as a source of carbon for growth. In comparison to the non-inoculated GAC, the combination of rapid adsorption and biodegradation increased the amount (by 70–93%) of 2-NSA removal from the influent phase as well as the bed-life of the GAC (from 40 to >120 d). A microbially conditioned GAC fixed-bed reactor containing 15 g GAC removed 100% 2-NSA (100 mg/l) from tannery wastewater at an empty bed contact time of 22 min for a minimum of 120 d without the need for GAC reconditioning or replacement. This suggests that small volume GAC bioreactors could be used for tannery wastewater recycling.
Lactic acid (LA) has significant market potential for many industries including food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, medical and biodegradable materials. Production of LA usually begins with the fermentation of glucose but subsequent stages for the enrichment of lactic acid are complex and energy intensive and could be minimised using water selective membrane technology. In this work, we trialled a highly selective hydrostable carbonised template molecular sieve silica (CTMSS) membrane for the dehydration of a 15 vol% aqueous lactic acid solution with 0.1 vol% glucose. CTMSS membrane films were developed by dip-coating ceramic substrates with silica sols made using the acid catalysed sol-gel process. Permeation was performed by feeding LA/glucose solution to the membrane cell at 18°C in a standard pervaporation setup. The membrane showed selective transport of water from the aqueous feed to the permeate while glucose was not detected. CTMSS membrane permeate flux stabilised at 0.2 kg.m-2.hr-1 in 3.9 hours, and reduced LA to lower than 0.2 vol%. Flux through the CTMSS micropores was activated, displaying increased initial flux to 1.58 kg.m-2.hr-1 at 60°C. To enrich a 1 l.min-1 stream to 85% LA in a single stage, a minimum membrane area of 324 m2 would be required at 18°C. Increased operating temperature to 80°C significantly reduced this area to 24 m2 but LA levels in the permeate stream increased to 0.5 vol%. The highly selective CTMSS membrane technology is an ideal candidate for LA purification. CTMSS membrane systems operate stably in aqueous systems leading to potential cost reductions in LA processing for future markets.
Activated carbon as catalyst support was treated with HCl, HNO3, and HF and the effects of acid treatments on the properties of the activated carbon support were studied by N-2 adsorption, mass titration, temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), and X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS). Ni catalysts supported on untreated and treated activated carbons were prepared, characterized and tested for the reforming reaction of methane with carbon dioxide. It is found that acid treatment significantly changed the surface chemical properties and pore structure of the activated carbon. The surface area and pore volume of the carbon supports are generally enhanced upon acid treatment due to the removal of impurities present in the carbon. The adsorption capacity of Ni2+ on the carbon supports is also increased, and the increase can be closely correlated with the surface acidity. The impregnation of nickel salts decreases the surface area and pore volume of carbon supports both in micropores and mesopores. Acid treatment results in a more homogeneous distribution of the nickel salt in carbon. When the impregnated carbons are heated in inert atmosphere, there exists a redox reaction between nickel oxide and the carbon. Catalytic activity tests for methane reforming with carbon dioxide show that the activity of nickel catalysts based on the acid-treated carbon supports is closely related with the surface characteristics of catalysts. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra and X-ray absorption (EXAFS and XANES) data have been recorded for the manganese enzyme aminopeptidase P (AMPP, PepP protein) from Escherichia coli. The biological function of the protein, a tetramer of 50-kDa subunits, is the hydrolysis of N-terminal Xaa-Pro peptide bonds. Activity assays confirm that the enzyme is activated by treatment with Mn2+. The EPR spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at liquid-He temperature is characteristic of an exchange-coupled dinuclear Mn(II) site, the Mn-Mn separation calculated from the zero-field splitting D of the quintet state being 3.5 (+/- 0.1) Angstrom. In the X-ray absorption spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at the Mn K edge, the near-edge features are consistent with octahedrally coordinated Mn atoms in oxidation state +2. EXAFS data, limited to k less than or equal to 12 Angstrom(-1) by traces of Fe in the protein, are consistent with a single coordination shell occupied predominantly by O donor atoms at an average Mn-ligand distance of 2.15 Angstrom, but the possibility of a mixture of O and N donor atoms is not excluded. The Mn-Mn interaction at 3.5 Angstrom, is not detected in the EXAFS, probably due to destructive interference from light outer-shell atoms. The biological function, amino acid sequence and metal-ion dependence of E. coli AMPP are closely related to those of human prolidase, an enzyme that specifically cleaves Xaa-Pro dipeptides. Mutations that lead to human prolidase deficiency and clinical symptoms have been identified. Several known inhibitors of prolidase also inhibit AMPP. When these inhibitors are added to Mn2+-activated AMPP, the EPR spectrum and EXAFS remain unchanged. It can be inferred that the inhibitors either do not bind directly to the Mn centres, or substitute for existing Mn ligands without a significant change in donor atoms or coordination geometry. The conclusions from the spectroscopic measurements on AMPP have been verified by, and complement, a recent crystal structure analysis.
Two Gram-positive, non-motile, non-spore-forming, strictly aerobic, pigmented cocci, strains Ben 107(T) and Ben 108(T), growing in aggregates were isolated from activated sludge samples by micromanipulation. Both possessed the rare type A3 gamma' peptidoglycan. Major menaquinones of strain Ben 107(T) were MK-9(H-4) and MK-7(H-2), and the main cellular fatty acid was 12-methyltetradecanoic acid (ai-C-15:0). In strain Ben 108(T), MK-9(H-4), MK-9(H-2) and MK-7(H-4) were the menaquinones and again the main fatty acid was 12-methyltetradecanoic acid (ai-C-15:0). Polar lipids in both strains consisted of phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl glycerol and diphosphatidyl glycerol with two other unidentified glycolipids and phospholipids also present in both. These data, together with the 16S rDNA sequence data, suggest that strain Ben 107(T) belongs to the genus Friedmanniella which presently includes a single recently described species, Friedmanniella antarctica. Although the taxonomic status of strain Ben 108(T) is far less certain, on the basis of its 16S rRNA sequence it is also adjudged to be best placed in the genus Friedmanniella, The chemotaxonomic characteristics and DNA-DNA hybridization data support the view that Ben 107(T) and Ben 108(T) are novel species of the genus Friedmanniella. Hence, it is proposed that strain Ben 107(T) (=ACM 5121(T)) is named as Friedmanniella spumicola sp. nov. and strain Ben 108(T) (=ACM 5120(T)) as Friedmanniella capsulata sp. nov.
The effect of acidic treatments on N2O reduction over Ni catalysts supported on activated carbon was systematically studied. The catalysts were characterized by N-2 adsorption, mass titration, temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), and X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS). It is found that surface chemistry plays an important role in N2O-carbon reaction catalyzed by Ni catalyst. HNO3 treatment produces more active acidic surface groups such as carboxyl and lactone, resulting in a more uniform catalyst dispersion and higher catalytic activity. However, HCl treatment decreases active acidic groups and increases the inactive groups, playing an opposite role in the catalyst dispersion and catalytic activity. A thorough discussion of the mechanism of the N2O catalytic reduction is made based upon results from isothermal reactions, temperature-programmed reactions (TPR) and characterization of catalysts. The effect of acidic treatment on pore structure is also discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The influences of HCl, HNO3 and HF treatments of carbon on N2O and NO reduction with 20 wt% Cu-loaded activated carbon were studied. The order of activity in both N2O and NO is as follows: Cu20/AC-HNO3>Cu20/AC>Cu20/AC-HF>Cu20/AC-HCl. The same sequence was also observed for the amount of CO2 evolved during TPD experiments of supports acid for the catalyst dispersion. On the other hand, N2O exhibited a higher reaction rate than NO and a higher sensitivity to acid treatments, and the presence of gas-phase O-2 had opposite effects in N2O and NO reduction. The key role of carbon surface chemistry is examined to rationalize these findings and the relevant mechanistic and practical implications are discussed. The effects of oxygen surface groups on the pore structure of supports and catalysts are also analyzed, (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Normal Sprague-Dau ley rat mammary gland epithelial cells and mammary gland carcinomas induced by 2-amino-1 -methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine, a carcinogen found in the diet, were examined for the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha). PPAR alpha mRNA and protein was detected in normal and tumor tissue by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry. By quantitative RT-PCR, carcinomas had a 12-fold higher expression than control mammary glands, a statistically significant difference. PPAR alpha expression was examined in carcinomas and normal tissues from rats on high fat (23.5/% corn oil) and low fat (5% corn oil) diets. Although neither carcinomas, nor control tissues showed statistically significant differences between the two diet groups, PPAR alpha expression was the highest in carcinomas from rats on the high fat diet. The expression of PPAR alpha in normal mammary gland and its significant elevation in mammary gland carcinomas raises the possibility of its involvement in mammary gland physiology and pathophysiology. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
To date, several activating mutations have been discovered in the common signal-transducing subunit (h beta c) of the receptors for human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-3, and interleukin-5. Two of these, Fl Delta and 1374N, result in a 37 amino acid duplication and a single amino acid substitution in the extracellular domain of h beta c, respectively. A third, V449E, results in a single amino acid substitution in the transmembrane domain, Previous studies comparing the activity of these mutants in different hematopoietic cell lines imply that the transmembrane and extracellular mutations act by different mechanisms and suggest the requirement for cell type-specific molecules in signalling. To characterize the ability of these mutant hpc subunits to mediate growth and differentiation of primary cells and hence investigate their oncogenic potential, we have expressed all three mutants in primary murine hematopoietic cells using retroviral transduction. It is shown that, whereas expression of either extracellular hpc mutant confers factor-independent proliferation and differentiation on cells of the neutrophil and monocyte lineages only, expression of the transmembrane mutant does so on these lineages as well as the eosinophil, basophil, megakaryocyte, and erythroid lineages, Factor-independent myeloid precursors expressing the transmembrane mutant display extended proliferation in liquid culture and in some cases yielded immortalized cell lines. (C) 1997 by The American Society of Hematology.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR alpha) is a member of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily. In rodents, PPAR alpha. alters genes involved in cell cycle regulation in hepatocytes. Some of these genes are implicated in neuronal cell death. Therefore, in this study, we examined the toxicological consequence of PPAR alpha activation in rat primary cultures of cerebellar granule neurons. Our studies demonstrated the presence of PPAR alpha mRNA in cultures by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. After 10 days in vitro, cerebellar granule neuron cultures were incubated with the selective PPAR alpha activator 4-chloro-6-(2,3-xylidino)2-pyrimidinylthioacetic acid (Wy-14,643). The inherent toxicity of Wy-14,643 and the effect of PPAR alpha activation following toxic stimuli were assessed. In these studies, neurotoxicity was induced through reduction of extracellular [KCl] from 25 mM to 5.36 mM. We observed no inherent toxicity of Wy-1 4,643 (24 hr) in cultured cerebellar granule cells. However, after reduction of [KCl], cerebellar granule cell cultures incubated with Wy-14,643 showed significantly greater toxicity than controls. These results suggest a posssible role for PPAR(x in augmentation of cerebellar granule neuronal death after toxic stimuli. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta (PPARbeta) is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily and is a ligand activated transcription factor. although the precise genes that it regulates and its physiological and pathophysiological role remain unclear. In view of the association of PPARbeta with colon cancer and increased mRNA levels of PPARbeta in colon tumours we sought in this study to examine the expression of PPARbeta in human breast epithelial cells of tumorigenic (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and non-tumorigenic origin (MCF-10A). Using quantitative RT-PCR we measured PPARbeta mRNA levels in MCF-7. MDA-MB-231 and MCF-10A cells at various stages in culture. After serum-deprivation, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-10A cells had a 4.2- and 3.8-fold statistically greater expression of PPARbeta compared with MCF-7 cells. The tumorigenic cell lines also exhibited a significantly greater level of PPARbeta mRNA after serum deprivation compared with subconfluence whereas such an effect was not observed in non-tumorigenic MCF-10A cells. The expression of PPARbeta was inducible upon exposure to the PPARbeta ligand bezafibrate. Our results suggest that unlike colon cancer. PPARbeta overexpression is not an inherent property of breast cancer cell lines. However, the dynamic changes in PPARbeta mRNA expression and the ability of PPARbeta in the MCF-7 cells to respond to ligand indicates that PPARbeta may play a role in mammary gland carcinogenesis through activation of downstream genes via endogenous fatty acid ligands or exogenous agonists. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.