em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Theoretical analyses of air traffic complexity were carried out using the Method for the Analysis of Relational Complexity. Twenty-two air traffic controllers examined static air traffic displays and were required to detect and resolve conflicts. Objective measures of performance included conflict detection time and accuracy. Subjective perceptions of mental workload were assessed by a complexity-sorting task and subjective ratings of the difficulty of different aspects of the task. A metric quantifying the complexity of pair-wise relations among aircraft was able to account for a substantial portion of the variance in the perceived complexity and difficulty of conflict detection problems, as well as reaction time. Other variables that influenced performance included the mean minimum separation between aircraft pairs and the amount of time that aircraft spent in conflict.


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The Operator Choice Model (OCM) was developed to model the behaviour of operators attending to complex tasks involving interdependent concurrent activities, such as in Air Traffic Control (ATC). The purpose of the OCM is to provide a flexible framework for modelling and simulation that can be used for quantitative analyses in human reliability assessment, comparison between human computer interaction (HCI) designs, and analysis of operator workload. The OCM virtual operator is essentially a cycle of four processes: Scan Classify Decide Action Perform Action. Once a cycle is complete, the operator will return to the Scan process. It is also possible to truncate a cycle and return to Scan after each of the processes. These processes are described using Continuous Time Probabilistic Automata (CTPA). The details of the probability and timing models are specific to the domain of application, and need to be specified using domain experts. We are building an application of the OCM for use in ATC. In order to develop a realistic model we are calibrating the probability and timing models that comprise each process using experimental data from a series of experiments conducted with student subjects. These experiments have identified the factors that influence perception and decision making in simplified conflict detection and resolution tasks. This paper presents an application of the OCM approach to a simple ATC conflict detection experiment. The aim is to calibrate the OCM so that its behaviour resembles that of the experimental subjects when it is challenged with the same task. Its behaviour should also interpolate when challenged with scenarios similar to those used to calibrate it. The approach illustrated here uses logistic regression to model the classifications made by the subjects. This model is fitted to the calibration data, and provides an extrapolation to classifications in scenarios outside of the calibration data. A simple strategy is used to calibrate the timing component of the model, and the results for reaction times are compared between the OCM and the student subjects. While this approach to timing does not capture the full complexity of the reaction time distribution seen in the data from the student subjects, the mean and the tail of the distributions are similar.


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A head-up display (HUD) is a projection of symbology into the pilot's forward field of view that enables the pilot to monitor the instrumentation while, theoretically, also viewing the external domain. Although the HUD has been shown to improve flight performance, there are perceptual and cognitive issues that need to be addressed. This article reviews selected literature that investigates these issues and the possible solutions posed and identifies areas that remain in doubt.


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Two aspects of hydrogen-air non-equilibrium chemistry related to scramjets are nozzle freezing and a process called 'kinetic afterburning' which involves continuation of combustion after expansion in the nozzle. These effects were investigated numerically and experimentally with a model scramjet combustion chamber and thrust nozzle combination. The overall model length was 0.5m, while precombustion Mach numbers of 3.1 +/- 0.3 and precombustion temperatures ranging from 740K to 1,400K were involved. Nozzle freezing was investigated at precombustion pressures of 190kPa and higher, and it was found that the nozzle thrusts were within 6% of values obtained from finite rate numerical calculations, which were within 7% of equilibrium calculations. When precombustion pressures of 70kPa or less were used, kinetic afterburning was found to be partly responsible for thrust production, in both the numerical calculations and the experiments. Kinetic afterburning offers a means of extending the operating Mach number range of a fixed geometry scramjet.


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Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) have been used as passive air samplers of semivolatile organic compounds in a range of studies. However, due to a lack of calibration data for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), SPMD data have not been used to estimate air concentrations of target PAHs. In this study, SPMDs were deployed for 32 days at two sites in a major metropolitan area in Australia. High-volume active sampling systems (HiVol) were co-deployed at both sites. Using the HiVol air concentration data from one site, SPMD sampling rates were measured for 12 US EPA Priority Pollutant PAHs and then these values were used to determine air concentrations at the second site from SPMD concentrations. Air concentrations were also measured at the second site with co-deployed HiVols to validate the SPMD results. PAHs mostly associated with the vapour phase (Fluorene to Pyrene) dominated both the HiVol and passive air samples. Reproducibility between replicate passive samplers was satisfactory (CV < 20%) for the majority of compounds. Sampling rates ranged between 0.6 and 6.1 m(3) d(-1). SPMD-based air concentrations were calculated at the second site for each compound using these sampling rates and the differences between SPMD-derived air concentrations and those measured using a HiVol were, on average, within a factor of 1.5. The dominant processes for the uptake of PAHs by SPMDs were also assessed. Using the SPMD method described herein, estimates of particulate sorbed airborne PAHs with five rings or greater were within 1.8-fold of HiVol measured values. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Adsorbate molecules scattered in the repulsive field of a surface feature in the form of a semi-cylindrical stripe may be considered as a simple model for a nano-patterned surface. The extent of scattering was conveniently expressed as the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient. An analytical result was obtained using a simple local specular reflection hypothesis in contrast to the more complicated situation of an array of atoms discussed elsewhere, in which screening and secondary reflection may occur (Nicholson and Bhatia 2005). It was also demonstrated that a simple 2D representation leads to the same result for the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient.