3 resultados para AGE CONSTRAINTS

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The discovery of the Woodleigh impact structure, first identified by R. P. lasky, bears a number of parallels with that of the Chlcxulub impact structure of K-T boundary age, underpinning complications inherent in the study of buried impact structures by geophysical techniques and drilling. Questions raised in connection with the diameter of the Woodleigh impact structure reflect uncertainties in criteria used to define original crater sizes in eroded and buried impact structures as well as limits on the geological controls at Woodleigh. The truncation of the regional Ajona - Wandagee gravity ridges by the outer aureole of the Woodleigh structure, a superposed arcuate magnetic anomaly along the eastern part of the structure, seismic-reflection data indicating a central > 37 km-diameter dome, correlation of fault patterns between Woodleigh and less-deeply eroded impact structures (Ries crater, Chesapeake Bay), and morphometric estimates all indicate a final diameter of 120 km. At Woodleigh, pre-hydrothermal shock-induced melting and diaplectic transformations are heavily masked by pervasive alteration of the shocked gneisses to montmorillonite-dominated clays, accounting for the high MgO and low K2O of cryptocrystalline components. The possible contamination of sub-crater levels of the Woodlelgh impact structure by meteoritic components, suggested by high Ni, Co, Cr, Ni/ Co and Ni/Cr ratios, requires further siderophile element analyses of vein materials. Although stratigraphic age constraints on the impact event are broad (post-Middle Devonian to pre-Early Jurassic) high-temperature (200-250 degrees C) pervasive hydrothermal activity dated by K-Ar isotopes of illite - smectite indicates an age of 359 +/- 4 Ma. To date neither Late Devonian crater fill, nor impact ejecta fallout units have been identified, although metallic meteoritic ablation spherules of a similar age have been found in the Conning Basin.


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Nine samples of supergene goethite (FeOOH) from Brazil and Australia were selected to rest the suitability of this mineral for (U-Th)/He dating. Measured He ages ranged from 61 to 8 Ma and were reproducible to better than a few percent despite very large Variations in [U] and [Th]. In all Samples with internal stratigraphy or independent age constraints, the He ages corroborated the expected relationship's. These data demonstrate that internally consistent He ages can be obtained on goethite. but do not prove quantitative 4 He retention. To assess possible diffusive He loss, stepped-heating experiments were performed on two goethite samples that were subjected to proton irradiation to produce a homogeneous distribution of spallogenic He-3. The He-3 release pattern indicates the presence of at least two diffusion domains, one with high helium retentivity and the other with very low retentivity at Earth surface conditions. The low retentivity domain, which accounts for similar to 5% of He-3, contains no natural He-4 and may represent poorly crystalline or intergranular material which has lost all radiogenic He-4 by diffusion in nature. Diffusive loss of He-3 from the high retentivity domain is independent of the macroscopic dimensions of the analyzed polycrystalline aggregate, so probably represents diffusion from individual micrometer-size goethite crystals. The He-2/He-3 evolution during the incremental heating experiments shows that the high retentivity domain has retained 90%-95% of its radiogenic helium. This degree of retentivity is in excellent agreement with that independently predicted from the helium diffusion coefficients extrapolated to Earth surface temperature and held for the appropriate duration. Considering both the high and low retentivity domains, these data indicate that one of the samples retained 90% of its radiogenic He-4 over 47.5 Ma and the other retained 86% over 12.3 Ma. Thus while diffusive-loss corrections to supergene goethite He ages are required. these initial results indicate that the corrections are not extremely large and can be rigorously quantified using the proton-irradiation He-4/He-3 method. Copyright (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd.


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Ten samples of supergene goethite (FeOOH) from Brazil and Australia were selected to test the suitability of this mineral for (U-Th)/He dating. Measured He ages ranged from 8 to 61 Ma, and were reproducible to better than a few percent despite very large variations in [U] and [Th]. In all samples with internal stratigraphy or independent age constraints, the He ages honored the expected relationships. These data demonstrate that internally consistent He ages can be obtained on goethite, but do not prove quantitative 4He retention. To assess possible diffusive He loss, stepped-heating experiments were performed on two goethite samples that were subjected to proton irradiation to produce a homogeneous distribution of spallogenic 3He. The 3He release pattern indicates the presence of at least two diffusion domains, one with high helium retentivity and the other with very low retentivity at Earth surface conditions. The low retentivity domain, which accounts for ~ 5% of 3He, contains no natural 4He, and may represent poorly crystalline or intergranular material which has lost all radiogenic 4He by diffusion in nature. Diffusive loss of 3He from the high retentivity domain is independent of the macroscopic dimensions of the analyzed polycrystalline aggregate, so probably represents diffusion from individual micrometer-size goethite crystals. The 4He/3He evolution during the step heating experiments shows that the high retentivity domain has retained 90-95% of its radiogenic helium. This degree of retentivity is in excellent agreement with that independently predicted from the helium diffusion coefficients extrapolated to Earth surface temperature and held for the appropriate duration. These data indicate that one of the samples retained 90% of its radiogenic 4He over 46.8 Ma and the other retained 86% over 11.9 Ma. Thus while diffusive-loss corrections to supergene goethite He ages are required, these initial results indicate that the corrections are not extremely large and can be rigorously quantified using the proton-irradiation 4He/3He method.