em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Intensive therapy and autologous blood and marrow transplantation (ABMT) is an established post-remission treatment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML), although its exact role remains controversial and few data are available regarding longer-term outcomes. We examined the long-term outcome of patients with AML transplanted at a single center using uniform intensive therapy consisting of etoposide, melphalan and TBI. In all, 145 patients with AML underwent ABMT: 117 in first remission, 21 in second remission and seven beyond second remission. EFS and OS were significantly predicted by remission status (P


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Scedosporium prolificans is a saprophytic fungus responsible for an increasing number of infections among immumocompromised hosts. Historically, disseminated infection with this organism has resulted in death. We report on a pediatric patient who developed overwhelming S. prolificans sepsis after induction chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She is well 18 months after the diagnosis of fungal sepsis and continues to receive chemotherapy for leukemia, which remains in remission.


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Background: Changes in body composition are commonly reported in pediatric survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). However, the effect of ALL and of its treatment on body composition in children in remission from ALL has not been fully examined with the use of a reference method. Objectives: We aimed to determine the body composition and composition of fat-free mass (FFM) in children in remission from ALL. We also aimed to compare the effects that prednisolone and dexamethasone had on the body composition of an ALL survivor population. Design: This cross-sectional study measured height, weight, body volume, total body water, and bone mineral content in 24 children in remission from ALL and 24 age-matched, healthy control subjects. Body composition and FFM composition were evaluated by using the 4-component model. Results: The mean body mass index and fat mass index were significantly (P = 0.05 for both) higher in the ALL survivors than in age-matched control subjects. The composition of the FFM in the 2 treatment groups was not observed to differ significantly. Examination of the composition of FFM made it evident that children in remission from ALL had both significantly greater hydration (P = 0.001) and lower density (P = 0.0001) of FFM than did the control children. Conclusions: Children in remission from ALL may develop excess body fat. To measure body composition accurately in an ALL population, the high hydration and low density of FFM in this population should be taken into consideration.


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Vaccines have been described as weapons of mass protection. The eradication of many diseases is testament to their utility and effectiveness. Nevertheless, many vaccine preventable diseases remain prevalent because of political and economic barriers. Additionally, the effects of immaturity and old age, therapies that incapacitate the adaptive immune system and the multitude of strategies evolved by pathogens to evade immediate or sustained recognition by the mammalian immune system are barriers to the effectiveness of existing vaccines or development of new vaccines. In the front line of defence against the pervasiness of infection are the elements of the innate immune system. Innate immunity is under studied and poorly appreciated. However, in the first days after entry of a pathogen into the body, our entire protective response is dependant upon the various elements of our innate immune repertoire. In spite of, its place as our initial defence against infection, attention is only now turning to strategies which enhance or supplement innate immunity. This review examines the need for and potential of innate immune therapies.


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Gene translocations that repress the function of the Runx1 transcription factor play a critical role in the development of myeloid leukemia. In this report, we demonstrate that Runx1 precisely regulates c-fms (CSF-1 receptor) gene expression. Runx1 controlled expression by binding to multiple sites within the mouse c-fms gene, allowing interaction between promoter and downstream enhancer elements. The runx1 and c-fms genes showed an identical pattern of expression in mature macrophages. Runx1 expression was repressed in CSF-1 stimulated, proliferating bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) and significantly increased in quiescent, CSF-1 starved cells. The RAW264.7 and Mono-Mac-6, macrophage-like cell lines expressed low levels of Runx1 and both showed growth arrest and cell death with ectopic expression of Runx1. The EM-3 cell line, which represents an early myeloid progenitor cell line, showed growth arrest with Runx1 expression in the absence of any detectable changes in cell differentiation. These findings suggest that Runx1 regulates growth and survival of myeloid cells and provide a novel insight into the role of Runx family gene translocations in leukemogenesis.


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Background: Treatment with interferon and subcutaneous cytarabine produces superior cytogenetic responses in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) than treatment with interferon alone, but at the expense of greater toxicity. Cytarabine ocfosfate (YNK01) is an oral precursor of cytarabine that may overcome some of the inconvenience and toxicities associated with subcutaneous cytarabine administration. Patients and methods: We studied the efficacy and tolerability of combination therapy with interferon-alpha-2b and YNK01 in patients with newly diagnosed, untreated CML. Forty patients were treated with interferon-alpha-2b (5 MU/m(2)/day) plus monthly courses of YNK01 (600 mg/day for 10 days) for I year. Results: The 6-month complete haematological response rate was 63% and the 1-year major cytogenetic response rate was 30%, with 10% of cytogenetic responses being complete. With a median follow-up of 57 months, the estimated 5-year overall survival was 86% (95% confidence interval 70% to 94%). Treatment tolerability was poor, with toxicity leading to discontinuation of one or both drugs in 60% of cases. The median daily dose of interferon alpha-2b was 7.75 MU and the median dose of YNK01 was 600 mg/day for each 10-day treatment cycle. Conclusions: Interferon-alpha-2b and YNK01 produce cytogenetic responses comparable to those achieved with interferon-alpha-2b and parenteral cytarabine, although toxicity was excessive. Alternate dosing strategies may enhance the tolerability of YNK01.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a promising new class of chemotherapeutic drug currently in early phase clinical trials. A large number of structurally diverse HDACi have been purified or synthesised that mostly inhibit the activity of all eleven class I and II HDACs. While these agents demonstrate many features required for anti-cancer activity such as low toxicity against normal cells and an ability to inhibit tumor cell growth and survival at nanomolar concentrations, their mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Initially, a model was proposed whereby HDACi-mediated transactivation of a specific gene or set of genes was responsible for the inhibition of cell cycle progression or induction of apoptosis. Given that HDACs can regulate the activity of a number of nonhistone proteins and that histone acetylation is important for events such as DNA replication and mitosis that do not directly involve gene transcription, it appears that the initial mechanistic model for HDACi may have been too simple. Herein, we provide an update on the transcription-dependent and - independent events that may be important for the anti-tumor activities of HDACi and discuss the use of these compounds in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs.


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Hemopoietic cells, apparently committed to one lineage, can be reprogrammed to display the phenotype of another lineage. The J2E erythroleukemic cell line has on rare occasions developed the features of monocytic cells. Subtractive hybridization was used in an attempt to identify genes that were up-regulated during this erythroid to myeloid transition. We report here on the isolation of hemopoietic lineage switch 5 (Hls5), a gene expressed by the monocytoid variant cells, but not the parental J2E cells. Hls5 is a novel member of the RBCC (Ring finger, B box, coiled-coil) family of genes, which includes Pml, Herf1, Tif-1alpha, and Rfp. Hls5 was expressed in a wide range of adult tissues; however, at different stages during embryogenesis, Hls5 was detected in the branchial arches, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, limb buds, and brain. The protein was present in cytoplasmic granules and punctate nuclear bodies. Isolation of the human cDNA and genomic DNA revealed that the gene was located on chromosome 8p21, a region implicated in numerous leukemias and solid tumors. Enforced expression of Hls5 in HeLa cells inhibited cell growth, clonogenicity, and tumorigenicity. It is conceivable that HLS5 is one of the tumor suppressor genes thought to reside at the 8p21 locus.


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Purpose: Despite significant progress in understanding the molecular pathology of pancreatic cancer and its precursor lesion: pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), there remain no molecules with proven clinical utility as prognostic or therapeutic markers. Here, we used oligonucleotide microarrays to interrogate mRNA expression of pancreatic cancer tissue and normal pancreas to identify novel molecular pathways dysregulated in the development and progression of pancreatic cancer. Experimental Design: RNA was hybridized to Affymetrix Genechip HG-U133 oligonucleotide microarrays. A relational database integrating data from publicly available resources was created to identify candidate genes potentially relevant to pancreatic cancer. The protein expression of one candidate, homeobox B2 (HOXB2), in PanIN and pancreatic cancer was assessed using immunohistochemistry. Results: We identified aberrant expression of several components of the retinoic acid (RA) signaling pathway (RARa, MUC4, Id-1, MMP9, uPAR, HB-EGF, HOXB6, and HOXB2), many of which are known to be aberrantly expressed in pancreatic cancer and Pan IN. HOXB2, a downstream target of RA, was up-regulated 6.7-fold in pancreatic cancer compared with normal pancreas. Immunohistochemistry revealed ectopic expression of HOXB2 in 15% of early Pan IN lesions and 48 of 128 (38%) pancreatic cancer specimens. Expression of HOXB2 was associated with nonresectable tumors and was an independent predictor of poor survival in resected tumors. Conclusions: We identified aberrant expression of RA signaling components in pancreatic cancer, including HOXB2, which was expressed in a proportion of PanIN lesions. Ectopic expression of HOXB2 was associated with a poor prognosis for all patients with pancreatic cancer and was an independent predictor of survival in patients who underwent resection.


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The manipulation of dendritic cells (DCs) ex vivo to present tumor-associated antigens for the activation and expansion of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) attempts to exploit these cells’ pivotal role in immunity. However, significant improvements are needed if this approach is to have wider clinical application. We optimized a gene delivery protocol via electroporation for cord blood (CB) CD34+ DCs using in vitro–transcribed (IVT) mRNA. We achieved > 90% transfection of DCs with IVT-enhanced green fluorescent protein mRNA with > 90% viability. Electroporation of IVT-mRNA up-regulated DC costimulatory molecules. DC processing and presentation of mRNA-encoded proteins, as major histocompatibility complex/peptide complexes, was established by CTL assays using transfected DCs as targets. Along with this, we also generated specific antileukemic CTLs using DCs electroporated with total RNA from the Nalm-6 leukemic cell line and an acute lymphocytic leukemia xenograft. This significant improvement in DC transfection represents an important step forward in the development of immunotherapy protocols for the treatment of malignancy.


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The dogma that the genesis of new cells is a negligible event in the adult mammalian brain has long influenced our perception and understanding of the origin and development of CNS tumours. The discovery that new neurons and glia are produced throughout life from neural stem cells provides new possibilities for the candidate cells of origin of CNS neoplasias. The emerging hypothesis is that alterations in the cellular and genetic mechanisms that control adult neurogenesis might contribute to brain tumorigenesis, thereby allowing the identification of new therapeutic strategies.


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There are a number of observations that suggest the dsRNA-activated protein kinase, PKR, may play an active role in formation and maintenance of leukemia, including nonrandom chromosomal deletions in acute leukemia as well as truncations and deletions of the PKR gene in some leukemia cell lines. However, there is little direct evidence from patient material that this is so. Here we show that full-length PKR is present but not active in 21 of 28 patient samples from B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). PKR from these patients was unable to auto-activate or phosphorylate substrates but was able to bind dsRNA. Furthermore, the lack of PKR activation was not due to differing levels of the PKR activator, PACT nor of the PKR inhibitor, p58(IPK). We compared PKR status with clinical parameters and disease staging. No differences were found between the 2 groups in terms of staging (modified Rai or Binet), age, CD38 status, p53 status, 11q23 deletion status or CEP12 deletion status. However, there was a significant correlation between deletion in 13q14.3 and lack of PKR activity. We show that B-CLL cells appear to contain a soluble inhibitor of PKR, as lysates from cells lacking PKR activity were able to inhibit exogenous PKR in mixing experiments. Finally, we show suppression of PKR activity was still present following ultrafilitration through a 10,000 Da cutoff filter but was lost upon extraction with phenol/chloroform or by high salt washing. This data suggests loss of PKR activity may contribute to the formation and/or maintenance of CLL. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We describe transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) in 2 acute leukemia cases to increase awareness of this under reported serious transfusion complication syndrome in multitransfused patients. There are a number of reports in multitransfused patients with nonmalignant disorders. However, reports of pediatric oncology patients are few, suggesting a lack of recognition or misdiagnosis of the syndrome. A disproportionately high number of fatalities in children is recorded in the literature. This highlights the need for increased awareness and appropriate treatment of this serious complication of transfusion. Although TRALI is initially a clinical diagnosis, the laboratory investigation is vital as it contributes to defining the pathogenesis of the syndrome and importantly facilitates the effective management of implicated donations and donors. An investigational strategy for suspected cases is presented and the results are discussed in the context of current proposed mechanisms for TRALI. As each transfused blood product is associated with a potential risk of TRALI, more frequent reports in patients receiving large volume or recurrent transfusion would be expected.