7 resultados para ACTIN

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Plasma membrane compartmentalization imposes lateral segregation on membrane proteins that is important for regulating signal transduction. We use computational modeling of immunogold spatial point patterns on intact plasma membrane sheets to test different models of inner plasma membrane organization. We find compartmentalization at the nanoscale level but show that a classical raft model of preexisting stable domains into which lipid raft proteins partition is incompatible with the spatial point patterns generated by the immunogold labeling of a palmitoylated raft marker protein. Rather, approximate to 30% of the raft protein exists in cholesterol-dependent nanoclusters, with approximate to 70% distributed as monomers. The cluster/monomer ratio (number of proteins in clusters/number of proteins outside clusters) is independent of expression level. H-rasG12V and K-rasG12V proteins also operate in nanoclusters with fixed cluster/monomer ratios that are independent of expression level. Detailed calibration of the immunogold imaging protocol suggests that radii of raft and RasG12V protein nanoclusters may be as small as 11 and 6 nm, respectively, and shows that the nanoclusters contain small numbers (6.0-7.7) of proteins. Raft nanoclusters do not form if the actin cytoskeleton is disassembled. The formation of K-rasG12V but not H-rasG12V nanoclusters also is actin-dependent. K-rasG12V but not H-rasG12V signaling is abrogated by actin cytoskeleton disassembly, which shows that nanoclustering is critical for Ras function. These findings argue against stable preexisting domains on the inner plasma membrane in favor of dynamic actively regulated nanoclusters similar to those proposed for the outer plasma membrane. RasG12V nanoclusters may facilitate the assembly of essential signal transduction complexes.


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One key role of the renal proximal tubule is the reabsorption of proteins from the glomerular filtrate by constitutive receptor-mediated endocytosis. In the opossum kidney (OK) renal proximal tubule cell line, inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) reduces albumin uptake, although the isoforms involved and mechanisms by which this occurs have not been identified. We used pharmacological and molecular approaches to investigate the role of PKC-α in albumin endocytosis. We found that albumin uptake in OK cells was inhibited by the pan-PKC blocker bisindolylmaleimide-1 and the isoform-specific PKC blockers Go-6976 and 2',3,3',4,4'-hexahydroxy-1,1'-biphenyl-6,6'-dimethanol dimethyl ether, indicating a role for PKC-α. Overexpression of a kinase deficient PKC-α(K368R) but not wild-type PKC-α significantly reduced albumin endocytosis. Western blot analysis of fractionated cells showed an increased association of PKC-α-green fluorescent protein with the membrane fraction within 10-20 min of exposure to albumin. We used phalloidin to demonstrate that albumin induces the formation of clusters of actin at the apical surface of OK cells and that these clusters correspond to the location of albumin uptake. These clusters were not present in cells grown in the absence of albumin. In cells treated either with PKC inhibitors or overexpressing kinase-deficient PKC-α(K368R) this actin cluster formation was significantly reduced. This study identifies a role for PKC-α in constitutive albumin uptake in OK cells by mediating assembly of actin microfilaments at the apical membrane.


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This study examined the hypothesis that filamentous actin associated with the complex cytoskeleton of the kangaroo sperm head and tail may be contributing to lack of plasma membrane plasticity and a consequent loss of membrane integrity during cryopreservation. In the first study, the distribution of G and F actin within Eastern Grey Kangaroo (EGK, Macropus giganteus) cauda epididymidal spermatozoa was successfully detected using DNAse-FITC and a monoclonal F-actin antibody (ab205, Abcam), respectively. G-actin staining was most intense in the acrosome but was also observed with less intensity over the nucleus and mid-piece. F-actin was located in the sperm nucleus but was not discernable in the acrosome or sperm tail. To investigate whether cytochalasin D (a known F-actin depolymerising agent) was capable of improving the osmotic tolerance of EGK cauda epididymal spermatozoa, sperm were incubated in hypo-osmotic media (61 and 104 mOsm) containing a range of cytochalasin D concentrations (0-200 mu M). Cytochalasin D had no beneficial effect on plasma membrane integrity of sperm incubated in hypo-osmotic media. However, when EGK cauda epididymidal sperm were incubated in isosmotic media, there was a progressive loss of sperm motility with increasing cytochalasin D concentration. The results of this study indicated that the F-actin distribution in cauda epididymidal spermatozoa of the EGK was surprisingly different from that of the Tammar Wallaby (M. eugenii) and that cytochalasin-D does not appear to improve the tolerance of EGK cauda epididymidal sperm to osmotically induced injury.


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Functional interactions between classical cadherins and the actin cytoskeleton involve diverse actin activities, including filament nucleation, cross-linking, and bundling. In this report, we explored the capacity of Ena/VASP proteins to regulate the actin cytoskeleton at cadherin-adhesive contacts. We extended the observation that Ena/vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) proteins localize at cell-cell contacts to demonstrate that E-cadherin homophilic ligation is sufficient to recruit Mena to adhesion sites. Ena/VASP activity was necessary both for F-actin accumulation and assembly at cell-cell contacts. Moreover, we identified two distinct pools of Mena within individual homophilic adhesions that cells made when they adhered to cadherin-coated substrata. These Mena pools localized with Arp2/3-driven cellular protrusions as well as at the tips of cadherin-based actin bundles. Importantly, Ena/VASP activity was necessary for both modes of actin activity to be expressed. Moreover, selective depletion of Ena/VASP proteins from the tips of cadherin-based bundles perturbed the bundles without affecting the protrusive F-actin pool. We propose that Ena/VASP proteins may serve as higher order regulators of the cytoskeleton at cadherin contacts through their ability to modulate distinct modes of actin organization at those contacts.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is characterised by the production of autoantibodies against ubiquitous antigens, especially nuclear components. Evidence makes it clear that the development of these autoantibodies is an antigen-driven process and that immune complexes involving DNA-containing antigens play a key role in the disease process. In rodents, DNase I is the major endonuclease present in saliva, urine and plasma, where it catalyses the hydrolysis of DNA, and impaired DNase function has been implicated in the pathogenesis of SLE. In this study we have evaluated the effects of transgenic overexpression of murine DNase I endonucleases in vivo in a mouse model of lupus. We generated transgenic mice having T-cells that express either wild-type DNase I (wt. DNase I) or a mutant DNase I ( ash. DNase I), engineered for three new properties - resistance to inhibition by G-actin, resistance to inhibition by physiological saline and hyperactivity compared to wild type. By crossing these transgenic mice with a murine strain that develops SLE we found that, compared to control nontransgenic littermates or wt. DNase I transgenic mice, the ash. DNase I mutant provided significant protection from the development of anti-single-stranded DNA and anti-histone antibodies, but not of renal disease. In summary, this is the first study in vivo to directly test the effects of long-term increased expression of DNase I on the development of SLE. Our results are in line with previous reports on the possible clinical benefits of recombinant DNase I treatment in SLE, and extend them further to the use of engineered DNase I variants with increased activity and resistance to physiological inhibitors.


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Golgi membranes and Golgi-derived vesicles are associated with multiple cytoskeletal proteins and motors, the diversity and distribution of which have not yet been defined. Carrier vesicles were separated from Golgi membranes, using an in vitro budding assay, and different populations of vesicles were separated using sucrose density gradients. Three main populations of vesicles labeled with beta-COP, gamma-adaptin, or p200/myosin II were separated and analyzed for the presence of actin/actin-binding proteins, beta-Actin was bound to Golgi cisternae and to all populations of newly budded vesicles. Centractin was selectively associated with vesicles co-distributing with beta-COP-vesicles, while p200/myosin II (non-muscle myosin IIA) and non-muscle myosin IIB were found on different vesicle populations. Isoforms of the Tm5 tropomyosins were found on selected Golgi-derived vesicles, while other Tm isoforms did not colocalize with Tm5 indicating the association of specialized actin filaments with Golgi-derived vesicles. Golgi-derived vesicles were shown to bind to F-actin polymerized from cytosol with Jasplakinolide. Thus, newly budded, coated vesicles derived from Golgi membranes can bind to actin and are customized for differential interactions with microfilaments by the presence of selective arrays of actin-binding proteins.