94 resultados para 060602 Animal Physiology - Cell

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The role of growth hormone (GH) in embryonic growth is controversial, yet preimplantation embryos express GH, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and their receptors. In this study, addition of bovine GH doubled the proportion of two-cell embryos forming blastocysts and increased by about 25% the number of cells in those blastocysts with a concentration-response curve showing maximal activity at 1 pg bovine GH ml(-1), with decreasing activity at higher and lower concentrations. GH increased the number of cells in the trophectoderm by 25%, but did not affect the inner cell mass of blastocysts. Inhibition of cell proliferation by anti-GH antiserum indicated that GH is a potent autocrine or paracrine regulator of the number of trophectoderm cells in vivo. Type 1 IGF receptors (IGF1R) were localized to cytoplasmic vesicles and plasma membrane in the apical domains of uncompacted and compacted eight-cell embryos, but were predominantly apparent in cytoplasmic vesicles of the trophectoderm cells of the blastocyst, similar to GH receptors. Studies using alphaIR3 antiserum which blocks ligand activation of IGF1R, showed that IGF1R participate in the autocrine or paracrine regulation of the number of cells in the inner cell mass by an endogenous IGF-I-IGF1R pathway. However, alphaIR3 did not affect GH stimulation of the number of trophectoderm cells. Therefore, CH does not use secondary actions via embryonic IGF-I to modify the number of blastocyst cells. This result indicates that GH and IGF-I act independently. GH may selectively regulate the number of trophectoderm cells and thus implantation and placental growth. Embryonic GH may act in concert with IGF-I, which stimulates proliferation in the inner cell mass, to optimize blastocyst development.


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Insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) and its receptor, the IGF-II/mannose-6-phosphate (IGF-II/M6P) receptor, are first expressed from the zygotic genome at the two-cell stage of mouse development. However, their role is not clearly defined. Insulin-like growth factor II is believed to mediate growth through the heterologous type 1 IGF and insulin receptors, whereas the IGF-II/M6P receptor is believed to act as a negative regulator of somatic growth by limiting the availability of excess levels of IGF-II. These studies demonstrate that IGF-II does have a role in growth regulation in the early embryo through the IGF-II/M6P receptor. Insulin-like growth factor II stimulated cleavage rate in two-cell embryos in vitro. Moreover, this receptor is required for the glycaemic response of two-cell embryos to IGF-II and for normal progression of early embryos to the blastocyst stage. Improved development of embryos in crowded culture supports the concept of an endogenous embryonic paracrine activity that enhances cell proliferation. These responses indicate that the IGF-II/M6P receptor is functional and likely to participate in such a regulatory circuit. The functional role of IGF-II and its receptor is discussed with reference to regulation of early development.


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Growth hormone (GH) secretion affects bone and cartilage physiology. This study investigated the effect of GH on the size of the craniofacial structures and their angular relationship. Three different models of mice with a genetically altered GH axis were used: GH excess (giant), dwarf GH antagonist (dwarf-Ant), and dwarf GH receptor knockout (dwarf-KO) mice. Each model was compared with the corresponding wild type (Wt). Five craniofacial distances were analysed: craniofacial length, upper face height, mandibular anterior height, mandibular ramus length, and mandibular corpus length. In addition, upper and lower incisor lengths and four angular relationships, nasal bone with cranial base, maxillary plane with cranial base, mandibular plane with cranial base, and the angle of the mandible, were determined. Data were analysed by one-way ANOVA. Craniofacial length, upper face height and mandibular corpus length were significantly increased in the giant mice and significantly reduced in the dwarf mice. Mandibular anterior height and mandibular ramus length were significantly affected in the dwarf-KO mice but not in the giant mice. The length of both the upper and lower incisors was significantly increased and reduced in the giant and dwarf-KO mice, respectively. In addition, the angle of the mandible was significantly increased in the giant mice and significantly reduced in the dwarf mice. It is concluded that GH plays a major role in the growth and development of the craniofacial complex by directly and indirectly modulating the size and the angular relationships of the craniofacial structures, including the incisor teeth.


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Skeletal muscle is a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for similar to 40% of the total body mass and a major player in energy balance. It accounts for > 30% of energy expenditure, is the primary tissue of insulin stimulated glucose uptake, disposal, and storage. Furthermore, it influences metabolism via modulation of circulating and stored lipid (and cholesterol) flux. Lipid catabolism supplies up to 70% of the energy requirements for resting muscle. However, initial aerobic exercise utilizes stored muscle glycogen but as exercise continues, glucose and stored muscle triglycerides become important energy substrates. Endurance exercise increasingly depends on fatty acid oxidation (and lipid mobilization from other tissues). This underscores the importance of lipid and glucose utilization as an energy source in muscle. Consequently skeletal muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, the blood lipid profile, and obesity. Moreover, caloric excess, obesity and physical inactivity lead to skeletal muscle insulin resistance, a risk factor for the development of type II diabetes. In this context skeletal muscle is an important therapeutic target in the battle against cardiovascular disease, the worlds most serious public health threat. Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease include dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and diabetes. These risk factors are directly influenced by diet, metabolism and physical activity. Metabolism is largely regulated by nuclear hormone receptors which function as hormone regulated transcription factors that bind DNA and mediate the pathophysiological regulation of gene expression. Metabolism and activity, which directly influence cardiovascular disease risk factors, are primarily driven by skeletal muscle. Recently, many nuclear receptors expressed in skeletal muscle have been shown to improve glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and dyslipidernia. Skeletal muscle and nuclear receptors are rapidly emerging as critical targets in the battle against cardiovascular disease risk factors. Understanding the function of nuclear receptors in skeletal muscle has enormous pharmacological utility for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. This review focuses on the molecular regulation of metabolism by nuclear receptors in skeletal muscle in the context of dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is an amine neurotransmitter derived from tryptophan and is important in brain systems regulating mood, emotional behavior, and sleep. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs are used to treat disorders such as depression, stress, eating disorders, autism, and schizophrenia. It is thought that these drugs act to prolong the action of 5-HT by blocking reuptake. This may lead to decreased 5-HT content in the nerve fibers themselves; however, this has not previously been directly demonstrated. We have studied the effects of administration of two drugs, imipramine and citalopram, on levels of 5-HT in nerve fibers in the murine brain. Quantitative analysis of the areal density of 5-HT fibers throughout the brain was performed using ImageJ software. While a high density of fibers was observed in mid- and hind-brain regions and areas such as thalamus and hypothalamus, densities were far lower in areas such as cortex, where SSRIs might be thought to exert their actions. As anticipated, imipramine and citalopram produced a decline in 5-HT levels in nerve fibers, but the result was not uniform. Areas such as inferior colliculus showed significant reduction whereas little, if any, change was observed in the adjacent superior colliculus. The reason for, and significance of, this regionality is unclear. It has been proposed that serotonin effects in the brain might be linked to changes in glutamatergic transmission. Extracellular glutamate levels are regulated primarily by glial glutamate transporters. Qualitative evaluation of glutamate transporter immunolabeling in cortex of control and drug-treated mice revealed no discernable difference in intensity of glutamate transporter immunoreactivity. These data suggest that changes in intracellular and extracellular levels of serotonin do not cause concomitant changes in astroglial glutamate transporter expression, and thus cannot represent a mechanism for the delayed efficacy of antidepressants when administered clinically. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The stable isotope values for a range of size classes of Hyporhamphus regularis ardelio from Moreton Bay, south-east Australia were determined. There was a positive linear relationship between 613 C and standard length (L-s) (delta(13)C = 0.034 Ls - 16-23; r(2) = 0.78). delta(13)C ranged from -8.48 to - 17.29 parts per thousand with the smallest size class (50 mm Ls) being on average 1.04 parts per thousand enriched with respect to that of zooplankton (Temora turbinata) and 7.97 parts per thousand depleted compared to Zostera capricorni. delta(13)C was positively correlated with Ls (P 0.0 1) with delta(15) N, ranging from 9.18 to 11.00 parts per thousand. Fish of all size classes were on average 2.32 and 7.63 parts per thousand more enriched than zooplankton and seagrass, respectively. Carbon isotope data indicate that H. r. ardelio commence life as carnivores and change to a diet in which seagrass is the primary carbon source. The dependence on animal matter, however, is always present. Due to the low percentage of nitrogen in Z. capricorni (2.5%) compared to zooplankton (9.1%) it appears that nitrogen from zooplankton is necessary throughout their life history with the carbon requirements for these fish coming chiefly from Z. capricorni. (c) 2005 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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This study examined the hypothesis that filamentous actin associated with the complex cytoskeleton of the kangaroo sperm head and tail may be contributing to lack of plasma membrane plasticity and a consequent loss of membrane integrity during cryopreservation. In the first study, the distribution of G and F actin within Eastern Grey Kangaroo (EGK, Macropus giganteus) cauda epididymidal spermatozoa was successfully detected using DNAse-FITC and a monoclonal F-actin antibody (ab205, Abcam), respectively. G-actin staining was most intense in the acrosome but was also observed with less intensity over the nucleus and mid-piece. F-actin was located in the sperm nucleus but was not discernable in the acrosome or sperm tail. To investigate whether cytochalasin D (a known F-actin depolymerising agent) was capable of improving the osmotic tolerance of EGK cauda epididymal spermatozoa, sperm were incubated in hypo-osmotic media (61 and 104 mOsm) containing a range of cytochalasin D concentrations (0-200 mu M). Cytochalasin D had no beneficial effect on plasma membrane integrity of sperm incubated in hypo-osmotic media. However, when EGK cauda epididymidal sperm were incubated in isosmotic media, there was a progressive loss of sperm motility with increasing cytochalasin D concentration. The results of this study indicated that the F-actin distribution in cauda epididymidal spermatozoa of the EGK was surprisingly different from that of the Tammar Wallaby (M. eugenii) and that cytochalasin-D does not appear to improve the tolerance of EGK cauda epididymidal sperm to osmotically induced injury.


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The aim of this study was to determine the relative cryopreservation success of koala and wombat spermatozoa and to investigate reasons for their respective post-thaw survival by examining the sperm's response to a range of osmotic media and determining the presence and distribution of F-actin. An hypothesis was proposed that F-actin may be imparting a degree of structural inflexibility to the koala sperm plasma membrane; hence, exposure of spermatozoa to cytochalasin D (5 mu M), a F-actin depolymerisation agent, should result in increased plasticisation of the membrane and greater tolerance of cell volume changes that typically occur during cryopreservation. In experiment 1, koala (n = 4) and wombat (n = 4) spermatozoa packaged in 0.25 mL straws were cryopreserved using two freezing rates (fast-3 cm above liquid N2 interface; slow-6 degrees C/min in a freezing chamber) and two glycerol concentrations (8 and 14% v/v) in a tris-citrate glucose buffer with 15% (v/v) egg yolk. Wombat spermatozoa showed better (P < 0.01) post-thaw survival (% motile, % intact plasma membranes, % decondensed sperm heads) than koala spermatozoa. When exposed to media of varying osmolality, koala spermatozoa were less tolerant (% intact plasma membrane) of hyper-osmotic conditions (920 and 1410mOsmol/kg) than wombat spermatozoa. F-actin was localised using a monoclonal antibody but only found in the wombat sperm head. When koala and wombat spermatozoa were exposed to media of varying osmolality, cytochalasin D had no beneficial effect on sperm survival (% intact plasma membranes). This study has demonstrated that wombat spermatozoa are highly tolerant of cryopreservation when compared to koala sperm but that spermatozoa from both species show greatest post-thaw survival when frozen slowly in 14% glycerol. Koala sperm are also particularly susceptible to hyper-osmotic environments but lack of detectable F-actin in the koala spermatozoan suggests that poor cryopreservation success in this species is unlikely to be associated with F-actin induced plasma membrane inflexibility. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Disease is the result of interactions amongst pathogens, the environment and host organisms. To investigate the effect of stress on Penaeus monodon, juvenile shrimp were given short term exposure to hypoxic, hyperthermic and osmotic stress twice over a 1-week period and estimates of total haemocyte count (THC), heat shock protein (HSP) 70 expression and load of gill associated virus (GAV) were determined at different time points. While no significant differences were observed in survival and THC between stressed and control shrimp (P>0.05), HSP 70 expression and GAV load changed significantly (P


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The aim of the present study was to compare cryopreservation, osmotic tolerance and glycerol toxicity between mature and immature epididymal kangaroo spermatozoa to investigate whether the lack of cryopreservation success of cauda epididymidal spermatozoa may be related to the increased complexity of the sperm ultrastructure acquired during epididymal transit. Caput and cauda epididymidal spermatozoa were recovered from red-necked wallabies (RNW; Macropus rufogriseus) and eastern grey kangaroos (EGK; M. giganteus). In Experiment 1, caput and cauda epididymidal spermatozoa were frozen and thawed using a standard cryopreservation procedure in Triscitrate buffer with or without 20% glycerol. Although cryopreservation of caput epididymidal spermatozoa resulted in a significant increase in sperm plasma membrane damage, they were more tolerant of the procedure than spermatozoa recovered from the cauda epididymidis (P< 0.05). In Experiment 2, caput and cauda epididymidal EGK spermatozoa were diluted into phosphate-buffered saline media of varying osmolarity and their osmotic tolerance determined. Plasma membranes of caput epididymidal spermatozoa were more tolerant of hypo-osmotic media than were cauda epididymidal spermatozoa ( P< 0.05). In Experiment 3, caput and cauda epididymidal RNW spermatozoa were incubated in Tris-citrate buffer with and without 20% glycerol at 35 and 4 degrees C to examine the cytotoxic effects of glycerol. At both temperatures, caput epididymidal spermatozoa showed less plasma membrane damage compared with cauda epididymidal spermatozoa when exposed to 20% glycerol ( P< 0.05). These experiments clearly indicate that epididymal maturation of kangaroo spermatozoa results in a decreased ability to withstand the physiological stresses associated with cryopreservation.


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1. The growth hormone (GH) receptor was the first of the class 1 cytokine receptors to be cloned. It shares a number of structural characteristics with other family members and common signalling mechanisms based on common usage of the Janus kinase 2 (JAK2). 2. Growth hormone receptor activation is initiated by GH-induced homodimerization of receptor molecules. This has enabled the creation of specific hormone antagonists that block receptor dimerization. 3. The details of the transcription factors used by the activated receptor are being revealed as a result of promoter analyses and electrophoretic mobility gelshift analysis. 4. Growth hormone receptors are widespread and their discovery in certain tissues has led to the assignment of new physiological roles for GH, Some of these involve local or paracrine roles for GH, as befits its cytokine status. 5. Four examples of such novel roles are discussed, These are: (i) the brain GH axis; (ii) GH and the vitamin B-12 axis; (iii) GH in early pre-implantation development; and (iv) GH in development of the tooth. 6. We propose that the view that GH acts through the intermediacy of insulin-like growth factor-1 is simplistic; rather, GH acts to induce an array of growth factors and their receptors and the composition of this array varies with tissue type and, probably, stage of development.