23 resultados para <0.5 cm
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
An examination has been carried out of the secondary passive film on Type 304 stainless steel in 0.5 M H2SO4. The characterization techniques used were electrochemical (potentiodynamic; potentiostatic, and film reduction experiments) and surface analytical. A bilayer model for the secondary passive film is proposed. It appears that next to the metal, there is a modified passive film which controls the electrochemical response; i.e., governs the current for any applied potential. On top of this modified passive film, the experimental data are consistent with a ''porous'' corrosion-product film which adds to the total film thickness but has little influence on the electrochemical response. The composition of the secondary passive film corresponds most probably to a mixed Fe/Cr oxide/hydroxide enriched in Cr3+, With a composition similar to a primary passive film.
A finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) thermal model has been developed to compute the temperature elevation in the Sprague Dawley rat due to electromagnetic energy deposition in high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The field strengths examined ranged from 11.75-23.5 T (corresponding to H-1 resonances of 0.5-1 GHz) and an N-stub birdcage resonator was used to both transmit radio-frequency energy and receive the MRI signals. With an in-plane resolution of 1.95 mm, the inhomogeneous rat phantom forms a segmented model of 12 different tissue types, each having its electrical and thermal parameters assigned. The steady-state temperature distribution was calculated using a Pennes 'bioheat' approach. The numerical algorithm used to calculate the induced temperature distribution has been successfully validated against analytical solutions in the form of simplified spherical models with electrical and thermal properties of rat muscle. As well as assisting with the design of MRI experiments and apparatus, the numerical procedures developed in this study could help in future research and design of tumour-treating hyperthermia applicators to be used on rats in vivo.
The potential of using carbonized slash pine bark as a substitute for activated carbon was examined in this study. The bark was carbonized by slow heating in nitrogen for 6.5 h to 672 degrees C. The BET-N-2 surface area, average micropore and mesopore diameter, and micropore volume were 332 m(2) g(-1) 21.7 Angstrom, and 0.125 cm(3) g(-1), respectively. The adsorption capacities for phenol and pentachlorophenol (PCP) at pH 2 and pH 8 were evaluated. The Langmuir equation provided a slightly better fit than the Freundlich equation to two sets of phenol data. The calculated Freundlich constants, K = 0.41 - 0.58 mmol/g/(mmol dm(-3))(1/n) and 1/n = 0.30 - 0.41, were lower and higher, respectively, than literature values for activated carbons. The adsorption capacity of the carbonized bark was much lower for PCP than for phenol. The protonated and anionic PCP isotherms were Type II or III, respectively, in the Brunauer classification. The BET equation provided the best fit to protonated PCP isotherm data. The anionic PCP data were fitted to both the BET model and an equation used in the literature to represent phosphate adsorption on activated carbons. Nonlinear regression of the data for both phenol and PCP adsorption with the Freundlich, Langmuir and BET equations generally gave more accurate parameters, compared with the use of linearized equations to obtain the parameters. (C) 1998 SCI.
The maximum O-2 uptake by Rhizopus oligosporus grown in a 200 litre rotating drum bioreactor at 0.5 rpm ranged from 6.7 to 7.6 mmol per min per kg initial dry substrate (IDS), for runs done with 4 baffles each 17 cm wide, and 12 baffles each 5 cm wide. Without baffles, the maximum O-2 uptake rate at 5 rpm was 6.9 mmol/(min.kg IDS), compared to 5.1 mmol/(min.kg IDS) obtained at 0.5 rpm. Therefore O-2 supply is adequate in rotating drum bioreactors as long as slumping flow regimes of the substrate bed are avoided.
The complexes [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) ([9]aneN(2)S = 1-thia-4. 7-diazacyclononane and [9]aneNS(2) = 1,4-dithia-7-azacyclononane) have been prepared and the latter two characterised by X-ray crystallography. The Mossbauer spectra (isomer shift/mm s(-1), quadrupole splitting/mm s(-1), 4.2 K) for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (0.52, 0.57), [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) (0.25, 2.72) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) (0.43, 0.28) are typical for iron(II) and iron(III) complexes. Variable-temperature susceptibility measurements for [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) (2-300 K) revealed temperature-dependent behaviour in both the solid state [2.95 mu(B) (300 K)-0.5 mu(B) (4.2 K)] and solution (Delta H degrees 20-22 kJ mol(-1), Delta S degrees 53-60 J mol(-1) K-1). For [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) in the solid state [2.3 mu(B) (300 K)-1.9 mu(B) (4.2 K)] the magnetic data were fit to a simple model (H = -lambda L . S + mu L-z) to give the spin-orbit coupling constant (lambda) of -260 +/- 10 cm(-1). The solid-state X-band EPR spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) revealed axial symmetry (g(perpendicular to) = 2.607, g(parallel to) = 1.599). Resolution of g(perpendicular to) into two components at Q-band frequencies indicated a rhombic distortion. The low-temperature single-crystal absorption spectra of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2) and [Fe([9]aneNS(2))(2)][ClO4](2) exhibited additional bands which resembled pseudotetragonal low-symmetry splitting of the parent octahedral (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and (1)A(1g) ---> T-1(1g) transitions. However, the magnitude of these splittings was too large, requiring 10Dq for the thioether donors to be significantly larger than for the amine donors. Instead, these bands were tentatively assigned to weak, low-energy S --> Fe-II charge-transfer transitions. Above 200 K, thermal occupation of the high-spin T-5(2g) ground state resulted in observation of the T-5(2g) --> E-5(g) transition in the crystal spectrum of [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](2). From a temperature-dependence study, the separation of the low-spin (1)A(1g) and high-spin T-5(2g) ground states was approximately 1700 cm(-1). The spectrum of the iron(III) complex [Fe([9]aneN(2)S)(2)][ClO4](3) is consistent with a low-spin d(5) configuration.
Physiological and kinematic data were collected from elite under-19 rugby union players to provide a greater understanding of the physical demands of rugby union. Heart rate, blood lactate and time-motion analysis data were collected from 24 players (mean +/- s((x) over bar): body mass 88.7 +/- 9.9 kg, height 185 +/- 7 cm, age 18.4 +/- 0.5 years) during six competitive premiership fixtures. Six players were chosen at random from each of four groups: props and locks, back row forwards, inside backs, outside backs. Heart rate records were classified based on percent time spent in four zones (>95%, 85-95%, 75-84%, <75% HRmax). Blood lactate concentration was measured periodically throughout each match, with movements being classified as standing, walking, jogging, cruising, sprinting, utility, rucking/mauling and scrummaging. The heart rate data indicated that props and locks (58.4%) and back row forwards (56.2%) spent significantly more time in high exertion (85-95% HRmax) than inside backs (40.5%) and outside backs (33.9%) (P < 0.001). Inside backs (36.5%) and outside backs (38.5%) spent significantly more time in moderate exertion (75-84% HRmax) than props and locks (22.6%) and back row forwards (19.8%) (P < 0.05). Outside backs (20.1%) spent significantly more time in low exertion (< 75% HRmax) than props and locks (5.8%) and back row forwards (5.6%) (P < 0.05). Mean blood lactate concentration did not differ significantly between groups (range: 4.67 mmol.l(-1) for outside backs to 7.22 mmol.l(-1) for back row forwards; P < 0.05). The motion analysis data indicated that outside backs (5750 m) covered a significantly greater total distance than either props and locks or back row forwards (4400 and 4080 m, respectively; P < 0.05). Inside backs and outside backs covered significantly greater distances walking (1740 and 1780 m, respectively; P < 0.001), in utility movements (417 and 475 m, respectively; P < 0.001) and sprinting (208 and 340 m, respectively; P < 0.001) than either props and locks or back row forwards (walking: 1000 and 991 m; utility movements: 106 and 154 m; sprinting: 72 and 94 m, respectively). Outside backs covered a significantly greater distance sprinting than inside backs (208 and 340 m, respectively; P < 0.001). Forwards maintained a higher level of exertion than backs, due to more constant motion and a large involvement in static high-intensity activities. A mean blood lactate concentration of 4.8-7.2 mmol.l(-1) indicated a need for 'lactate tolerance' training to improve hydrogen ion buffering and facilitate removal following high-intensity efforts. Furthermore, the large distances (4.2-5.6 km) covered during, and intermittent nature of, match-play indicated a need for sound aerobic conditioning in all groups (particularly backs) to minimize fatigue and facilitate recovery between high-intensity efforts.
Reaction of K-3[Cr(ox)(3)] (ox = oxalate) with nickel(II) and tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren) in aqueous solution resulted in isolation of the bimetallic assembly [Ni-3(tren)(4)(H2O)(2)][Cr(ox)(3)](2). 6H(2)O. The polymeric complex {[Ni-2(tren)(3)][ClO4](4). H2O}(n) has been prepared by reaction of nickel(II) perchlorate and tren in aqueous solution. From the same reaction mixture the complex [Ni-2(tren)(2)(aepd)][ClO4](4). 2H(2)O (aepd = N-(2-aminoethyl)pyrrolidine-3,4-diamine), in which a bridging tren ligand contains a carbon-carbon bond between two arms forming a substituted pyrrolidine, has been isolated. The complexes have been characterized by X-ray crystallography. The magnetic susceptibility (300-4.2 K) and magnetization data (2, 4 K, H = 0-5 T) for {[Ni-2(tren)(3)][ClO4](4). H2O}(n) (300 K , 4.23 mu(B)) exhibit evidence of weak antiferromagnetic coupling and zero field splitting (2J = -1.8 cm(-1); \ D\ = 2 cm(-1)) at low temperature. For [Ni-3(tren)(4)(H2O)(2)][Cr(ox)(3)](2). 6H(2)O the susceptibility data at 300 K are indicative of uncoupled nickel(II) and chromium(III) sites with zero-field splitting and intramolecular antiferromagnetic coupling predicted at low temperature.
The bis(mu-hydroxo) complex [Cu-2(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(2)(OH)(2)](PF6)(2) (Me-2[9]aneN(2)S = N,N'-dimethyl-1-thia-4,7-diazacyclononane) results after reaction of [Cu(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(MeCN)] (PF6) with dioxygen at -78 degrees C in acetonitrile. The complex has been characterized by X-ray crystallography: orthorhombic, space group Pnma, with a 18.710(3), b 16.758(2), c 9.593(2) Angstrom, and Z = 4. The structure refined to a final R value of 0.051. The complex contains two copper(II) ions bridged by two hydroxo groups with Cu ... Cu 2.866(1) Angstrom. The solid-state magnetic susceptibility study reveals ferromagnetic coupling, the fitting parameters being J = +46+/-5 cm(-1), g = 2.01+/-0.01 and theta = -0.58+/-0.03 K. The frozen-solution e.p.r. spectrum in dimethyl sulfoxide is characteristic of a monomeric copper(II) ion (g(parallel to) 2.300, g(perpendicular to) 2.063; A(parallel to) 156.2 x 10(-4) cm(-1), A(perpendicular to) 9.0 x 10(-4) cm(-1)) with an N2O2 donor set. Thioether coordination to the copper(II) in solution is supported by the presence of an intense absorption assigned to a sigma(S)-->Cu-II LMCT transition at c. 34000 cm(-1). The single-crystal spectrum of [Cu-2(Me-2[9]aneN(2)S)(2)(OH)(2)] (PF6)(2) (273 K) reveals d-->d transitions at 14500 and 18300 cm(-1) and a weak pi(S)-->Cu-II charge-transfer band at approximately 25000 cm(-1).
Preparation of a series of specific penta- and tetra-amine derivatives of Co-III and Cr-III with a neutral leaving ligand has been carried out in order to accomplish a fine tuning of the associativeness/dissociativeness of their substitution reactions. Spontaneous aquation reactions of the neutral ligands have been studied at variable temperature and pressure. Although rate constants and thermal activation parameters show an important degree of scatter, the values determined for the activation volumes of the substitution process illustrate the mechanistic fine tuning that may be achieved for these reactions. In all cases, in the absence of important steric constraints in the molecule, electronic inductive effects seem to be the most important factor accounting for the dissociative shifts observed both for pentaamine (i.e.Delta V double dagger=+4.0 or +14.0 cm(3) mol(-1) and +5.2 or +16.5 cm(3) mol(-1) for the aquation of cis- or trans-[Co(MeNH2)(NH3)(4)(DMF)](3+) and cis- or trans-[CoL15(DMF)](3+) respectively, where L-15 represents a pentaamine macrocyclic ligand), and tetraamine systems (i.e.Delta V double dagger=+4.1 or +8.4 cm(3) mol(-1) and -10.8 or -7.4 cm(3) mol(-1) for the aquation of cis-[Co(NH3)(4)Cl(DMAC)](2+) (DMAC=dimethylacetamide) or cis-[Co(en)(2)Cl(DMAC)](2+) and cis-[Cr(NH3)(4)Cl(DMF)](2+) or cis -[Cr(en)(2)Cl(DMF)](2+)). From the results, clear evidence is obtained which indicates that, only when the situation is borderline I-a/I-d, or the steric demands are increased dramatically, dissociative shifts are observed; in all other cases electronic inductive effects seem to be dominant for such a tuning of the substitution process.
OBJECTIVE: To use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to validate estimates of muscle and adipose tissue (AT) in lower limb sections obtained by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) modelling. DESIGN: MRI measurements were used as reference for validating limb muscle and AT estimates obtained by DXA models that assume fat-free soft tissue (FFST) comprised mainly muscle: model A accounted for bone hydration only; model B also applied constants for FFST in bone and skin and fat in muscle and AT; model C was as model B but allowing for variable fat in muscle and AT. SUBJECTS: Healthy men (n = 8) and women (n = 8), ages 41 - 62 y; mean (s.d.) body mass indices (BMIs) of 28.6 (5.4) kg/m(2) and 25.1 (5.4) kg/m2, respectively. MEASUREMENTS: MRI scans of the legs and whole body DXA scans were analysed for muscle and AT content of thigh (20 cm) and lower leg (10 cm) sections; 24 h creatinine excretion was measured. RESULTS: Model A overestimated thigh muscle volume (MRI mean, 2.3 l) substantially (bias 0.36 l), whereas model B underestimated it by only 2% (bias 0.045 l). Lower leg muscle (MRI mean, 0.6 l) was better predicted using model A (bias 0.04 l, 7% overestimate) than model B (bias 0.1 l, 17% underestimate). The 95% limits of agreement were high for these models (thigh,+/- 20%; lower leg,+/- 47%). Model C predictions were more discrepant than those of model B. There was generally less agreement between MRI and all DXA models for AT. Measurement variability was generally less for DXA measurements of FFST (coefficient of variation 0.7 - 1.8%) and fat (0.8 - 3.3%) than model B estimates of muscle (0.5-2.6%) and AT (3.3 - 6.8%), respectively. Despite strong relationships between them, muscle mass was overestimated by creatinine excretion with highly variable predictability. CONCLUSION: This study has shown the value of DXA models for assessment of muscle and AT in leg sections, but suggests the need to re-evaluate some of the assumptions upon which they are based.
Two factors generally reported to influence bone density are body composition and muscle strength. However, it is unclear if these relationships are consistent across race and sex, especially in older persons. If differences do exist by race and/or sex, then strategies to maintain bone mass or minimize bone loss in older adults may need to be modified accordingly. Therefore, we examined the independent effects of bone mineral-free lean mass (LM), fat mass (FM), and muscle strength on regional and whole body bone mineral density (BMD) in a cohort of 2619 well-functioning older adults participating in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study with complete measures. Participants included 738 white women, 599 black women, 827 white men, and 455 black men aged 70-79 years. BMD (g/cm(2)) of the femoral neck, whole body, upper and lower limb, and whole body and upper limb bone mineral-free LM and FM was assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Handgrip strength and knee extensor torque were determined by dynamometry. In analyses stratified by race and sex and adjusted for a number of confounders, LM was a significant (p < 0.001) determinant of BMD, except in white women for the lower limb and whole body. In women, FM also was an independent contributor to BMD at the femoral neck, and both PM and muscle strength contributed to limb BMD. The following were the respective Beta-weights (regression coefficients for standardized data, Std beta) and percent difference in BMD per unit (7.5 kg) LM: femoral neck, 0.202-0.386 and 4.7-6.9 %; lower limb,.0.209-0.357 and 2.9-3.5%; whole body, 0.239-0.484 and 3.0-4.7 %; and upper limb (unit = 0.5 kg), 0.231-0.407 and 3.1-3.4%. Adjusting for bone size (bone mineral apparent density [BMAD]) or body size BMD/height) diminished the importance of LM, and the contributory effect of FM became more pronounced. These results indicate that LM and FM were associated with bone mineral depending on the bone site and bone index used. Where differences did occur, they were primarily by sex not race. To preserve BMD, maintaining or increasing LM in the elderly would appear to be an appropriate strategy, regardless of race or sex.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of chronic liver disease that may progress to cirrhosis. Antiviral treatment is successful in less than 50% of patients, is costly and causes debilitating side effects. For these reasons, additional therapies to limit the progression of liver disease are urgently required. Steatosis is found in 60% of patients with HCV and is strongly associated with more severe fibrosis. Improvements in biochemical parameters may be seen with weight reduction, however the effects on liver histology have not been investigated. We propose that in patients with chronic HCV and steatosis, obesity contributes to fat in the liver, which results in increased fibrosis and progression to cirrhosis. This study investigated the effect of weight reduction on liver biochemistry and histology in patients with HCV and the success of weight maintenance after an intensive intervention. We examined the effect of a 12 week diet and exercise program where all subjects were seen weekly by the Dietician, with the goal of achieving a 0.5 kg weight loss per week. Biochemistry was monitored monthly and a liver biopsy was performed prior to and 3-6 months after the intervention period. Patients then entered a 12 month weight maintenance program with monthly dietetic review. After 12 weeks there was a mean weight loss of 5.9 ± 3.2 kg and a mean reduction in waist circumference of 9.0 ± 5.0 cm. In 16 of the 19 patients, serum ALT levels fell progressively with weight loss. Mean fasting insulin fell from 16 to 11 mmol/L (p
Magneto-transport measurements of the 2D hole system (2DHS) in p-type Si-Si1-xGex heterostructures identify the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) at dominantly odd-integer filling factors v and two low-temperature insulating phases (IPs) at v = 1.5 and v less than or similar to 0.5, with re-entrance to the quantum Hall effect at v = 1. The temperature dependence, current-voltage characteristics, and tilted field and illumination responses of the IP at v = 1.5 indicate that the important physics is associated with an energy degeneracy of adjacent Landau levels of opposite spin, which provides a basis for consideration of an intrinsic, many-body origin.
The identification of genes responsible for the rare cases of familial leukemia may afford insight into the mechanism underlying the more common sporadic occurrences. Here we test a single family with 11 relevant meioses transmitting autosomal dominant acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and myelodysplasia for linkage to three potential candidate loci. In a different family with inherited AML, linkage to chromosome 21q22.1-22.2 was recently reported; we exclude linkage to 21q22.1-22.2, demonstrating that familial AML is a heterogeneous disease. After reviewing familial leukemia and observing anticipation in the form of a declining age of onset with each generation, we had proposed 9p21-22 and 16q22 as additional candidate loci. Whereas linkage to 9p21-22 can be excluded, the finding of a maximum two-point LOD score of 2.82 with the microsatellite marker D16S522 at a recombination fraction theta = 0 provides evidence supporting linkage to 16q22. Haplotype analysis reveals a 23.5-cM (17.9-Mb) commonly inherited region among all affected family members extending from D16S451 to D1GS289, In order to extract maximum linkage information with missing individuals, incomplete informativeness with individual markers in this interval, and possible deviance from strict autosomal dominant inheritance, we performed nonparametric linkage analysis (NPL) and found a maximum NPL statistic corresponding to a P-value of .00098, close to the maximum conditional probability of linkage expected for a pedigree with this structure. Mutational analysis in this region specifically excludes expansion of the AT-rich minisatellite repeat FRA16B fragile site and the CAG trinucleotide repeat in the E2F-4 transcription factor. The ''repeat expansion detection'' method, capable of detecting dynamic mutation associated with anticipation, more generally excludes large CAG repeat expansion as a cause of leukemia in this family.
When visual information is confined to one object plane, the emmetropization end-point is adjusted in accord with the corresponding incident optical vergence at the eye [Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Myopia (2000) 113]. We now report the effect of adding extra visual information beyond the target plane. Visual conditions were controlled using a cone-lens system: black Maltese cross targets on white opaque backgrounds (OMX) were attached to the open faces of 2.5 cm translucent cones fitted with either 0, +25 or +40 D imaging lenses. An alternative target (TMX) was made by substituting the opaque target background for a transparent background, which allowed access to visual information beyond the target plane. The imaging devices were applied to 7-day-old chicks and worn for 4 days. Prior to this treatment, on day 2, some chicks underwent ciliary nerve section (CNS) to preclude accommodation. All treatments were monocular. Refractive errors and axial ocular dimensions were measured using retinoscopy and A-scan ultrasonography under halothane anesthesia. Treatment effects were specified as mean ( +/-S.D.) interocular differences. Eyes with the OMX/ + 40 D lens combination remained emmetropic ( +0.73 +/-3.57 D), consistent with the target plane being approximately conjugate with the retina. Switching to the TMX caused a hyperopic shift in refractive error ( + 3.78 +/- 3.41 D). This relative shift towards hyperopia in switching from the OMX to the TMX target also occurred for the other two lens powers. Thus, the OMX/ + 25 D lens induced myopia ( - 7.00 +/-5.88 D), corresponding to the imposed hyperopic defocus (target plane now imaged behind the retina), and switching to the TMX resulted in a reduction in myopia (-1.73 +/-5.36 D), The OMX/0 D lens combination produced the largest myopic shift, and here, switching to the TMX condition almost eliminated the myopic response (-15.50 +/-6.62 D cf. -0.56 +/-1.24 D). This relative hyperopic shift associated with switching from the OMX to the TMX target was eliminated by CNS surgery. Thus, the two CNS/TMX groups were both more myopic than the equivalent no CNS/TMX groups ( + 40 D lens: -2.66 +/-2.34 D; +25 D lens: -7.97 +/-6.87 D). When the visual information is restricted to one plane, incident optical vergence appears to direct emmetropization. Adding Visual information at other distances produces a shift in the end-point of ernmetropization in the direction of the added information. That these effects are dependent on the integrity of the accommodation system implies that accommodation plays a role in emmetropization and represents the first reported evidence of this kind. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.