7 resultados para (A. Schmidt) G. Fryxell and T. P. Watkins

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Effects of monensin (Mon) on performance of Holstein-Friesian cows fed tropical grasses and cane molasses (M) or cereal grain were examined in three experiments. In experiment I (incomplete 4 x 4 Latin square), three rumen-fistulated cows [188 I I days in milk (DIM)] were fed mixed diets based on rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Callide) bay where M was substituted for wheat grain (W) at rates of 0 (MO), 125 (M 125) or 250 (M250) g/kg dry matter (DM). A fourth diet contained M250 plus 0.02 g Mon/kg DM (M250 + Mon). Substituting M for W tended (P < 0.10) to decrease the ratio of rumen molar proportions of acetate+butyrate (Bu):propionate (Pr) (4.3 versus 3.8 and 4.0 for M0, M125 and M250, respectively). There were no treatment effects (P> 0.10) on intake, organic matter digestibility, milk production or liveweight (LW) change. In experiment 2, 48 cows (173 &PLUSMN; 28.3 DIM) grazing kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum cv. common) pastures and supplemented with maize silage and a grain-based concentrate were offered either M (2.6 kg DM/(cow day)) or barley grain (B) (2.7 kg DM/(cow day)). Within each supplement type, half were fed 0 or 320 mg of Mon/(cow day). There were Mon x supplement interactions (Mon x S; P < 0.05) on the rumen molar proportion of Pr and Bu at 15:00 h, with B + Mon having the highest value for Pr (0.259 mmol/mmol) and lowest value for Bu (0.121 mmol/mmol). A Mon x S effect (P < 0.05) on milk fat content was noted with Mon causing a lower value regardless of energy source (31 and 36 g/l versus 40 and 38 g/l for B + Mon, M + Mon, B - Mon and M - Mon, respectively). As a main effect, M as opposed to B, reduced yields of milk (P < 0.05; 16.21/(cow day) versus 18.01/(cow day)) and protein (P < 0.05; 479 g/(cow day) versus 538 g/(cow day)). Monensin reduced milk fat yield (P < 0.05; 669 g/(cow day) versus 562 g/(cow day)), raised milk protein concentration (P < 0.05; 31 g/l versus 29 g/l) and caused LW gain rather than loss (P < 0.05; +0.06 kg/(cow day) versus -0.30 kg/(cow day)). No treatment effects on pasture intake were noted. In experiment 3, 48 cows (91 &PLUSMN; 16.1 DIM) grazing kikuyu pasture and supplemented with grain-based concentrate, sugar cane silage and 2.7 kg DM(cow day) of M were supplemented with either 0 or 320 mg Mon/(cow day). Monensin reduced (P < 0.05) milk fat content (33 g/l versus 30 g/l) and tended (P < 0.10) to reduce milk protein content (29 g/l versus 28 g/l). No effects of Mon on other milk production parameters, LW change or pasture intake were noted. Feeding monensin to mid-lactation Holstein-Friesian cows offered diets based on tropical grasses, and cane molasses or grain, improves rumen fermentation efficiency, thereby improving energy efficiency resulting in higher LW gain. Monensin had no effect on milk yield, but reduced milk fat concentration.


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Cells respond to genotoxic insults such as ionizing radiation by halting in the G(2) phase of the cell cycle. Delayed cell death (mitotic death) can occur when the cell is released from G(2), and specific spindle defects form endopolyploid cells (endoreduplication/tetraploidy). Enhanced G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity has been observed in many cancers and genomic instability syndromes, and it is manifested by radiation-induced chromatid aberrations observed in lymphocytes of patients. Here we compare the G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity in prostate patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate cancer with disease-free controls. We also investigated whether there is a correlation between G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity and aneuploidy (tetraploidy and endoreduplication), which are indicative of mitotic cell death. The G(2) assay was carried out on all human blood samples. Metaphase analysis was conducted on the harvested chromosomes by counting the number of aberrations and the mitotic errors (endoreduplication/tetraploidy) separately per 100 metaphases. A total of 1/14 of the controls were radiosensitive in G(2) compared to 6/15 of the BPH patients and 15/17 of the prostate cancer patients. Radiation-induced mitotic inhibition was assessed to determine the efficacy of G(2) checkpoint control in the prostate patients. There was no significant correlation of G(2) radiosensitivity scores and mitotic inhibition in BPH patients (P = 0.057), in contrast to prostate cancer patients, who showed a small but significant positive correlation (P = 0.029). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between G(2) radiosensitivity scores of BPH patients and endoreduplication/ tetraploidy (P = 0.136), which contrasted with an extremely significant correlation observed in prostate cancer patients (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, cells from prostate cancer patients show increased sensitivity to the induction of G(2) aberrations from ionizing radiation exposure but paradoxically show reduced mitotic indices and aneuploidy as a function of aberration frequency.


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We evaluated the effects of Ala-7-conantokin-G (Con-G(A7)) and ifenprodil on the modulation by spermine of [H-3]MK801 binding to human cortical membranes. Human cortical tissue was obtained at autopsy and stored at -80 degreesC until assay. Both Con-GA7 and ifenprodil inhibited [H-3]MK801 binding, but spermine affected these inhibitions differently. Con-G(A7) IC50 changed little with spermine concentration, indicative of a non-competitive interaction, whereas the rightward shift in ifenprodil IC50 with increasing spermine concentration suggested partial competition. When the two agents were tested against the biphasic activation of [H-3]MK801 binding by spermine, they again differed in their effects. In the activation phase Con-G(A7) was a non-competitive inhibitor of spermine activation, and may even enhance the spermine EC50, while the ifenprodil data indicated a partially competitive interaction. Both agents were non-competitive in the inhibitory phase. Overall, the data suggest that Con-G(A7) and ifenprodil interact differently with the polyamine modulation of the glutamate-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.