205 resultados para relative static method


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This paper presents a method of formally specifying, refining and verifying concurrent systems which uses the object-oriented state-based specification language Object-Z together with the process algebra CSP. Object-Z provides a convenient way of modelling complex data structures needed to define the component processes of such systems, and CSP enables the concise specification of process interactions. The basis of the integration is a semantics of Object-Z classes identical to that of CSP processes. This allows classes specified in Object-Z to he used directly within the CSP part of the specification. In addition to specification, we also discuss refinement and verification in this model. The common semantic basis enables a unified method of refinement to be used, based upon CSP refinement. To enable state-based techniques to be used fur the Object-Z components of a specification we develop state-based refinement relations which are sound and complete with respect to CSP refinement. In addition, a verification method for static and dynamic properties is presented. The method allows us to verify properties of the CSP system specification in terms of its component Object-Z classes by using the laws of the the CSP operators together with the logic for Object-Z.


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The application of the N-1-(4,4-dimethyl-2,6-dioxocyclohexylidene)ethyl (Dde) linker for the solid-phase synthesis of oligosaccharides is described. The oligosaccharide products can be cleaved from the resin by hydrazine, ammonia or primary amines, but the linker is stable under the conditions of oligosaccharide synthesis. The first sugar can be attached to the resin linker via a vinylogous amide bond, or by ether linkage using a p-aminobenzyl alcohol converter. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new method is presented to determine an accurate eigendecomposition of difficult low temperature unimolecular master equation problems. Based on a generalisation of the Nesbet method, the new method is capable of achieving complete spectral resolution of the master equation matrix with relative accuracy in the eigenvectors. The method is applied to a test case of the decomposition of ethane at 300 K from a microcanonical initial population with energy transfer modelled by both Ergodic Collision Theory and the exponential-down model. The fact that quadruple precision (16-byte) arithmetic is required irrespective of the eigensolution method used is demonstrated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We develop a new iterative filter diagonalization (FD) scheme based on Lanczos subspaces and demonstrate its application to the calculation of bound-state and resonance eigenvalues. The new scheme combines the Lanczos three-term vector recursion for the generation of a tridiagonal representation of the Hamiltonian with a three-term scalar recursion to generate filtered states within the Lanczos representation. Eigenstates in the energy windows of interest can then be obtained by solving a small generalized eigenvalue problem in the subspace spanned by the filtered states. The scalar filtering recursion is based on the homogeneous eigenvalue equation of the tridiagonal representation of the Hamiltonian, and is simpler and more efficient than our previous quasi-minimum-residual filter diagonalization (QMRFD) scheme (H. G. Yu and S. C. Smith, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1998, 283, 69), which was based on solving for the action of the Green operator via an inhomogeneous equation. A low-storage method for the construction of Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements in the filtered-basis representation is devised, in which contributions to the matrix elements are computed simultaneously as the recursion proceeds, allowing coefficients of the filtered states to be discarded once their contribution has been evaluated. Application to the HO2 system shows that the new scheme is highly efficient and can generate eigenvalues with the same numerical accuracy as the basic Lanczos algorithm.


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Traditional gentamicin dosing every 8–24 h depending on age and weight in neonates does not provide the ideal concentration–time profile to both optimize the concentration-dependent killing by aminoglycosides and minimize toxicity. Fifty-three neonates were audited prospectively while receiving gentamicin 2.5 mg/kg every 8–24 h, aiming for peak concentrations (Cmax) of 6–10 mg/L and trough concentrations (Cmin) 10 mg/L after the first dose. The mean area under the concentration versus time curve AUC0–24 was 93 mg•h/L (target = 100 mg•h/L). The extended interval dosing achieved higher Cmax values while ensuring that overall exposure per 24 h was acceptable. Prospective testing of the method demonstrated good predictive ability.


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Large chemical libraries can be synthesized on solid-support beads by the combinatorial split-and-mix method. A major challenge associated with this type of library synthesis is distinguishing between the beads and their attached compounds. A new method of encoding these solid-support beads, 'colloidal bar-coding', involves attaching fluorescent silica colloids ('reporters') to the beads as they pass through the compound synthesis, thereby creating a fluorescent bar code on each bead. In order to obtain sufficient reporter varieties to bar code extremely large libraries, many of the reporters must contain multiple fluorescent dyes. We describe here the synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of various mono- and multi-fluorescent silica particles for this purpose. It was found that by increasing the amount of a single dye introduced into the particle reaction mixture, mono- fluorescent silica particles of increasing intensities could be prepared. This increase was highly reproducible and was observed for six different fluorescent dyes. Multi-fluorescent silica particles containing up to six fluorescent dyes were also prepared. The resultant emission intensity of each dye in the multi-fluorescent particles was found to be dependent upon a number of factors; the hydrolysis rate of each silane-dye conjugate, the magnitude of the inherent emission intensity of each dye within the silica matrix, and energy transfer effects between dyes. We show that by varying the relative concentration of each silane-dye conjugate in the synthesis of multi-fluorescent particles, it is possible to change and optimize the resultant emission intensity of each dye to enable viewing in a fluorescence detection instrument.


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Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (HNPCC) is an autosomal dominant condition accounting for 2–5% of all colorectal carcinomas as well as a small subset of endometrial, upper urinary tract and other gastrointestinal cancers. An assay to detect the underlying defect in HNPCC, inactivation of a DNA mismatch repair enzyme, would be useful in identifying HNPCC probands. Monoclonal antibodies against hMLH1 and hMSH2, two DNA mismatch repair proteins which account for most HNPCC cancers, are commercially available. This study sought to investigate the potential utility of these antibodies in determining the expression status of these proteins in paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed tissue and to identify key technical protocol components associated with successful staining. A set of 20 colorectal carcinoma cases of known hMLH1 and hMSH2 mutation and expression status underwent immunoperoxidase staining at multiple institutions, each of which used their own technical protocol. Staining for hMSH2 was successful in most laboratories while staining for hMLH1 proved problematic in multiple labs. However, a significant minority of laboratories demonstrated excellent results including high discriminatory power with both monoclonal antibodies. These laboratories appropriately identified hMLH1 or hMSH2 inactivation with high sensitivity and specificity. The key protocol point associated with successful staining was an antigen retrieval step involving heat treatment and either EDTA or citrate buffer. This study demonstrates the potential utility of immunohistochemistry in detecting HNPCC probands and identifies key technical components for successful staining.


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My purpose here is to put forward a conception of genre as a way to conduct Futures Studies. To demonstrate the method, I present some examples of contemporary political and corporate discourses and contextualise them in broader institutional and historical settings. I elaborate the method further by giving examples of ‘genre chaining’ and ‘genre hybridity’ (Fairclough 1992 2000) to show how past, present, and future change can be viewed through the lens of genre.


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The objective of this review is to summarize developments in the use of quantitative affinity chromatography to determine equilibrium constants for solute interactions of biological interest. Affinity chromatography is an extremely versatile method for characterizing interactions between dissimilar reactants because the biospecificity incorporated into the design of the affinity matrix ensures applicability of the method regardless of the relative sizes of the two reacting solutes. Adoption of different experimental strategies, such as column chromatography, simple partition equilibrium experiments, solid-phase immunoassay, and biosensor technology, has led to a situation whereby affinity chromatography affords a means of characterizing interactions governed by an extremely broad range of binding affinities-relatively weak interactions (binding constants below 10(3) M-1) through to interactions with binding constants in excess of 10(9) M-1. In addition to its important role in solute separation and purification, affinity chromatography thus also possesses considerable potential for investigating the functional roles of the reactants thereby purified. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The relative oviposition rate of the parasitoid Fopius arisanus (Sonan) was investigated across three frugivorous tephritid species, Bactrocera tryoni Froggart, Bactrocera jarvisi (Tryon) and Bactrocera cucumis French. Choice and no-choice tests were both used. The suitability of these three species for sustaining larval development and survival to the adult stage was also assessed. Fopius arisanus parasitized all three tephritid species. regardless of the method of exposure, but showed stronger preference for B. tryoni and B. jarvisi over B. cucumis. Superparasitism was extremely rare. Successful development of F. arisanus varied across host species. Bactrocera tryoni yielded significantly more parasitoids than B. jarvisi, but no wasps emerged from B. cucumis puparia. Tests were set up in replicated trials. but results were not homogeneous across trials. We discuss the host relationships of F. arisanus with reference to this variation and in relation to host suitability for larval development.


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Corticosteroid-binding globulin is a 383-amino acid glycoprotein that serves a hormone transport role and may have functions related to the stress response and inflammation. We describe a 39-member Italian-Australian family with a novel complete loss of function (null) mutation of the corticosteroid-binding globulin gene. A second, previously described, mutation (Lyon) segregated independently in the same kindred. The novel exon 2 mutation led to a premature termination codon corresponding to residue -12 of the procorticosteroid-binding globulin molecule (c.121G->A). Among 32 family members there were 3 null homozygotes, 19 null heterozygotes, 2 compound heterozygotes, 3 Lyon heterozygotes, and 5 individuals without corticosteroid-binding globulin mutations. Plasma immunoreactive corticosteroid-binding globulin was undetectable in null homozygotes, and mean corticosteroid-binding globulin levels were reduced by approximately 50% at 18.7 ± 1.3 µg/ml (reference range, 30–52 µg/ml) in null heterozygotes. Morning total plasma cortisol levels were less than 1.8 µg/dl in homozygotes and were positively correlated to the plasma corticosteroid-binding globulin level in heterozygotes. Homozygotes and heterozygote null mutation subjects had a high prevalence of hypotension and fatigue. Among 19 adults with the null mutation, the systolic blood pressure z-score was 12.1 ± 3.5; 11 of 19 subjects (54%) had a systolic blood pressure below the third percentile. The mean diastolic blood pressure z-score was 18.1 ± 3.4; 8 of 19 subjects (42%) had a diastolic blood pressure z-score below 10. Idiopathic chronic fatigue was present in 12 of 14 adult null heterozygote subjects (86%) and in 2 of 3 null homozygotes. Five cases met the Centers for Disease Control criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. Fatigue questionnaires revealed scores of 25.1 ± 2.5 in 18 adults with the mutation vs. 4.2 ± 1.5 in 23 healthy controls (P < 0.0001). Compound heterozygosity for both mutations resulted in plasma cortisol levels comparable to those in null homozygotes. Abnormal corticosteroid-binding globulin concentrations or binding affinity may lead to the misdiagnosis of isolated ACTH deficiency. The mechanism of the association between fatigue and relative hypotension is not established by these studies. As idiopathic fatigue disorders are associated with relatively low plasma cortisol, abnormalities of corticosteroid-binding globulin may be pathogenic.


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Understanding the genetic architecture of quantitative traits can greatly assist the design of strategies for their manipulation in plant-breeding programs. For a number of traits, genetic variation can be the result of segregation of a few major genes and many polygenes (minor genes). The joint segregation analysis (JSA) is a maximum-likelihood approach for fitting segregation models through the simultaneous use of phenotypic information from multiple generations. Our objective in this paper was to use computer simulation to quantify the power of the JSA method for testing the mixed-inheritance model for quantitative traits when it was applied to the six basic generations: both parents (P-1 and P-2), F-1, F-2, and both backcross generations (B-1 and B-2) derived from crossing the F-1 to each parent. A total of 1968 genetic model-experiment scenarios were considered in the simulation study to quantify the power of the method. Factors that interacted to influence the power of the JSA method to correctly detect genetic models were: (1) whether there were one or two major genes in combination with polygenes, (2) the heritability of the major genes and polygenes, (3) the level of dispersion of the major genes and polygenes between the two parents, and (4) the number of individuals examined in each generation (population size). The greatest levels of power were observed for the genetic models defined with simple inheritance; e.g., the power was greater than 90% for the one major gene model, regardless of the population size and major-gene heritability. Lower levels of power were observed for the genetic models with complex inheritance (major genes and polygenes), low heritability, small population sizes and a large dispersion of favourable genes among the two parents; e.g., the power was less than 5% for the two major-gene model with a heritability value of 0.3 and population sizes of 100 individuals. The JSA methodology was then applied to a previously studied sorghum data-set to investigate the genetic control of the putative drought resistance-trait osmotic adjustment in three crosses. The previous study concluded that there were two major genes segregating for osmotic adjustment in the three crosses. Application of the JSA method resulted in a change in the proposed genetic model. The presence of the two major genes was confirmed with the addition of an unspecified number of polygenes.


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A new method to extract MOSFET's threshold voltage VT by measurement of the gate-to-substrate capacitance C-gb of the transistor is presented. Unlike existing extraction methods based on I-V data, the measurement of C-gb does not require de drain current to now between drain and source thus eliminating the effects of source and drain series resistance R-S/D, and at the same time, retains a symmetrical potential profile across the channel. Experimental and simulation results on devices with different sizes are presented to justify the proposed method.


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Aluminium alloys that contain Si, Mg, Fe, Mn and/or Cu usually contain one or more types of intermetallic phases that are not readily distinguishable in the microstructure by conventional microscopy methods. It has thus been a challenge to develop a method that will unambiguously identify them. A practical approach has been developed that is based on an inherent linear relationship revealed for the overall distribution of any two elements in a precipitate/matrix geometry and the first-order approximation of electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) results. Application of this approach to a direct chill cast 6082 alloy is demonstrated, and its major limitations are discussed.