167 resultados para VanA phenotype
Wilson disease is an autosomal recessive copper transport disorder resulting from defective biliary excretion of copper and subsequent hepatic copper accumulation and liver failure if not treated. The disease is caused by mutations in the ATP7B (WND) gene, which is expressed predominantly in the liver and encodes a copper-transporting P-type ATPase that is structurally and functionally similar to the Menkes protein (MNK), which is defective in the X-linked copper transport disorder Menkes disease. The toxic milk (tx) mouse has a clinical phenotype similar to Wilson disease patients and, recently, the tx mutation within the murine WND homologue (Wnd) of this mouse was identified, establishing it as an animal model for Wilson disease. In this study, cDNA constructs encoding the wild-type (Wnd-wt) and mutant (Wnd-tx) Wilson proteins (Wnd) were generated and expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The fx mutation disrupted the copper-induced relocalization of Wnd in CHO cells and abrogated Wnd-mediated copper resistance of transfected CHO cells. In addition, co-localization experiments demonstrated that while Wnd and MNK are located in the trans-Golgi network in basal copper conditions, with elevated copper, these proteins are sorted to different destinations within the same cell, Ultrastructural studies showed that with elevated copper levels, Wnd accumulated in large multivesicular structures resembling late endosomes that may represent a novel compartment for copper transport. The data presented provide further support for a relationship between copper transport activity and the copper-induced relocalization response of mammalian copper ATPases, and an explanation at a molecular level for the observed phenotype of fx mice.
SOX9 is a transcription factor that is expressed in chondrocytes and regulates expression of chondrocyte phenotype related genes. Expression of these genes is known to be suppressed by retinoic acid (RA). We, therefore, examined whether the Sox9 gene expression is regulated by RA in chondrocytes. RA treatment suppressed Sox9 mRNA expression in primary chondrocytes prepared from newborn mouse rib cartilage within 12 h and this suppression lasted at least up to 24 h. The RA suppression of Sox9 mRNA levels was dose-dependent starting at 0.5 muM with a maximum at 1 muM. Nuclear run-on assays revealed that RA reduced the rate of transcription of Sox9 gene. Finally, Western blot analysis indicated that RA suppressed SOX9 protein revels in these chondrocytes. Furthermore, overexpression of SOX9 reversed RA suppression of Col/2a1 enhancer activity. These observations indicate that RA suppresses Sox9 gene expression in chondrocytes at least in part through transcriptional events. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Ha-Ras and Ki-Ras have different distributions across plasma membrane microdomains. The Ras C-terminal anchors are primarily responsible for membrane microlocalization, but recent work has shown that the interaction of Ha-Ras with lipid rafts is modulated by GTP loading via a mechanism that requires the hypervariable region (HVR). We have now identified two regions in the HVR linker domain that regulate Ha-Ras raft association. Release of activated Ha-Ras from lipid rafts is blocked by deleting amino acids 173-179 or 166-172. Alanine replacement of amino acids 173-179 but not 166-172 restores wild type micro-localization, indicating that specific N-terminal sequences of the linker domain operate in concert with a more C-terminal spacer domain to regulate Ha-Ras raft association. Mutations in the linker domain that confine activated Ha-RasG12V to lipid rafts abrogate Raf-1, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and Akt activation and inhibit PC 12 cell differentiation. N-Myristoylation also prevents the release of activated Ha-Ras from lipid rafts and inhibits Raf-1 activation. These results demonstrate that the correct modulation of Ha-Ras lateral segregation is critical for downstream signaling. Mutations in the linker domain also suppress the dominant negative phenotype of Ha-RasS17N, indicating that HVR sequences are essential for efficient interaction of Ha-Ras with exchange factors in intact cells.
This study focuses on characterizing the genetic and biological alterations associated with squamous cell carcinoma development. Normal human epidermal keratinocytes (HEKs), cells isolated from a preneoplastic lesion (IEC-1), and two neoplastic cell lines, SCC-25 and COLD-16, were grown as raft cultures, and their gene expression profiles were screened using cDNA arrays. Our data indicated that the expression levels of at least 37 genes were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05; 1.9% of genes screened) altered in neoplastic cells compared with normal cells. Of these genes, 10 genes were up-regulated and 27 genes were down-regulated in the neoplastic cells. In addition, 51% of the genes altered in the neoplastic cells were already altered in the preneoplastic IEC-1 cells. Immunohistochemical staining of patient tumors was used to verify the cDNA array analysis. Our analysis indicated that alterations in genes associated with extracellular matrix production and apoptosis are disrupted in preneoplastic cells, whereas later stages of neoplasia are associated with alterations in gene expression for genes involved in DNA repair or epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor/mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK)/MAPK/activator protein-1 (AP-1) signaling. Subsequent functional analysis of the alterations in expression of the EGF receptor/MAPKK/MAPK/AP-1 genes suggested they did not contribute to the neoplastic phenotype.
We have investigated the expression and function of the isoforms of laminin bearing the alpha(5) chain, i.e. laminin-10/11 in neonatal and adult human skin. By immunostaining human skin derived from a variety of anatomic sites, we found that the laminin-alpha(5) chain is expressed abundantly in the basement membrane underlying the interfollicular epidermis and the blood vessels in the dermis. Interestingly, while the expression level of the well-studied laminin-5 isoform did not change significantly with age, laminin-10/11 (a5 chain) appeared to decrease in the basement membrane underlying the epidermis, in adult skin. In contrast, the levels of laminin-10/11 in the basement membrane underlying blood vessels remained unchanged in neonatal vs. adult skin. Importantly, in vitro cell adhesion assays demonstrated that laminin-10/11 is a potent adhesive substrate for both neonatal and adult keratinocytes and that this adhesion is mediated by the alpha(3)beta(1), and alpha(6)beta(4) integrins. Adhesion assays performed with fractionated basal keratinocytes showed that stem cells, transit amplifying cells and early differentiating cells all adhere to purified laminin-10/11 via these receptors. Further, laminin-10/11 provided a proliferative signal for neonatal foreskin keratinocytes, adult breast skin keratinocytes, and even a human papillomavirus type-18 transformed tumorigenic keratinocyte cell line in vitro. Finally, laminin-10/11 was shown to stimulate keratinocyte migration in an in vitro wound healing assay. These results provide strong evidence for a functional role for laminin-10/11 in epidermal proliferation during homeostasis, wound healing and neoplasia.
Purpose: To compare microsatellite instability (MSI) testing with immunohistochemical (IHC) detection of hMLH1 and hMSH2 in colorectal cancer. Patients and Methods: Colorectal cancers from 1, 144 patients were assessed for DNA mismatch repair deficiency by two methods: MSI testing and IHC detection of hMLH1 and hMSH2 gene products. High-frequency MSI (MSI-H) was defined as more than 30% instability of at least five markers; low-level MSI (MSI-L) was defined as 1% to 29% of loci unstable. Results: Of 1, 144 tumors tested, 818 showed intact expression of hMLH1 and hMSH2. Of these, 680 were microsatellite stable (MSS), 27 were MSI-H, and 111 were MSI-L. In all, 228 tumors showed absence of hMLH1 expression and 98 showed absence of hMSH2 expression: all were MSI-H. Conclusion: IHC in colorectal tumors for protein products hMLH1 and hMSH2 provides a rapid, cost-effective, sensitive (92.3%), and extremely specific (100%) method for screening for DNA mismatch repair defects. The predictive value of normal IHC for an MSS/MSI-L phenotype was 96.7%, and the predictive value of abnormal IHC was 100% for an MSI-H phenotype. Testing strategies must take into account acceptability of missing some cases of MSI-H tumors if only IHC is performed. (C) 2002 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Attempts to classify colorectal cancer into subtypes based upon molecular characterisation are overshadowed by the classical stepwise model in which the adenoma-carcinoma sequence serves as the morphological counterpart. Clarity is achieved when cancers showing DNA microsatellite instability (MSI) are distinguished as sporadic MSI-low (MSI-L), sporadic MSI-high (MSI-H) and hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Divergence of the 'methylator' pathway into MSI-L and MSI-H is at least partly determined by the respective silencing of MGMT and hMLH1. Multiple differences can be demonstrated between sporadic and familial (HNPCC) MSI-H colorectal cancer with respect to early mechanisms, evolution, molecular characterisation, demographics and morphology. By acknowledging the existence of multiple pathways, rapid advances in the fields of basic and translational research will occur and this will lead to improved strategies for the prevention, early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This review compiles evidence for an alternative to the classical adenoma-carcinoma sequence in the evolution of colorectal cancer. It is suggested that between 30 and 50% of colorectal cancers are not initiated by mutation of the tumor suppressor gene APC, but through the epigenetic silencing of genes implicated in the control of differentiation, cell cycle control and DNA repair proficiency. The precursor polyps are often characterized by a serrated architecture, and include hyperplastic polyps, admixed polyps and serrated adenomas. The alternative pathway is heterogeneous and may culminate in cancers showing low or high level DNA microsatellite instability (MSI-L and MSI-H, respectively), and in cancers that are microsatellite stable (MSS). Cancers showing DNA MSI may be characterized by an accelerated evolution. Cancers in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer show features of both classical (adenoma and APC mutation) and alternative pathways (rapid evolution, MSI-H and lack of chromosomal instability). (C) 2001 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd.
The past decade has seen the emergence of new pathways in the development of colorectal cancer. There is now clear evidence that subsets of these tumours do not show chromosomal instability and do not follow the suppressor pathway. Instead, about 15% of colorectal cancers are characterised by microsatellite instability (MSI). This feature arises through defective DNA mismatch repair, which is related either to a germline mutation (as in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma) or to failure to express a mismatch-repair gene. CpG-island methylation has been linked to sporadic cancers with a high frequency of MSI. This type of methylation leads to loss of gene expression when it occurs in the promoter region of a gene. Tumours may have high or low type C (cancer-related) CpG-island methylation. When methylation affects hMLH1 (mismatch repair gene), the resultant cancer has high MSI.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) has traditionally been classified into two groups: microsatellite stable/low-level instability (MSS/MSI-L) and high-level MSI (MSI-H) groups on the basis of multiple molecular and clinicopathologic criteria. Using methylated in tumor (MINT) markers 1, 2,12, and 31, we stratified 77 primary CRCs into three groups: MINT++ (>2), MINT+ (1-2), and MINT- (0 markers methylated). The MSS/MSI-L/ MINT++ group was indistinguishable from the MSI-H/MINT++ group with respect to methylation of p16(INK4a), p14(ARF), and RIZ1, and multiple morphological features. The only significant difference between MSI-H and non-MSI-H MINT++ cancers was the higher frequency of K-ras mutation (P < 0.004) and lower frequency of hMLH1 methylation (P < 0.001) in the latter. These data demonstrate that the separation of CRC into two nonoverlapping groups (MSI-H versus MSS/MSI-L) is a misleading oversimplification.
Our studies on two branching mutants of pea (Pisum sativum L.) have identified a further Ramosus locus, Rms6, with two recessive or partially recessive mutant alleles: rms6-1 (type line S2-271) and rms6-2 (type line K586). Mutants rms6-1 and rms6-2 were derived from dwarf and tall cultivars, Solara and Torsdag, respectively. The rms6 mutants are characterized by increased branching from basal nodes. In contrast, mutants rms1 through rms5 have increased branching from both basal and aerial (upper stem) nodes. Buds at the cotyledonary node of wild-type (WT) plants remain dormant but in rms6 plants these buds were usually released from dormancy. Their growth was either subsequently inhibited, sometimes even prior to emergence above ground, or they grew into secondary stems. The mutant phenotype was strongest for rms6-1 on the dwarf background. Although rms6-2 had a weak single-mutant phenotype, the rms3-1 rms6-2 double mutant showed clear transgression and an additive branching phenotype, with a total lateral length almost 2-fold greater than rms3-1 and nearly 5-fold greater than rms6-2 . Grafting studies between WT and rms6-1 plants demonstrated the primary action of Rms6 may be confined to the shoot. Young WT and rms6-1 shoots had similar auxin levels, and decapitated plants had a similar magnitude of response to applied auxin. Abscisic acid levels were elevated 2-fold at node 2 of young rms6-1 plants. The Rms6 locus mapped to the R to Gp segment of linkage group V (chromosome 3). The rms6 mutants will be useful for basic research and also have possible agronomical value.
This study investigated the influence of genes and environment on the variation of apolipoprotein and lipid levels, which are important intermediate phenotypes in the pathways toward cardiovascular disease. Heritability estimates are presented, including those for apolipoprotein E and All levels which have rarely been reported before. We studied twin samples from the Netherlands (two cohorts; n = 160 pairs, aged 13-22 and n = 204 pairs, aged 34-62), Australia (n = 1362 pairs, aged 28-92) and Sweden (n = 302 pairs, aged 42-88). The variation of apolipoprotein and lipid levels depended largely on the influences of additive genetic factors in each twin sample. There was no significant evidence for the influence of common environment. No sex differences in heritability estimates for any phenotype in any of the samples were observed. Heritabilities ranged from 0.48-0.87, with most heritabilities exceeding 0.60. The heritability estimates in the Dutch samples were significantly higher than in the Australian sample. The heritabilities for the Swedish were intermediate to the Dutch and the Australian samples and not significantly different from the heritabilities in these other two samples. Although sample specific effects are present, we have shown that genes play a major role in determining the variance of apolipoprotein and lipid levels in four independent twin samples from three different countries.
Immune deviation of cytolytic T cell function, induced by type 2 cytokines like IL-4, is an attractive concept to explain failure of the immune system in some diseases. However, this concept is challenged by previous conflicting results on whether type 2 cytokine-producing CD8(+) T cells are cytolytic. Therefore, we have analyzed the relationship between cytolytic activity and cytokine production among large numbers of primary CD8(+) T cell clones. Single murine CD8(+) T cells of naive phenotype were activated at high efficiency with immobilized Abs to CD3, CD8, and CD11a in the presence of IL-2 (neutral conditions) or IL-2, IL-4, and anti-IFN-gamma Ab (type 2-polarizing conditions) for 8-9 days. Under neutral conditions, most clones produced IFN-gamma without IL-4 and were cytolytic. Under type 2-polarizing conditions, most clones produced IFN-gamma and IL-4 but displayed variable cytolytic activity and CD8 expression. Separation on the basis of surface CD8 levels revealed that, compared with CD8(high) cells from the same cultures, CD8(low) cells were poorly cytolytic and expressed low levels of perforin mRNA and protein and granzyme A, B, and C mRNA. A similar, smaller population of noncytolytic CD8(low) cells was identified among CD8(low) T cells activated in mixed lymphocyte reaction with IL-4. Variable efficiency of generation of the noncytolytic cells may account for the differing results of earlier studies. We conclude that IL-4 promotes the development of a noncytolytic CD8(low) T cell phenotype that might be important in tumor- or pathogen-induced immune deviation.
While mutations of CDKN2A are associated with melanoma predisposition, the precise role of its gene product p16 in the development of sporadic melanoma is less clearly understood. We sought to determine the prevalence of p16 expression using immunohistochemical analysis in a population-based sample of melanoma tumours, and also to identify histological, phenotypic and environmental factors associated with the presence or absence of p16 expression. We conducted face-to-face interviews with 108 patients newly diagnosed with melanoma to ascertain their history of sun exposure, and recorded various phenotypic parameters. Paraffin sections of tumours from these patients were stained with an anti-p16 monoclonal antibody following antigen retrieval. Overall, 52 (48%) tumours expressed p16; nodular melanomas had significantly lower levels of p16 immunoreactivity than superficial spreading melanomas (P = 0.015). While no association was found between p16 expression and host phenotype, loss of p16 staining was associated with thicker lesions (p = 0.084) and a high mitotic index (P = 0.013). Taken together, these findings are consistent with loss of p16 being a late event in the progression of sporadic primary melanomas, being associated with tumours of a more aggressive nature. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Australian residents is 7.5%; however, prevalence rates up to six times higher have been reported for indigenous Australian communities. Epidemiological evidence implicates genetic factors in the susceptibility of indigenous Australians to type 2 diabetes and supports the hypothesis of the thrifty genotype, but, to date, the nature of the genetic predisposition is unknown. We have ascertained clinical details from a community of indigenous Australian descent in North Stradbroke Island, Queensland. In this population, the phenotype is characterized by severe insulin resistance. We have conducted a genomewide scan, at an average resolution of 10 cM, for type 2 diabetes-susceptibility genes in a large multigeneration pedigree from this community. Parametric linkage analysis undertaken using FASTLINK version 4.1p yielded a maximum two-point LOD score of +2.97 at marker D2S2345. Multipoint analysis yielded a peak LOD score of +3.9