217 resultados para Time-Fractional Equation
Inverse parabolicity of PDF equations in turbulent flows - reversed-time diffusion or something else
For a two layered long wave propagation, linearized governing equations, which were derived earlier from the Euler equations of mass and momentum assuming negligible friction and interfacial mixing are solved analytically using Fourier transform. For the solution, variations of upper layer water level is assumed to be sinosoidal having known amplitude and variations of interface level is solved. As the governing equations are too complex to solve it analytically, density of upper layer fluid is assumed as very close to the density of lower layer fluid to simplify the lower layer equation. A numerical model is developed using the staggered leap-forg scheme for computation of water level and discharge in one dimensional propagation having known amplitude for the variations of upper layer water level and interface level to be solved. For the numerical model, water levels (upper layer and interface) at both the boundaries are assumed to be known from analytical solution. Results of numerical model are verified by comparing with the analytical solutions for different time period. Good agreements between analytical solution and numerical model are found for the stated boundary condition. The reliability of the developed numerical model is discussed, using it for different a (ratio of density of fluid in the upper layer to that in the lower layer) and p (ratio of water depth in the lower layer to that in the upper layer) values. It is found that as ‘CX’ increases amplification of interface also increases for same upper layer amplitude. Again for a constant lower layer depth, as ‘p’ increases amplification of interface. also increases for same upper layer amplitude.
A new wavelet-based method for solving population balance equations with simultaneous nucleation, growth and agglomeration is proposed, which uses wavelets to express the functions. The technique is very general, powerful and overcomes the crucial problems of numerical diffusion and stability that often characterize previous techniques in this area. It is also applicable to an arbitrary grid to control resolution and computational efficiency. The proposed technique has been tested for pure agglomeration, simultaneous nucleation and growth, and simultaneous growth and agglomeration. In all cases, the predicted and analytical particle size distributions are in excellent agreement. The presence of moving sharp fronts can be addressed without the prior investigation of the characteristics of the processes. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Using the classical twin design, this study investigates the influence of genetic factors on the large phenotypic variance in inspection time (IT), and whether the well established IT-IQ association can be explained by a common genetic factor. Three hundred ninety pairs of twins (184 monozygotic, MZ; 206 dizygotic, DZ) with a mean age of 16 years participated, and 49 pairs returned approximately 3 months, later for retesting. As in many IT studies, the pi figure stimulus was used and IT was estimated from the cumulative normal ogive. IT ranged from 39.4 to 774.1 ms (159 +/- 110.1 ms) with faster ITs (by an average of 26.9 ms) found in the retest session from which a reliability of .69 was estimated. Full-scale IQ (FIQ) was assessed by the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB) and ranged from 79 to 145 (111 +/- 13). The phenotypic association between IT and FIQ was confirmed (- .35) and bivariate results showed that a common genetic factor accounted for 36% of the variance in IT and 32% of the variance in FIQ. The maximum likelihood estimate of the genetic correlation was - .63. When performance and verbal IQ (PIQ & VIQ) were analysed with IT, a stronger phenotypic and genetic relationship was found between PIQ and IT than with VIQ. A large part of the IT variance (64%) was accounted for by a unique environmental factor. Further genetic factors were needed to explain the remaining variance in IQ with a small component of unique environmental variance present. The separability of a shared genetic factor influencing IT and IQ from the total genetic variance in IQ suggests that IT affects a specific subcomponent of intelligence rather than a generalised efficiency. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Information processing accounts propose that autonomic orienting reflects the amount of resources allocated to process a stimulus. However, secondary task reaction time (RT), a supposed measure of processing resources, has shown a dissociation from autonomic orienting. The present study tested the hypothesis that secondary task RT reflects a serial processing mechanism. Participants (N = 24) were presented with circle and ellipse shapes and asked to count the number of longer-than-usual presentations of one shape (task-relevant) and to ignore presentations of a second shape (task-irrelevant). Concurrent with the counting task, participants performed a secondary RT task to an auditory probe presented at either a high or low intensity and at two different probe positions following shape onset (50 and 300 ms). Electrodermal orienting was larger during task-relevant shapes than during task-irrelevant shapes, but secondary task RT to the high-intensity probe was slower during the latter. In addition, an underadditive interaction between probe stimulus intensity and probe position was found in secondary RT. The findings are consistent with a serial processing model of secondary RT and suggest that the notion of processing stages should be incorporated into current information-processing models of autonomic orienting.
Mice transgenic for the E7 tumor Ag of human papillomavirus type 16, driven from a keratin 14 promoter, express E7 in keratinocytes but not dendritic cells. Grafted E7-transgenic skin is not rejected by E7-immunized mice that reject E7-transduced transplantable tumors. Rejection of recently transplanted E7-transgenic skin grafts, but not of control nontransgenic grafts or of established E7-transgenic grafts, is induced by systemic administration of live or killed Listeria monocytogenes or of endotoxin. Graft recipients that reject an E7 graft reject a subsequent E7 graft more rapidly and without further L. monocytogenes exposure, whereas recipients of an E7 graft given without L. monocytogenes do not reject a second graft, even if given with L. monocytogenes. Thus, cross-presentation of E7 from keratinocytes to the adaptive immune system occurs with or without a proinflammatory stimulus, but proinflammatory stimuli at the time of first cross-presentation of Ag can determine the nature of the immune response to the Ag. Furthermore, immune effector mechanisms responsible for rejection of epithelium expressing a tumor Ag in keratinocytes are different from those that reject an E7-expressing transplantable tumor. These observations have implications for immunotherapy for epithelial cancers.
Background. Although digital and videotaped images are known to be comparable for the evaluation of left ventricular function, their relative accuracy for assessment of more complex anatomy is unclear. We sought to compare reading time, storage costs, and concordance of video and digital interpretations across multiple observers and sites. Methods. One hundred one patients with valvular (90 mitral, 48 aortic, 80 tricuspid) disease were selected prospectively, and studies were stored according to video and standardized digital protocols. The same reviewer interpreted video and digital images independently and at different times with the use of a standard report form to evaluate 40 items (eg, severity of stenosis or regurgitation, leaflet thickening, and calcification) as normal or mildly, moderately, or severely abnormal Concordance between modalities was expressed at kappa Major discordance (difference of >1 level of severity) was ascribed to the modality that gave the lesser severity. CD-ROM was used to store digital data (20:1 lossy compression), and super-VHS video-tape was used to store video data The reading time and storage costs for each modality were compared Results. Measured parameters were highly concordant (ejection fraction was 52% +/- 13% by both). Major discordance was rare, and lesser values were reported with digital rather than video interpretation in the categories of aortic and mitral valve thicken ing (1% to 2%) and severity of mitral regurgitation (2%). Digital reading time was 6.8 +/- 2.4 minutes, 38% shorter than with video (11.0 +/- 3.0, range 8 to 22 minutes, P < .001). Compressed digital studies had an average size of 60 <plus/minus> 14 megabytes (range 26 to 96 megabytes). Storage cost for video was A$0.62 per patient (18 studies per tape, total cost A$11.20), compared with A$0.31 per patient for digital storage (8 studies per CD-ROM, total cost A$2.50). Conclusion. Digital and video interpretation were highly concordant; in the few cases of major discordance, the digital scores were lower, perhaps reflecting undersampling. Use of additional views and longer clips may be indicated to minimize discordance with video in patients with complex problems. Digital interpretation offers a significant reduction in reading times and the cost of archiving.
The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump is a key regulator of cytosolic free Ca2+. Recent studies have demonstrated the dynamic expression of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump in a variety of cell types. Furthermore, alterations in plasma membrane calcium pump activity have now been implicated in human disease. In this study, the development of a technique to quantitatively assess mRNA expression of the human plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA1) isoform of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump, using a real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (real-time RT-PCR) assay in a human breast epithelial cell line (MCF-7) is described. The sequences of the PMCA1 primers and probe for real-time RT-PCR are presented. The results also indicate that PMCA1 mRNA can be normalized to both 18S ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) and human glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (hGAPDH) in MCF-7 cells. Real-time RT-PCR will be most useful in assessing PMCA1 mRNA expression in cases where only low amounts of RNA are available and/or when numerous samples must be assessed simultaneously. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Time-dependent wavepacket evolution techniques demand the action of the propagator, exp(-iHt/(h)over-bar), on a suitable initial wavepacket. When a complex absorbing potential is added to the Hamiltonian for combating unwanted reflection effects, polynomial expansions of the propagator are selected on their ability to cope with non-Hermiticity. An efficient subspace implementation of the Newton polynomial expansion scheme that requires fewer dense matrix-vector multiplications than its grid-based counterpart has been devised. Performance improvements are illustrated with some benchmark one and two-dimensional examples. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A scheme is presented to incorporate a mixed potential integral equation (MPIE) using Michalski's formulation C with the method of moments (MoM) for analyzing the scattering of a plane wave from conducting planar objects buried in a dielectric half-space. The robust complex image method with a two-level approximation is used for the calculation of the Green's functions for the half-space. To further speed up the computation, an interpolation technique for filling the matrix is employed. While the induced current distributions on the object's surface are obtained in the frequency domain, the corresponding time domain responses are calculated via the inverse fast Fourier transform (FFT), The complex natural resonances of targets are then extracted from the late time response using the generalized pencil-of-function (GPOF) method. We investigate the pole trajectories as we vary the distance between strips and the depth and orientation of single, buried strips, The variation from the pole position of a single strip in a homogeneous dielectric medium was only a few percent for most of these parameter variations.