152 resultados para Seligman, Martin E. P
Objectives: To determine (i) factors which predict whether patients hospitalised with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) receive care discordant with recommendations of clinical practice guidelines; and (ii) whether such discordant care results in worse outcomes compared with receiving guideline-concordant care. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: Two community general hospitals. Participants: 607 consecutive patients admitted with AMI between July 1997 and December 2000. Main outcome measures: Clinical predictors of discordant care; crude and risk-adjusted rates of inhospital mortality and reinfarction, and mean length of hospital stay. Results: At least one treatment recommendation for AMI was applicable for 602 of the 607 patients. Of these patients, 411(68%) received concordant care, and 191 (32%) discordant care. Positive predictors at presentation of discordant care were age > 65 years (odds ratio [OR], 2.5; 95% Cl, 1.7-3.6), silent infarction (OR, 2.7; 95% Cl, 1.6-4.6), anterior infarction (OR, 2.5; 95% Cl, 1.7-3.8), a history of heart failure (OR, 6.3; 95% Cl, 3.7-10.7), chronic atrial fibrillation (OR, 3.2; 95% Cl, 1.5-6.4); and heart rate greater than or equal to 100 beats/min (OR, 2.1; 95% Cl, 1.4-3.1). Death occurred in 12.0% (23/191) of discordant-care patients versus 4.6% (19/411) of concordant-care patients (adjusted OR, 2.42; 95% Cl, 1.22-4.82). Mortality was inversely related to the level of guideline concordance (P = 0.03). Reinfarction rates also tended to be higher in the discordant-care group (4.2% v 1.7%; adjusted OR, 2.5; 95% Cl, 0.90-7.1). Conclusions: Certain clinical features at presentation predict a higher likelihood of guideline-discordant care in patients presenting with AMI Such care appears to increase the risk of inhospital death.
Complex chemical reactions in the gas phase can be decomposed into a network of elementary (e.g., unimolecular and bimolecular) steps which may involve multiple reactant channels, multiple intermediates, and multiple products. The modeling of such reactions involves describing the molecular species and their transformation by reaction at a detailed level. Here we focus on a detailed modeling of the C(P-3)+allene (C3H4) reaction, for which molecular beam experiments and theoretical calculations have previously been performed. In our previous calculations, product branching ratios for a nonrotating isomerizing unimolecular system were predicted. We extend the previous calculations to predict absolute unimolecular rate coefficients and branching ratios using microcanonical variational transition state theory (mu-VTST) with full energy and angular momentum resolution. Our calculation of the initial capture rate is facilitated by systematic ab initio potential energy surface calculations that describe the interaction potential between carbon and allene as a function of the angle of attack. Furthermore, the chemical kinetic scheme is enhanced to explicitly treat the entrance channels in terms of a predicted overall input flux and also to allow for the possibility of redissociation via the entrance channels. Thus, the computation of total bimolecular reaction rates and partial capture rates is now possible. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Concentrations of 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were determined in 14 sediment samples collected from four sites in the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve (within a RAMSAR Site) and from another six sites in Victoria Harbour and along the Hong Kong coastline. Elevated levels of PCDDs, and particularly OCDD, were detectable in all samples collected from the Mai Po Marshes and five of the six sites. In contrast to PCDDs, PCDFs were mainly found in sediment samples collected from industrial areas (Kwun Tong and To Kwa Wan) in Victoria Harbour. PCDD/F levels and congener profiles in the samples from the Mai Po Marshes Nature Reserve in particular show strong similarities to those reported in studies which have attributed similar elevated PCDD concentrations to nonanthropogenic PCDD sources. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In recent years, studies on environmental samples with unusual dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) congener profiles were reported from a range of countries. These profiles, characterized by a dominance of octachlorinated dibenzodioxin (OCDD) and relatively low in dibenzofuran (PCDF) concentrations, could not be attributed to known sources or formation processes. In the present study, the processes that result in these unusual profiles were assessed using the concentrations and isomer signatures of PCDDs from dated estuarine sediment cores in Queensland, Australia. Increases in relative concentrations of lower chlorinated PODS and a relative decrease of OCDD were correlated with time of sediment deposition. Preferred lateral, anaerobic dechlorination of OCDD represents a likely pathway for these changes. In Queensland sediments, these transformations result in a distinct dominance of isomers fully chlorinated in the 1,4,6,9-positions (1,4-patterns), and similar 1,4-patterns were observed in sediments from elsewhere. Consequently, these environmental samples may not reflect the signatures of the original source, and a reevaluation of source inputs was undertaken. Natural formation of PCDDs, which has previously been suggested, is discussed; however, based on the present results and literature comparisons, we propose an alternative scenario. This scenario hypothesizes that an anthropogenic PCDD precursor input (e.g. pentachlorophenol) results in the contamination. These results and hypothesis imply further investigations are warrented into possible anthropogenic sources in areas where natural PCDD formation has been suggested.
An active form of the Dengue virus protease NS3 (CF40.Gly.NS3pro) was expressed in Escherichia coli. This construct consists of a critical 40 amino acid cofactor domain from NS2B fused to the N-terminal 184 amino acid protease domain of NS3 via a flexible, covalent linker (Gly(4)SerGly(4)). The recombinantly produced protein is soluble and has a hexa-histidine tag engineered at the N-terminus for ease of purification using metal affinity chromatography. However, the presence of lower molecular weight impurities after affinity chromatography indicated the need for additional purification steps. The consistent appearance of these impurities suggested that they may be the products of proteolysis and/or auto-proteolysis. The latter possibility was subsequently excluded by the observation of the same impurities in a purified, catalytically inactive form of the recombinant protease (CF40.Gly.NS3pro.SA). Further analysis indicated that these impurities may represent premature translation termination products. Regardless of their origin, they were shown to form various sized aggregates with full-length CF40.Gly.NS3pro that can be separated by size exclusion chromatography, yielding fractions of active protease of sufficient purity for crystallisation trials. The ultimate goal of these studies is to obtain a crystal structure of a catalytically active form of the Dengue virus NS3 protease for structure-based drug design. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Offspring sex ratios were examined at the population and family level in the sexually monomorphic, socially monogamous fairy martin Petrochelidon ariel at five colony sites over a 4-year period (1993 1996). The sex of 465 nestlings from 169 broods % as determined using sex-specific PCR at the CHD locus. In accordance with predicted sex allocation patterns, population sex ratios at hatching and fledging did not differ from parity in an), year and the variance in brood sex ratios did not deviate from the binomial distribution, Further, brood sex ratio did not vary with hatching date during the season, brood number, brood size or colony size, The sex ratio or broods with extra-pair young did not differ from those without, while the sex ratio of broods fathered by males that gained extra-pair fertilizations did not differ from broods fathered by other males. Extra-pair chicks were as likely to be male as female. Neither the total number of feeding visits to the brood nor the relative feeding contribution by the sexes varied significantly with brood sex ratio. Brood sex ratios were also unrelated to paternal size, condition and breeding experience or maternal condition and breeding experience, However, contrary to our prediction, brood sex ratio was negatively correlated with maternal size. Generally, these results were consistent with our expectations that brood sex ratios would not vary with environmental factors or parental characteristics, and would not influence the level of parental provisioning. However, the finding that females with longer tarsi produced an excess of daughters is difficult to reconcile with our current understanding or fairy martin life history and breeding ecology.
Powder metallurgy activities in Australia are reviewed. Though relatively small, the industry is diverse and is experiencing record sales, buoyed by a strong domestic economy. In particular, the industry is underpinned by a vibrant automotive sector and a dominant mining and minerals industry. Research on powder metallurgy and particulate materials is conducted primarily in the universities with emphasis on mechanical alloying and aluminium alloys. Overall, the future outlook for powder metallurgy in Australia is excellent.
Adsorption of p-Cresol and p-Nitrophenol by untreated activated carbon in single and multisolute solutions was carried out at 301 K and at controlled pH conditions. In acidic conditions, well below the pK(a) of both solutes, it was observed that the adsorbate solubility and the electron density of aromatic rings influenced the extent of adsorption by affecting the extent of London dispersion forces. The fitted parameters obtained from single-solute Langmuir equation show that Q(max) and the adsorption affinity of carbon for the compound with low pK(a) decrease more significantly. In higher solution pH conditions, on the other hand, it was found that electrostatic forces played a significant role on the extent of adsorption. The presence of another compound decreases Q(max) and the adsorption affinity of carbon for the principal compound. The effect of pH, on the carbon surface and on the solute molecules, must be considered. Adsorption of the solute at higher pH values was found to be dependent on the concentration of anionic form of the solute. The isotherm data were fitted to the Langmuir isotherm equation for both single and double solute solutions.
Objectives: To compare the population modelling programs NONMEM and P-PHARM during investigation of the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in paediatric liver-transplant recipients. Methods: Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using NONMEM and P-PHARM on retrospective data from 35 paediatric liver-transplant patients receiving tacrolimus therapy. The same data were presented to both programs. Maximum likelihood estimates were sought for apparent clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution (V/F). Covariates screened for influence on these parameters were weight, age, gender, post-operative day, days of tacrolimus therapy, transplant type, biliary reconstructive procedure, liver function tests, creatinine clearance, haematocrit, corticosteroid dose, and potential interacting drugs. Results: A satisfactory model was developed in both programs with a single categorical covariate - transplant type - providing stable parameter estimates and small, normally distributed (weighted) residuals. In NONMEM, the continuous covariates - age and liver function tests - improved modelling further. Mean parameter estimates were CL/F (whole liver) = 16.3 1/h, CL/F (cut-down liver) = 8.5 1/h and V/F = 565 1 in NONMEM, and CL/F = 8.3 1/h and V/F = 155 1 in P-PHARM. Individual Bayesian parameter estimates were CL/F (whole liver) = 17.9 +/- 8.8 1/h, CL/F (cutdown liver) = 11.6 +/- 18.8 1/h and V/F = 712 792 1 in NONMEM, and CL/F (whole liver) = 12.8 +/- 3.5 1/h, CL/F (cut-down liver) = 8.2 +/- 3.4 1/h and V/F = 221 1641 in P-PHARM. Marked interindividual kinetic variability (38-108%) and residual random error (approximately 3 ng/ml) were observed. P-PHARM was more user friendly and readily provided informative graphical presentation of results. NONMEM allowed a wider choice of errors for statistical modelling and coped better with complex covariate data sets. Conclusion: Results from parametric modelling programs can vary due to different algorithms employed to estimate parameters, alternative methods of covariate analysis and variations and limitations in the software itself.
Objective: To examine whether NKP608, a novel 1-benzoyl-2-benzyl-4-aminopiperidine NK1 receptor antagonist, inhibits substance P (SP)-induced airway plasma protein exudation in vivo. Material: Anaesthetised English shorthair guinea-pigs and Wistar rats. Treatment: Tachykinin peptides were applied topically onto the trachea and antagonists administered intravenously. Methods: Tracheal segments isolated in situ were perfused with saline and plasma-derived protein assayed in the perfusate. Results: SP (1 muM) caused plasma protein exudation, which was abolished by an NK1 antagonist (RP 67580, 1.75 mumol/kg) but unaffected by an NK2 antagonist (SR 48968, 1.75 mumol/kg) indicating the response is NK1-receptor-mediated. This was confirmed with a response to an NK1 agonist ([Sar(9), Met(O-2)(11)]-SP, 1 muM) but none to an NK2 agonist ([betaAla(8)]-neurokinin A(4-10), 1 muM). NKP608 inhibited SP responses with estimated ID50 values (mumol/kg) of 0.0044 (guinea-pigs) and 0.19 (rats). Conclusions: NKP608 is an antagonist in vivo of NK1 receptor-induced tracheal plasma protein exudation and is more potent in guinea-pigs than rats.