150 resultados para Rapid Evolution


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Mangroves are often described as a group of plants with common features and common origins based mostly on their broad distributional patterns, together with an erroneous view of comparable abilities in long-distance dispersal. However, whilst mangroves have common needs to adapt to rigorous environmental constraints associated with regular seawater inundation, individual taxa have developed different strategies and characteristics. Since mangroves are a genetically diverse group of mostly flowering plants, they may also have evolved at quite different geological periods, dispersed at different rates from different locations and developed different adaptive strategies. Current distributions of individual taxa show numerous instances of unusual extant distribution which demonstrate finite dispersal limitations, especially across open water. Our preliminary assessment of broad distribution and discontinuities reveals important patterns. Discontinuities, in the absence of current dispersal barriers, may be explained by persistent past barriers. As we learn more about discontinuities, we are beginning to appreciate their immense implications and what they might tell us about past geological conditions and how these might have influenced the distribution and evolution of mangroves. In this article, we describe emerging patterns in genetic relationships and distributions based on both current knowledge and preliminary results of our studies of molecular and morphometric characteristics of Rhizophora species in the Indo West Pacific region.


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Groupers (Epinephelinae) are prominent marine fishes distributed in the warmer waters of the world. Review of the literature suggests that trematodes are known from only 62 of the 159 species and only 9 of 15 genera; nearly 90% of host-parasite combinations have been reported only once or twice. All 20 families and all but 7 of 76 genera of trematodes found in epinephelines also occur in non-epihephelines. Only 12 genera of trematodes are reported from both the Atlantic-Eastern Pacific and the Indo-West Pacific. Few (perhaps no) species are credibly cosmopolitan but some have wide distributions across the Indo-West Pacific. The hierarchical 'relatedness' of epinephelines as suggested by how they share trematode taxa (families, genera, species) shows little congruence with what is known of their phylogeny. The major determinant of relatedness appears to be geographical proximity. Together these attributes suggest that host-parasite coevolution has contributed little to the evolution of trematode communities of epinephelines. Instead, they appear to have arisen through localized episodes of host-switching, presumably both into and out of the epinephelines. The Epinephelinae may well be typical of most groups of marine fishes both in the extent to which their trematode parasites are known and in that, apparently, co-evolution has contributed little to the evolution of their communities of trematodes.


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This study investigated the sensitivity of information processing, recall and orientation tasks to the presence of mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI). Fifty-six (40 male, 16 female) mTBI patients and 85 (57 male and 28 female) controls with orthopaedic injuries were tested within 24 hr of injury in the Department of Emergency Medicine. mTBI patients answered fewer orientation questions and recalled fewer words in delayed recall than orthopaedic patients. mTBI patients judged fewer sentences in 2 min than orthopaedic controls, and female mTBI patients judged fewer sentences than male mTBI patients. Male mTBI patients correctly recalled fewer words during immediate memory and learning than female mTBI patients and orthopaedic controls. Those mTBI patients with a history of previous head injuries did not perform more poorly than those mTBI patients without previous head injuries. These results indicate that tests of speed of information processing, word learning and orientation questions are sensitive to the acute effects of mTBI.


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Phylogenetic relationships among 75 species of Lentibulariaceae, representing the three recognized genera, were assessed by cladistic analysis of DNA sequences from the plastid rps16 intron and the trnL-F region. Sequence data from the two loci were analyzed both separately and in combination. Consensus trees from all analyses are congruent, and parsimony jackknife results demonstrate strong support for relationships both between and within each of the three demonstrably monophyletic genera. The genus Pinguicula is sister to a Genlisea-Utricularia clade, the phylogenetic structure within this clade closely follows Taylor's recent sectional delimitations based on morphology. Three principal clades are shown within Utricularia, with the basal sections Polypoinpholyx and Pleiochasia together forming the sister lineage of the remaining Utricularia species. Of the fundamental morphological specializations, the stoloniferous growth form apparently arose independently within Genlisea and Utricularia three times, and within Utricularia itself, perhaps more than once. The epiphytic habit has evolved independently at least three times, in Pinguicula, in Utricularia section Phyllaria, and within the two sections Orchidioides and Iperua (in the latter as bromeliad tank-epiphytes). The suspended aquatic habit may have evolved independently within sections Utricularia and Vesiculina. Biogeographic optimization on the phylogeny demonstrates patterns commonly associated with the boreotropics hypothesis and limits the spatial origin of Lentibulariaceae to temperate Eurasia or tropical America.


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ITS2 sequences are used extensively in molecular taxonomy and population genetics of arthropods and other animals yet little is known about the molecular evolution of ITS2. We studied the secondary structure of ITS2 in species from each of the six main lineages of hard ticks (family Ixodidae). The ITS2 of these ticks varied in length from 679 bp in Ixodes scapularis to 1547 bp in Aponomma concolor. Nucleotide content varied also: the ITS2 of ticks from the Prostriata lineage (Ixodes spp.) had 46-49% GC whereas ITS2 sequences of ticks from the Metastriata lineage (all other hard ticks) had 61-62% GC. Despite variation in nucleotide sequence, the secondary structure of the ITS2 of all of these ticks apparently has five domains. Stems 1, 3, 4 and 5 of this secondary structure were obvious in all of the species studied. However, stem 2 was not always obvious despite the fact that it is flanked by highly conserved sequence motifs in the adjacent stems, stems 1 and 3. The ITS2 of hard ticks has apparently evolved mostly by increases and decreases in length of the nucleotide sequences, which caused increases, and decreases in the length of stems of the secondary structure. This is most obvious when stems of the secondary structures of the Prostriata (Ixodes spp.) are compared to those of the Metastriata (all other hard ticks). Increases in the size of the ITS2 may have been caused by replication slippage which generated large repeats, like those seen in Haemaphysalis humerosa and species from the Rhipicepalinae lineage, and the small repeats found in species from the other lineages of ticks.


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Observational data collected in the Lake Tekapo hydro catchment of the Southern Alps in New Zealand are used to analyse the wind and temperature fields in the alpine lake basin during summertime fair weather conditions. Measurements from surface stations, pilot balloon and tethersonde soundings, Doppler sodar and an instrumented light aircraft provide evidence of multi-scale interacting wind systems, ranging from microscale slope winds to mesoscale coast-to-basin flows. Thermal forcing of the winds occurred due to differential heating as a consequence of orography and heterogeneous surface features, which is quantified by heat budget and pressure field analysis. The daytime vertical temperature structure was characterised by distinct layering. Features of particular interest are the formation of thermal internal boundary layers due to the lake-land discontinuity and the development of elevated mixed layers. The latter were generated by advective heating from the basin and valley sidewalls by slope winds and by a superimposed valley wind blowing from the basin over Lake Tekapo and up the tributary Godley Valley. Daytime heating in the basin and its tributary valleys caused the development of a strong horizontal temperature gradient between the basin atmosphere and that over the surrounding landscape, and hence the development of a mesoscale heat low over the basin. After noon, air from outside the basin started flowing over mountain saddles into the basin causing cooling in the lowest layers, whereas at ridge top height the horizontal air temperature gradient between inside and outside the basin continued to increase. In the early evening, a more massive intrusion of cold air caused rapid cooling and a transition to a rather uniform slightly stable stratification up to about 2000 m agl. The onset time of this rapid cooling varied about 1-2 h between observation sites and was probably triggered by the decay of up-slope winds inside the basin, which previously countered the intrusion of air over the surrounding ridges. The intrusion of air from outside the basin continued until about mid-night, when a northerly mountain wind from the Godley Valley became dominant. The results illustrate the extreme complexity that can be caused by the operation of thermal forcing processes at a wide range of spatial scales.


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Objective: To investigate the influence of age and preparation level on postural muscle activation and step completion time during a rapid step task. Design: Postural muscle onset times (EMG) and ground reaction forces were recorded from healthy young (n = 20, age 21 +/- 3 years) and older (n = 25, age 71 +/- 5 years) female adults during a choice reaction-time stepping paradigm. Main outcome measures: Onset times of six trunk and hip muscles, reaction time and components of the step (weight shift time, step time and task time) were recorded. Results: Muscle activation was delayed and movement time was lengthened in both young and older adults when poorly prepared for a stepping task. While reduced preparation did not influence older adults to a greater extent than young adults, the slowest step response and completion time was evident in older adults when poorly prepared to move. Conclusions: A late postural response when poorly prepared to move may be a contributing factor to an increased risk of overbalancing in older adults. Future assessment of and intervention to improve postural stability in older adults should be expanded to incorporate tasks performed at various levels of preparation.


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The hanging wall of the Alpine Fault near Franz Josef Glacier has been exhumed during the past similar to2-3 m.y. providing a sample of the ductilely deformed middle crust of a modem obliquely convergent orogen. Presently exposed rocks of the Pacific Plate are inferred to have undergone several phases of ductile deformation as they moved westward above a mid-crustal detachment. Initially they were transpressed across the outboard part of the orogen, resulting in oblate fabrics with a down-dip stretch. Later, they encountered the Alpine Fault, experiencing an oblique-slip backshearing on vertical planes. This escalator-like deformation tilted and thinned the incoming crust onto that crustal-scale oblique ramp. This style of hanging wall deformation may affect only the most rapidly uplifting, central part of the Southern Alps because of the low flexural rigidity of the crust in that region and its displacement over a relatively sharp ramp-angle at depth. A 3D transpressive flow affected mylonites locally near the fault, but their shear direction remained parallel to plate motion, ruling out ductile 'extrusion' as an important process in this orogen. Outside the mylonite zone, late Cenozoic shortening is inferred to be modest (30-40%), as measured from deformation of younger biotite grains. Oblique collision is dominated by translation on the Alpine Fault, and rocks migrate rapidly through the deforming zone, preventing the accumulation of large finite strains. Transpression may play a minor role in oblique collision. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets have very stringent constraints on the homogeneity of the static magnetic field that they generate over desired imaging regions. The magnet system also preferably generates very little stray field external to its structure, so that ease of siting and safety are assured. This work concentrates on deriving, means of rapidly computing the effect of 'cold' and 'warm' ferromagnetic material in or around the superconducting magnet system, so as to facilitate the automated design of hybrid material MR magnets. A complete scheme for the direct calculation of the spherical harmonics of the magnetic field generated by a circular ring of ferromagnetic material is derived under the conditions of arbitrary external magnetizing fields. The magnetic field produced by the superconducting coils in the system is computed using previously developed methods. The final, hybrid algorithm is fast enough for use in large-scale optimization methods. The resultant fields from a practical example of a 4 T, clinical MRI magnet containing both superconducting coils and magnetic material are presented.


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Objective: To describe the natural history of rheumatic manifestations of Ross River virus (RRV) disease. Design: Prospective longitudinal clinical review. Setting: North Queensland local government areas of Cairns, Douglas, Mareeba and Atherton during January to May 1998. Participants: General practice patients diagnosed with RRV disease on the basis of symptoms and a positive RRV IgM result. Main outcome measures: Rheumatic symptoms and signs assessed as soon as possible after disease onset and on two subsequent occasions (up to 6.5 months after onset). Results: 57 patients were recruited, 47 of whom were reviewed three times (at means of 1.1, 2.4 and 3.6 months after disease onset). Results are reported for these 47: 46 (98%) complained of joint pain at first review, with the ankles, wrists, fingers, knees and metacarpophalangeal joints (II-IV) most commonly involved. Prevalence of joint pain decreased progressively on second and third reviews, both overall (92% and 68% of patients, respectively), and in the five joints most commonly affected. The prevalence of other common rheumatic symptoms and signs, and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also progressively declined over the three reviews. Conclusions: Earlier studies may have overestimated the prevalence and duration of symptoms in RRV disease. Progressive resolution over 3-6 months appears usual.


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A rapid and reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based protocol was developed for detecting zygosity of the 1BL/1RS translocation in hexaploid wheat. The protocol involved a multiplex PCR with 2 pairs of oligonucleotide primers, rye-specific Ris-1 primers, and consensus 5S intergenic spacer (IGS) primers, and digestion of the PCR products with the restriction enzyme, MseI. A small piece of alkali-treated intact leaf tissue is used as a template for the PCR, thereby eliminating the necessity for DNA extraction. The test is simple, highly sensitive, and rapid compared with the other detection systems of 1BS1RS heterozygotes in hexaploid wheat. PCR results were confirmed with AFLP analyses. Diagnostic tests for 1BL/1RS translocation based on Sec-1-specific ELISA, screening for chromosome arm 1RS controlled rust resistance locus Yr9, and the PCR test differed in their ability to detect heterozygotes. The PCR test and rust test detected more heterozygotes than the ELISA test. The PCR test is being used to facilitate S1 family recurrent selection in the Germplasm Enhancement Program of the Australian Northern Wheat Improvement Program. A combination of the PCR zygosity test with other markers currently being implemented in the breeding program makes this test economical for 1BL/1RS characterisation of S1 families.


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The members of the Anopheles punctulatus group are major vectors of malaria and Bancroftian filariasis in the southwest Pacific region. The group is comprised of 12 cryptic species that require DNA-based tools for species identification. From 1984 to 1998 surveys were carried out in northern Australia, Papua New Guinea and on islands in the southwest Pacific to determine the distribution of the A. punctulatus group. The results of these surveys have now been completed and have generated distribution data from more than 1500 localities through this region. Within this region several climatic and geographical barriers were identified that restricted species distribution and gene flow between geographic populations. This information was further assessed in light of a molecular phylogeny derived from the ssrDNA (18S). Subsequently, hypotheses have been generated on the evolution and distribution of the group so that future field and laboratory studies may be approached more systematically. This study suggested that the ability for widespread dispersal was found to have appeared independently in species that show niche-specific habitat preference (Anopheles farauti s.s. and A. punctulatus) and conversely in species that showed diversity in their larval habitat (Anopheles farauti 2). Adaptation to the monsoonal climate of northern Australia and southwest Papua New Guinea was found to have appeared independently in A. farauti s.s., A. farauti 2 and Anopheles farauti 3. Shared or synapomorphic characters were identified as saltwater tolerance (A. farauti s.s. and Anopheles farauti 7) and elevational affinities above 1500 m (Anopheles farauti 5, Anopheles farauti 6 and A. farauti 2). (C) 2002 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.