138 resultados para lattice packing
The Izergin-Korepin model on a semi-infinite lattice is diagonalized by using the level-one vertex operators of the twisted quantum affine algebra U-q[((2))(2)]. We give the bosonization of the vacuum state with zero particle content. Excitation states are given by the action of the vertex operators on the vacuum state. We derive the boundary S-matrix. We give an integral expression of the correlation functions of the boundary model, and derive the difference equations which they satisfy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Non-periodic structural variation has been found in the high T-c cuprates, YBa2Cu3O7-x and Hg0.67Pb0.33Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+delta, by image analysis of high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) images. We use two methods for analysis of the HRTEM images. The first method is a means for measuring the bending of lattice fringes at twin planes. The second method is a low-pass filter technique which enhances information contained by diffuse-scattered electrons and reveals what appears to be an interference effect between domains of differing lattice parameter in the top and bottom of the thin foil. We believe that these methods of image analysis could be usefully applied to the many thousands of HRTEM images that have been collected by other workers in the high temperature superconductor field. This work provides direct structural evidence for phase separation in high T-c cuprates, and gives support to recent stripes models that have been proposed to explain various angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance data. We believe that the structural variation is a response to an opening of an electronic solubility gap where holes are not uniformly distributed in the material but are confined to metallic stripes. Optimum doping may occur as a consequence of the diffuse boundaries between stripes which arise from spinodal decomposition. Theoretical ideas about the high T-c cuprates which treat the cuprates as homogeneous may need to be modified in order to take account of this type of structural variation.
Recent advances in several experimental techniques have enabled detailed structural information to be obtained for floating (Langmuir) monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films. These techniques are described briefly and their application to the study of films of fatty acids and their salts is discussed. Floating monolayers on aqueous subphases have been shown to possess a complex polymorphism with phases whose structures may be compared to those of smectic mesophases. However, only those phases that exist at high surface pressures are normally used in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) deposition. In single LB monolayers of fatty acids and fatty acid salts the acyl chains are in the all-cans conformation with their long axes normal to the substrate. The in-plane molecular packing is hexagonal with long-range bond orientational order and short-range positional order: known as the hexatic-B structure. This structure is found irrespective of the phase of the parent floating monolayer. The structures of multilayer LB films are similar to the structures of their bulk crystals, consisting of stacked bilayer lamellae. Each lamella is formed from two monolayers of fatty acid molecules or ions arranged head to head and held together by hydrogen bonding between pairs of acids or ionic bonding through the divalent cations. With acids the acyl chains are tilted with respect to the substrate normal and have a monoclinic structure, whereas the salts with divalent cations may have the chains normal to the substrate or tilted. The in-plane structures are usually centred rectangular with the chains in the trans conformation and packed in a herringbone pattern, Multilayer films of the acids show only a single-step order-disorder transition at the malting point, This temperature tends to rise as the number of layers increases. Complex changes occur when multilayer films of the salts are heated. Disorder of the chains begins at low temperatures but the arrangement of the head groups does not alter until the melting temperature is reached, Slow heating to a temperature just below the melting temperature gives, with some salts, a radical change in phase. The lamellar structure disappears and a new phase consisting of cylindrical rods lying parallel to the substrate surface and stacked in a hexagonal pattern is formed, In each rod the cations are aligned along the central axis surrounded by the disordered acyl chains. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved.
The extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) of (ND4)(2)[CU(D2O)(6)](SO4)(2) at 5, 14,100, 200, and 298 K is reported. This indicates that the Cu-O bond lengths of the Cu(D2O)(6)(2+) ion do not change significantly within this temperature range, which contrasts with EPR results and X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments, which imply that two of the Cu-(D2O) bonds converge in length as the temperature is raised. The EXAFS measurements thus confirm that the bond distances yielded by the diffraction experiments refer to the average positions of ligands involved in a dynamic equilibrium in which the directions of the long and intermediate bonds of the Jahn-Teller distorted Cu(D2O)(6)(2+) ion are interchanged in the crystal lattice. Analysis of the displacement parameters is consistent with this interpretation, as are the wave functions calculated using a model involving Jahn-Teller vibronic coupling and the influence of lattice strain interactions.
Lipophilic conjugates of the antitumor drug methotrexate (MTX) with lipoamino acids (LAAs) have been previously described as a tool to enhance MTX passive entrance into cells, overcoming a form of transport resistance which makes tumour cells insensitive to the antimetabolite. A knowledge of the mechanisms of interaction of such lipophilic derivatives with cell membranes could be useful for planning further lipophilic MTX derivatives with an optimal antitumour activity. To this aim, a calorimetric study was undertaken using a biomembrane model made from synthetic 1,2-dipalmitoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) multilamellar liposomes. The effects of MTX and conjugates on the phase transition of liposomes were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry. The interaction of pure MTX with the liposomes was limited to the outer part of the phospholipid bilayers, due to the polar nature of the drug. Conversely, its lipophilic conjugates showed a hydrophobic kind of interaction, perturbing the packing order of DPPC bilayers. In particular, a reduction of the enthalpy of transition from the gel to the liquid crystal phase of DPPC membranes was observed. Such an effect was related to the structure and mole fraction of the conjugates in the liposomes. The antitumour activity of MTX conjugates was evaluated against cultures of a CCRF-CEM human leukemic T-cell line and a related MTX resistant sub-line. The in vitro cell growth inhibitory activity was higher for bis(tetradecyl) conjugates than for both the other shorter- and longer-chain derivatives. The biological effectiveness of the various MTX derivatives correlated very well with the thermotropic effects observed on the phase transition of DPPC biomembranes. (C), 2001 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.
Some materials exhibit a combustion event during mechanical alloying, which results in the rapid transformation of reactants into products, while others show a slow transformation of reactants into products, In this paper, the continuous W + C --> WC reaction is compared to the Ti + C --> TiC combustion reaction. Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction patterns is used to show that these particular reactions proceed through different pathways, determined by crystallographic factors of the reactants. When a crystallographic relationship exists between the reactants and the products, such as that between W and WC, the product forms slowly over a period of time. In contrast, insertion of C into the Ti structure is associated with atomic rearrangements within the crowded lattice planes and the subsequent catastrophic failure of the reactant lattices results in combustion to form TiC. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Relationships were examined between environmental conditions mediated by packaging and handling and the deterioration of harvested Geraldton waxflower cv. 'Fortune Cookie'. Disease severity plus flower and leaf drop caused by inoculation with Botrytis cinerea were reduced by lowering handling temperatures to 0, 5 or 5/20 degreesC alternated daily, versus 20 degreesC. They were also reduced by inhibition of ethylene action with a silver thiosulfate pulse pretreatment. Additionally, treatments that enhanced water loss, such as packing dry, keeping forced air-cooling holes open and strategic placement of extra ventilation holes may also reduce disease severity and flower plus leaf fall. Inclusion of KMnO4-based Bloomfresh ethylene scrubbing sachets in packages did not reduce disease severity or lessen flower plus leaf fall. Thus, deterioration of waxflower packaged in commercial cartons can be minimised by keeping temperatures low, packing plant material dry, use of cartons with strategically placed ventilation holes and/or pretreatment with silver thiosulfate.
An experimental study has been carried out for the gas-liquid two-phase flow in a packed bed simulating conditions of the gas and liquid flows in the lower part of blast furnace. The localised liquid flow phenomenon in presence of gas cross flow, which usually occurs around the cohesive zone and raceway in blast furnace, was investigated in detail. Such liquid flow is characterised in terms of liquid shift distance or liquid shift angle that can effectively be measured by the experiments involved in the current study. It is found that liquid shift angle does not significantly increase or decrease with different packing depth. This finding supports the hypothesis of the force balance model where a vectorial relationship among acting forces, i.e. gas drag force, gravitational force and solid-liquid friction force, and liquid shift angle does exist. Liquid shift angle is inversely proportional to particle size and liquid density, and proportional to square of gas superficial velocity, but is almost independent on liquid flowrate and liquid viscosity. The gas-liquid drag coefficient, an important aspect for quantifying the interaction between gas and liquid flows, was conceptually modified based on the discrete feature of liquid flow through a packed bed and evaluated by the combined theoretical and experimental investigation. Experimental measurements suggest that the gas-liquid drag coefficient is approximately a constant (C-DG(')=5.4+/-1.0) and is independent on liquid properties, gas velocity and packing structure. The result shows a good agreement with previous experimental data and prediction of the existing liquid flow model.
This paper deals with atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum EM field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in photonic band gap materials. The case of high Q cavities has been treated elsewhere using Fano diagonalization based on a quasimode approach, showing that the cavity quasimodes are responsible for pseudomodes introduced to treat non-Markovian behaviour. The paper considers a simple model of a photonic band gap case, where the spatially dependent permittivity consists of a constant term plus a small spatially periodic term that leads to a narrow band gap in the spectrum of mode frequencies. Most treatments of photonic band gap materials are based on the true modes, obtained numerically by solving the Helmholtz equation for the actual spatially periodic permittivity. Here the field modes are first treated in terms of a simpler quasimode approach, in which the quasimodes are plane waves associated with the constant permittivity term. Couplings between the quasimodes occur owing to the small periodic term in the permittivity, with selection rules for the coupled modes being related to the reciprocal lattice vectors. This produces a field Hamiltonian in quasimode form. A matrix diagonalization method may be applied to relate true mode annihilation operators to those for quasimodes. The atomic transitions are coupled to all the quasimodes, and the true mode atom-EM field coupling constants (one-photon Rabi frequencies) are related to those for the quasimodes and also expressions are obtained for the true mode density. The results for the one-photon Rabi frequencies differ from those assumed in other work. Expressions for atomic decay rates are obtained using the Fermi Golden rule, although these are valid only well away from the band gaps.
We study, with exact diagonalization, the zero temperature properties of the quarter-filled extended Hubbard model on a square lattice. We find that increasing the ratio of the intersite Coulomb repulsion, V, to the bandwidth drives the system from a metal to a charge ordered insulator. The evolution of the optical conductivity spectrum with increasing V is in agreement with the observed optical conductivity of several layered molecular crystals with the theta and beta crystal structures.
The spin-spin relaxation times, T-2, of hydrated samples of poly(hydroxymethyl methacrylate), PHEMA, poly(tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate),PTHFMA, and the,corresponding HEMA-THFMA copolymers have been examined to probe the states of,the imbibed water in these polymers. The decay in the transverse magnetization of water. in fully hydrated samples of PHEMA, PTHFMA, and copolymers of HEMA and THFMA was described by a multiexponential function. The short component of T-2 was interpreted as water molecules that were strongly interacting with the polymer chains. The intermediate component of T-2 was assigned to water residing in the porous structure of the samples. The long component of T-2 was believed to arise from water residing in the remnants of cracks formed in the polymer network during water sorption.
As a function of temperature, the layered compound K2Na[Ag(CN)213 displays dramatic variations in luminescence thermochromism with major trend changes occurring around 80 K. In order to understand these interesting optical properties, high-resolution neutron diffraction investigations were performed on a polycrystalline sample of this material in the temperature range from 1.5 to 300 K, and previous synchrotron X-ray data of Larochelle et al. (Solid State Commun. 114, 155 (2000)) were reinterpreted. The corresponding significant structural changes were found to be continuous with an anomalous increase of the monoclinic c-lattice parameter with decreasing temperature, associated with slight reorientations of two inequivalent, approximately linear N-C-Ag-C-N units. In the whole temperature range, the crystal structure is monoclinic with the space group C2/m. Based on the structural results, the major luminescence thermochromism changes around 80 K are attributed to the dominance of a back energy transfer process from low- to high-energy excitons at high temperatures. (E) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Electrical conductivity versus dopant ionic radius studies in zirconia- and ceria-based, solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrolyte systems have shown that oxygen-ion conductivity is highest when the host and dopant ions are similar in size [J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 48 (1965) 286; Solid State Ionics 37 (1989) 67; Solid State Ionics 5 (1981) 547]. Under these conditions, it is thought that the conduction paths within the crystal lattice become less distorted [Solid State Ionics 8 (1983) 201]. In this study, binary ZrO2-M2O3 unit cells were expanded, via the partial substitution of Ce+4 for Zr+4 into the lattice, in an attempt to identify new, ternary, zirconia/ceria-based electrolyte systems with enhanced electrical conductivity. The compositions Zr0.75Ce0.08M0.17O1.92 (M = Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Yb, Sc) were prepared using traditional solid state techniques. Bulk phase characterisation and precise lattice parameter measurements were performed with X-ray diffraction techniques. Four-probe DC conductivity measurements between 400 and 900 degreesC showed that the dopant-ion radius influenced electrical conductivity. The conductivity versus dopant-ion radius trends previously observed in zirconia-based, binary systems are clearly apparent in the ternary systems investigated in this study. The addition of ceria was found to have a negative influence on the electrical conductivity over the temperature range 400-900 degreesC. It is suggested that distortion of the oxygen-ion conduction path by the presence of the larger M+3 and Ce+4 species (relative to Zr+4) is the reason for the decreasing electrical conductivity as a function of increasing dopant size and ceria addition, respectively. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
C,C-Dicyanoketenimines 10a-c were generated by flash vacuum thermolysis of ketene NS-acetals 9a-c or by thermal or photochemical decomposition of alpha-azido-,beta-cyanocinnamonitrile 11. In the latter reaction, 3,3-dicyano-2-phenyl-1-azirine 12 is also formed. IR spectroscopy of the keteniminines isolated in Ar matrixes or as neat films, NMR spectroscopy of 10c, and theoretical calculations (B3LYP/6-31G*) demonstrate that these ketenimines have variable geometry, being essentially linear along the CCN-R framework in polar media (neat films and solution), but in the gas phase or Ar matrix they are bent, as is usual for ketenimines. Experiments and calculations agree that a single CN substituent as in 13 is not enough to enforce linearity, and sulfonyl groups are less effective that cyano groups in causing linearity. C,C-Bis(methylsulfonyl)ketenimines 4-5 and a C-cyano-C-(methylsulfonyl)ketenimine 15 are not linear. The compound p-O2NC6H4N=C= C(COOMe)2 previously reported in the literature is probably somewhat linearized along the CCNR moiety. A computational survey (B3LYP/6-31G*) of the inversion barrier at nitrogen indicates that electronegative C-substituents dramatically lower the barrier; this is also true of N-acyl substituents. Increasing polarity causes lower barriers. Although N-alkylbis(methylsulfonyl)ketenimines are not calculated to be linear, the barriers are so low that crystal lattice forces can induce planarity in N-methylbis(methylsulfonyl)ketenimine 3.
The orientation relationships between hexagonal Mo2C precipitates (H) in ferrite (B) have been determined by electron diffraction to an accuracy of +/-2degrees. With one exception, the 19 results are consistent with the previously reported Pitsch and Schrader (P/S) orientation relationship. However, these more accurate determinations show clearly that there is a systematic deviation of up to 5.5degrees from the exact P/S relationship and that this deviation consists of a small rotation about the parallel close packed directions-[100](B)//[2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H). The long direction of the Mo2C needles has been determined unequivocally in terms of the orientation relationship to be [100](B)//[2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H). Moire fringes between precipitate and matrix have been used to improve the accuracy of the orientation relationship results and to determine the lattice parameters of the carbide precipitates investigated. The Moire fringe analysis has shown small systematic departures from the exact parallelism between [100](B) and [2 (1) over bar(1) over bar0](H) along the length of Mo2C needles and a lowering of the carbide lattice parameter that is consistent with the replacement of Mo by Fe in the carbide. The orientation relationship results, including the observed systematic deviation from the exact P/S relationship, are shown to be consistent with the edge-to-edge model. (C) 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.