137 resultados para Template Matching
Map algebra is a data model and simple functional notation to study the distribution and patterns of spatial phenomena. It uses a uniform representation of space as discrete grids, which are organized into layers. This paper discusses extensions to map algebra to handle neighborhood operations with a new data type called a template. Templates provide general windowing operations on grids to enable spatial models for cellular automata, mathematical morphology, and local spatial statistics. A programming language for map algebra that incorporates templates and special processing constructs is described. The programming language is called MapScript. Example program scripts are presented to perform diverse and interesting neighborhood analysis for descriptive, model-based and processed-based analysis.
Alumina intercalated laponite (Al-laponite) was prepared with a polyethylene oxide (PEO) surfactant and used as supports of nickel catalysts for the carbon dioxide reforming reaction with methane to synthesis gas. The effects of the supports of intercalated laponite and catalyst preparation on catalytic activity, stability and carbon deposition were investigated for the above reforming reaction. We found that the pore structure of the Al-laponite supports can be tailored with the surfactant and the catalyst with well-developed porosity exhibited higher catalytic activity and a longer time of catalyst stability. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Mesoporous Ti-substituted aluminophosphates (AlPOs) with a hexagonal, cubic and lamellar pore structure, characteristic of MCM-41, MCM-48, and MCM-50, respectively, were synthesized. The stability of these mesophases upon template removal was studied. The pore structures, surface properties, and local atom environments of Al, P, and Ti of the hexagonal and cubic Ti-containing mesoporous products were extensively characterized using X-ray diffraction, magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, AAS, XPS, ultraviolet–visible, and adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor techniques while the lamellar mesophase was not further characterized due to its very poor thermal stability. Ti-containing mesoporous AlPO materials show a reasonable thermal stability upon template removal, a hydrophilic surface property, and high porosity showing application potentials in catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons.
Silica xerogels were prepared by a sol-gel process catalyzed by acid with tetraethylorthosilicate, and using an organic covalent ligand template (methyltriethoxysilane) or a noncovalent template C6 surfactant (triethylhexylammonium bromide). The influence of hydrotreatment on the structure of templated xerogels is examined in terms of surface area, micropore volume, average pore size, and pore size distribution, and compared against a blank xerogel (nontemplated). The role of surface functional groups was evaluated using Si-29 nuclear magnetic resonance. The structural integrity of the xerogel was maintained to a large extent in samples that had a high contribution of Q(4) species (siloxane groups). Xerogel matrix densification occurred when there was a large concentration of Q(3) and Q(2) species (silanol groups), which also were responsible for increased hydrophilicity. The templated xerogels resulted in up to a 25% concentration of methyl functional groups (T-3 and T-2 species), leading to hydrophobic xerogels. The best results in terms of structural integrity and hydrophobicity were obtained with templated xerogels prepared with the C6 surfactant. The results in this study suggest that surfactant-enhanced condensation reactions lead to structures with a high contribution of Q(4) groups, which are not susceptible to water attack, but are strong enough to oppose matrix densification during rehydration.
This paper presents the results of the characterisation of templated silica xerogels as precursor material for molecular sieve silica membranes for gas separation. The template agent integrated in the xerogel matrix is a methyl ligand covalently bended to the siloxane network in the form of methyltriethoxysilane (MTES). Several surface and microstructural characterisation techniques such as TGA, FTIR, NMR, and nitrogen adsorption have been employed to obtain information on the reaction mechanisms involved in the sol-gel processing of such molecular sieves. The characterisation results show the effects of processing parameters such as heat treatment temperature, and the concentration of the covalently bonded template on the development of the pore structure. It was found that calcination temperature significantly enhanced the condensation reactions thus resulted in more Si-O-Si groups being formed. This was also confirmed with the data of FTIR characterisation showing enhanced silicon bands at higher heat treatment temperatures. As a result of the promoted densification and shrinkable pore network the micropore volume also reduced with increasing methyl ligand molar ratio. However, the mean pore diameter does not change significantly with calcination temperature. While the contribution of the templates towards controlling pore size is less precise, increasing the methyl ligand molar ratio results in the broadening of the pore size distribution and lower pore volume. Higher template concentration induces the collapse of the xerogel matrix due to capillary stress promoting dense xerogels with low pore volume (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures (delta C-13 and delta N-15) of Cannabis sativa were assessed for their usefulness to trace seized Cannabis leaves to the country of origin and to source crops by determining how isotope signatures relate to plant growth conditions. The isotopic composition of Cannabis examined here covered nearly the entire range of values reported for terrestrial C-3 plants. The delta C-13 values of Cannabis from Australia, Papua New Guinea and Thailand ranged from -36 to -25 parts per thousand, and delta N-15 values ranged from -1.0 to 15.8 parts per thousand. The stable isotope content did not allow differentiation between Cannabis originating from the three countries, but delta C-13 values of plantation-grown Cannabis differed between well-watered plants (average delta C-13 of -30.0 parts per thousand) and plants that had received little irrigation (average delta C-13 of -26.4 parts per thousand). Cannabis grown under controlled conditions had delta C-13 values of -32.6 and -30.6 parts per thousand with high and low water supply, respectively. These results indicate that water availability determines leaf C-13 in plants grown under similar conditions of light, temperature and air humidity. The delta C-13 values also distinguished between indoor- and outdoor-grown Cannabis; indoor- grown plants had overall more negative delta C-13 values (average -31.8 parts per thousand) than outdoor-grown plants (average -27.9 parts per thousand). Contributing to the strong C-13-depletion of indoor- grown plants may be high relative humidity, poor ventilation and recycling of C-13-depleted respired CO2. Mineral fertilizers had mostly lower delta N-15 values (-0.2 to 2.2 parts per thousand) than manure-based fertilizers (7.6 to 22.7 parts per thousand). It was possible to link delta N-15 values of fertilizers associated with a crop site to soil and plant delta N-15 values. The strong relationship between soil, fertilizer, and plant delta N-15 suggests that Cannabis delta N-15 is determined by the isotopic composition of the nitrogen source. The distinct delta N-15 values measured in Cannabis crops make delta N-15 an excellent tool for matching seized Cannabis with a source crop. A case study is presented that demonstrates how delta C-13 and delta N-15 values can be used as a forensic tool.
Blood-feeding parasites, including schistosomes, hookworms, and malaria parasites, employ aspartic proteases to make initial or early cleavages in ingested host hemoglobin. To better understand the substrate affinity of these aspartic proteases, sequences were aligned with and/or three-dimensional, molecular models were constructed of the cathepsin D-like aspartic proteases of schistosomes and hookworms and of plasmepsins of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, using the structure of human cathepsin D bound to the inhibitor pepstatin as the template. The catalytic subsites S5 through S4' were determined for the modeled parasite proteases. Subsequently, the crystal structure of mouse renin complexed with the nonapeptidyl inhibitor t-butyl-CO-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu [CHOHCH2]Leu-Tyr-Tyr-Ser-NH2 (CH-66) was used to build homology models of the hemoglobin-degrading peptidases docked with a series of octapeptide substrates. The modeled octapeptides included representative sites in hemoglobin known to be cleaved by both Schistosoma japonicum cathepsin D and human cathepsin D, as well as sites cleaved by one but not the other of these enzymes. The peptidase-octapeptide substrate models revealed that differences in cleavage sites were generally attributable to the influence of a single amino acid change among the P5 to P4' residues that would either enhance or diminish the enzymatic affinity. The difference in cleavage sites appeared to be more profound than might be expected from sequence differences in the enzymes and hemoglobins. The findings support the notion that selective inhibitors of the hemoglobin-degrading peptidases of blood-feeding parasites at large could be developed as novel anti-parasitic agents.
Retention of green leaf area in grain sorghum under post-anthesis drought, known as stay-green, is associated with greater biomass production, lodging resistance and yield. The stay-green phenomenon can be examined at a cell, leaf, or whole plant level. At a cell level, the retention of chloroplast proteins such as LHCP2, OEC33 and Rubisco until late in senescence has been reported in sorghum containing the KS19 source of stay-green, indicating that photosynthesis may be maintained for longer during senescence in these genotypes. At a leaf level, longevity of photosynthetic apparatus is intimately related to nitrogen (N) status. At a whole plant level, stay-green can be viewed as a consequence of the balance between N demand by the grain and N supply during grain filling. To examine some of these concepts, nine hybrids varying in the B35 and KS19 sources of stay-green were grown under a postanthesis water deficit. Genotypic variation in delayed onset and reduced rate of leaf senescence were explained by differences in specific leaf nitrogen (SLN) and N uptake during grain filling. Matching N supply from age-related senescence and N uptake during grain tilling with grain N demand found that the shortfall in N supply for grain filling was greater in the senescent than stay-green hybrids, resulting in more accelerated leaf senescence in the former. We hypothesise that increased N uptake by stay-green hybrids is a result of greater biomass accumulation during grain filling in response to increased sink demand (higher grain numbers) which, in turn, is the result of increased radiation use efficiency and transpiration efficiency due to higher SLN. Delayed leaf senescence resulting from higher SLN should, in turn, allow snore carbon and nitrogen to be allocated to the roots of stay-green hybrids during grain filling, thereby maintaining a greater capacity to extract N from the soil compared with senescent hybrids.
The extant lungfish, including three genera, the Australian, South American and African lungfishes, retain a dentition that appeared first in the Devonian, in some of the oldest members of this group. The dentition consists of permanent tooth plates with persistent cusps that appear early in development of the fish. The cusps, separate early in development, form ridges that are arranged in a radiating pattern, and fusion of the cusps to each other and to the underlying jaw bone produces a tooth plate. The lungfish dentition is based on a template of mantle dentine that surrounds bone trabeculae enclosed in the tooth plate. The mantle layer is covered by enamel. In most derived dipnoans, this framework encloses two further forms of dentine, known as interdenteonal and circumdenteonal dentines. The tooth plates grow in area and in depth without evidence of macroscopic resorption of dentines or of enamel. Increase in size and changes in shape of lungfish tooth plates is actually achieved by a process involving microscopic remodelling of the bone contained within the margin of each tooth plate, and the later addition of new dentines and enamel within and around the bone. This is accomplished without creating weakness in the structural integrity of the tooth plate and bone complex, and proceeds in line with growth and remodelling of the jaw bones attached to the tooth plates.
A matching function methodology is used to investigate the macroeconomic effects of labor market program (LMP) commencements on youth unemployment outflows in Australia using unpublished data that classify commencements and outflows by duration of unemployment. The results indicate that LMPs have had significant effects on outflows from short-term unemployment. There is a net positive effect from LMP commencements on short-term unemployed female outflow rates. However; females experienced negative spillover effects from male LMP commencements. These spillover effects appear to be associated with wage subsidy programs and suggest the net impact Of such programs may have been overstated in previous studies.
An equivalent unit cell waveguide approach (WGA) is described to study the behavior of a multilayer reflect array of variable-size patches/dipoles, The approach considers normal incidence of a plane wave on an infinite periodic array of identical radiating elements and introduces an equivalent unit cell waveguide to obtain the reflection coefficient. A field matching technique and method of moments (MoM) is used to determine fields in different layers of the equivalent waveguide. Good agreements for the phase of the reflection coefficient between the proposed model and those published in selected literatures are obtained. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A radial guide field matching method (RGFMM) is used to analyze a circular array antenna consisting of one active monopole surrounded by a concentric array of passive monopoles terminated in arbarary loads. An equivalent admittance matrix for this antenna system is determined to study the input admittance of the active monopole when the peripheral elements are terminated in open or short circuits. RGFMM results are compared with free-space method of moments (FS-MoM) results for a small switched-beam array a seven monopoles. Good agreement is noted. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A field matching method is described to analyze a recessed circular cavity radiating into a radial waveguide. Using the wall impedance approach, the analysis is divided into two separate problems of the cavity and its external environment. Based on this analysis, a computer algorithm is developed for determining wall admittances as seen at the edge of the patch in the cavity, the radial admittance matrix for the two-probe feed arrangement, and the input impedance as observed from the coaxial line feeding the cavity. This algorithm is tested against the general-purpose Hewlett-Packard finite-element High Frequency Structure Simulator as well as against measured results. Good agreement in all considered cases is noted.
Hookworms routinely reach the gut of nonpermissive hosts but fail to successfully feed, develop, and reproduce. To investigate the effects of host-parasite coevolution on the ability of hookworms to feed in nonpermissive hosts, we cloned and expressed aspartic proteases from canine and human hookworms. We show here that a cathepsin D-like protease from the canine hookworm Ancylosotoma caninum (Ac-APR-1) and the orthologous protease from the human hookworm Necator americanus (Na-APR-1) are expressed in the gut and probably exert their proteolytic activity extracellularly. Both proteases were detected immunologically and enzymatically in somatic extracts of adult worms. The two proteases were expressed in baculovirus, and both cleaved human and dog hemoglobin (Hb) in vitro. Each protease digested Hb from its permissive host between twofold (whole molecule) and sixfold (synthetic peptides) more efficiently than Hb from the nonpermissive host, despite the two proteases' having identical residues lining their active site clefts. Furthermore, both proteases cleaved Hb at numerous distinct sites and showed different substrate preferences. The findings suggest that the paradigm of matching the molecular structure of the food source within a host to the molecular structure of the catabolic proteases of the parasite is an important contributing factor for host-parasite compatibility and host species range.
Three-dimensional (3D) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging via multiple-pass processing is an extension of interferometric SAR imaging. It exploits more than two flight passes to achieve a desired resolution in elevation. In this paper, a novel approach is developed to reconstruct a 3D space-borne SAR image with multiple-pass processing. It involves image registration, phase correction and elevational imaging. An image model matching is developed for multiple image registration, an eigenvector method is proposed for the phase correction and the elevational imaging is conducted using a Fourier transform or a super-resolution method for enhancement of elevational resolution. 3D SAR images are obtained by processing simulated data and real data from the first European Remote Sensing satellite (ERS-1) with the proposed approaches.