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Australia struggles to achieve economic competitiveness, prevent expansion of the trade deficit and develop value-added production despite applications of policy strategies from protectionism to trade liberalisation. This article argues that these problems were emerging at the turn of the century, and that an investigation of music technology manufacturing in the first two decades of this century reveals fundamental problems in the conduct of relevant policy analysis. Analysis has focused on the trade or technology gap which is only symptomatic of an underlying knowledge gap. The article calls for a knowledge policy approach which can allow protection without the negative effects of isolation from global markets and without having to resort to unworkable utopian free-trade dogma. A shift of focus from a 'goods traded' view to a knowledge transaction (or diffusion) perspective is advocated.
Objective: To determine post-treatment relapse and mortality rates among HIV-infected and uninfected patients with tuberculosis treated with a twice-weekly drug regimen under direct observation (DOT). Setting: Hlabisa, South Africa. Patients: A group of 403 patients with tuberculosis (53% HIV infected) cured following treatment with isoniazid (H), rifampicin (R), pyrazinamide (Z) and ethambutol (E) given in hospital (median 17 days), followed by HRZE twice weekly to 2 months and HR twice weekly to 6 months in the community under DOT. Methods: Relapses were identified through hospital readmission and 6-monthly home visits. Relapse (culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and mortality given as rates per 100 person-years observation (PYO) stratified by HIV status and history of previous tuberculosis treatment. Results: Mean (SD) post-treatment follow-up was 1.2 (0.4) years (total PYO = 499); 78 patients (19%) left the area, 58 (14%) died, 248 (62%) remained well and 19 (5%) relapsed. Relapse rates in HIV-infected and uninfected patients were 3.9 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.5-6.3] and 3.6 (95% CI 1.1-6.1) per 100 PYO (P = 0.7). Probability of relapse at 18 months was estimated as 5% in each group. Mortality was four-fold higher among HIV-infected patients (17.8 and 4.4 deaths per 100 PYO for HIV-infected and uninfected patients, respectively; P < 0.0001). Probability of survival at 24 months was estimated as 59% and 81%, respectively. We observed no increase in relapse or mortality among previously treated patients compared with new patients. A positive smear at 2 months did not predict relapse or mortality. Conclusion: Relapse rates are acceptably low following successful DOT with a twice weekly rifampifin-containing regimen, irrespective of HIV status and previous treatment history. Mortality is substantially increased among HIV-infected patients even following successful DOT and this requires further attention. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
A population-based observational study of men acid women aged 35-69 years in the Hunter Region of New South Wales, Australia, was conducted to assess the impact. of risk-factor modification and increased drug therapy on the trends in major coronary events and case fatality. From 1985 to 1993, there were 3006 coronary deaths and 6450 nonfatal major coronary events. Rates of death and nonfatal myocardial infarction declined, but there was an increase in hospital admissions for prolonged chess pain. Reductions in cigarette smoking, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and increased use of aspirin can fully explain the 3.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.4, 4.2) average annual reduction in rates of major coronary events for men and the 4.1% (95% CI 2.7, 5.5) reduction for women. In contrast, increased use of aspirin, beta-blockers, fibrinolytic therapy, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors explain less than hall of the 8.9% (95% CI 5.9, 11.8) and 6.9% (95% CI 2.7, 10.9) average annual reduction in case fatality in hospital for men and women, respectively. These trends suggest a decline in severity of coronary heart disease consistent with reductions in risk-factor levels and improved acute medical treatment. J CLIN EPIDEMIOL 52;8:761-771, 1999. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.
We quantified differences in the abundance and diversity of bird species at inherent (naturally occurring) and induced (human-created) edges in the Murray Mallee, South Australia, to explore the effects of anthropogenic landscape modification. Bird species were classified into edge response categories based on numerical differences in abundance between the edge and interior of habitat patches. 'Open-country' species (e.g. Australian Magpie and Little Raven) increased in abundance near induced edges, but were rarely recorded > 200 m into patch interiors or at inherent edges. The Australian Ringneck, Red Wattlebird, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Singing Honeyeater and White-eared Honeyeater increased in abundance near each inherent edge and were classified as 'edge-users'. However, their responses at induced edges varied between sites. The Yellow-plumed Honeyeater, Spotted Pardalote, White-browed Babbler, Chestnut Quail-thrush and Southern Scrub-robin decreased in abundance near one or more induced edges and were classified as 'edge-avoiders' at these sites. The Yellow-plumed Honeyeater, Spotted Pardalote, Chestnut Quail-thrush and Southern Scrub-robin are considered mallee habitat specialists in eastern Australia. These species may be particularly affected by anthropogenic modification of mallee vegetation.
We assayed nest predation as an edge effect, using artificial ground nests, at inherent (naturally occurring) and induced (human-created) edges, in the Murray Mallee, South Australia. Nests were constructed at distances between 0-120 m away from habitat edges. The relative predation rate on nests generally increased close to induced edges with a significant difference (P < 0.05) recorded for two out of five experiments. Predation rate at inherent edges was similar from the edge to the interior, and was lower than that recorded at induced edges. Our results suggest that increased predator numbers, activity or efficiency at locating nests occurred close to the induced edges at our study sites.
OBJECTIVE: Although little studied in developing countries, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is considered a major threat. We report the molecular epidemiology, clinical features and outcome of an emerging MDR-TB epidemic. METHODS: In 1996 all tuberculosis suspects in the rural Hlabisa district, South Africa, had sputum cultured, and drug susceptibility patterns of mycobacterial isolates were determined. Isolates with MDR-TB (resistant to both isoniazid and rifampicin) were DNA fingerprinted by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) using IS6110 and polymorphic guanine-cytosine-rich sequence-based (PGRS) probes. Patients with MDR-TB were traced to determine outcome. Data were compared with results from a survey of drug susceptibility done in 1994. RESULTS: The rate of MDR-TB among smear-positive patients increased six-fold from 0.36% (1/275) in 1994 to 2.3% (13/561) in 1996 (P = 0.04). A further eight smear-negative cases were identified in 1996 from culture, six of whom had not been diagnosed with tuberculosis. MDR disease was clinically suspected in only five of the 21 cases (24%). Prevalence of primary and acquired MDR-TB was 1.8% and 4.1%, respectively. Twelve MDR-TB cases (67%) were in five RFLP-defined clusters. Among 20 traced patients, 10 (50%) had died, five had active disease (25%) and five (25%) were apparently cured. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of MDR-TB has risen rapidly in Hlabisa, apparently due to both reactivation disease and recent transmission. Many patients were not diagnosed with tuberculosis and many were not suspected of drug-resistant disease, and outcome was poor.
Community awareness of the sustainable use of land, water and vegetation resources is increasing. The sustainable use of these resources is pivotal to sustainable farming systems. However, techniques for monitoring the sustainable management of these resources are poorly understood and untested. We propose a framework to benchmark and monitor resources in the grains industry. Eight steps are listed below to achieve these objectives: (i) define industry issues; (ii) identify the issues through growers, stakeholder and community consultation; (iii) identify indicators (measurable attributes, properties or characteristics) of sustainability through consultation with growers, stakeholders, experts and community members, relating to: crop productivity; resource maintenance/enhancement; biodiversity; economic viability; community viability; and institutional structure; (iv) develop and use selection criteria to select indicators that consider: responsiveness to change; ease of capture; community acceptance and involvement; interpretation; measurement error; stability, frequency and cost of measurement; spatial scale issues; and mapping capability in space and through time. The appropriateness of indicators can be evaluated using a decision making system such as a multiobjective decision support system (MO-DSS, a method to assist in decision making from multiple and conflicting objectives); (v) involve stakeholders and the community in the definition of goals and setting benchmarking and monitoring targets for sustainable farming; (vi) take preventive and corrective/remedial action; (vii) evaluate effectiveness of actions taken; and (viii) revise indicators as part of a continual improvement principle designed to achieve best management practice for sustainable farming systems. The major recommendations are to: (i) implement the framework for resources (land, water and vegetation, economic, community and institution) benchmarking and monitoring, and integrate this process with current activities so that awareness, implementation and evolution of sustainable resource management practices become normal practice in the grains industry; (ii) empower the grains industry to take the lead by using relevant sustainability indicators to benchmark and monitor resources; (iii) adopt a collaborative approach by involving various industry, community, catchment management and government agency groups to minimise implementation time. Monitoring programs such as Waterwatch, Soilcheck, Grasscheck and Topcrop should be utilised; (iv) encourage the adoption of a decision making system by growers and industry representatives as a participatory decision and evaluation process. Widespread use of sustainability indicators would assist in validating and refining these indicators and evaluating sustainable farming systems. The indicators could also assist in evaluating best management practices for the grains industry.
SETTING: Hlabisa health district, South Africa. OBJECTIVE: To describe the integration of a vertical tuberculosis control programme into an emerging 'horizontal' district health system, within the context of health sector reform. DESIGN: Descriptive account of the process of integration of the programme into the health system. RESULTS: A highly 'vertical' system of delivering tuberculosis treatment (with poor programme outcomes) was converted into a (horizontal' team, integrated within the district health system, that used available resources such as village clinics and community health workers, with improved programme outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: In some settings at least, integration of tuberculosis 'programmes' into the district health system as tuberculosis 'teams' is feasible, and may produce highly cost-effective outcomes.
HIV infection among women admitted to the gynaecology service of a district hospital in South Africa
Our objective was to determine the prevalence of HIV infection and disease-specific HIV prevalence among women admitted to the gynaecology service of a district hospital in South Africa over a 3-month period in 1997. This was done with the goal of developing HIV education and counselling services in this setting. HIV status was determined among 196 (96%) of 205 consecutive admissions; 82 (42%) tested HIV positive. The HIV-infected women were younger than the HIV uninfected women (mean age 27 vs 33 years, P=0.001). The disease-specific HIV prevalence was greater than or equal to 40% among women who had had abortions, pelvic inflammatory disease, or ectopic pregnancy. The length of hospital stay (mean 5.4 days) and mortality (1%) were similar in the 2 groups. Inpatient gynaecology services may be act important setting in Africa, within which to provide HIV education, counselling and care.
Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates from South Africa and Australia were compared to assess genetic differentiation between the two populations. These two populations were analysed for levels of phenotypic diversity using random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and gene and genotypic diversity using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Sixteen RAPD markers from four decanucleotide Operon primers and 34 RFLP alleles from 15 putative loci were used. A few isolates from Papua New Guinea known to posses alleles different from Australian isolates were also included for comparative purposes. South African and Australian P. cinnamomi populations were almost identical with an extremely low level of genetic distance between them (D-m = 0.003). Common features for the two populations include shared alleles, low levels of phenotypic/genotypic diversity, high clonality, and low observed and expected levels of heterozygosity. Furthermore, relatively high levels of genetic differentiation between mating type populations (D-m South Africa = 0.020 and D-m Australia = 0.025 respectively), negative fixation indices, and significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, all provided evidence for the lack of frequent sexual reproduction in both populations. The data strongly suggest that both the South African and Australian P. cinnamomi populations are introduced.
SETTING: Hlabisa Tuberculosis Programme, Hlabisa, South Africa. OBJECTIVE: To determine trends in and risk factors for interruption of tuberculosis treatment. METHODS: Data were extracted from the control programme database starting in 1991. Temporal trends in treatment interruption are described; independent risk factors for treatment interruption were determined with a multiple logistic regression model, and Kaplan-Meier survival curves for treatment interruption were constructed for patients treated in 1994-1995. RESULTS: Overall 629 of 3610 surviving patients (17%) failed to complete treatment; this proportion increased from 11% (n = 79) in 1991/1992 to 22% (n = 201) in 1996. Independent risk factors for treatment interruption were diagnosis between 1994-1996 compared with 1991-1393 (odds ratio [OR] 1.9, 95% confidence interval [CT] 1.6-2.4); human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) positivity compared with HIV negativity (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.4-2.4); supervised by village clinic compared with community health worker (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.4-2.6); and male versus female sex (OR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1-1.6). Few patients interrupted treatment during the first 2 weeks, and the treatment interruption rate thereafter was constant at 1% per 14 days. CONCLUSIONS: Frequency of treatment interruption from this programme has increased recently. The strongest risk factor was year of diagnosis, perhaps reflecting the impact of an increased caseload on programme performance. Ensuring adherence to therapy in communities with a high level of migration remains a challenge even within community-based directly observed therapy programmes.
We investigate the role of information in the internationalization of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Information internalization is fundamentally antecedent to SME internationalization and is being facilitated increasingly by recent important trends. We offer a conceptual explanation and related propositions on information internalization, emphasizing hurdle rate theory for ascertaining the acceptability of firms' internationalization projects.
Objective: To demonstrate the potential of GIS (geographic information system) technology and ARIA (Accessibility/Remoteness Index for Australia) as tools for medical workforce and health service planning in Australia. Design: ARIA is an index of remoteness derived by measuring road distance between populated localities and service centres. A continuous variable of remoteness from 0 to 12 is generated for any location in Australia. We created a GIS, with data on location of general practitioner services in non-metropolitan South Australia derived from the database of HUMPS (Rural Undergraduate Medical Placement System), and estimated, for the 1170 populated localities in South Australia, the accessibility/inaccessibility of the 109 identified GP services. Main outcome measures: Distance from populated locality to GP services. Results: Distance from populated locality to GP service ranged from 0 to 677 km (mean, 58 km). In all, 513 localities (43%) had a GP service within 20 km (for the majority this meant located within the town). However, for 173 populated localities (15%), the nearest GP service was more than 80 km away. There was a strong correlation between distance to GP service and ARIA value for each locality (0.69; P<0.05). Conclusions: GP services are relatively inaccessible to many rural South Australian communities. There is potential for GIS and for ARIA to contribute to rational medical workforce and health service planning. Adding measures of health need and more detailed data on types and extent of GP services provided will allow more sophisticated planning.