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The cane toad (Bufo marinus) was used as a model to study male anuran reproductive endocrinology and to develop a protocol for non-invasive sperm recovery. Circulating testosterone concentrations in 6-hourly samples did not vary significantly (P < 0.05) over a 24 h period although there was a tendency (P = 0.06) for testosterone to be elevated at 19:00 h relative to other times of the day, which may be related to the nocturnal activity pattern of this species. Testosterone secretion after intraperitoneal (IP) injection of either a GnRH agonist (5 mu g IP) or hCG (1000 IU) was also examined. While the GnRH agonist did not produce a significant increase above basal plasma testosterone (0.29, 95% C.I. of 0.05-1.10 ng/ml), injection of hCG resulted in an increase (P < 0.01) of plasma testosterone with peak concentrations at approximately 120 min (4.17, 95% C.I. of 2.69-7.44 ng/ml) after injection. Non-invasive pharmaceutical sperm recovery was attempted following IP injection of graded doses of GnRH agonist, hCG or FSH. Urine was collected at 3, 6 and 12 h after treatment to assess sperm quality and quantity. The optimal protocol for sperm recovery in cane toads was injection of either 1000 or 2000 IU hCG; there was no significant difference in the quality of the spermic urine samples obtained using either dose of hCG or with respect to collection time. The findings indicated that hCG can be used to assess testicular steroidogenic status and also to induce sperm recovery in the cane toad. The hCG protocols developed in this study will have application in studies on the reproductive biology of rare and endangered male anurans. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The prevalence of tumours of the germ line is increasing in the male population. This complex disease has a complex aetiology. We examine the contribution of genetic mutations to the development of germ line tumours in this review. In particular, we concentrate on fly and mouse experimental systems in order to demonstrate that mutations in some conserved genes cause pathologies typical of certain human germ cell tumours, whereas other mutations elicit phenotypes that are unique to the experimental model. Despite these experimental systems being imperfect, we show that they are useful models of human testicular germ cell tumourigenesis.


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To date, research into socially responsible investment (SRI), and in particular the socially responsible investment funds industry, has focused on whether investing in SRI assets has any differential impact on investor returns. Prior findings generally suggest that, on a risk-adjusted basis, there is no difference in performance between SRI and conventional funds. This result has led to questions about whether SRI funds are really any different from conventional funds. This paper examines whether the portfolio allocation across industry sectors and the stock-picking ability of SRI managers are different when compared to conventional fund managers. The study finds that SRI funds exhibit different industry betas consistent with different portfolio positions, but that these differences vary from year to year. It is also found that there is little difference in stock-picking ability between the two groups of fund managers.


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Until recently the myoepithelial cell has been studied relatively little in terms of its role in breast cancer. A number of malignancies showing myoepithelial differentiation have been reported in the literature, although they are still thought to be relatively rare and only limited studies are published. As a result of recent expression profiling experiments, one type of tumor with myoepithelial features, the so-called 'basal' breast cancer, has received a renewed interest, although it has been known to pathologists for more than two decades. These tumors, which express markers of both luminal and myoepithelial cells, are now being studied using antibodies against some new molecules that have emerged from studies of sorted normal luminal and myoepithelial cells. These immunohistochemical data, combined with genomic studies, may lead to better identification and management of patients with 'basal' tumors.


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Measurement of height or length is essential in the assessment of nutritional status. In some conditions, for example cerebral palsy (CP), such measurements may be difficult or impossible. Proxy measurements such as knee height have been used to predict height in such cases. We have evaluated two equations in the literature that predict stature from knee height in a group of 17 children with CP and 20 non-disabled children. The two equations performed well on average in the non-disabled children, with the mean predicted height being within 1% of the mean measured height. Nevertheless, the limits of agreement were relatively large. This was also the case for the children with CP. Thus the equations may be accurate at the group level; however they may lead to unacceptable error at the individual level. © 2006 Informa UK Ltd.


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Objective: To use the over-complete discrete wavelet transform (OCDWT) to further examine the dual structure of auditory brainstem response (ABR) in the dog. Methods: ABR waveforms recorded from 20 adult dogs at supra-threshold (90 and 70 dBnHL) and threshold (0-15 dBSL) levels were decomposed using a six level OCDWT and reconstructed at individual scales (frequency ranges) A6 (0-391 Hz), D6 (391-781 Hz), and D5 (781-1563 Hz). Results: At supra-threshold stimulus levels, the A6 scale (0-391 Hz) showed a large amplitude waveform with its prominent wave corresponding in latency with ABR waves II/III; the D6 scale (391-781 Hz) showed a small amplitude waveform with its first four waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves I, II/III, V, and VI; and the D5 scale (781-1563 Hz) showed a large amplitude, multiple peaked waveform with its first six waves corresponding in latency to ABR waves I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. At threshold stimulus levels (0-15 dBSL), the A6 scale (0-391 Hz) continued to show a relatively large amplitude waveform, but both the D6 and D5 scales (391781 and 781-1563 Hz, respectively) now showed relatively small amplitude waveforms. Conclusions: A dual structure exists within the ABR of the dog, but its relative structure changes with stimulus level. Significance: The ABR in the dog differs from that in the human both in the relative contributions made by its different frequency components, and the way these components change with stimulus level. (c) 2006 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In many instances, kidney dysgenesis results as a secondary consequence to defects in the development of the ureter. Through the use of mouse genetics a number of genes associated with such malformations have been identified, however, the cause of many other abnormalities remain unknown. In order to identify novel genes involved in ureter development we compared gene expression in embryonic day (E) 12.5, E15.5 and postnatal day (P) 75 ureters using the Compugen mouse long oligo microarrays. A total of 248 genes were dynamically upregulated and 208 downregulated between E12.5 and P75. At E12.5, when the mouse ureter is comprised of a simple cuboidal epithelium surrounded by ureteric mesenchyme, genes previously reported to be expressed in the ureteric mesenchyme, foxC1 and foxC2 were upregulated. By E15.5 the epithelial layer develops into urothelium, impermeable to urine, and smooth muscle develops for the peristaltic movement of urine towards the bladder. The development of these two cell types coincided with the upregulation of UPIIIa, RAB27b and PPAR gamma reported to be expressed in the urothelium, and several muscle genes, Acta1, Tnnt2, Myocd, and Tpm2. In situ hybridization identified several novel genes with spatial expression within the smooth muscle, Acta1; ureteric mesenchyme and smooth muscle, Thbs2 and Co15a2; and urothelium, Kcnj8 and Adh1. This study marks the first known report defining global gene expression of the developing mouse ureter and will provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying kidney and lower urinary tract malformations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE To determine whether the academic performance of medical students learning in rural settings differs from those learning in urban settings. DESIGN Comparison of results of assessment for 2 full cohorts and 1 part cohort of medical students learning in rural and urban settings in 2002 (209 students), 2003 (226 students) and 2004 (220 students), including results for each specialist rotation in the 3rd year and end-of-year examinations in the 2nd and 4th years. SETTING University of Queensland School of Medicine, Brisbane. Students spent the whole 3rd year (of a 4-year graduate entry programme) conducting 5 specialist 8-week rotations in either the rural clinical division (rural students) or in Brisbane (urban students), all following the same curriculum and taking the same examinations. RESULTS For the 2002 cohort there were no statistically significant differences in academic performance between rural and urban students. For the 2003 cohort the only significant difference was a higher score for rural students in the end of the 4th-year clinical skills examination (65.7 versus 62.3%, P = 0.025). For the 2004 cohort, rural students scored higher in the 3rd-year mental health rotation (79.3 versus 76.2%, P = 0.038) and lower in the medicine rotation (65.5 versus 68.6%, P = 0.037). CONCLUSION Academic performance among students studying in rural and urban settings is comparable.


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Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a host-adapted pathogen that colonizes primarily the human genitourinary tract. This bacterium encounters reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species as a consequence of localized inflammatory responses in the urethra of males and endocervix of females and also of the activity of commensal lactobacilli in the vaginal flora. This review describes recent advances in the understanding of defense systems against oxidative stress in N. gonorrhoeae and shows that while some of its defenses have similarities to the paradigm established with Escherichia coli, there are also some key differences. These differences include the presence of a defense system against superoxide based on manganese ions and a glutathione-dependent system for defense against nitric oxide which is under the control of a novel MerR-like transcriptional regulator. An understanding of the defenses against oxidative stress in N. gonorrhoeae and their regulation may provide new insights into the ways in which this bacterium survives challenges from polymorphonuclear leukocytes and urogenital epithelial cells.


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The structures of 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-alpha-D-mannopyranosyl azide and 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-mannopyranosyl azide were determined using X-ray crystallographic and one-dimensional NOESY techniques.