177 resultados para Exposure therapy
Background: Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) plays an important role in the pathology of Crohn's disease. Infliximab, a chimeric antibody against TNF-alpha, has been shown in controlled clinical trials to be effective in two-thirds of patients with refractory or fistulating Crohn's disease. The factors that determine a clinical response in some patients but not others are unknown. Aims: To document the early Australian experience with infliximab treatment for Crohn's disease and to identify factors that may determine a beneficial clinical response. Methods: Gastroenterologists known to have used infliximab for Crohn's disease according to a compassionate use protocol were asked to complete a spreadsheet that included demographic information, Crohn's disease site, severity, other medical or surgical treatments and a global clinical assessment of Crohn's disease outcome, judged by participating physicians as complete and sustained (remission for the duration of the study), complete but unsustained (remission at 4 weeks but not for the whole study) or partial clinical improvement (sustained or unsustained). Results: Fifty-seven patients were able to be evaluated, with a median follow-up time of 16.4 (4-70) weeks, including 23 patients with fistulae. There were 21 adverse events, including four serious events. Fifty-one patients (89%) had a positive clinical response for a median duration (range) of 11 (2-70) weeks. Thirty patients (52%) had a remission at 4 weeks, 10 of whom had remission for longer than 12 weeks. Forty-two per cent of fistulae closed. Sustained remission (P = 0.065), remission at 4 weeks (P = 0.033) and a positive clinical response of any sort (P = 0.004) were more likely in patients on immunosuppressive therapy, despite there being more smelters in this group. Conclusion: This review of the first Australian experience with infliximab corroborates the reported speed and efficacy of this treatment for Crohn's disease. The excellent response appears enhanced by the concomitant use of conventional steroid-sparing immunosuppressive therapy.
Adaptive changes that occur after chronic exposure to ethanol are an important component in the development of physical dependence. We have focused our research on ethanol-induced changes in the expression of several genes that may be important in adaptation. In this article, we describe adaptive changes at the level of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, in the protein expression and activity of the Egr transcription factors, and in the expression of a novel gene of unknown function. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has been effectively used in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Clinical studies report that the anticraving drug naltrexone, is a useful adjunct to treatment. Currently, few data are available on the impact of adding this medication to programmes in more typical, outpatient, and rehabilitation settings. The objective of this study was to examine the impact on outcome of adding naltrexone to an established outpatient alcohol rehabilitation program which employed CBT. Method: Fifty patients participated in an established 12-week, outpatient, 'contract'-based alcohol abstinence programme which employed CBT. They also received naltrexone 50 mg orally daily (CBT + naltrexone). Outcomes were compared with 50 historical, matched controls, all of whom participated in the same programme without an anticraving medication (CBT alone). All patients met DSM-IV criteria for alcohol dependence. Results: Programme attendance across the eight treatment sessions was lower in the CBT alone group (p < 0.001). Relapse to alcohol use occurred sooner and more frequently in the CBT alone group (p < 0.001). Rehabilitation programme completion at 12 weeks was 88% (CBT + naltrexone) compared with 36% for (CBT alone) (p < 0.001). Alcohol abstinence at 12 weeks was 76% (CBT + naltrexone) compared with 18% (CBT alone) (p < 0.001). Conclusion: When employing the same outpatient rehabilitation programme and comparing outcomes using matched historical controls, the addition of naltrexone substantially improves programme attendance, programme completion and reported alcohol abstinence. In a typical outpatient programme, naltrexone addition was associated with significantly improved programme participation, better outcomes and was well tolerated.
Objectives. Intrusive memories of extreme trauma can disrupt a stepwise approach to imaginal exposure. Concurrent tasks that load the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory reduce the vividness of recalled images. This study tested whether relief of distress from competing VSSP tasks during imaginal exposure is at the cost of impaired desensitization. Design. This study examined repeated exposure to emotive memories using 18 unselected undergraduates and a within-subjects design with three exposure conditions (Eye Movement, Visual Noise, Exposure Alone) in random, counterbalanced order. Method. At baseline, participants recalled positive and negative experiences, and rated the vividness and emotiveness of each image. A different positive and negative recollection was then used for each condition. Vividness and emotiveness were rated after each of eight exposure trials. At a post-exposure session 1 week later, participants rated each image without any concurrent task. Results. Consistent with previous research, vividness and distress during imaging were lower during Eye Movements than in Exposure Alone, with passive visual interference giving intermediate results. A reduction in emotional responses from Baseline to Post was of similar size for the three conditions. Conclusion. Visuospatial tasks may offer a temporary response aid for imaginal exposure without affecting desensitization.
It has been recognised that in order to study the displacement, timing and co-ordination of articulatory components (i.e., tongue. lips, jaw) in speech production it is desirable to obtain high-resolution movement data on multiple structures inside and outside the vocal tract. Until recently, with the exception of X-ray techniques such as cineradiography, the study 0. speech movements has been hindered by the inaccessibility of the oral cavity during speech. X-ray techniques are generally not used because of unacceptable radiation exposure. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the use of a new physiological device, the electromagnetic articulograph, for assessing articulatory dysfunction subsequent to traumatic brain injury. The components of the device together with the measuring principle are described and data collected from a single case presented. A 19 year-old male who exhibited dysarthria subsequent to a traumatic brain injury was fitted wit 2 the electromagnetic articulograph (Carstens AG-100) and a kinematic analysis of his tongue movements during production of the lingual consonants it, s, k/ within single syllable words was performed. Examination of kinematic parameters including movemmt trajectories, velocity, and acceleration revealed differences in the speed and accuracy of his tongue movements compared to those produced by a non-neurologically impaired adult male. It was concluded that the articulograph is a useful device for diagnosing speed and accuracy disorders in tongue movements during speech and that the device has potential for incorporation into physiologically based rehabilitation programs as a real-time biofeedback instrument.
We report our experience with the combination of anti-thymocyte globulin (ATGAM) and tacrolimus in the treatment of 20 patients with steroid refractory and dependent acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) transplanted between August 1996 and February 2000. All patients received cyclosporine-based GVHD prophylaxis. Thirteen patients developed a maximum of grade TV, five grade III and two grade II acute GVHD, with 15 patients being refractory to steroids and five dependent on steroids. Patients were treated with ATGAM (15 mg/kg for 5 d) and tacrolimus (0.025-0.1 mg/kg/d) in addition to continuation of their high-dose steroids and cessation of their cyclosporine. Within 28 d of treatment, we observed eight complete responses (CR), six partial responses (PR) and six with no response. Overall response (CR + PR) was predicted by GVHD severity. Infectious complications occurred in 80% of patients. The median survival was 86.5 d (range, 21-1081 d) with 35% of patients remaining alive, Survival following combination therapy was significantly more likely in men (P < 0.001), skin-only GVHD (P = 0.027), less severe GVHD (P = 0.048), and in responders to tacrolimus and ATGAM (P< 0.001). In conclusion, concurrent introduction of ATGAM and tacrolimus is a promising therapeutic combination for GVHD refractory to steroids and cyclosporine.
The effects of the mode of exposure of second instar Colorado potato beetles to Beauveria bassiana on conidia acquisition and resulting mortality were investigated in laboratory studies. Larvae sprayed directly with a B, bassiana condial suspension, larvae exposed to B, bassiana-treated foliage, and larvae both sprayed and exposed to treated foliage experienced 76, 34, and 77% mortality, respectively. The total number of conidia and the proportion of germinating conidia were measured over time for four sections of the insect body: the ventral surface of the head (consisting mostly of ventral mouth parts), the ventral abdominal surface, the dorsal abdominal surface, and the legs. From observations at 24 and 36 h posttreatment, mean totals of 161.1 conidia per insect were found on sprayed larvae, 256.1 conidia on larvae exposed only to treated foliage, and 408.3 conidia on larvae both sprayed and exposed to treated foliage, On sprayed larvae, the majority of conidia were found on the dorsal abdominal surface, whereas conidia were predominantly found in the ventral abdominal surface and mouth parts on larvae exposed to treated foliage, Between 24 and 36 h postinoculation the percentage of conidia germinating on sprayed larvae increased slightly from 80 to 84%), On the treated foliage, the percentage of germinated conidia on larvae increased from 35% at 24 h to 50% at 36 h posttreatment, Conidia germination on sprayed larvae on treated foliage was 65% at 24 h and 75% at 36 h posttreatment, It is likely that the gradual acquisition of conidia derived from the continuous exposure to B. bassiana inoculum on the foliar surface was responsible for the increase in germination over time on larvae exposed to treated foliage, The density and germination of conidia were observed 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h after being sprayed with or dipped in conidia suspensions or exposing insects to contaminated foliage, Conidia germinated twice as fast on sprayed insects as with any other treatment within the first 12 h, This faster germination may be due to the pressure of the sprayer enhancing conidial lodging on cuticular surfaces. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Objective: To assess hospital prescribing of lipid-lowering agents in a tertiary hospital, and examine continuation of, or changes to, such therapy in the 6-18 months following discharge. Design: Retrospective data extraction from the hospital records of patients admitted from October 1998 to April 1999. These patients and their general practitioners were then contacted to obtain information about ongoing management after discharge. Setting: Tertiary public hospital and community. Participants: 352 patients admitted to hospital with acute myocardial infarction or unstable angina, and their GPs. Main outcome measures: Percentage of eligible patients discharged on lipid-lowering therapy and percentage of patients continuing or starting such therapy 6-18 months after discharge. Results: 10% of inpatients with acute coronary syndromes did not have lipid-level estimations performed or arranged during admission. Documentation of lipid levels in discharge summaries was poor. Eighteen per cent of patients with a total serum cholesterol level greater than 5.5 mmol/L did not receive a discharge prescription for a cholesterol-lowering agent. Compliance with treatment on follow-up was 88% in the group discharged on treatment. However, at follow-up, 70% of patients discharged without therapy had not been commenced on lipid-lowering treatment by their GPs. Conclusions: Prescribing of lipid-lowering therapy for secondary prevention following acute coronary syndromes remains suboptimal. Commencing treatment in hospital is likely to result in continuing therapy in the community. Better communication of lipid-level results, treatment and treatment aims between hospitals and GPs might encourage optimal treatment practices.
Rheumatic fever (RF)/rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis are thought to be autoimmune diseases, and follow group A streptococcal (GAS) infection. Different GAS M types have been associated with rheumatogenicity or nephritogenicity and categorized into either of two distinct classes (I or II) based on amino acid sequences present within the repeat region ('C' repeats) of the M protein. Sera from ARF patients have previously been shown to contain elevated levels of antibodies to the class I-specific epitope and myosin with the class I-specific antibodies also being cross-reactive to myosin, suggesting a disease association. This study shows that immunoreactivity of the class I-specific peptide and myosin does not differ between controls and acute RF (ARF)/RHD in populations that are highly endemic for GAS, raising the possibility that the association is related to GAS exposure, not the presence of ARF/RHD. Peptide inhibition studies suggest that the class I epitope may be conformational and residue 10 of the peptide is critical for antibody binding. We demonstrate that correlation of antibody levels between the class I and II epitope is due to class II-specific antibodies recognizing a common epitope with class I which is contained within the sequence RDL-ASRE. Our results suggest that antibody prevalence to class I and II epitopes and myosin is associated with GAS exposure, and that antibodies to these epitopes are not an indicator of disease nor a pathogenic factor in endemic populations.