129 resultados para Efficient Solution
We introduce an integrable model for two coupled BCS systems through a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the Lie algebra su(4). By employing the algebraic Bethe ansatz, we determine the exact solution for the energy spectrum. An asymptotic analysis is conducted to determine the leading terms in the ground state energy, the gap and some one point correlation functions at zero temperature. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
The two-node tandem Jackson network serves as a convenient reference model for the analysis and testing of different methodologies and techniques in rare event simulation. In this paper we consider a new approach to efficiently estimate the probability that the content of the second buffer exceeds some high level L before it becomes empty, starting from a given state. The approach is based on a Markov additive process representation of the buffer processes, leading to an exponential change of measure to be used in an importance sampling procedure. Unlike changes of measures proposed and studied in recent literature, the one derived here is a function of the content of the first buffer. We prove that when the first buffer is finite, this method yields asymptotically efficient simulation for any set of arrival and service rates. In fact, the relative error is bounded independent of the level L; a new result which is not established for any other known method. When the first buffer is infinite, we propose a natural extension of the exponential change of measure for the finite buffer case. In this case, the relative error is shown to be bounded (independent of L) only when the second server is the bottleneck; a result which is known to hold for some other methods derived through large deviations analysis. When the first server is the bottleneck, experimental results using our method seem to suggest that the relative error is bounded linearly in L.
We prove that the simple group L-3(5) which has order 372000 is efficient by providing an efficient presentation for it. This leaves one simple group with order less than one million, S-4(4) which has order 979200, whose efficiency or otherwise remains to be determined.
Improvements to peroxide oxidation methods for analysing acid sulfate soils (ASS) are introduced. The soil solution ratio has been increased to 1 : 40, titrations are performed in suspension, and the duration of the peroxide digest stage is substantially shortened. For 9 acid sulfate soils, the peroxide oxidisable sulfur value obtained using the improved method was compared with the reduced inorganic sulfur result obtained using the chromium reducible sulfur method. Their regression was highly significant, the slope of the regression line was not significantly different (P = 0.05) from unity, and the intercept not significantly different from zero. A complete sulfur budget for the improved method showed there was no loss of sulfur as has been reported for earlier peroxide oxidation techniques. When soils were very finely ground, efficient oxidation of sulfides was achieved, despite the milder digestion conditions. Highly sulfidic and organic soils were shown to be the most difficult to analyse using either the improved method or the chromium method. No single analytical method can be universally applied to all ASS, rather a suite of methods is necessary for a thorough understanding of many ASS. The improved peroxide method, in combination with the chromium method and the 4 M HCl extraction, form a sound platform for informed decision making on the management of acid sulfate soils.
An efficient Lanczos subspace method has been devised for calculating state-to-state reaction probabilities. The method recasts the time-independent wave packet Lippmann-Schwinger equation [Kouri , Chem. Phys. Lett. 203, 166 (1993)] inside a tridiagonal (Lanczos) representation in which action of the causal Green's operator is affected easily with a QR algorithm. The method is designed to yield all state-to-state reaction probabilities from a given reactant-channel wave packet using a single Lanczos subspace; the spectral properties of the tridiagonal Hamiltonian allow calculations to be undertaken at arbitrary energies within the spectral range of the initial wave packet. The method is applied to a H+O-2 system (J=0), and the results indicate the approach is accurate and stable. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.
What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? Dodd [Phys. Rev. A 65, 040301(R) (2002)] provided a partial solution to this problem in the form of an efficient algorithm to simulate any desired two-body Hamiltonian evolution using any fixed two-body entangling N-qubit Hamiltonian, and local unitaries. We extend this result to the case where the component systems are qudits, that is, have D dimensions. As a consequence we explain how universal quantum computation can be performed with any fixed two-body entangling N-qudit Hamiltonian, and local unitaries.
Canola (Brassica napus L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), two important oilseed crops, are sensitive to low boron (B) supply. Symptoms of B deficiency are often more severe during the reproductive stage, but it is not known if this is due to a decreased external B supply with time or an increased sensitivity to low B during this stage. Canola and sunflower were grown for 75 days after transplanting (DAT) in two solution culture experiments using Amberlite (IRA-743) B-specific resin to maintain constant B concentration in solution over the range 0.6 - 53 muM. Initially, the vegetative growth of both crops was good in all treatments. With the onset of the reproductive stage, however, severe B deficiency symptoms developed and growth of canola and sunflower was reduced with less than or equal to 0.9 and less than or equal to 0.7 muM B, respectively. At these concentrations, reproductive parts failed to develop. The critical B concentration (i.e. 90% of maximum shoot dry matter yield) in the youngest opened leaf was 18 mg kg(-1) in canola and 25 mg kg(-1) in sunflower at 75 DAT. The results of this study indicate that the reproductive stage of these two oilseed crops is more sensitive than the vegetative stage to low B supply.
Sucrose has been shown to attenuate the behavioural response to painful procedures in human infants undergoing circumcision or blood collection via heelstick. Sucrose has also been found to have a behaviour-modifying effect in neonatal rats exposed to a hot plate. The effect was abolished in neonatal rats by injection of the opioid antagonist naltrexone, suggesting that it was mediated by endogenous opioids. In this experiment, the behaviour of 571 newborn Large White x Landrace hybrid piglets in a specific-pathogen-free piggery of the University of Queensland was recorded during and after the routine management practices of tail docking, ear notching and teeth clipping. Piglets were randomly assigned to receive 1.0 ml of a 12% sucrose solution (treatment group) or a placebo (1.0 ml of air) administered via syringe in the mouth, 60 s before commencement of one of the management procedures. Behaviours were recorded at the time of the procedure, and then 2 min after completion of the procedure. Piglets that received the sucrose solution did not behave significantly differently from piglets receiving the placebo. Regardless of whether sucrose or placebo was administered, piglets undergoing the routine management procedures showed significantly greater behavioural responses than piglets undergoing no procedure. It was concluded that under commercial conditions, a 12% sucrose solution administered I min prior to surgery was not effective in decreasing the behavioural indicators of distress in piglets undergoing routine management procedures, Further research into methods of minimising distress caused to piglets by these procedures is recommended.
The kinetics of single component adsorption on activated carbon is investigated here using a heterogeneous vacancy solution theory (VST) of adsorption. The adsorption isotherm is developed to account for the adsorbate non-ideality due to the size difference between the adsorbate molecule and the vacant site, while incorporating adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy. The transport process in the bidisperse carbon considers coupled mass transfer in both macropore and micropore phases simultaneously. Adsorbate diffusion in the micropore network is modeled through effective medium theory, thus considering pore network connectivity in the adsorbent, with the activation energy for adsorbate diffusion related to the adsorption energy, represented by the Steele 10-4-3 potential for carbons. Experimental data of five hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on Ajax carbon at multiple temperatures, as well as three hydrocarbons on Norit carbon at three temperatures are first fitted by the heterogeneous VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters, followed by application of the kinetic model to uptake data on carbon particles of different sizes and geometry at various temperatures. For the hydrocarbons studied, the model can successfully correlate the experimental data for both adsorption equilibrium and kinetics. However, there is some deviation in the fit of the desorption kinetics for polar compounds such as CO2 and SO2, due to the inadequacy of the L-J potential model in this case. The significance of viscous transport in the micropores is also considered here and found to be negligible, consistent with recent molecular simulation studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A heterogeneous modified vacancy solution model of adsorption developed is evaluated. The new model considers the adsorption process through a mass-action law and is thermodynamically consistent, while maintaining the simplicity in calculation of multicomponent adsorption equilibria, as in the original vacancy solution theory. It incorporates the adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy, represented by Steele's 10-4-3 potential expression. The experimental data of various hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on four different activated carbons - Ajax, Norit, Nuxit, and BPL - at multiple temperatures over a wide range of pressures were studied by the heterogeneous modified VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters and micropore-size distribution of carbons. The model successfully correlates the single-component adsorption equilibrium data for all compounds studied on various carbons. The fitting results for the vacancy occupancy parameter are consistent with the pressure change on different carbons, and the effect of pore heterogeneity is important in adsorption at elevated pressure. It predicts binary adsorption equilibria better than the IAST scheme, reflecting the significance of molecular size nonideality.
The primary sequence and three-dimensional structure of a novel peptide toxin isolated from the Australian funnel-web spider Hadronyche infensa sp. is reported. ACTX-HI:OB4219 contains 38 amino acids, including eight-cysteine residues that form four disulfide bonds. The connectivities of these disulfide bonds were previously unknown but have been unambiguously determined in this study. Three of these disulfide bonds are arranged in an inhibitor cystine-knot (ICK) motif, which is observed in a range of other disulfide-rich peptide toxins. The motif incorporates an embedded ring in the structure formed by two of the disulfides and their connecting backbone segments penetrated by a third disulfide bond. Using NMR spectroscopy, we determined that despite the isolation of a single native homologous product by RP-HPLC, ACTX-HI:OB4219 possesses two equally populated conformers in solution. These two conformers were determined to arise from cis/trans isomerization of the bond preceding Pro30. Full assignment of the NMR spectra for both conformers allowed for the calculation of their structures, revealing, the presence of a triple-stranded antiparallel sheet consistent with the inhibitor cystine-knot (ICK) motif.
NMR spectroscopy and simulated annealing calculations have been used to determine the three-dimensional structure of NaD1, a novel antifungal and insecticidal protein isolated from the flowers of Nicotiana alata. NaD1 is a basic, cysteine-rich protein of 47 residues and is the first example of a plant defensin from flowers to be characterized structurally. Its three-dimensional structure consists of an a-helix and a triple-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet that are stabilized by four intramolecular disulfide bonds. NaD1 features all the characteristics of the cysteine-stabilized up motif that has been described for a variety of proteins of differing functions ranging from antibacterial insect defensins and ion channel-perturbing scorpion toxins to an elicitor of the sweet taste response. The protein is biologically active against insect pests, which makes it a potential candidate for use in crop protection. NaD1 shares 31% sequence identity with alfAFP, an antifungal protein from alfalfa that confers resistance to a fungal pathogen in transgenic potatoes. The structure of NaD1 was used to obtain a homology model of alfAFP, since NaD1 has the highest level of sequence identity with alfAFP of any structurally characterized antifungal defensin. The structures of NaD1 and alfAFP were used in conjunction with structure - activity data for the radish defensin Rs-AFP2 to provide an insight into structure-function relationships. In particular, a putative effector site was identified in the structure of NaD1 and in the corresponding homology model of alfAFP. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Lanczos algorithm is appreciated in many situations due to its speed. and economy of storage. However, the advantage that the Lanczos basis vectors need not be kept is lost when the algorithm is used to compute the action of a matrix function on a vector. Either the basis vectors need to be kept, or the Lanczos process needs to be applied twice. In this study we describe an augmented Lanczos algorithm to compute a dot product relative to a function of a large sparse symmetric matrix, without keeping the basis vectors.