120 resultados para Critical Sets
We consider the construction of several configurations, including: • overlarge sets of 2-(11,5,2) designs, that is, partitions of the set of all 5-subsets of a 12-set into 72 2-(11,5,2) designs; • an indecomposable doubly overlarge set of 2-(11,5,2) designs, that is, a partition of two copies of the set of all 5-subsets of a 12-set into 144 2-(11,5,2) designs, such that the 144 designs can be arranged into a 12 × 12 square with interesting row and column properties; • a partition of the Steiner system S(5,6,12) into 12 disjoint 2-(11,6,3) designs arising from the diagonal of the square; • bidistant permutation arrays and generalized Room squares arising from the doubly overlarge set, and their relation to some new strongly regular graphs.
We study partitions of the set of all ((v)(3)) triples chosen from a v-set into pairwise disjoint planes with three points per line. Our partitions may contain copies of PG(2, 2) only (Fano partitions) or copies of AG(2, 3) only (affine partitions) or copies of some planes of each type (mixed partitions). We find necessary conditions for Fano or affine partitions to exist. Such partitions are already known in several cases: Fano partitions for v = 8 and affine partitions for v = 9 or 10. We construct such partitions for several sporadic orders, namely, Fano partitions for v = 14, 16, 22, 23, 28, and an affine partition for v = 18. Using these as starter partitions, we prove that Fano partitions exist for v = 7(n) + 1, 13(n) + 1, 27(n) + 1, and affine partitions for v = 8(n) + 1, 9(n) + 1, 17(n) + 1. In particular, both Fano and affine partitions exist for v = 3(6n) + 1. Using properties of 3-wise balanced designs, we extend these results to show that affine partitions also exist for v = 3(2n). Similarly, mixed partitions are shown to exist for v = 8(n), 9(n), 11(n) + 1.
The Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It involves calculating the ratio of a specified energy release measure during loading and unloading where loading and unloading periods are determined from the earth tide induced perturbations in the Coulomb Failure Stress on optimally oriented faults. In the lead-up to large earthquakes, high LURR values are frequently observed a few months or years prior to the event. These signals may have a similar origin to the observed accelerating seismic moment release (AMR) prior to many large earthquakes or may be due to critical sensitivity of the crust when a large earthquake is imminent. As a first step towards studying the underlying physical mechanism for the LURR observations, numerical studies are conducted using the particle based lattice solid model (LSM) to determine whether LURR observations can be reproduced. The model is initialized as a heterogeneous 2-D block made up of random-sized particles bonded by elastic-brittle links. The system is subjected to uniaxial compression from rigid driving plates on the upper and lower edges of the model. Experiments are conducted using both strain and stress control to load the plates. A sinusoidal stress perturbation is added to the gradual compressional loading to simulate loading and unloading cycles and LURR is calculated. The results reproduce signals similar to those observed in earthquake prediction practice with a high LURR value followed by a sudden drop prior to macroscopic failure of the sample. The results suggest that LURR provides a good predictor for catastrophic failure in elastic-brittle systems and motivate further research to study the underlying physical mechanisms and statistical properties of high LURR values. The results provide encouragement for earthquake prediction research and the use of advanced simulation models to probe the physics of earthquakes.
The main idea of the Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) is that when a system is stable, its response to loading corresponds to its response to unloading, whereas when the system is approaching an unstable state, the response to loading and unloading becomes quite different. High LURR values and observations of Accelerating Moment/Energy Release (AMR/AER) prior to large earthquakes have led different research groups to suggest intermediate-term earthquake prediction is possible and imply that the LURR and AMR/AER observations may have a similar physical origin. To study this possibility, we conducted a retrospective examination of several Australian and Chinese earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 7.9, including Australia's deadly Newcastle earthquake and the devastating Tangshan earthquake. Both LURR values and best-fit power-law time-to-failure functions were computed using data within a range of distances from the epicenter. Like the best-fit power-law fits in AMR/AER, the LURR value was optimal using data within a certain epicentral distance implying a critical region for LURR. Furthermore, LURR critical region size scales with mainshock magnitude and is similar to the AMR/AER critical region size. These results suggest a common physical origin for both the AMR/AER and LURR observations. Further research may provide clues that yield an understanding of this mechanism and help lead to a solid foundation for intermediate-term earthquake prediction.
A decision theory framework can be a powerful technique to derive optimal management decisions for endangered species. We built a spatially realistic stochastic metapopulation model for the Mount Lofty Ranges Southern Emu-wren (Stipiturus malachurus intermedius), a critically endangered Australian bird. Using diserete-time Markov,chains to describe the dynamics of a metapopulation and stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) to find optimal solutions, we evaluated the following different management decisions: enlarging existing patches, linking patches via corridors, and creating a new patch. This is the first application of SDP to optimal landscape reconstruction and one of the few times that landscape reconstruction dynamics have been integrated with population dynamics. SDP is a powerful tool that has advantages over standard Monte Carlo simulation methods because it can give the exact optimal strategy for every landscape configuration (combination of patch areas and presence of corridors) and pattern of metapopulation occupancy, as well as a trajectory of strategies. It is useful when a sequence of management actions can be performed over a given time horizon, as is the case for many endangered species recovery programs, where only fixed amounts of resources are available in each time step. However, it is generally limited by computational constraints to rather small networks of patches. The model shows that optimal metapopulation, management decisions depend greatly on the current state of the metapopulation,. and there is no strategy that is universally the best. The extinction probability over 30 yr for the optimal state-dependent management actions is 50-80% better than no management, whereas the best fixed state-independent sets of strategies are only 30% better than no management. This highlights the advantages of using a decision theory tool to investigate conservation strategies for metapopulations. It is clear from these results that the sequence of management actions is critical, and this can only be effectively derived from stochastic dynamic programming. The model illustrates the underlying difficulty in determining simple rules of thumb for the sequence of management actions for a metapopulation. This use of a decision theory framework extends the capacity of population viability analysis (PVA) to manage threatened species.
For a design D, define spec(D) = {\M\ \ M is a minimal defining set of D} to be the spectrum of minimal defining sets of D. In this note we give bounds on the size of an element in spec(D) when D is a Steiner system. We also show that the spectrum of minimal defining sets of the Steiner triple system given by the points and lines of PG(3,2) equals {16,17,18,19,20,21,22}, and point out some open questions concerning the Steiner triple systems associated with PG(n, 2) in general. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Cyclic m-cycle systems of order v are constructed for all m greater than or equal to 3, and all v = 1(mod 2m). This result has been settled previously by several authors. In this paper, we provide a different solution, as a consequence of a more general result, which handles all cases using similar methods and which also allows us to prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a cyclic m-cycle system of K-v - F for all m greater than or equal to 3, and all v = 2(mod 2m).
Blast fragmentation can have a significant impact on the profitability of a mine. An optimum run of mine (ROM) size distribution is required to maximise the performance of downstream processes. If this fragmentation size distribution can be modelled and controlled, the operation will have made a significant advancement towards improving its performance. Blast fragmentation modelling is an important step in Mine to Mill™ optimisation. It allows the estimation of blast fragmentation distributions for a number of different rock mass, blast geometry, and explosive parameters. These distributions can then be modelled in downstream mining and milling processes to determine the optimum blast design. When a blast hole is detonated rock breakage occurs in two different stress regions - compressive and tensile. In the-first region, compressive stress waves form a 'crushed zone' directly adjacent to the blast hole. The second region, termed the 'cracked zone', occurs outside the crush one. The widely used Kuz-Ram model does not recognise these two blast regions. In the Kuz-Ram model the mean fragment size from the blast is approximated and is then used to estimate the remaining size distribution. Experience has shown that this model predicts the coarse end reasonably accurately, but it can significantly underestimate the amount of fines generated. As part of the Australian Mineral Industries Research Association (AMIRA) P483A Mine to Mill™ project, the Two-Component Model (TCM) and Crush Zone Model (CZM), developed by the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), were compared and evaluated to measured ROM fragmentation distributions. An important criteria for this comparison was the variation of model results from measured ROM in the-fine to intermediate section (1-100 mm) of the fragmentation curve. This region of the distribution is important for Mine to Mill™ optimisation. The comparison of modelled and Split ROM fragmentation distributions has been conducted in harder ores (UCS greater than 80 MPa). Further work involves modelling softer ores. The comparisons will be continued with future site surveys to increase confidence in the comparison of the CZM and TCM to Split results. Stochastic fragmentation modelling will then be conducted to take into account variation of input parameters. A window of possible fragmentation distributions can be compared to those obtained by Split . Following this work, an improved fragmentation model will be developed in response to these findings.
We describe a direct method of partitioning the 840 Steiner triple systems of order 9 into 120 large sets. The method produces partitions in which all of the large sets are isomorphic and we apply the method to each of the two non-isomorphic large sets of STS(9).