169 resultados para Acid Sites


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Acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase is a key enzyme involved in the biosynthetic pathway of the amino acids isoleucine, valine, and leucine. This enzyme is of great interest in agrochemical research because it is present only in plants and microorganisms, making it a potential target for specific herbicides and fungicides. Moreover, it catalyzes an unusual two-step reaction that is of great fundamental interest. With a view to characterizing both the mechanism of inhibition by potential herbicides and the complex reaction mechanism, various techniques of enzymology, molecular biology, mass spectrometry, X-ray crystallography, and theoretical simulation have been used. The results and conclusions of these studies are described briefly in this paper.


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A simulation of competitively primed allele-specific DNA amplification has been constructed and its behavior examined, This has shown that when the ratio of the amount of homoduplex misprime product to the total amount of amplimer is low, it increases by approximately one-fourth of the mispriming frequency with each doubling of the total amount of amplimer, When the ratio is high acid reverse mispriming becomes significant, it asymptotes toward a value


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We describe the genomic organization of a recently identified CC chemokine, MIP3 alpha /CCL20 (HGMW-approved symbol SCYA20). The MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 gene was cloned and sequenced, revealing a four exon, three intron structure, and was localized by FISK analysis to 2q35-q36. Two distinct cDNAs were identified, encoding two forms of MIP-3 alpha /CCL20, Ala MLP-3 alpha /CCL20 and Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20, that differ by one amino acid at the predicted signal peptide cleavage site. Examination of the sequence around the boundary of intron 1 and exon 2 showed that use of alternative splice acceptor sites could give rise to Ata MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 or Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20. Both forms of MIP-3cr/CCL20 were chemically synthesized and tested for biological activity. Both flu antigen plus IL-a-activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T lymphoblasts and cord blood-derived dendritic cells responded to Ser and Ala MIP-3 alpha /CCL20. T lymphocytes exposed only to IL-2 responded inconsistently, while no response was detected in naive T lymphocytes, monocytes, or neutrophils. The biological activity of Ser MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 and Ala MIP-3 alpha /CCL20 and the tissue-specific preference of different splice acceptor sites are not yet known. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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An improved differential display technique was used to search for changes in gene expression in the superior frontal cortex of alcoholics, A cDNA fragment was retrieved and cloned. Further sequence of the cDNA was determined from 5' RACE and screening of a human brain cDNA library. The gene was named hNP22 (human neuronal protein 22). The deduced protein sequence of hNP22 has an estimated molecular mass of 22.4 kDa with a putative calcium-binding site, and phosphorylation sites for casein kinase II and protein kinase C. The deduced amino acid sequence of hNP22 shares homology (from 67% to 42%) with four other proteins, SM22 alpha, calponin, myophilin and mp20. Sequence homology suggests a potential interaction of hNP22 with cytoskeletal elements. hNP22 mRNA was expressed in various brain regions but in alcoholics, greater mRNA expression occurred in the superior frontal cortex, but not in the primary motor cortex or cerebellum. The results suggest that hNP22 may have a role in alcohol-related adaptations and may mediate regulatory signal transduction pathways in neurones.


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It has been previously observed that the intrinsically weak variant GC donor sites, in order to be recognized by the U2-type spliceosome, possess strong consensus sequences maximized for base pair formation with U1 and U5/U6 snRNAs. However, variability in signal strength is a fundamental mechanism for splice site selection in alternative splicing. Here we report human alternative GC-AG introns (for the first time from any species), and show that while constitutive GC-AG introns do possess strong signals at their donor sites, a large subset of alternative GC-AG introns possess weak consensus sequences at their donor sites. Surprisingly, this subset of alternative isoforms shows strong consensus at acceptor exon positions 1 and 2. The improved consensus at the acceptor exon can facilitate a strong interaction with U5 snRNA, which tethers the two exons for ligation during the second step of splicing. Further, these isoforms nearly always possess alternative acceptor sites and always possess alternative acceptor sites and exhibit particularly weak polypyrimidine tracts characteristic of AG-dependent introns. The acceptor exon nucleotides are part of the consensus required for the U2AF(35)-mediated recognition of AG in such introns. Such improved consensus at acceptor exons is not found in either normal or alternative GT-AG introns having weak donor sites or weak polypyrimidine,tracts. The changes probably reflect mechanisms that allow GC-AG alternative intron isoforms to cope with two conflicting requirements, namely an apparent need for differential splice strength to direct the choice of alternative sites and a need for improved donor signals to compensate for the central mismatch base pair (C-A) in the RNA duplex of U1 snRNA and the pre-mRNA. The other important findings include (i) one in every twenty alternative introns is a GC-AG intron, and (ii) three of every five observed GC-AG introns are alternative isoforms.


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To obtain methotrexate (MTX) derivatives with a balanced hydrolipophilic character, we synthesized a series of conjugates in which the drug was linked to lipoamino acid (LAA)-glucose residues (LAAG-MTX). These conjugates displayed increased solubility in polar media compared with the corresponding LAA-MTX conjugates previously described. In vitro biological testing of LAAG-MTX indicated that the introduction of the sugar moiety decreased the biological activity of these MTX conjugates. The tetradecyl derivative 6b, however, was effective in inhibiting the dihydrofolate reductase activity in vitro and showed an inhibitory effect on human lymphoblastoid cell growth. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In humans, hydromorphone (HMOR) is metabolised principally by conjugation with glucuronic acid to form hydromorphone-3-glucuronide (H3G), a close structural analogue of morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), the major metabolite of morphine. In a previous study we described the biochemical synthesis of H3G together with a preliminary evaluation of its pharmacology which revealed that it is a neuro-excitant in rats in a manner analogous to M3G. Thus the aims of the current study were to quantify the neuro-excitatory behaviours evoked by intracerebroventricular (icv) H3G in the rat and to define its potency relative to M3G. Groups of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats received icy injections (1 muL) of H3G (1 - 3 mug), M3G (2 - 7 mug) or vehicle via a stainless steel guide cannula that had been implanted stereotaxically seven days prior to drug administration. Behavioural excitation was monitored by scoring fifteen different behaviours (myoclonic jerks, chewing, wet-dog-shakes, rearing, tonic-clonic-convulsions, explosive motor behaviour, grooming, exploring, general activity, eating, staring, ataxia, righting reflex, body posture, touch evoked agitation) immediately prior to icy injection and at the following post-dosing times: 5, 15, 25, 35, 50, 65 and 80 min. H3G produced dose-dependent behavioural excitation in a manner analogous to that reported previously for M3G by our laboratory and reproduced herein. H3G was found to be approximately 2.5-fold more potent than M3G, such that the mean (+/- S.D.) ED50 values were 2.3 (+/- 0.1) mug and 6.1 (+/- 0.6) mug respectively. Thus, our data clearly imply that if H3G crosses the BBB with equivalent efficiency to M3G, then the myoclonus, allodynia and seizures observed in some patients dosed chronically with large systemic doses of HMOR, are almost certainly due to the accumulation of sufficient H3G in the central nervous system, to evoke behavioural excitation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The reasons for the intra- and interindividual variability in the clearance of valproic acid (VPA) have not been completely characterized. The aim of this study was to examine day-night changes in the clearance of 3-oxo-valproate (3-oxo-VPA), 4-hydroxy-valproate (4-OH-VPA), and valproic acid glucuronides under steady state. Six diurnally active healthy male volunteers ingested 200 mg sodium valproate 12 hourly, at 0800 and 2000, for 28 days. On the last study day, two sequential 12-h urine samples were collected commencing at 2000 the evening before. Plasma samples were obtained at the end of each collection. Following alkaline hydrolysis, urine was analyzed for concentrations of VPA, 3-oxo-VPA, and 4-OH-VPA. A separate aliquot was assayed for creatinine (CR). The plasma concentrations of VPA, 3-oxo-VPA, 2-en-VPA, and CR were determined. The analysis of VPA and its metabolites was performed by CC-MS. There was an increase in plasma 3-oxo-VPA concentration at 0800, sampling as compared to 2000 sampling (p < .05). The urinary excretion of 3-oxo-VPA and VPA glucuronides were decreased between 2000 and 0800, compared to between 0800, and 2000, by 30% and 50% respectively (p < .05). These results indicate a nocturnal decrease in renal clearance of 3-oxo-VPA rather than a decrease in the beta -oxidation of VPA at night. These differences were not explained by differences between the sampling periods in CR excretion. These results indicate the importance of collecting samples of 24-h duration when studying metabolic profiles of VPA.


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Initial experiments were conducted using an in situ rat tibialis anterior (TA) muscle preparation to assess the influence of dietary antioxidants on muscle contractile properties. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two dietary groups: 1) control diet (Con) and 2) supplemented with vitamin E (VE) and alpha -lipoic acid (alpha -LA) (Antiox). Antiox rats were fed the Con rats' diet (AIN-93M) with an additional 10,000 IU VE/kg diet and 1.65 g/kg alpha -LA. After an 8-wk feeding period, no differences existed (P > 0.05) between the two dietary groups in maximum specific tension before or after a fatigue protocol or in force production during the fatigue protocol. However, in unfatigued muscle, maximal twitch tension and tetanic force production at stimulation frequencies less than or equal to 40 Hz were less (P < 0.05) in Antiox animals compared with Con. To investigate which antioxidant was responsible for the depressed force production, a second experiment was conducted using an in vitro rat diaphragm preparation. Varying concentrations of VE and dihydrolipoic acid, the reduced form of -LA, were added either individually or in combination to baths containing diaphragm muscle strips. The results from these experiments indicate that high levels of VE depress skeletal muscle force production at low stimulation frequencies.


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Recent studies have provided evidence that breast cancer susceptibility gene products (Brca1 and Brca2) suppress cancer, at least in part, by participating in DNA damage signaling and DNA repair. Brca1 is hyperphosphorylated in response to DNA damage and co-localizes with Rad51, a protein involved in homologous-recombination, and Nbs1·Mre11·Rad50, a complex required for both homologous-recombination and nonhomologous end joining repair of damaged DNA. Here, we report that there is a qualitative difference in the phosphorylation states of Brca1 between ionizing radiation (IR) and UV radiation. Brca1 is phosphorylated at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR and UV; however, Ser-1387 is specifically phosphorylated after IR, and Ser-1457 is predominantly phosphorylated after UV. These results suggest that different types of DNA-damaging agents might signal to Brca1 in different ways. We also provide evidence that the rapid phosphorylation of Brca1 at Ser-1423 and Ser-1524 after IR (but not after UV) is largely ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase-dependent. The overexpression of catalytically inactive ATM and Rad3 related (ATR) kinase inhibited the UV-induced phosphorylation of Brca1 at these sites, indicating that ATR controls Brca1 phosphorylation in vivo after the exposure of cells to UV light. Moreover, ATR associates with Brca1; ATR and Brca1 foci co-localize both in cells synchronized in S phase and after exposure of cells to DNA-damaging agents. ATR can itself phosphorylate the region of Brca1 phosphorylated by ATM (Ser-Gln cluster in the C terminus of Brca1, amino acids 1241-1530). However, there are additional uncharacterized ATR phosphorylation site(s) between residues 521 and 757 of Brca1. Taken together, our results support a model in which ATM and ATR act in parallel but somewhat overlapping pathways of DNA damage signaling but respond primarily to different types of DNA lesion.


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A two-domain portion of the proteinase inhibitor precursor from Nicotiana alata (NaProPI) has been expressed and its structure determined by NMR spectroscopy. NaProPI contains six almost identical 53 amino acid repeats that fold into six highly similar domains; however, the sequence repeats do nut coincide with the structural domains. Five of the structural domains comprise the C-terminal portion of one repeat and the N-terminal portion of the next. The sixth domain contains the C-terminal portion of the sixth repeat and the N-terminal portion of the first repeat. Disulphide bonds link these C and N-terminal fragments to generate the clasped-bracelet fold of NaProPI. The three-dimensional structure of NaProPI is not known, but it is conceivable that adjacent domains in NaProPI interact to generate the circular bracelet with the N and C termini in close enough proximity to facilitate formation of the disulphide bonds that form the clasp The expressed protein, examined in the current study, comprises residues 25-135 of NaProPI and encompasses the first two contiguous structural domains, namely the chymotrypsin inhibitor C1 and the trypsin inhibitor T1, joined by a five-residue linker, and is referred to as C1-T1. The tertiary structure of each domain in C1-T1 is identical to that found in the isolated inhibitors. However, no nuclear Overhauser effect contacts are observed between the two domains and the five-residue linker adopts an extended conformation. The absence of interactions between the domains indicates that adjacent domains do not specifically interact to drive the circularisation of NaProPI. These results are in agreement with recent data which describe similar PI precursors from other members of the Solanaceae having two, three, or four repeats. The lack of strong interdomain association is likely to be important for the function of individual inhibitors by ensuring that there is no masking of reactive sites upon release from the precursor. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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SOX9 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in chondrogenesis, Aggrecan is one of the major structural components in cartilage; however, the molecular mechanism of aggrecan gene regulation has not yet been fully elucidated, TC6 is a clonal chondrocytic cell line derived from articular cartilage, The purpose of this study was to examine whether SOX9 modulates aggrecan gene expression and to further identify molecules that regulate Sox9 expression in TC6 cells. SOX9 overexpression in TC6 cells enhanced by similar to 3-fold the transcriptional activity of the AgCAT-8 construct containing S-kilobase (kb) promoter/first exon/first intron fragments of the aggrecan gene. SOX9 enhancement of aggrecan promoter activity was lost when we deleted a 4.5-kb fragment from the 3'-end of the 8-kb fragment corresponding to the region including the first intron, In TC6 cells, SOX9 enhanced the transcriptional activity of a reporter construct containing the Sry/Sox consensus sequence >10-fold. SOX9 enhancement of aggrecan gene promoter activity and SOX9 transactivation through the Sry/Sox consensus sequence were not observed in osteoblastic osteosarcoma cells (ROS17/2.8), indicating the dependence on the cellular background. Northern blot analysis indicated that TC6 cells constitutively express Sox9 mRNA at relatively low levels. To examine regulation of Sox9 gene expression, we investigated the effects of calciotropic hormones and cytokines, Among these, retinoic acid (RA) specifically enhanced Sox9 mRNA expression in TC6 cells. The basal levels of Sox9 expression and its enhancement by RA were observed similarly at both permissive (33 degrees C) and nonpermissive (39 degrees C) temperatures. Furthermore, RA treatment enhanced the transcriptional activity of a reporter construct containing the Sry/Sox consensus sequence in TC6 cells. Moreover, RA treatment also enhanced the transcriptional activity of another reporter construct containing the enhancer region of the type II procollagen gene in TC6 cells. These observations indicate that SOX9 enhances aggrecan promoter activity and that its expression is up-regulated by RA in TC6 cells.


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A purple acid phosphatase from sweet potato is the first reported example of a protein containing an enzymatically active binuclear Fe-Mn center. Multifield saturation magnetization data over a temperature range of 2 to 200 K indicates that this center is strongly antiferromagnetically coupled. Metal ion analysis shows an excess of iron over manganese. Low temperature EPR spectra reveal only resonances characteristic of high spin Fe(III) centers (Fe(III)-apo and Fe(III)-Zn(II)) and adventitious Cu(II) centers. There were no resonances from either Mn(II) or binuclear Fe-Mn centers. Together with a comparison of spectral properties and sequence homologies between known purple acid phosphatases, the enzymatic and spectroscopic data strongly indicate the presence of catalytic Fe(III)-Mn(II) centers in the active site of the sweet potato enzyme. Because of the strong antiferromagnetism it is likely that the metal ions in the sweet potato enzyme are linked via a mu -oxo bridge, in contrast to other known purple acid phosphatases in which a mu -hydroxo bridge is present. Differences in metal ion composition and bridging may affect substrate specificities leading to the biological function of different purple acid phosphatases.


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Cells from patients with the genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation and radiomimetic agents, both of which generate reactive oxygen species capable of causing oxidative damage to DNA and other macromolecules. We describe in A-T cells constitutive activation of pathways that normally respond to genotoxic stress, Basal levels of p53 and p21(WAF1/CIP1), phosphorylation on serine 15 of p53, and the Tyr15-phosphorylated form of cdc2 are chronically elevated in these cells. Treatment of A-T cells with the antioxidant alpha -lipoic acid significantly reduced the levels of these proteins, pointing to the involvement of reactive oxygen species in their chronic activation. These findings suggest that the absence of functional ATM results in a mild but continuous state of oxidative stress, which could account for several features of the pleiotropic phenotype of A-T.