106 resultados para young swimmers
This paper provides a comparative analysis of the behaviour of young, single, British international and domestic tourists during their holidays. The research was located in Torquay, on the Southwest coast of England, and Cala Millor, on the Northeast of Mallorca. These locations represent two of the most popular destinations for young British tourists on domestic and international vacations, respectively. The findings of this research suggest that young, single, British tourists on domestic vacations behave in a different manner compared to those holidaying at the international level. Indeed, compared to domestic tourists, young people on international vacations tended to behave in a more passive and hedonistic manner. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper discusses the tensions of adaptation as experienced by 72 young women, born in the Philippines or to immigrant mothers and resident in southeast, far west and far north Queensland, Australia. As illustrated, these women, aged 14-25 years, often have difficulty balancing their expectations with those of their families and of the society in which they live. Like most young Australians they experience some conflicts with parents, but the intersections of race, gender and culture may make it particularly difficult for young Filipinas to develop a sense of their own identity and place in society. The retention of Filipino values often isolates young women from their peers and excludes them from participating in activities considered an important part of growing up Australian, but the adoption of 'Australian' behaviors such as drinking and smoking is not necessarily accompanied by an enhanced sense of belonging.
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Research reports prepared by three Australian preservice teachers--Paula Shaw, Chris Sharp and Scott McDonald--undertaking their teacher education practicum in Canada, form the basis of this paper. The reports provide critical insights into three aspects of education for young people in both Canada and Australia. They also provide critical insight into the ways in which a practicum research project, along with the opportunities afforded through an international experience, enabled the preservice teachers to broaden their understanding of the curriculum for young people, of issues relevant to the diverse needs of young people, and of themselves and their priorities as teachers. The preservice teachers investigated three topics: attempts to reduce homophobia in schools; the presence or absence of Aboriginal content in the school curricula in British Columbia and Queensland; and "schools-within-schools" as a means to meet the needs of diverse student populations. Linda Farr Darling from the University of British Columbia provides a response to the three reports.
Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with cross-polarisation (CP) and magic-angle-spinning (MAS) was used to: (a) examine the changes in carbon (C) composition of windrowed harvest residues during the first 3 years of hoop pine plantations in subtropical Australia; (b) assess the impacts of windrowed harvest residues on soil organic matter (SOM) composition and quality in the 0-10 cm soil layer. Harvest residues were collected from 0-, 1-, 2- and 3-year-old windrows of ca. 2.5 m width (15 m apart for 0-, 1- and 2-year-old sites and 10 m apart for 3-year-old site). Soils from the 0 to 10 cm soil layer were collected from the 1-, 2- and 3-year-old sites. The 13C NMR spectra of the harvest residues indicated the presence of lignin in the hoop pine wood, foliage and newly incorporated organic matter (NIOM). Condensed tannin structures were found in the decay-resistant bark, small wood and foliage, but were absent in other residue components and SOM. The NMR spectra of small wood samples contained condensed tannin structures because the outer layer of bark was not removed. NIOM showed a shift from foliage-like structures (celluloses) to lignin-type structures, indicating an incorporation of woody residues from the decomposing harvest residues. Suberins were also present in the small wood, foliage and bark. The 13C CP NMR spectra of SOM indicated that in areas where windrows were present, SOM did not show compositional changes. However, an increase in SOM quality under the windrows in the second year after their formation as characterised by the alkyl C/O-alkyl C (A/O-A) ratio was mainly due to inputs from the decomposition of the labile, readily available components of the windrowed harvest residues. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Background: Physical activity (PA) patterns are likely to change in young adulthood in line with changes in lifestyle that occur in the transition from adolescence to adulthood. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether key life events experienced by young women in their early twenties are associated with increasing levels of inactivity. Methods: This was a 4-year follow-up of 7281 participants (aged 18 to 23 years at baseline) in the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health, with self-reported measures of PA, life events, body mass index (BMI), and sociodemographic variables. Results: The cross-sectional data indicated no change in PA between baseline (57% active) and follow-up (56% active). However, for almost 40% of the sample, PA category changed between baseline and follow-up, with approximately 20% of the women changing from being active to inactive, and another 20% changing from being inactive to active. After adjustment for age, other sociodemographic variables, BMI, and PA at baseline, women who reported getting married, having a first or subsequent child, or beginning paid work were more likely to be inactive at follow-up than those who did not report these events. Conclusions: The results suggest that life events such as getting married, having children, and starting work are associated with decreased levels of PA in young adult women. Strategies are needed to promote maintenance of activity at the time when most women experience these key life-stage transitions.
Background. The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability of stage of change (SOC) measures for moderate-intensity and vigorous physical activity in two separate samples of young adults. Staging measures have focused on vigorous exercise, but current public health guidelines emphasize moderate-intensity activity. Method. For college students in the USA (n = 105) and in Australia (n = 123), SOC was assessed separately on two occasions for moderate-intensity activity and for vigorous activity. Test-retest repeatability was determined, using Cohen's kappa coefficient. Results. In both samples, the reliability scores for the moderate-intensity physical activity staging measure were lower than the scores for the vigorous exercise staging measure. Weighted kappa values for the moderate-intensity staging measure were in the fair to good range for both studies (0.50 and 0.45); for the vigorous staging measure kappa values were excellent and fair to good (0.76 and 0.72). Conclusions. There is a need to standardize and improve methods for staging moderate-intensity activity, given that such measures are used in public health interventions targeting HEPA (health-enhancing physical activity). (C) 2003 American Health Foundation and Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Translabial ultrasound is increasingly being used for the assessment of women presenting with pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence (1,2). However, there is little information on normal values for bladder neck descent, with the two available studies disagreeing widely (3,4). No data has so far been published on mobility of the central and posterior compartment which can now also be assessed by ultrasound (5). This study presents normal values for urethral, bladder, cervical and rectal mobility in a cohort of young, stress continent, nulliparous nonpregnant women. Methods 118 nonpregnant nulliparous Caucasian women between 18 and 23 years of age were recruited for an ongoing twin study of pelvic floor function. Translabial ultrasound assessment of pelvic organ mobility was undertaken supine and after bladder emptying (6,7). The best of at least three effective Valsalva manoeuvres was used for evaluation, with no attempts at standardization of Valsalva pressure. Parameters of anterior compartment mobility were obtained by the use of on-screen calipers; cervical and rectal descent were evaluated on printouts. All examinations were carried out under direct supervision of the first author or by personnel trained by him for at least 100 consecutive assessments. Results The median age of participants in this study was 20 (range 18- 23). Mean body mass index was 23 (range 16.9- 36.7). Of 118 women, 2 were completely unable to perform a Valsalva manoeuvre despite repeated efforts at teaching and were excluded from analysis, as were ten women who complained of urinary stress incontinence, leaving 106 datasets. Average measurements for the parameters ‘retrovesical angle at rest’ (RVA-R) and on Valsalva (RVA-S), urethral rotation, bladder neck mobility, cysto-cele descent, cervical descent and descent of the rectal ampulla are given in Table 1.