182 resultados para quantum search


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We report quantum chaos phenomena in the atomic gravitational cavity. We consider the reflection of cold atoms from a temporally modulated evanescent wave. In the globally chaotic regime, for small modulation, the squared energy distribution as a function of time demonstrates dynamical localization. However, for larger modulation delocalization occurs.


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We have previously shown that H-1 pulsed-field-gradient (PFG) NMR spectroscopy provides a facile method for monitoring protein self-association and can be used, albeit with some caveats, to measure the apparent molecular mass of the diffusant [Dingley et al. (1995) J. Biomol. NMR, 6, 321-328]. In this paper we show that, for N-15-labelled proteins, selection of H-1-N-15 multiple-quantum (MQ) coherences in PFG diffusion experiments provides several advantages over monitoring H-1 single-quantum (SQ) magnetization. First, the use of a gradient-selected MQ filter provides a convenient means of suppressing resonances from both the solvent and unlabelled solutes. Second, H-1-N-15 zero-quantum coherence dephases more rapidly than H-1 SQ coherence under the influence of a PFG. This allows the diffusion coefficients of larger proteins to be measured more readily. Alternatively, the gradient length and/or the diffusion delay may be decreased, thereby reducing signal losses from relaxation. In order to extend the size of macromolecules to which these experiments can be applied, we have developed a new MQ PFG diffusion experiment in which the magnetization is stored as longitudinal two-spin order for most of the diffusion period, thus minimizing sensitivity losses due to transverse relaxation and J-coupling evolution.


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We show how a nonlinear chaotic system, the parametrically kicked nonlinear oscillator, may be realized in the dynamics of a trapped, laser-cooled ion, interacting with a sequence of standing-wave pulses. Unlike the original optical scheme [G. J. Milburn and C.A. Holmes, Phys. Rev. A 44, 4704 (1991)], the trapped ion enables strongly quantum dynamics with minimal dissipation. This should permit an experimental test of one of the quantum signatures of chaos: irregular collapse and revival dynamics of the average vibrational energy.


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The time evolution of the populations of the collective states of a two-atom system in a squeezed vacuum can exhibit quantum beats. We show that the effect appears only when the carrier frequency of the squeezed field is detuned from the atomic resonance. Moreover, we find that the quantum beats are not present for the case in which the two-photon correlation strength is the maximum possible for a field with a classical analog. We also show that the population inversion between the excited collective states, found for the resonant squeezed vacuum, is sensitive to the detuning and the two-photon correlations. For large detunings or a field with a classical analog there is no inversion between the collective states. Observation of the quantum beats or the population inversion would confirm the essentially quantum-mechanical nature of the squeezed vacuum. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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Using the method of quantum trajectories we show that a known pure state can be optimally monitored through time when subject to a sequence of discrete measurements. By modifying the way that we extract information from the measurement apparatus we can minimize the average algorithmic information of the measurement record, without changing the unconditional evolution of the measured system. We define an optimal measurement scheme as one which has the lowest average algorithmic information allowed. We also show how it is possible to extract information about system operator averages from the measurement records and their probabilities. The optimal measurement scheme, in the limit of weak coupling, determines the statistics of the variance of the measured variable directly. We discuss the relevance of such measurements for recent experiments in quantum optics.


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This paper offers a defense of backwards in time causation models in quantum mechanics. Particular attention is given to Cramer's transactional account, which is shown to have the threefold virtue of solving the Bell problem, explaining the complex conjugate aspect of the quantum mechanical formalism, and explaining various quantum mysteries such as Schrodinger's cat. The question is therefore asked, why has this model not received more attention from physicists and philosophers? One objection given by physicists in assessing Cramer's theory was that it is not testable. This paper seeks to answer this concern by utilizing an argument that backwards causation models entail a fork theory of causal direction. From the backwards causation model together with the fork theory one can deduce empirical predictions. Finally, the objection that this strategy is questionable because of its appeal to philosophy is deflected.


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By generalizing the Reshetikhin and Semenov-Tian-Shansky construction to supersymmetric cases, we obtain the Drinfeld current realization for the quantum affine superalgebra U-q[gl(m\n)((1))]. We find a simple coproduct for the quantum current generators and establish the Hopf algebra structure of this super current algebra.


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Feature selection is one of important and frequently used techniques in data preprocessing. It can improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of data mining by reducing the dimensions of feature space and removing the irrelevant and redundant information. Feature selection can be viewed as a global optimization problem of finding a minimum set of M relevant features that describes the dataset as well as the original N attributes. In this paper, we apply the adaptive partitioned random search strategy into our feature selection algorithm. Under this search strategy, the partition structure and evaluation function is proposed for feature selection problem. This algorithm ensures the global optimal solution in theory and avoids complete randomness in search direction. The good property of our algorithm is shown through the theoretical analysis.