101 resultados para herbicide mixtures
Isothermal calorimetry has been used to examine the effect of thermodynamic non-ideality on the kinetics of catalysis by rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase as the result of molecular crowding by inert cosolutes. The investigation, designed to detect substrate-mediated isomerization of pyruvate kinase, has revealed a 15% enhancement of maximal velocity by supplementation of reaction mixtures with 0.1 M proline, glycine or sorbitol. This effect of thermodynamic non-ideality implicates the existence of a substrate-induced conformational change that is governed by a minor volume decrease and a very small isomerization constant; and hence, substantiates earlier inferences that the rate-determining step in pyruvate kinase kinetics is isomerization of the ternary enzyme product complex rather than the release of products. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The inhibitory effect of sucrose on the kinetics of thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of the chromogenic substrate S-2238 (D-phenylalanyl-pipecolyl-arginoyl-p-nitroanilide) is re-examined as a possible consequence of thermodynamic non-ideality-an inhibition originally attributed to the increased viscosity of reaction mixtures. However, those published results may also be rationalized in terms of the suppression of a substrate-induced isomerization of thrombin to a slightly more expanded (or more asymmetric) transition state prior to the irreversible kinetic steps that lead to substrate hydrolysis. This reinterpretation of the kinetic results solely in terms of molecular crowding does not signify the lack of an effect of viscosity on any reaction step(s) subject to diffusion control. Instead, it highlights the need for development of analytical procedures that can accommodate the concomitant operation of thermodynamic non-ideality and viscosity effects.
Purpose. The flux of a topically applied drug depends on the activity in the skin and the interaction between the vehicle and skin. Permeation of vehicle into the skin can alter the activity of drug and the properties of the skin barrier. The aim of this in vitro study was to separate and quantify these effects. Methods. The flux of four radiolabeled permeants (water, phenol, diflunisal, and diazepam) with log K-oct/water values from 1.4 to 4.3 was measured over 4 h through heat-separated human epidermis pretreated for 30 min with vehicles having Hildebrand solubility parameters from 7.9 to 23.4 (cal/cm(3))(1/2). Results. Enhancement was greatest after pretreatment with the more lipophilic vehicles. A synergistic enhancement was observed using binary mixtures. The flux of diazepam was not enhanced to the same extent as the other permeants, possibly because its partitioning into the epidermis is close to optimal (log K-oct 2.96). Conclusion. An analysis of the permeant remaining in the epidermis revealed that the enhancement can be the result of either increased partitioning of permeant into the epidermis or an increasing diffusivity of permeants through the epidermis.
In response to recent reports of contamination of the nearshore marine environment along the Queensland coast by herbicides (including areas inside the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park), an ecotoxicological assessment was conducted of the impact of the herbicides diuron and atrazine on scleractinian corals. Pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to assess the herbicide effects on the symbiotic dinoflagellates within the tissues (in hospite) of 4 species of coral (Acropora formosa, Montipora digitata, Porites cylindrica, Seriatopora hystrix) in static toxicity tests, and in freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates from Stylophora pistillata. Using change in the effective quantum yield (DeltaF/F-m') as an effect criterion, diuron (no observable effect concentration, NOEC = 0.3 mug 1(-1); lowest observable effect concentration, LOEC = 1 mug 1(-1); median effective concentration, EC50 4 to 6 mug 1(-1)) was found to be more toxic than atrazine (NOEC = 1 mug 1(-1), LOEC = 3 mug 1(-1), EC50 40 to 90 mug 1(-1)) in short-term (10 h) toxicity tests. In the tests with isolated algae, significant reductions in DeltaF/F-m' were recorded as low as 0.25 mug 1(-1) diuron (LOEC, EC50 = 5 mug 1(-1)). Time-course experiments indicated that the effects of diuron were rapid and reversible. At 10 mug 1(-1) diuron, DeltaF/F-m' was reduced by 25% in 20 to 30 min, and by 50% in 60 to 90 min. Recovery of DeltaF/F-m' in corals exposed to 10 mug 1(-1) diuron and then transferred to running seawater was slower, returning to within 10% of control values inside 1 to 7 h. The effect of a reduction in salinity (35 to 27%) on diuron toxicity (at 1 and 3 mug 1(-1) diuron) was tested to examine the potential consequences of contaminated coastal flood plumes inundating inshore reefs. DeltaF/F-m' was reduced in the diuron-exposed corals, but there was no significant interaction between diuron and reduced salinity seawater within the 10 h duration of the test. Exposure to higher (100 and 1000 mug 1(-1)) diuron concentrations for 96 h caused a reduction in DeltaF/F-m' the ratio variable to maximal fluorescence (F,1F.), significant loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates and pronounced tissue retraction, causing the corals to pale or bleach. The significance of the results in relation to diuron contamination of the coastal marine environment from terrestrial sources (mainly agricultural) and marine sources (antifouling paints) are discussed.
A stickiness testing device based on the probe tack test has been designed and tested. It was used to perform in situ characterization of drying hemispherical drops with an initial radius 3.5 mm. Tests were carried out in two drying temperatures, 63 and 95 degreesC. Moisture and temperature histories of the drying drops of fructose, honey, sucrose, maltodextrin and sucrose-maltodextrin mixtures were determined. The rates of moisture evaporation of the fructose solution was the fastest while those of the maltodextrin solution was the lowest. A profile reversal was observed when the temperature profiles of these materials were compared. Different modes of failure were observed during the stickiness tests. Pure fructose and honey solutions remained completely sticky and failed cohesively until the end of drying. Pure sucrose solution remained sticky and failed cohesively until complete crystallization occurred. The surface of the maltodextrin drops formed a skin shortly after the start of drying. It exhibited adhesive failure and reached a state of non-adhesion. Addition of maltodextrin significantly altered the stickiness of sucrose solution. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper describes a process-based metapopulation dynamics and phenology model of prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica, an invasive alien species in Australia. The model, SPAnDX, describes the interactions between riparian and upland sub-populations of A. nilotica within livestock paddocks, including the effects of extrinsic factors such as temperature, soil moisture availability and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. The model includes the effects of management events such as changing the livestock species or stocking rate, applying fire, and herbicide application. The predicted population behaviour of A. nilotica was sensitive to climate. Using 35 years daily weather datasets for five representative sites spanning the range of conditions that A. nilotica is found in Australia, the model predicted biomass levels that closely accord with expected values at each site. SPAnDX can be used as a decision-support tool in integrated weed management, and to explore the sensitivity of cultural management practices to climate change throughout the range of A. nilotica. The cohort-based DYMEX modelling package used to build and run SPAnDX provided several advantages over more traditional population modelling approaches (e.g. an appropriate specific formalism (discrete time, cohort-based, process-oriented), user-friendly graphical environment, extensible library of reusable components, and useful and flexible input/output support framework). (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Rheological properties of four unprocessed unifloral Australian honeys (heath, tea tree, yapunya, and yellow box) and an artificial honey were analysed at 20degreesC. A model previously used to describe viscosity data of various sugar and sugar mixtures was used to describe the concentration dependence of the viscosity of honey samples with varying moisture contents. The model successfully described the sugar concentration dependence of the unadulterated and medium moisture (70-85% solids) range honey samples.
The dissolution of a sugar (sucrose as a model) with higher melting point was studied in a molten food polyol (sorbitol as a model) with lower melting point, both in anhydrous state. A DSC and optical examination revealed the dissolution of anhydrous sucrose crystals (mp 192 degreesC) in anhydrous sorbitol (mp 99 degreesC) liquid melt. The sucrose-sorbitol crystal mixtures at the proportions of 10, 30, 60, 100 and 150 g of sucrose per 100 g of sorbitol were heat scanned in a DSC to above melting endotherm of sorbitol but well below the onset temperature of melting of sucrose at three different temperatures 110, 130 and 150 degreesC. The heat scanning modes used were with or without isothermal holding. The dissolution of sucrose in the sorbitol liquid melt was manifested by an increase in the glass transition temperature of the melt and corresponding decrease in endothermic melting enthalpy of sucrose. At given experimental conditions, as high as 25 and 85% of sucrose dissolved in the sorbitol melt during 1 h of isothermal holding at 110 and 150 degreesC, respectively. Optical microscopic observation also clearly showed the reduction in the size of sucrose crystals in sorbitol melt during the isothermal holding at those temperatures. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The solubility of ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, and ethyl isovalerate in supercritical carbon dioxide was measured at temperature ranging from 308.15 to 333.15 K and pressure ranging from 85 to 195 bar. At the same temperature, the solubility of these compounds increases with pressure. The crossover pressure region was also observed in this study. The experimental data were correlated by the semi-empirical Chrastil equation and Peng-Robinson equation of state (EOS) using several mixing rules. The Peng-Robinson EOS gives better solubility prediction than the empirical Chrastil equation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
An integrated mathematical model for the kinetics of multicomponent adsorption on microporous carbon was developed. Transport in this bidisperse solid is represented by balance equations in the macropore and micropore phases, in which gas-phase diffusion dominates the mass transfer in the macropores, with the phenomenological diffusivities represented by the generalized Maxwell-Stefan (GMS) formulation. Viscous flow also contributes to the macropore fluxes and is included in the MS expressions. Diffusion of the adsorbed phase controls the mass transfer in the micro ore phase, p which is also described in a similar way by the MS method. The adsorption isotherms are represented by a new heterogeneous modified vacancy solution theory formulation of adsorption, which has proved to be a robust method for adsorption on activated carbons. The model is applied to the coadsorption and codesorption of C2H6 and C3H8 on Ajax and Norit carbon, as well as the displacement on Ajax carbon. The effect of the viscous flow in the macropore phase is not significant for the cases studied. The model accurately predicts the overshoot behavior and rollup of C2H6 during coadsorption. The prediction for the heavier compound C3H8 is always satisfactory, though at higher C3H8 mole fraction, the overshoot extent of C2H6 is overpredicted, possibly due to neglect of heat effects.
The effect of pore-network connectivity on binary liquid-phase adsorption equilibria using the ideal adsorbed solution theory (LAST) was studied. The liquid-phase binary adsorption experiments used ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, and ethyl isovalerate as the adsorbates and commercial activated carbons Filtrasorb-400 and Norit ROW 0.8 as adsorbents. As the single-component isotherm, a modified Dubinin-Radushkevich equation was used. A comparison with experimental data shows that incorporating the connectivity of the pore network and considering percolation processes associated with different molecular sizes of the adsorptives in the mixture, as well as their different corresponding accessibility, can improve the prediction of binary adsorption equilibria using the LAST Selectivity of adsorption for the larger molecule in binary systems increases with an increase in the pore-network coordination number, as well with an increase in the mean pore width and in the spread of the pore-size distribution.