106 resultados para adrenal gland disorders
Background: Asthma medication places patients at risk of dental erosion by reducing salivary protection against extrinsic or intrinsic acids. But patterns of lesions in asthmatics may differ from patterns in non-asthmatics, because gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is found in 60 per cent of asthmatics. Methods: The lesions in 44 asthma cases were compared to those of age and sex match controls with no history of asthma or medications drawn from the dental records of 423 patients referred concerning excessive tooth wear. The subjects were 70 males age range 15 to 55 years and 18 females age range 18 to 45. Anamnestic clinical data were compared between the two groups. Models of all 88 subjects were examined by light microscopy, and wear patterns were recorded on permanent central incisor, canine, premolar and first molar teeth. Results: Clinical differences were a higher incidence of tooth hypersensitivity; xerostomia, salivary gland abnormalities, gastric complaints, and self induced vomiting in the cases. No differences were found between the cases and controls on citrus fruit and acid soft drink consumption. More occlusal erosion sites were found in cases, whereas more attrition sites were found in the controls. There were no significant differences in palatal erosion on maxillary anterior teeth found between cases and controls. Lingual erosion of the mandibular incisors, found only in GOR patients, was not observed. Conclusions: A higher incidence of erosion was found in asthmatics. Gastro-oesophageal reflux symptoms were not associated with the sign of lingual mandibular incisor erosion. The clinical significance is that asthmatics are at risk of dental erosion from extrinsic acid, but GOR does not appear to contribute in a site-specific manner.
To address the hypothesis that certain disease-associated mutants of the breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1 have biological activity in vivo, we have expressed a truncated Brca1 protein (trBrca1) in cell-lines and in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. Immunofluorescent analysis of transfected cell-lines indicates that trBRCA1 is a stable protein and that it is localized in the cell cytoplasm. Functional analysis of these cell-lines indicates that expression of trBRCA1 confers an increased radiosensitivity phenotype on mammary epithelial cells, consistent with abrogation of the BRCA1 pathway. MMTV-trBrca1 transgenic mice from two independent lines displayed a delay in lactational mammary gland development, as demonstrated by altered histological profiles of lobuloalveolar structures. Cellular and molecular analyses indicate that this phenotype results from a defect in differentiation, rather than altered rates of proliferation or apoptosis. The results presented in this paper are consistent with trBrca1 possessing dominant-negative activity and playing an important role in regulating normal mammary development. They may also have implications for germline carriers of BRCA1 mutations.
Histological studies of ischaemic liver injury performed between 1962 and 1964 distinguished two types of cell death: classical necrosis, and a process involving conversion of scattered cells into small round masses of cytoplasm that often contained specks of condensed nuclear chromatin. Enzyme histochemistry demonstrated rupture of lysosomes in the former, but preservation of lysosomes in the latter. Similar small round masses were also observed sparsely in normal liver. Electron microscopy showed that the small round bodies resulted from cellular condensation and budding, that they were bounded by membranes and contained intact organelles, and that they were phagocytosed and digested by resident tissue cells, including epithelial cells. In work done in association with Jeffrey Searle, the process was found to occur spontaneously in a variety of malignant tumours and to be enhanced in squamous cell carcinomas of skin responding to radiotherapy. During 1971-1972, I collaborated with Andrew Wyllie and Alastair Currie while on sabbatical leave in Scotland. The newly defined type of cell death was shown to be regulated by hormones in the adrenal cortex and in breast carcinomas. Further, review of published electron micrographs of the cell death known to play an essential role in normal development revealed the same morphological pattern. We proposed that this distinctive phenomenon subserves a general homoeostatic function and suggested it be called apoptosis. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims To identify influences on the development of alcohol use disorders in a Thai population, particularly parental drinking and childhood environment. Design Case-control study. Setting A university hospital, a regional hospital and a community hospital in southern Thailand. Participants Ninety-one alcohol-dependents and 177 hazardous/harmful drinkers were recruited as cases and 144 non-or infrequent drinkers as controls. Measurements Data on parental drinking, family demographic characteristics, family activities, parental disciplinary practice, early religious life and conduct disorder were obtained using a structured interview questionnaire. The main outcome measure was the subject's classification as alcohol-dependent, hazardous/harmful drinker or non-/infrequent drinker. Findings A significant relationship was found between having a drinking father and the occurrence of hazardous/harmful drinking or alcohol dependence in the subjects. Childhood factors (conduct disorder and having been a temple boy, relative probability ratios, RPRs and 95% CI: 6.39, 2.81-14.55 and 2.21, 1.19-4.08, respectively) also significantly predicted alcohol dependence, while perceived poverty and ethnic alienation was reported less frequently by hazardous/harmful drinkers and alcohol-dependents (RPRS and 95% CIs = 0.34, 0.19-0.62 and 0.59, 0.38-0.93, respectively) than the controls. The relative probability ratio for the effect of the father's infrequent drinking on the son's alcohol dependence was 2.92 (95% CI = 1.42-6.02) and for the father's heavy or dependent drinking 2.84 (95% CI=1.31-6.15). Conclusions Being exposed to a light-drinking, father increases the risk of a son's alcohol use disorders exhibited either as hazardous-harmful or dependent drinking. However, exposure to a heavy- or dependent-drinking father is associated more uniquely with an increased risk of his son being alcohol-dependent. The extent to which this is seen in other cultures is worthy of exploration.
Clinical and non-clinical predictors of vocational recovery for Australians with psychotic disorders
Clinical and non-clinical predictors of vocational recovery were examined among 782 Australians diagnosed with DSM III R psychotic disorders, using data from the study on low-prevalence disorders, part of the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Australia 1997-1998. Of the six significant clinical predictors, self-reported course of illness emerged as a potentially practical predictor of vocational recovery. Five non-clinical variables, age, education and skills, marital status, premorbid work adjustment, and use of a vocational service in the previous year, also contributed to the prediction of vocational recovery. The implications of these findings for both rehabilitation professionals and researchers are discussed.
Drug prevention has traditionally focused on influencing individual attitudes and behaviours. In particular, efforts have been directed towards adolescents in the school setting. However, evaluations of school-based drug education have identified limited success. There is increasing recognition that drug abuse is one of a number of risk behaviours, including truancy, delinquency and mental health problems, which share common antecedents that begin in the early years of childhood. Furthermore, these behaviours are shaped by macroenvironmental influences including the economic, social, cultural, and physical environment. Drug prevention needs to adopt a broader perspective: with greater collaboration in related programmes such as crime prevention and suicide prevention; with greater attention to the macroenvironmental influences on problem behaviours; and with greater attention to healthy development in the first years of childhood. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Maturation of the fetal pituitary and adrenal glands allows the secretion of cortisol, which in turn leads to an increase in prostaglandin and mesotocin production. The production of prostaglandin and mesotocin results in an increase in uterine contractions and initiates birth in marsupials. The major metabolite of PGF(2alpha), 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F-2alpha (PGFM), has been found in the plasma of the possum at the time of birth and administration of PGF(2alpha) to female possums induced the adoption of the birth position. Evidence that mesotocin is an integral hormone of birth in the tammar wallaby indicates that both PGF(2alpha) and mesotocin or oxytocin are required for marsupial birth. The presence of PGF(2alpha) receptors in the uterus and corpus luteum of the possum, and the in vitro uterine responsiveness to PGF(2alpha) or oxytocin, were examined. PGF(2alpha) receptors were not observed in possum uteri and the inability of PGF(2alpha) to cause contractions indicates that PGF(2alpha) is not involved directly in contraction of the uterus at parturition. The presence of oxytocin and mesotocin receptors in the uterus of possoms and the ability of oxytocin to induce uterine contraction in vitro supports the view that mesotocin is required for expulsion of the young from the uterus. Low numbers of PGF(2alpha) receptors were found in the possum corpus luteum at birth, indicating an involvement of PGF(2alpha) in regression of the corpus luteum.
This study describes the derivation of two new lines of transgenic mice that express Cre recombinase under the control of tyrosinase transcriptional elements. To determine the suitability of the Tyrosinase-Cre transgene for tissue-specific gene ablation studies, a fate map of Cre expression domains was determined using the Z/AP reporter strain. It was shown that Cre-expressing cells contribute to a wide array of neural crest and neuroepithelial-derived lineages. The melanocytes of the harderian gland and eye choroid, sympathetic cephalic ganglia, leptomeninges of the telencephalon, as well as cranial nerves (V), (VII), and (IX) are derived either fully or partly from Cre-expressing cephalic crest. The cells contributing to the cranial nerves were the first to exhibit Cre expression at E10.5 as they were migrating into the branchial arches. The melanocytes, chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla, and dorsal root ganglia are derived from trunk neural crest that either express Cre or were derived from Cre-expressing precursors. An array of brain tissue including the basal forebrain, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and the granule cell layer of the lateral cerebellum, as well as the retinal pigmented epithelium and glia of the optic nerve originate from Cre-expressing neuroepithelial cells. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In Australia people aged 65 years or older currently comprise 12.1% of the population. This has been estimated to rise to 24.2% by 2051. Until recently there has been relatively little research on alcohol and other drug use disorders among these individuals but, given the ageing population, this issue is likely to become of increasing importance and prominence. Epidemiological research shows a strong age-related decline in the prevalence of alcohol and other drug use disorders with age. Possible reasons for this include: age-related declines in the use and misuse of alcohol and other drugs; increased mortality among those with a lifetime history of alcohol and other drug use disorders; historical differences in exposure to and use of alcohol and other drugs. Despite the age-related decline in the prevalence of these disorders, they do still occur among those aged 65 years or older and, given historical changes in exposure to and use of illicit drugs, it likely that the prevalence of these disorders among older-aged individuals will rise. Specific issues faced by older-aged individuals with alcohol and other drug use problems are discussed. These include: interactions with prescribed medications, under-recognition and treatment of alcohol and drug problems, unintentional injury and social isolation. Finally, a brief discussion of treatment issues is provided.
Will chymase inhibitors be the next major development for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders?
Chymase is contained in the secretory granules of mast cells. In addition to the synthesis of angiotensin II, chymase is involved in transforming growth factor-beta activation and cleaves Type I procollagen to produce collagen. NK301 and BCEAB are orally-active inhibitors of chymase. NK301 was tested in a dog model of vascular intimal hyperplasia after balloon injury and shown to reduce the increased chymase activity in the injured arteries and prevent intimal thickening. In a hamster model of cardiac fibrosis associated with cardiomyopathy, BCEAB reduced the increased cardiac chymase activity in cardiomyopathy and reduced fibrosis. Chymase inhibitors may be an important development for the treatment of cardiovascular injury associated with mast cell degranulation.